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Real Estáte for Sale. TÁTE Ótf -)K HI; y,r,u.vrv of Vanuti'.n.w,ss,- ? Inth'-i ■ Ijacob Toggaburges, ■;a.t m V.i.-Líi; aw, i?, thecítateoí Mi ■ ,■■'!"■ " ís :, . bat i pui ■ í' :ui itf'cr rniiffd to the uiCrsigued , Adjn . , , vi tíi llie ViIl aune tío, of the ■: ,- ■ :■ o f s.iid Jacob fogi-, liy tïifl iíon . H c of Pfebatt for t:n tbüBi v ■ t . .i hC'iuw , mí the tveiií.y-sev::t)i ;n' (. f April, v I). iSi f theré i l i be solfl at ! ublic Vendne t the lil.t'Bt 1 ít!d.3C j al lliq IÖO1 lh (iurir 1 ■, (,'.,■! i f líoilSCí, i n the City oí' Aun Arbn , in the p uuty o.f Washtvnaw, n snM Stuip, mi íaturday; díe tefith ay fef .fuu, A, "). lLG5,at one o'clock in the tóemu.on of tïüvt im , subject t o sil eocumbranceB hy in'cíi tHgd 6r otbérwis'o xitiiiíf at the trafrt uf tbcdeatíi oí" eiíd i oiiíjwip ' ■ ■ cal r.-tal'1 : ií ing ia tln; C;ty of ■ nn ATbrtr, ín ha I - mimënein# ön tiioí-t cjiíi'-r (-i1 i t niMult-r tin. in bfock tlitee South ■auge ene WesiU iu W , 'o thu Mtj oí Ana AVöor, and running Wr.-t pa'ïjitl Witft tiro íft'úth Urw öï s.-i 1 btocir, i ; 'i hird ftveet, ■ r!i td tho Soutfi-ve i eoxúor íf mid iiiock ibouí eleven rodstlieaíw Kasfc'eibl rods tu tlte Snutíi wc t corner i lot íiiüiili-T ninc, thence Notijfc aliout 3lev_n rods taíhé plttCeöf bi gaorog, locthcr ivitb tíie fna f wiíier rUnüiog aoross said land, witb the ■■--■■ i tu hnwrr4 f crrt.un of ii:ji] being abuui; pnje half - l" a Igi i i ■■■■■: ; ■. .'.■ b ■;í.c'ii,infin and wifet-i CbarTsConratb, ftn the '-Hil: day if Atifeutr, A.D. ípétí; aíd deed bein reCordedijuthe lítliro o i thB UegÍKkftr oi Deftdf .,)!■ Wasl tcnaw C'ouut v, in Libe rüíi oí ' ■ 1S7. KA'WJ ::[.M'; roOGKNBÜRGÉit, ■ R ill í-.ruifxwi. Dntbdj April 9"tll, 1365. ÏOOGtd Koiii EbUtte for Sak OTATKOy MlcriHMX, í'nut ty "í, h.-_ U In tiic-i.r.u -i oí lie estáte -f tvl.l N. í- ('luirles A. ( : i ddf:: ;' u ' I í :■ v ■ . i ', ■!'!■-, uí tlu ! of W"a: htecaw ín theSíafe of Michigan, miu rs : Píqtic'!-" lipfciiy privan , that ín pursuknce (rf hn grantöd to thf . tute ■( aaid raiuors by Uie Ht-ïi. Judfe í Probate Eoi i '■.'.-. County oí Washtenaw, qn th fourth díiy uf Ap i . 1866, tliere wiU be sold at puVic véaíucj tó i; ■ est bidder, at the dffelKñ'g boasfron thé premi the Cottruy of Waslatsnaw, iü saiil Sf afct1, on Saturan j the tenth day oi" June, A. i), lfiífl, at two o7clock in the afternoon f said day, (aubect to all eucurabrancea by mürtffage dr otfterwise dxisting at the time ofilie sak-) the undividrd half OÍ the followiug 'loscnbed real estáte, viz . The west half of the sou Tb. oüst (uarter of section one, in townshin Urn-. of range five t';i;-( , éöiïtailifng ?fgM' acres moro or k'ss, ín tlie totvn of J,ct(i and county aforeaaiS REtíECCA ÜE&DE8, Guardian. Pated April 4, 38ü. t-l Estáte of Horace Bidwell. STATE ÖF MICHIGAN, Codnty os ?htenaw,ss.