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Mfirfêlge Sale. WHEREAS, Ihomiis C. Cullor and MaryC. Cutler, hUwife. didby their ocrtaln Indönture of Mnrtgage, bearïng date tÉe lint day of Mttrcb, X, ü. eighteeu huudred and ixí y Ho, &eU &nd coiiyey unto Thilip ■ Bach, of t),e Crty of Vnn Auhur, cáiw foílovrmj real e.statft, to wit: City lót immber six.een in bloek nuvn be fourLuaifa of ij'uron Stroctj la range mimber five I EasJ , lu ii,c Citi of Aun Arbor, Ouunli of IVashtenair, f a-tul s tute of Mivliijc.iu. s-iiü Morlga-e "being lo secare tito ffum u1 eigl.t luuKÍro'l and iiity duttn s, live yeara íroni datp, u tn interest at the rato of Un por cent, por ' iinmnn, pa v,;1-h gcrai ;uinually, ill" uhicll -ai'! Movtga g tt was exjireitgly agreed b.v mul btrecn saiJ paitn b,;it Btiauld :i ii dehtult be ui&de fn tlie puyaient of the S&id interest or of any part tlni coi . 01: any rlay. whont: -er thfl sama ws made piiyabie a& nlxv expresetd, and shoaid tlie lasae rímala unpaid and in arrear ror tliespace oí thirty duys, then au.l thenctfjrth Ihe aforerinfd n-n pal buds of eight hundred aod liity dollavs with ali avie:u'üfíe.s of interest thoreuu, üiiouldat Une optioa f tbeí-aid obü-ce, hla executopH ,admiuist nitor s, r hssi;fiiri, become dap and puyadle inmiediatt-lv th'ereafter, and wfl recorded ín tb e Office of Ib e Regí ter ot Bbédi uf sald Üouaty of WaahteDftW.nn bhf Hiírteeutli day of March, A. D. líflS, fn Líber No. twnty nmii of Mortgages, on pitge uighty 0Q6, and whfcli Raid Mortgjtge was duly aanigned Vty the said Fhilip Ha oh tt ïrederich Sahon, the undeisigne(1(.on tho tweoti íerenth da? i1 Vlarch, eijcliteen bundred au.l snrty"t, fl the ,cuOBdoratk.n of eigHi hundred and lilty tfciHars, flnd ilulv reeórded oh ili ■ '.)h p y o M;urh,Á. D 1MW, in t.l, office, n l.Mu-r .u paga 132: AnJ, whereas, tho saU Tliomftfl C Cut (r und Mar y C. CuMf c, bis wrfe, did by tbír one oihei oprtaín I mi ei. tu re of lortgage, beailng dtethe iwelfth 4ny oí Janmry pígh'teen huuand and .sixíy three, aísa m-11 aud oonvey unto soit] Fredefïcli Huson, of Ann Aybor, tiie aforesald real tétale, to-wit : City lot number ffxtten , ju block DUBkbor four South in range mun -- bot tie Eastio the City of Ann Albor, Ceunty üuJ Ptate af.n-tü'iiil, sa;d llortgago being vento necure the further rtumof Four hun-lre'l dollartí In two v-a a í'rom tl. e íi st day of March, A. I. ISfíi , wlth lemt-tftoQaai taterevt tbereoQ at t lie is,fr&of ten per cent pe-i ai - niim, from the first day of Mferchr A D.1863,nd payablo on the ilrsr d:ty of Mardi aml Rerjembív n each year, anl recorded in the Otlice of the KegiWï1 of Deeds of sa ld County of Waahtenaw, on tli1 thn-tioth day of -May, A. D. 1863. in Liber No. tlmty-oncóf Mortgages, on pa-c tliityi:: Dcfault bavinjfbeen in the eoaditfoB of botli of Raid Mortgages, by which tlie power of s;iie therein became operativo, and no euit, suvts orpoooeedingfl baring been Enstitutedat law t.o recover the debt or deMs secored tbereby or any part thertof, untf the sum of nine hundrad and síx áotJara and sixty-six cents bting now clamied tn be due in the firbt aopvo déscribed STojtgage, and tbe further puin cf four hündrod an'l twénty six dollars and sixtjsfven cents boing now laimèd to b'pi due on the Mortgage last nbove ilecribetl : Notice is therefore