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Sheep Shearing At Manchester

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Manühestkk, Wnshtennw Ca., ) Miob., May 5, 1865. Nature's nobles t work is man, and then teoman, and tben merino sheep. Öliould any ülironio gruinbler object to tlns cla.-sifieation, so would not tho hundredg who ware asseoibied at the Woolgrowers' Festival, at this place, yesterday. Rarely have euch numbors of choice merinos been seen at any exhibítion. It exceeded by half any show of fullbloods ajid thorougbbreds ever exhibited nt oar State Fair. King Cotton having comnjitted suicide, King Wool'inust tako th'e royal scspter. The day was fiue, tUa aconimodatioa mple, evorybody iu Üie best oí' humor, anü iioihing ocourred to mar the festivitieti of the occasion. It is W.orthy of Dote, perhaps, that the onoe-popular French Merinos, áilosians and Saxons wero not, repreaented, those clnspes having given way to their more püwerful rival.", the Spaoish, or more jironerly oaüed the American Merinos. Hou. Tovfnaend Ë. Gidlcy, of Panna, Juoksou ooun.ty, delivered an addresa, feil of practical truths, given ia a lucid ïnsoncr. He was 1 stoned, to with marked uttentioü throughout. I regret my in&bility to sond u Cepy of thj addresn. H. Goodyear's buck " Swcepstakes" aUrctd considerable attontien, and hred the heavieat fleoce on exhibítion, A. W. Case, of Manchester, had a two-year-old back that sheared over oighteen pounds, an-d was a model of a perfect shoep. Messrs. L. S., Qeorge and Jessnp Wood, of Lodi, had a superior lot of bucka and ewes on exhibition. Their honiless buck " Wolverine" is a nob'.a ttLiimal. T. L, Spnfford, of Manchester, the pioneer in merino sheep-breeding in the State ; algo, the Messrs. Palmer, of Brooklyn, Jnokeoa county, preseuteJ good representativas of thair well-know :i flooks. Also, the foilawing persons ha i fine lots vu exhibition : Dr. Keeny, of Lonawee eounty ;, O. S.. Watkina, of Jackgou couaty ; N. Granger, Williaui M. Rrowa, A. H. Squires, G. Coükliu. and B. F. Sutton, of Manchester ; J. Short, of Bridgewator, acid L. H. Wfrii,. S. OuBhmon, W. S. Grafts, D. G. Rose aud J. Quick, of Sharon. There wore one hundred and fifty sheep-on exhibition, but for want of time only thirty-fivo wer.e divested of the " golden fleece." The first figures show tho gross weight, and the second the weight oí fleece :. 0. S Watkins, Graas Lke, buck J yeara öld, 123 ibs., 17 Ös. 14 oz. C. L. Hall, Brooklyn, buck 2 years, 112 fea., 14 fes. 