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TNSURANCE AGAINST ACCIDEA'TS., TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO,, OF IIAUTH-MUJ, C'JNX. CAPITA!,, - - S5OO.OOOInsures A gainst OF ETERV DFSCKUT1ON', CAUSINÜ LUS OFL1KE ORBODILY 1NJURY. TIÍK Trivelkrs I.l"wa.(_i; CoüPAXV t s oimiiízm.) uiidyr a chai1 tur k i unted by Uia Connectie ui fogfiila ture ut' 1803, and nmended by the L'-fcrisIn ture ƒ lSti4, tor thu upccitlc purpon f fltatlug'í. AOAHTHT Af;ilNTa, of whativr kinU OC dC4 pttOll . wh ether Ihe uucor n 'rn.ütin bv ruüria'l, vteaiuboat r tógecouch, wulkiníí in thu strekt, at wurk iu the shop, or .sittinK l.v the nHOMt( fifsoldr ; v?htbei riilintf, btmtiliii, hunliui, li.-hin, ihuuiinj{, sh imniing. cricketitiif, .iiirvovinjf , i'iijfinevuiip ; whetlmr worklflfl r pluiiifi. akfpiiiii "f wukiuji, iu teUffT or ruit t Cnppaient} 'Ihihípt. mi homo or nbrou.1 - iueveiv varft tv of "ircuniümuct. iu whiuü uiuukjul uu ordinarilv placed. A (uritiral Accident Po)fo n it onlv Inrhnlew the risk iu tnivtliabut nido nllfonn of Ulnestloft, bmkeu bonuü, rubturvü tnodoiu. nprainu, coiicuiiu.i, cruli Írií(S, bruint;, cuU, tuba. (fuuthot woutid, poiM'DWÜ wouiids, buniH Hnd kchMh. WtM of ilnn, unpr.-vok! hault'i hy bltfflü, rubbeiaor iuunJiTr- !ho fcctloii uf liphting -r huq Htrukt, ettV-CU of explosión.. chvmicala, Suoda and ertrlhuakt.-., buttuoitiuu bj ürüWninjc or choking ltiH bottur thftB lilo mhurnncu. fw tb person iwurci derivos thu bauetits al the tnuo ho HfeMt moU tillen.- When ]ioi.sdi.sttlj!e'.l hy a full on the trt'ti , h railroiul ullihion.orothei' aucidtmt, Iu reei ven a wyUv com peiiation of $23 por week, (more or los, itccorclmg tnniuunt of premium ;) and in the vent of dmith. UU f mily mcAiivn th1 um uf }5,000, (more or less, accor Jiug to premium.) GENERAL ACCIDENT RISKS. TEN DOLLARS l'REMIUM Under u General Accident polioj . will secttro $10 Bit weok cuiuprn.iti..n h!le .Ilsiiblfd, [not ozcecüng 0;kï.,] br $2,t)M iu the etent of deuth bï accidout. ' TWENTY-FIVE UOI.I.ARS PREMI CM. Will nocuro $25 pur week m-nutioo, or Í5.000 in cue of dc!tu. riïTÏ LMJ.LAS fREMIÜM Wlll ecuro Í50 per weck compenmtion, or$lu,00C In case of dosth. ato nfté "UU1' 5Ü '" ï'10'000' at I'ropurtionWhero aaraMDntbm ODly l delred, or pvraent i toJ"" Ualj U Ca"0 of '' ral" " POLICY TICKETS. Trarelrn lusuranoo Tickota are non old at tlie principal liailroud Statioua ond ïickot Ottlco Iu tha TAMFF OF RATKS, For$3,000, and $15 pr week Compeuwtlun. Ticket, ftr 1 dnj, lo ot. lo dTí, 1 .00 " 20 " go " 1.50 J " Ï0 " ao " 2.H0 " 5 '' 60" 3m.., 4.50 " 7 " 70 " fl ■ i fio " ia " ïo.oo Persons desirinif more than $.'!.('00 inurance eau iuciae thu ani.iunt to Í9.0J0, and $45 per week oomP;""?'o";,l'T purchaalnif thife ticket. No mure thau 10,000 wül be pai.i uu auy ne Jife. . BOARD OF DIRECT0RS. ??S? rMVIS' " CALLEKDHt, ï.?n5HALI' JKWELL. KHKNK7.KK KOnKRTS, IHOMASBKI.KNAP.Jb, CIl.UU.KS WIPTE, CORNKUUSB. EUWIX, HC(1I HARUISON, (UI!t.f. s. GILMAN, JONATHAN 13. BUNCE. JAMES G. BATTEKSOU, President. RODNKY DKS.NIS, Secretar}-. HE.VRV A. DYKlt, ÖQBeral Agent. H. C. MAKSH.U.I., Ceneral Ticket AS8nt. . Dr. S. R ÜEREÍFOKD, Surgeou. R.E. FRAZER, Aget. AnnArbor.Mich. 2ml006 GEORGE DEMEEIT & CO., 303 Í3R0AUWAY, NEW YORK, (CORXEK DUANS STREET.) 