harebj given,that the said Mortgages witl be forWc-loáed "by a sale at public venlue of the promisesin said Mortgages desortbed, or so uuh tnereofaa wil! be necessary to Hatisfy thfiimount duö tbéreon at thi.s date, with interest and the coate and expenses of thisforecloaure, to the highest bidder, at the frontdoor of theCourf House, in galo Gonnty of Washteraw, on Mon(iay,the 31stc!ay of July next, at ten o'clocb in the forenoou. Dated, Anu Arbor, Maylit, 1866. FREDKRTCK HUSON, Tkacy W. Root, Mortgagee aud Asgnee. Attoroey lor Mortgngee. lOOTtd Commiesioners' Notïce. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wasbtenaw ss.- The midt-rsiyned haviiig been appomted by the Probate Court 1W Baid County, ComniisMoners to n1ioivi-, examine itud adgusl all claims and 'Iemands of all persoBftagaiast the estata of Ransom Bradley,l&teof tbe wwnnhip of Bridyewater, in saii County, di:ct-',lirro3v iiive notice that six rantbs n-Oia Qhte are allowefl,. jy order of said Probate Gourt, for eretïïtors to present their claims agalnst the estáte of said tloccapfl, and that tUey w'ü meet -at the resideuce of David W. l'aliuer, in said towu. on Saturday, tlu1 littli dty ut' August, and Thursday, the sedeña díiy ot uvember oext, U oae ofcelockj F. M., of each of said days, to receive, ?xamine and adjust said elaiuaa-. JDattíd', ST&j 2&ti, 186& DA'ID W. PALMER, DANIEL LkIïARON, lUO7ti3 Comniistfioners, Comiiiis&ionera' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN , Coumy o? "Wasutenaw, ss - The uudersignod bavigg been appohriyd by tire Prob;itrt Co'irt Por s;iid t'nunty, Comiuiásíouer.s U receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persona agaïnet tlio ostate of Lot Willcox( late i f tbe town of York. in said Country . dt-cea.-t-ti, hereby give notice tbat .six niuntlis l'rom date, are aUowel,hy oider.-of Bfeid Probate Court, for creditor.s to present theirclaSns againat the esfate of eaid deceased, ind that they will meot at the dwcllmg house of Nuthao Phillips, in the town of Milau, MTODröft County, oa Saturday, the eigbth dav of July , and Wödnesdfty, the elevt-ntli day of Ooto her nextf at ont-o'clock, P. M.,uf each of said daj a, tu reccive, examine and r.djust said claims. Uatea, ApriUlth, ISuh. JOSIAH HATHAWAY, ANSEL A. H0L0OSIBK, 1006 (JojumisÉOOjier&, Coínmissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Cou.n' opWíOBTEnaw, ss.- The umlersigned havingbteu appointêd by the Tro bato Court for said Couaty, Coxnmíssioners to receive, examine and adjust all plaims and demanda of all per Bona agaftísf the estáte of Benjamin ölocum, late of Bridgewater, insaid Connty, deceawed, hureby gi ve notice that six nionths frora date, are allowed, by ordt-r of said Probate Court, for creditors to preseat iheir claim.s against tlie estáte of said deceased, aad that they wilï meet at tho late residente of aaid deceastnl u said town, oníaturday, the twenty-second Jay of July, aud ïnesdiiy, the twentyfourth day of October next,. at ooeQ'olock, P. il-, of each oi' said dHys, to receivej examine and adjust said claims. Dated, April 2-ith, 1SC5. (ÍARRISOX UXDERHILL, HKMKY CALnOfX, 1006td Cciutoiá.sioners. Cornrnissioners' Notice. STATF, OF MICHIGAN, County of W&shtonaw s.- Tke umlernigned haVingbeuu appointed by the Probate Court for said County, üommitiftictnera to receive, exatfkïne and ad.ju.