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Sweeping Carpets

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Sweeping carpeta too otten weatt thfeiu out rupklly. It a obviuiis to any nue tbat u biisk, dui'y brusliing over tbe whnle Hurface must woar uwuy and oarrv oil more woolly parliule.-t tiiaii the uci-a-iuinil tepping of f'eet duriug the day, without tliö rubbing urn! scraping giv'eii by the brooin. To allow isand aud gri tt) acoutuulato on tlio 8urfrtC( and t heoome grouud into the übvr.s by thu presuro of solo louthur, is, howover, worse thuu swoepiug. Thuy choul'l, therefora, bo always kept'clö'iiQ. Men vvho object to large cai'pet billn shoukl ]irovide thomsulves with süpperH, and uot como in with muddy boots. it is n matter of euoaotny with them to paj 2 or $3 iu the puiuhase of slippers, rathor than a hundred or twoi'or ingrain and Brussels, This poihaps would be a stronger cousiderutiou with some, mid exert u mora conti olling influouce tbau frequent sharp reproofs frora tho mis truMS df the interior. There are difi'ci'eut wajs of sweeping carpet3. The most objeetionable is performed as follows : The operator ürtil places tho brooin perpendicular upen je íloor; theu, with a quick, tbrilstlDg notion the lower part w puabed iorward and throwu upwards, carryiug ie dust with it in larga cloude, until ie air of the room ia fillud with it. 'he brush of tho' brooin, by a írequont se, thus becomes bent, somewhat in the 'ona of a hook, at the same timo that ; is gradually broken off and woru out. 'he dust whieh filKs the air gradually ett'ea upon ehaiis, tables, b'.ireaus, writing-d'.Bks, oases oí books, picture 'raraes, elocks, raaps, looking glasses, te. The procesa thus consista yirtuSllj n merely elevating a stratmn of dnst q the oarpet and placing t on tlieso dit' "erent articles of furnituro. isouiu niouies the duster passes around nul he stratuin is removed to ita original josition ou the floor, thiis inakiug a hon jf perpetual nrolfon resembling the great oiroulatiou of moisturo kom the arth to olouds, and f rom olouds to rain ack to earth aguin. A much botter way for porfonning he work, is to place the bruom upmi he cnrpet in an inclined posilion, with he haudle ineliniug furward ; drawiug t quickly over the surface in this pns ion, and searcely raiing it frora the ioor, will prevent the rising of but very ittle dust. Iu order to do tha work eñectually, however, the motión should not be given by long s'rokes, but by a quick succession of short ones. I would bu worth $50 to any housekeeper who does not undertand the business, to see these two modes dititiuutly pr'ornied. By the Fortner mode, the coarser dirt, or that wliieh does not rise p ihe air, is shot ahead several feet, aud spread over a largar Burface ; by the atter or diawing modo, it is kepi more compaotly together, somethiug like the wiarow of hiiv in the ineadow. ïbe broom, instead of beiug bunt iround like a hook, as above ate, is kept straight aiKl smooth, and lasts soine time longer. Iu libniries, eabiuets', ote., 1kt; dust miglit badly iujure or whoily the specimens aud books, it is bi;tto:' to pTOcure a patent carpet sweoper, tnerei) usiDg a broom or brush to eleaa out the corners and sides. - Country Gentlemen.


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Michigan Argus