100,000 WATCHES, CHAIJVS, GOLD PENS &. PEWCILS, &c. &ü., ie, "WOIRTIrH: ÍSOOOOO 1 TO BE SI.I.D AT O1VK DOIAH. EACH, WITHOUT RKUARD TO VALUE. And nut tü he pui cl until you know wbal yu wül receive ! SPLEND1D LIST of ART1CLES All to be Suld for ONE DOLLAR Ench I lOOGold Huntinjr (Jasca Watchea eadi 100 Co 100 Gold Watcbes ij. on OCIO [.dies' Watches .. J! r0 600 zilver Watclie $15 00 to Í25 Oü 00 Gold Neck and Vest Chaina 12 0;) tü 15 (ld 1000 Cbitteluin ;tnd Guard Chotas 5 00 to Vfo i"O0H Vest and Xeek ('haine 4 00 to l1.' 00 li 00 Solitaire Jet and GnM Broochca.. . 4 00 to 8 Co RWO Coral, l.ftrn, Grnot, fto.,Brnoohe 8 00 to S 00 700 Gold, Jet, O[ml, c, Kar Drupa . 3 00 to 8 'JO í-0'KMints1 lireast and Scarf Pius 3 00 to 8 00 OOOOvalBand Pracelet .' 3 00 to K 00 3000 Chairad Brustet 600 to 10 "o :I5OO California Jiiamond Pius & Riugs. 1 50 to 8 00 3000 tioM Wntcti Kern 'J. 50 to 6 00 WKXi PolitaireSlocve"Buttons k Studs. 2 00 to S 00 S000 finid Thitnblen 6 00 to 6 00 5000 Miniatur'; l.otkyts '2 00 to 7 00 S0"0 Miuiaturo I (ickeis. Magie 4 00 to 9 00 25(10 Gold Iootbiicka. Cro.iSB, &o 2 00 to 6 00 3000 Fob and Ribbon Sudo 2 00 to 6 PO SO00 Ctwsed (iolrt Kinga ' ï no to s oo 4000 itono Set Riñe 2 00 to 6 0 6600 Pets Ladiet.1 Juwelry - Jet& GoW.. 5 00 o 16 00 fiooo Set Lüdie' Jowelry- Tmned atrlei 8 00 to 15 ro 80 '0 Gold Pen, Silvor nneaud l'encil. 4 0') to R 0') 40(10 Gold l'en, Kbotn Ho'der and O'a.te 6 00 to 10 fO 6000 Gold Pi-Dn.Mounted llolder.. . ÏOIto ClO All tho good in tbe above Lit will be nold, without roncrvatiou, for ON'E DOLLAR EACH. Cortiloato of all thn variou artlolc are placed ia timilar eiiTelofn Realed aini inixod. These MTlopa will be noot by mail, or dclivt'red at our office, without regard to choice. On rocuiviug a ('eitinoate, you tvillhee what article it rei'i osrntn and U irt optioa&l with you to ñf nd oue dollar, und recoive tüö article uaniodor any other In the lit of jimio vln. By tliLs modo we give eloctlon frotn a Tariod stock of (In-! good.s,of the best luiike and Inlost style, and of iutrinsic wortli, at a nominal piice, hile all have a chance of securing articleo of the very bigliest raluo. Ia all tranaactions by m.iil we charge for forw:irding the CsfUt.te, paying poatage, and dolng tbt buiues, '5 cents nacll. Five certifiwus tcill h Brnt for ftl Kleum for Hi TMrty for $5 Sizlt.ftvc far $■ ; and One Htithlridfor tló. SECURE A CERTIFÍCATE ! There is no hazard or risk. There ara do blank. EveryOe titioatorfpreientsnnaiticlo. Aswotellnone of the lower grodes of Jewolry no person can receire lossthan tbevaliie of Iheir money, atidihey uiav got an article worth il Te, ten, nr a hundred foM T SATISFACTION GTJARANTEED. Every jiersoa knows what thoy will receive bnore tho artiule i paid for. On receipt of a Certificatn ymi see whttt article it ropreents, and it is, of,at your opttoo tBtako it,or any other article in r.Ut of the samo valué. Wo guaranteo entire satisfaction to everv purclmser, and if there should bo any pernon disKatisfied with an article recvived fim us, thevmay mmodiatelv return il and the amoimt iM will bo'refunclwl, lyout trial will (.rovo tn. mv tliat th sale gives purhajer greater advautages than auy other ver prnposed. Aoknt .- Wp allow tliospactitiit u Agent, lVn Cnl on oachCernacatec rderud, provided tlioir remiltin -e aniotint to One Oollav. They will coliect Si eert for every OrtiGcate, and, rotaininc 10 cents, remit to ua !5 cents for each. Addrees, UEORGFO PKMKI1IT ér CO 3m'002 M3 Urondnay. New Vorh. TirANTED- MurriLdleï'n.f TT Von V.Tae's Diamond Drops, a never failinr aild hfu-mlexs remody for all ohglrnctions and ïrTfgu laritws. Allniarried ladiu.i wil! and this a never fiil inpr preventivo, for which it is warrnntefl in everv in stnnce, and me itn ited to eend a rftd stnmp for a cír ■- lar,or Í2.25 for a b"Hle, to FRKnnRlf'K STKA-6NS. wbi.les.ile druggist go wral agent f..r Michigan briba Diamood lirops, P. o. Irawr-r 445, Detroit. IVnlerí siippliedat proprietor'sprices. 