-t al] claims and demanda ot" all persona against the estáte of William C. Drake, late of the io-wnahip of Xorthlield, in nM County 5eceaged,hOreby give notice that mx mouthB frorn date, are allo-ved, by order of said Probate Court, for cteditorsto pitsenti Iheir claims against the e.state of said tleceased, and that they will meet at the dweiling house of S;tmuel P. BIrd, in the townsbip f Xortlifield, in said county, on Saturday, the twenty-seconcl day of July ,andTius Uj ; tlietwenty fnurtb day of October m-xf, at oue o'clockj,,of each of said days, to receive, ezamine aud adjuat said claims, bated, April 21. 18C5. HANSON" SESSrONS, 1ÜAAC SUITON", lOOOtd Commtssíoncrs. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couvry of Washtenaw, ss.- The iudersigned having been appnïnted by the Probate Court for said County, Commis sí otoers to receive. examine, and adjust all claims and demanda ot all persons agamat the estáte of Horacf) Osbernt-, iate of the Townsliip of Scio, in said county , deceasod, hereby give notice thal six nionth-s l'roni date are allo wed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to présent their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the store of C. MiUen,inthoCity of said Cnunty of Washtenaw, on Saturday, the 15th dny of July, aial Tednesday, the lth day of October, next, at ten 'clock in ihe foieuoon, of eiich of s;üd days, to reive, examiue, and adjust said claim. Dated, April Mth,l86ö. CHAU.NCEY H. M1LLKX, ) rommi„ ,(11Iftr(( Comtnissioners' Nofcice. VTATE OF MICHIÖAK, County ok Wasiitenaw, es.- f The undei)signed having been appointed by tlie 'róbale Court for said County, Comroissioners to reeiver cxamiti'i, and adjust all claims and demanda of 11 persons against the eslate of Julia Aun Goodyear, ate of tho Townahip of Manchester, in said Couniy, eceased , hereby givc notice that six months from date re allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for crediors to present their claims against the estáte of said eceased, and that they will meet at the residence of ïenjamin F. Sutton, in tlie Township of Manchester , a said County of Washtenaw, on Saturday , the fifeenth day of July next , and Saturday , the fourteenth day of October, at onc o'clok in the ifter noon, of each of said days, to receive, oxamiuc, and adjust said claims. Dated, April 15th,lS65. DAVIÜ W. PALMER, ? r m ■ 4wlO05 MUNSON CiOüDYKAlïJ WflAtaalonew. Estáte of Amos Mead. 3TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Warhtexaw. ss.- O Notice is hereby given that by au order of the ? roba te Court of the County of Washtenaw made on .he severth day of April, A, 1). 1S65, tix months 'rom that date were allowed for creditors to present ;hfir claims ngainst the estáte of Amos Mead late of saia County deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased, aro rsquired to present their claims to said ?robatu Court at the Probate Ofiice io the City of Ann Arboi' for tixamination and illowance, on or befoic the sevénth day of Oetober next, and that suoli claims will be heard beforo said Probate Court, on Öatunlay, the tliinl day of .íune, Saturday , the (Uthdayof August, and Sa tui day, the se vent h d:iy of October next, at ten o:clock in the fortnoon, of each of tb use days . HIRAMJ. BEAKES,.