- At a ségsion of the Probate Court for theCouutj rf Washtonaw, hohieu at tbe Probate Office in the City )f Ann Arbor, on Tuenriay, tlie second day of May, in the year one thousand eiglit bundred and jixty-five. Prsont,.HiBAr J. BsARaflj Judgp of Probate. in the matter of the Estáte oí Horace Bidwell", ïeeeased . On&eadúig andütmgth petition, duly vorifieö, of ;eofge Suttün, Admiñistrator of said estáte, prajiric that he uay be licensed to ceU cercain real estáte whereof said deceased dkd heiztd. Thereupon it is Ordered, that Tneaday, tbc :',i} iay ut' June noxfc, at ten o'clock in t he foienóón, be íssigned fjr tbe hearing of Haid geqltfoi tbat tbe i:'ow and beivs at law oí hafd aba ?dl otUer percoins interested in .saul catate, are ve quired to apijrar .it ;í id C ait, then to be holden at the Probate OíBi-e, in tlie Cítj uf Ann Arbor. ' aud .show cause, if any there be, wby the prayer oftfte petilioner .should no't be srraoted: And it ís ftiti ucrt-d, tbat sai'l petiüoutT giv DOtiCfi tn the ].t r ;erestad in said estáte xyi the peiidjeney o said petilion, and the h'earínf therei f, by cauïing h copy oi ti ís Or der t o be publUhed intbe Michigan Ar#us a cfwipaper printed Juul circulatir.g in Haid County, fon successive weeks previous to said dai ot' hwanng. (Atruecopy.; lhHAM j. líKAKKS. ltK)7td Jü4eof Probarte. Estáte of Lynn Pratt - Minor. STATE OF totáíGAN, Cotsyx oí WwhtjÍaw.'wX Ata ,eKsitn of the Probate Couri ƒ■: Waehteuaw, boldea at íbe l'mbate Ollice ïq the i Ann Arbor, on Wednesdny . the tbir ( d.-.y of M'iy, ín the. year one tbuuBand.tiiglit b.' ■ PresentJ FIiram J te Tn the matter of the .;. un ír;ttt . ;i r iii'.r. On reading aa.i 6ing the petítíeo, duly veriüed, crf I.sabsl I'ratt, Guaadiau uf said minor, prayíi she may be fioéased u aeïl ceri-aia real estáte $elongtn'g to said minor. apon rt ís Oird red,Tba1 Thi ':■.-. th cf Juna next, at ten o'clock in the furenoon, aigae4 fár tlie b-earíng of e.aid ptitíon,, and that tïifi next of kin of said minorn, and ;l11 othei; per.son i BStedintaia estáte, re rcuired to hppear at a nf baid Ormrt, theo to be heiden at the Probat i in tbe City of nn -l.rbur, and afeow eauö, ifao be, wby tlie praver cf the ■ . I oot be íjraated ; Ag-1 itfs further order I g'ive notice to tí :in jf sari mi:ior aoJ :ere.sted m sail psí.i. petition, ana t] this Ordí.-r to ue pabliahediu tho Mfchtgán A newspaper printed and cirtíalatingín sftld Oottoty, ■ .:cu:i.-ive weeks preyj íaa Dq ittid!4a]l oi' LeartnjC [A traeeonjK] HIEAM J. BÉÁES. lOOTld . ■ Judge of l'. Estáte of David Gregory. STATE OV BfíC&alN, i 'orsTT of Washtelyaw, s.- At l h-.