09Rm6 JTO-FAIRBANKS' JPi STA.VDAHU A. fe ( j A Ij A] !S, ff PB OF ALL KIN'DS. ALPO, WE-sKH1 - irarehitise Trucks, Ldler PmsfS, éc FAIRBANKS, GREEEËAF & l]0„ tn I.akf Street, CHICAGO. Sold in Detroil by FA.RRAXD, SHELEY t CO. 5 Be careful n buy only thgGeuuiut;.ijP5S OUR GHINAMAN STILL LIVES. And continue to furniah that mtrt alud qualíty f TKA uUaj' a round ot iVoplu's Har. Lowtu of ,u,ni 'L'vv. l] j.k-ase try u uumpl OF OUK NEW TEA. DUOR&K i 8TEYVART. GROOBRIES Of all klndl, Fruits. Kitructs, Snlcei, rickl. Olti Perfumea, iü. l'ui LÍ4U011 and Wiiies for Mfelleta! purjoei unU . ItfïOREéT t 8TEWAIÏT. Sugar I Sugar ! A uní 11 lot oí LOW riíICED SUGAR. DkFORJST STEWART. ffS" FISH.- Codfiih, Whitefigh, Trout, Mackercl, Herring, 4c. DkFOREST STKWABT. SYPtrPJ STTRUP! A fevt barre-la, extra quality, DpTOBBBt A 3TEWART. Í0IL AND LAMP DEPOT ! KEROSENE 0IL! ÏTht bent cjulltj ONE DOLLAR Per Gallon. PkFOREST & S1KWABT. HO! "STEI Puruhasers of CliOCKERY. GLASSWARE, LAMPS, PLATED GOODS, TABLE OUTLERY, &c. Fur Mlfl at luas thun Kew York wholeml prief , br DkKORKSÏ ii .STKWART. A Good Clothes Wringer. Save time! Saces moneg! Sanea elothingl Save etrength! Saves hcalth.' Sart hiring help! Saven weak trriftt! Save burning handt ! Wüulen clutlie.s can be wrung uut of bolliDg wkttr Í9 prerent übriukicg, without iujury to tho machine. DkFOKEST Ji STEWAKT. piLES- A 8UUE REMEDY. i-i bciug ou red of tUU dlntrtiKÍD( diiMi by the uae of DR. BILLINGTON'S PILE REMED1T. Koad wliíit thoáo say wLo have used tt : Pittmmkiji, Wft-iliteuAw Oo.( UUh. Dr.?, A. Biu.ïxgtos : DarSir ; Fur tho good of tbo afilicteA, I horovtth traiiüiuit to y ou a stateim'Qtof the beneüt wliich I hr receiTedfrum the of your PILK KEMEhV. Kor uuinber of years I hare been very badly aflücted with tha PileK, somucli ao as to render rae at timen totallj uufit for businesw. 1 fouud no permanent relif from the raauy reradies wbich I made uso of, and Imcat despaired of clTcting a permanent cure. I raí at lenpth iiulucert by your asrent at Aon Arbor to mak trial of your reinedy, which he warranted to fTeok a 'curo or recfive no pay. I cousMered it üko mont othr natont medicines - a humbujf, until I begJiti to impror. With ini: oTemeut. audat leugih an en tiro cure, I bcaine cuuvinccd it was ascientiac and reliable remniy. ï usd Onk 1'ackaub Only, which I ain happy to iay entirelycured me. Trust i n that all vfho ra:ik u.e of tte Kieotuary for that mout distressing diiiease- l'iled - may iultt tb same happy retmltB, I ain Kespectfully yours, SU1TH MACOMBKR. Por caci , cali on the Agent and ofetftin pamphlvt and leferencti to a number of citizenu of Ano Arbor vho have been cured by the uso of the Klectuarv. IbFORESÏ ft STEWART. C3r3El.SJé!k3Ct CJL.OSING OUT A Sl'LKNDID STOCK UW DRESS GOODS! Oents' FURNISHINQ GOODS, CASSIMERES, Oloths, Satinets, &c., DOMESTIO8, SHOES. HATS ï CAPS, Crockery, GRO0ERIE8, &c, Are to be sold at price that wl) guarantee thmr salo. fit IÍ. - Tli f ]arcet Stock of Calioo and Brown Cottu in the City at los i han Miinufaoturer's prieel. Tho liitfhpi-t piicc paid in Tradeor cash for H kisds oí Produce. MACK & 8CHMID. jar ROAD WARRANTS at this of. fice. Culi soüii. J


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Michigan Argus