ÏHdgoof Probate. Dated, Ann Arbor, April 7th, 1865. 4wl005 Ditch Sale. THI L"NIERSIGNED will sell to the lowest bidder, 402 ros of ditch, at tho house of Dariua Pierce, in the Township of Lima, on Tuesday, the 23rd day of May. 1865, at oue o'clock, P. M. Said ditch to be 18 feet wide "n bottpm, and of a depth and width atjmark .dousUetinlineofcUtch. pARsyArx PR1NCK niiXN'K'l'T. KÜ8SELL WMIl'i'I.K, 1006 Drainage (nnini.ssionet. rpAKEJN UPI Carne into the enclosure of the subseriber, on the 19tb day of April, onu ilark bay or Iighij brown COLT, suppohêd to bc twu yeais 6lfl, witti Ihrec mostly wliüe feet, anda bunch on right side, size Binall. The owiuz is raflUjBtd U prove property, pay charcos, uni t .'-.;■ saidColt away. JAMfö McI.AKF.N Lima, April 29th, 18C5, 0,viou7 ]y ÜTICE ! TAKEN Ui' bj tlio subscriber about tho of April, 1"M smllaiM dar by HOBI, Hire. white f(iCt , ainl i White spot in , about 7 yearn eld. TUe owuer 18 requeated to prove propcvty , and pay sharsTM. aud taUo liim av;vy. h ' T. W. FORSETT. Si.l"in,Micli., April ilh.lsrj. fwlOJ4 jrROAlWVARRANTs'ai dï'vtfice. Cali soon. J lieal Estatu for Öalo. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Courm w WÍühtjkaw, ia. l J In the ïniittt'r of the estáte ot Michael Wal,, uf the Dountyof Woshtena, in the Matei f MioMg :i ice; : Sotice ia liurchy given, tl,ut in puis j! su oid. r ütiiutfid to the undcrsignefl, Admfu'ttra uf tli e ceta te i)t' ;iHiti dttcea l, by the Ion. Judge af Probare for iho e-unty of Wonhtpna. on tho seventwrfth .y of A;rü, A. IMt;;i, thene wijl ie sold at Public Ve((Jaa,to the bighest bidder, atHbe üwelliug Rouse on the piemíse. i,i tlía County ut Vwettenaw, in sJii'l stat(, on Moiiday, tfae lifth iliiy i f .Jut:,., A. n. 1&ÍS, attjva o 'cl cok in the afternoonoftliat di.y, (r, n' jixt to all eneumbraucé by mortgairo or othervtse existin at tbe time of the deatli i f tsaul dcí-easi-d,) tH e foiiowing fletcriocd real tetáis: Th east half of tle nonli-áast quarter of gection tliirteen in townsbjp f'our tioulh of range Pour . ■ filily acieS moreorless, in the town of EiïBpéwatfr, anti fneptmïi] half of the east half ofi Ki '■ ii'! th (uarter ot' S&ctíoa eighteíín, ju townbliiji four south oí range five cast, conttiiniig firty acres, noore orleap, in tüetown öfSaline, ;ill being In tbe tílate of Michigan. AAKO.V I.. Fl l.MxAj:i,Aainin.!ia!„r. Paleí, A] ril mí.lSoS lOOOtd Eïal Eslate for Safe STATE of MICHIGAN, ('ou.vrv uk WAiBmxiM, aL- In the matter f theeHnte of Bather flna VanRiper, Knrnla lïofrers and Chrlsse .lane Ro - Inofü: - N'olice inherebj' ijtven. that iu pnrsuancf f" f in o-der ii '1 to the undergjgnt'd, Knardian of Ilie esiate of sai.l minors, by thu Hob. .Tortge of Probate for the County i.rVa-htwi-, -n the tivi m y-sevi-i,'.h 4nyof iviarcli, A. i 1860, there wil] be aold at Public V r, to the hlgheat bi(dprr at thq dwrlliuK tiouseonkhe pn miaen.on Saturday.the thirWnth day of May ucst, at oneo'cluck in the aftwrnooD of gaid (iay, Bubjectto r.ll i'ncH.n,lti:i nres liy inc.i1fiaa:t; or othei u i: ■, tl lowhiï dcribt.l real estarte; to wit : Tht Ofidivided threofouith of the followinu uescribed parcela of land, viz: The eat halt of the north cast quartor, the-east half of the MArth-west (jnai-ter of the uortitoast qnarter, aTid the v;est iuilf of the nortli-east quarter ot' the sonth eat quarte of section Raventeen, in townahip t'rree eouili of range five eat, being iu the Towuship of Lodi, m the County of Washtejiaw , and State of Miohlgan, und contaitiing onehnndred and tweuty uerca more or less. LUCINDA ROÜERS, Guardian. Dated, March 2Sth, USC5. Tbere will also bo sold at the same time and place the undivlded one fourth of the above des.rited lands beloginK to Augusta Rogera. 