-iun of tbe Probato CWnrt fortftè Cóunty A Washtenaw, hohlen at the Probate Office iu the City oí' Aun ArborT un Wediöiay, the tvrttoty-aixih day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty a Pre ciit, Hi:u' J. Bzaksh, Judge of Probate. In the matter oí th-í Estarte of TavM Geegory, 3eceastd. Jacob B. Covert, Adniinii-trstor of sakl éstate, comfea inlo Con rt and reprfaents that he is now ijre-' pared lo render Lia final account as such. Administrator. Thereupon-itiaOruerod, kha Wednesöay, thü ?ttíi day of May next, at ten o'elock in the foreaoon, be assigned for e.Tanj;ning and allowing auch account, tnd tlmt tke vi'lu-.v amliieiisat lá'w tff saiil '"eceased, and all etherparsüns iuterewted in njd catate, are re quired to appear at a stfaion of saiiJ Court, tlien Ep bi1 aolflen at t!ie Probóte Office, íí: the City of Aun Arber, n..;iu! Coui:ty, und shov.' caiiíre if any there be,w6j ;be said account shoold iot be alloíved: Afifl ffia .urtiitr order ed, tbat miAjufaaiaiaftwto the per.sons interest' ■- in ■■..'A estáte, of the pen of saíd accouní, and tï hearing tui-reof, by cauHint? a copy of thiö Order Lo bt pub!iihed in the Michigan Argist a priñ'ted and eirculatiug in aaid 2oanty , threc successive weeks previous to ísaid env of i..:iví;il;. [A truecopy.] HIRAií ,1. BSAKE9, lOOGtd Judge of Probate. Estáte of Patrick McNamara. STATK OF MICHIGAN, CurxTY of W...sutenaw, ss.- At a session of tbe Probate Court iur tbe County of Waslitenaw, bolden at the Probate Office, iu th'e'Citji ot Ana Arbor, on Thursdíiy, tbe sixth day of Apri in the year one thou.sand eight huudied ard sixty-üve. Present, Hm.ui J. Bbakrb. Jadge of Pr In the matter of fche: Éstate &f Pairick Maiuara de cea sed. On reading and fíling the potition, diily verifiod,of Michael Keelen, praying tliat the A of said (jstale raay be authoried and directed tu ■ to him certain real estáte, whereof thesaid deceased died üeized. Thertfiipon it is Ordered, Mondny, the twentyt secoed day of íay oexfr, at ten oCluefe in tha forenoon'j be asfcigned fosthe lieanng of e%id petitipn, and fcba the heirs at law of Baid 3ecea&ed anfl all othe? person LQtflrested in Baid catate, r.etiired to appeai at a sestiiun of said Court, then to be hoMon at the Probats Office, Ín the City )ï Aun Ai;bur, and show cause, ft any tllere he, wby the prayer of the petitioncr should not be gr ante d : Aud it i uriln r ofdereJ,that sai'l ptítioner yive notice to theH-r.sur,s interesled ín said estáte, of tbo pendency of faid petition,an! the hêrino; tht reof, by cauÉiqa copyof tl is Order ttle publi-ihed in the Michigan Arus&nawapaper pri-ntod and airculaxftig in said County, aix sucoftsivH weks prevlotis to baid Uay oí hearifig, (A Iruecopy.) HIRAM J. HKAKES, 1003ld " Judge of Probate; Bötftte of Willis H. Thompson. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cor.vrv uf Washtexaw.ks ._ f Ata seBSion of the Probate Ccurt for the County oí Washteuaw. holden ;u the .Probate Ofiice in the city of Aim Arbor, on Mouday, the twentyfourth In y o!' ÁjHT, in tlie year one thousa'nd eignthundred ar sixty tive. Present, Hiham J. Buak&j, Jmlge of Probate. In the matte) oi' the Ettate of Willis ïi, Thompson, a minor. On readinjí and fiíing tlie petition, duly verilied,of i,oui,-;i S, Tliomiisun, that slie may be ap poiated Guardián of said nainpr. Thereupon it Ls