't oz. 1. J. Miner, Bridgewater, buck 2 jrears, 92 &3., 12 Bê. 15 or. A. H. Squiras, Manchester, buck 2 years, 99 Ibs... 14 ft s 8 oz. Gcorge Wood Lodi, buck 3 ytearg, 140 Ibs., !5jlbs. 10 oz. James Eiliott. Grass Lake, buck 2 years, Iü2lbs.. 16 1bs. 13 oï. Ira L. Watkius, Grass Lake, buok 3 years, blJ4 lbi.,18 Ihs. Hoz. L. Merrithew, Bharon, buck 2 years, 121 Ibs., 13 Ibs. 7 oz . Junius Short, Bridgewater, back 9 year, 113 Ibs., 18 lis. 1 oi, T. L. Spaftord, Manchester, buck 2 yeare, 127 Iba., 14 lus 9 oz. Jesaup Wood, Lodi, buck, 2 years, 116 Iba., 17 Iba. 2 oz. 6. B. Palmer, Brooklyn, buok, 1 year, 93 lbs., 13 Iba. 13 oz. W. H. Palmer, Brooklyn, buck, 2 years, 117 lbs.. Hlbs. 4z. L. H. Weir, Sharon, back, 8 years, 100 lbs. 15 lbs, 2 oz. H. Goodyenr, Sharon, buck, 3 years, 123Iba , SO Ibs. 1 oz. íi, Goodyear, Sitaron, buck, 3 years, 12 lbs., 13 Iba. 4oz. D. G. Roso, SharoD, buok, 3 year, 101 Ibi. 13 lbe. 9 oz. J. J. Robison, SUaron, bnck, 3 years, 135 lbi., 16 lbs 3 oz. A. W Oase, Manchester, bock, 2 years, 114 lbs., 18 lbs. 2 oz. 8. N. Palmer, Brooklyn, buck, 2 years, 110 lbs., 15 lbs, 2 oz. 3. B. Palmer, Brooklyo, back, 2 years, 138 lbs., 13 lbs. 4oz. W. M. Brown, Manchester, buck, 3 years, 119 lbs., 15 lbs. 2 oz N. Granger, Mancheiter, buck, 2 year, 0} lbs., 14 lbs. 2 oz. J. Quick, Sharon, ewa, 1 year, 40 lbs., 6 lbs. 12 oz. J, Quick, Sharon, ewe, 1 year, 58 Iba, 7 lbs. 10 oz. S. B. Palmer, Brooklyn, ewe, 1 year, 66 lbs , 1 1 lbs. 3 oz. Jessup Wood, Lodi, swe, 1 year, 69 lbs., 10 lbs. 10 oz. H. Goodyear, Sharon, ewo, 3 years, 81 lbs., 11 lbs. 6 oz, S.B. Palmer, Brooklyn, ovre, 3 years, 76 lb., 12 lbs, 8 oz. 8. Cushman, Sharon, ewe, 1 year, 63 lbs., 8 lbs, 8 oz. W. 3. Craftí, Sharon, ewe, 1 year, 54 lbs., 7 lbs. 8 oz. George Wood, Lod!, ewe, 1 year, 73 lbs., 9 lbs 7 oz. Gorge Wood, Lodi, ewe 1 year oíd, 75 lbs., lllbi. 15 oz. The committoo on best eheep and wool consiated of tbe followlng gentlemen : Qeorge C. Lord, Gms Lake; Morgan Onso, Brooklyn ; Junius Short, Bridgewator; David G. Rose, Bharon. Premiums wero awarded to the following Bhoop raiaed out of the State r BDCK8 THBEB TBABS OLD. II. Ooodyear, Sharon, ürst premium, $3,. Wm. M. Brown, Manchester, eecond premium, $2. BÜCKS TWO IEAE LD. A. W. CaBe, Manchetter, flrst preeaium, 85. O. 8. Watkins, Grass Lake, second premium, $3. N. Granger, Manohester, third prenaiuni, $2. BOOKg BttKD BT THB BXHIB1TOE, 2 YEAHS OLD. Jessup 8. Wood, Lodi, flrst premium, $3. 8. B Palmer, Brooklyn, second premium, $2. ETTEB TI1EKE TEiES OID. 8. B. Palmer, Brooklyn, first premium, $3 H. Goodyear, Sharon, second premium, $2. EWEB ONI YEAB OLD. 8. B. Palmer, Brooklyn, lstjpremium, $3. James Quick, Bharon, secoud premium, $2. üliADE IWIfl. Wm. M. Brown, Manchester, flrst premium, $2 J. D. Corey, Manchester, seeond, premium, 1. ïbe comraittee on sbeariDg, consisting of tho iollowing gentlemen : Samuel Cüïhraan, Sbaron ; David W. Palraor, Bridgewater ; Stephen W. Palmer, ■Brooklyn ; deoided the following to be lbo best : Emtnet N. Palmer; Bridgewaier, flrst premint, $3. Lymam Baldwin, Manchetr, eecond premium, $'. Arlhur Wuod, Lodi, third premium, $1. Uut few of the heep ihown had one year'e growth of wool, and it was reinarkabij íree íron yolk er natural oily secretions, owiug to the old weatbw of April.


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Michigan Argus