1002 Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WatífcfeenaTí sa.- O Tn tnö maftfer of fehe Estáte of WiUimn "H. Kiggs and Matilda Jane Riggaoftlre County of Wash enaw intbe State of Michigan, minors: Notice is hereby giveu, tliat ín pursuanco o f an order granted to the uuderpigned guardián of the estáte of said minors, by the IIoii. Jiulgo o'. Probate fortho County of Washtenaw, 011 thefmmh day of April, A. D. 1365, there will be sold at public vëridue.'to the hígheet bidder, at the dwellinír house on the flrst described parcel of land in the County of Washtenaw, in" sakl Ptate, on Momia y thetwelfth day of June, A. D 18C5, at two O'clock in the uCtoraoDu ofthat day, (subject to all eniiiim brancea by mortgae or otherwise extsting at the time of nalc) the undivided two-ninthn of the folio wing Í describe! real e.state'. to irit ; The eat haif of the norlh west quarterof taietiOB towaship föur south of riniftt live east, containing eighty acres inoro or less ; aiid parcel commencing where the Case Road iingieswest, at the grave yard, on Raid section : twenty, running thence west and norlh aloBgthe line of saidroad to the Chicago road, tbencanorth-east along the line of the Chicho road. about ü ft y ruds to the nortbï-west eorner of the irstabtve debcribed eigiity acres of land, thence sontfêrly slong the line of said eighty acres to the place of beginning, containing about ten acres of land more or leas, and a-lso the of Süid minors iu a par oei connnencing 66 venteen and a half rod.s north of wiere the Case road mtersects the Chicago road in f nul seetion twenty,and in tbe centreofnaid Chicago ruad, running thencenorth twenty eight and a half iifgreen west to the i)ell ditch , theuce north and est the above named somber of degrees, andlong the ca$re line of Miid ditclito a stake in said ditcï,on the weat haif oí the aoutïi went quartei of Section seventeen, and oap liundred rods and six-ten'thS of p roei frorn the cetífro of said Chicago road, raanmg thence uortlt twenty one degrees east toastakein the centre' line of said aection sevc-nteen, which stake ik Üfiy-four rodseast of the quarter stake on the west sitie of said section seventèeh, IKencewefit to the nortli-west corner ofiheeast half if the quarter of sectíoa eigbLeen, sume town and range, tbence soufíi along tire west sidte óf above described eighty acres, totho south line, thence ettBt along said south line to the section corner, thence soutb alung the yreét ine of che west half of the ?.'- ter of sectiou twenty, to the Qbicago roa.l, thence noitn-efcsterfy ilobgj the center of said road, o the place of begïnning, containing oue hnndyed andtii'irtvsix acres of Lmd more or les, in the township of Saline, Watshteaaw Countj' and Ftate of Michigan. MARY IGGS, Guardian. Dated April 4th, A. D. X8S5. td-1003 Real Estáte for Sale. STATE ÜF MICHIGAN, GouhTY OF Wsut::;íaV, sh.