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A Fair Distribution

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It 9 remarkable with what perfect fairncss oiTices under the General Government are dis tributed. Anti -sla vury men arcapt to nnke a great deal of potlier, es f favoritism were shoivn by successive Administrations. But then prejudice and ignoranceare alsvays leading thera astray. A wriler in the Globe gives a list of the distribution of offices and diplomatic stAtionrfj where the compensation is by salary. Now, by exnmining this list it will bG found that while the totnl number of persons employed from all the free States is 270, the salaries amounting in the aggregatö to $426,# 540; from the States of Virginia and Mary. land, and the District ofColimbia, tbere are only 376 persons, whose 6alariea amount to but $443,155! VVhen it is recollccted, that in these two States, and in this Territory the frec popuia tion numbers at least a million, while in all the free States it reaches only ten miilions, and when too, we take into account the mise rabie condilion of the latter in regard to education, and the univoreal diffusion of high intelligenco nmong all classes in the former,thc ratio of dietribution above noticed, must nppear perfcctly fair and reasonablp, to the mos1 projudiced. Then, too, it shoold be remembered, that labor being refpectnble in tho frec State?, and enterprise opening avenues of employment in all directions, there are not eo many soft-handed gentlemen to be provided for as in the two Statea and the Territory where labor ia the bage of glavery. If these considera tions do not convincc anti sla very men of the uttor unreasonahloness of tbeir clamor, they must go unoonvinced. - dn. Hcrald.QT Tne legislatureof Maseachusells have enacted that the Governor and Gouncil ehall be cmploycd to appoint suitable persons to advise, niil, nml direct dischargcu convicta.- Siich a person has been appointed in connection wilh the CharVstown State Prison. It must be confeseed that Massachusetta is the pioneer State in mattere of eniighrened Bnd libejal legislalion. ttT New England hns thirty millions of dollars invested in Raihvays. It isonly twenty years since the first rail was laid. (L? The State Journal and Pontinc Jacksonian are out in favor of selling the State Railroads. The latter paper has a sensible and well written article on the subject. [CT In an addreee before the American Peacc Society at Boston, Hon. Wm. Jay statcd that oar expenditure for military pnrposeii, in proportiofi to thn whole aniotirrt, 3 (rreatrr thnn in any ..ihprn;iii..n. Jt thisbr po, the fact i drservinp of nitcDUon.


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