- ín tiiemattei of the 'etne of John l,urlwig KilHngF, Státilda KiElngtr, William Ilenry Killinger, and Elizabeth KiUinger, of tlio County oí" WashUüaw, in the State of Michigan, minors. Notíje ia hereby given, that in pur.suanoe al der granted to the undcrsignecl, Guardian of the estáte of caid minors, by the Ilcu.Juüge of Probate for tlie County ot Washteoaw, on the tenth Jay of April, A. ]. 1S65, there will be sold at Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, atthe d welling house 011 the premisea in Frecdom, in the County of Whtenaw, & atïd State, ou Wednesday, the thirty-Ürst da y of May. A. D. 18ti5, at two o'clock iu the aftennon of tb at day (subject to all eocurabrances by oiortgage or otherwise existing at tlie time of salp( aud alf=o subject to the rlght of dower of Dorothy Wiidlech, late widow ol John Killiüger, deaeedj, the uudirided four-flfths of the followïng dehcribeil i' ;il estafe, towit: The uoi'th-east quarter of thü north-west quarïet of the north-east quarter, coutaïuing ten acres more or less, and the west-half of the north-west (juarter of the north-east quarter, coDtalniog twenty acres more or lasfboth parcela being in .--octiün thirty-five in townshij' threOj soutli of rango four cast, in the State of Michigan. CHARLES &ÍILLER, GuaMian, ]iiod, April lflth. -ïO. lOOitd Mortgage Sale. ÜEÏAULT ha ving been inade in the condition of a certa n morííjge, executed by Chris tian Breisch m1 Barbara Bpefsoh Kis wife, of Ana Arbor, WaehtettSrW Couuty, Michigan, to WilHam S. i-aiaders, of the ïame place, datedthe nineteenth day of November, ifl the vearyone thuusund eighi huödreU and sixty-one, idiI reeprded on the ninüi day -of December. A. D. Jfiil. intheffice of xbe Register of Iïéedfi for the aaid County of W&Bhtenaw, in tlie t'tate of Michigan, in Liber 28 of Morteages, on 558 upon which Mort üiigf r!it;rc i.s claim cd t" be at the daje of this notice, the sum of oiriety-two dollars, and no suit or proceeding at luw or in cquity having been instituted to recover tlits snme or any part thereof, and the power of sale in said IfortRÍge cintained liavinti thereby become absolute. Notioií fe therefore heiéby giveu, that on Saturday, the thirteenth day of May next,at ten of thöclcok in the foreDOon,T ahnl kall at public uuctiuu to the bidder, at the íouth ñooc of the Court House in tbe City of Ann Arbor, (being thp place where the Circuit Court for saifl Connty ofWashtonaw is held), the premises described in Raid mortyage, or su much thereof as maybe necosstiry tf satis i'y the amount due on said mortgago, and interest, together with the CQdts and expeuseü nhowed by law ; said Drena ises being sittiated in Baid Couaty ol Washtenaw, anti tgage as .oilosvs, to teit: All of lota'ó. ffeire Brtd thirteénin Wtn. S. Samiilor'.s addition to the'City of AunAïbor, aceórding to the recorded plat th.-i' ■ DatedTebruriry 15 1305. . WII.IJAM á SAÜNDKR3r5tïigagee. A.Felcu, Attorn-y fur Mortgagee. "rJ06td Mortgage Sale. Pefault liüvint; beun made „in the cmiditions of a ■ m$dL by Heurj C. Fiak and wife, to Jolin Iveüport, fliiteií October Jt, 1850, recorred April 6, l"-ñü. at ioui c'c'u.cli in tbc afteriiooa. in the Register ofPeed öflie fot the Cawfcty of WaUtenaw, Michi gan, in Liber 26 of mortgnges, on pago 614, upon which tl0e is claimed due at tiiis dato, the sura of sevi-u hundrod .iii1 twenty-sevea.itl fifty onehuu(lic'itUs dollars, nul tho lurthöi' sum of live huudred uid intérest thereon f rom thfi Gijt day of Üc T"biT, l3t4, heiviifter to b$cxx&ttff&tf!jfr3mf:miiQevy of'wliich no procotífliñgí luivo In'Unxtu been taken citlu'v in kuw ot eiuity: Tlierofore, uqtiüë-Mf hereby qiyeti, tliat by viftutíoí'a puwvr ín saiii ifi(ïLtgge eau i;ino,l, foí the purpuse of leali.m the moaey ;fureBiiirl lïuê, togeïRër with accruing interest and costs oi foreelosure piovided tor ín said mortgnge, I, the safc3 uioi-tgaee, shall, ou tho thirtieth day of June, ISoü, at teii p'cloik ín the Corenooa, at Uic Court House in the City of A nu Arbor. in snid County of Washtenaw, (the place of holding tho Circuit Court for said Couiity) -soll at public veiidue, the premiaea duscribud iusaid moctgagc, to wit : All those pareéis of land siuiate iu the ownship of Manchester, Counly of waaUteaaw , Miahigao, kuowja and describe! as follows: The uortli hall' f the aorth halfoftlie nprtl eastquarter of section oumb'er thirty-thréb (ö3) in iovrn ship niuuber four (4) south of range numhor three ('á] east, containiiiji f'orty acres of lamí be fhe saine inore or les's; Al.-o the miilillu part of t]Le oortb halff t iu Horth-west q_uarter of soction number thirty four (-i-A uitongbip nuiul)er four (4) south of rungo ntinioëj bwr (3), bouuded on the north by land 8 of Frefleric Valentino, and on the south by l&nds formerly soid and dueilfid by s:ud John Davenport to Knojj Lytle, and contaiiïing thirty nine acres of land, be the aarae more ur less. JOHN PAVEN PORT, Mortgague. E.B.Wuoii, Attorney for Jlortgagee. Dated, Marcb 30, 13Ö5. lOOa-td Mortgage Sale. WIIlíKEAH, cTefftuXt has 'otcjn made in the couJitions df a eertain lnlenture of Morigi'. made an4 e(?cu(ud on ihc fiit day of April, A. I). 1857', by Jont1,!:,,, D, Fo&dick, to uit; tin; uulersigiud, which Morttfage wn.s duly ruorued en the eeventb day of April aiorcüa-iLl, in Ül ■! No. ''.i oí Mo'rfgáges, on paHe45P, in the Office of the Register of Deeds apd Jlortgagei, iü ana fnr üie County of Waslitcurnv. snil SLaiB i Micbljtan, and, whereas. therfl is i.ow ilneand unpaiü on Mi'nl Mortp age and Boad itdlSbffiiíatiYhígríhe name, tho suiu of 13.257,20, iccluding an AttornejfSfleoí S'.,1), 8fl proyided ftr iüaaid Mortgage. and whereas, n Buit ur procefliogs at law in eqnity, h$n btJ n in1 ,o i'mni', rr t!ir ;-,: mi' r nny y.v thert'i,'": NoW thareforé, notioei hejeby ivi-n, thatbj virt.uet.fa power of sale in bW Bfurtgage oontalned, I shall se'.t a' public 9 uctifln to the higbest bidder, on Baturdav. the If'tii lay of .luly uext, a i 1 ü o'ctock, M. , of saitl day, at tóe frontdoor uf the Circuit Gourt Pause, in beCityof Auu Arbor, in sair' Coinitv of VVashteaaw, the pffroiBèisdescrtbed in uaid Mor!:iiro, to-iv!r : Ttie luist half of the South Weat QuarteV, CE% of 3 W',.) ih Wesi of the North Weal Quarter, [WK otS W',.j aadthe South balf of the Rtat h&lf of the NotttiWest Quarii-r, f&% ofEoi X W'.M a,U of Sectiun No. ten, flÓ,] in TownsMp Xo . fmir, [4. J South of Range No. Öve, [5] Mast the Baid pieiaise brinfï 2Ö0 teres of land, and sltuated in the Coanty of Washtê-. I ut'il, Aiirilieth 1S65. C VAN HUPAN', Jfi líiwW. W. A. Mojnr., Atty. t UoftgüSke. lüOJfri


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