Ordered; that Moiiday. the ti f te en Üi day of May nxt, at 10 o'clcck in the fbri te. i 1 fpc í beajlfig oí ar.M petitio!), and that the next of kin to aid minors 1 apd all otb)X pei&Oís ít-i'i in p-.lÍI i';1' i Írot3 to ap'p MStloa off nMd Com't, Dien t bé tuiM"n nt the PróSate Office, in Ihe (.iiy uf Ann Aruor. unU -sliow cauBö, if any tii. re bv, the petiticuier hnuM not be ifranted : Av ir is f'irtlier orderëd . that fajd pi'titioner give notioeto the n-xt of kin faf sald minor, and alt persons intereated in s;ud estáte, of tteo peniirncy of sajd petition, and the hearing i lierepf, bï oausiig a copy rf thi.s Order to be ptlblfóbed o ílie Michigan Argus, a piMffijMeS priuted and cireutatin;; County , thrte Buccessive weeks previous io si;l dáy of hearing. (Atruecopy.) HIRAlt J. BEAKES, 1006 Juáge of Probate. lístate of James J. O'Iírion, STATE ÜV MirilIGAN, Coi ktï ot Washtexw, ss - At a soi.-i'-n öf tlie Probate Court for ihe (mih y pf i oa'w, holden at the Probate (.'ilice in tlxetatypf Ann Arbor, öh MciiiUty , i he lTtli day uf .'ii;ii, n tbeear one i huu;m't eihi liuadred aud iixtj 6ve. Present, Hikas J. Bikis, Judge of l'io.bule. C Iu tbo matt-r m1 i i ; Japiea J. O'Brit$, deceafiedJ tVofgi button, A'Jministrator, witb ihe W'ill ani.t'.e.i ui aaiid e&tate, comea iuio Coiitl arid pepresept tht beau now [.ropurod to render liisii.ial account in .uclt Adid'nifltifttot. Uiereupon it w Uwiöind, tlmi Wondy, the lfltfl dav ■ if nrxt,!ittisio'c!ulkiüiiu , ftfi'examirtin)j[ d iijöwing sueh aooon&t, and that the widow, devisee3, Lgateeaiidhèiiaaa fcaw T-.aid v, .-mi uil t, ík ; ersrti iirtewstei in-itil etatB, . Ured to ap] ear b1 b test-ien ef Baad Court. then tu be holdtu at tbe troJaata (■íik-e, in the City cl Agn Ai'bor, iu f-üJ ('oimty mdshow caasej ii ' ,-uiy t'nere be, wby the salí account Bbouldnot baHowii And 11 isfurtherorderd thm sMi.ladmÍnBtmtorp.vem)tice; sana Qtefi uu in gald saíat#, of th pen Uiu-y ( fsáW ccouut.and tbehearinsr theref f. b) causmg a cop ■■ Ocüei Ui ÏM pimliNlitnhn ihe xl.V, I rif w.-piipw.' !u'ijitti nnl &ifctfla4&l -" i " -'i'11 i')t;nty , thrce suc . . ;ive M '■'■■■ prioua to B4d dny of hparitg. (AtruvL.-y J JIIKAM J. MEAKRS, ÏOOft .'udge 1 1 Flobitts. Estáte of C'onrad SoLwab. ■ 7 At a-aeaaiün of thB Prub.tB L'ornt for thrA. " Min ArW, , ,". of "' . aan tbüjsai igM huudrei , Wi J. Bkakeh, Jurtge of ?:ioajA In tlie matter of ílie Estáte of ('onrad Soilijl, i Ecl,5-b, tht Car Wnl,r '"'" iitMe i,,,-,,,,,, w,y i,„ alJI,,mjt,.,i Ad,„i'ui„l?e ïlit-mipon it is Orlm-il, Tlt Monday ,„,,. liy iust, lt teu o'dock in tiie lóit, ,,,! h :.ri„' „f said l.etiti„„,"dn! hi-irs at l;iw of nM ,'i-cead, Hnd ■,] „u Iiterujled ;d sui.1 estali-, are rtnui! . :- )[■■ ' t a f'sin( anirt f!öurt, Ibert t„ b. i„ ', , '" ["-i-ob Ie", ■, r Ann Arbor ni ?" ;I.;;i.W r,„! b, ,-,,nt,.,l: AnJ it furtl.èSj' lliat wij petitioniT ni.ticè to tlie persoM"„.2" r.l in suid eatate, ot :he pendtucj ui saij pi!t3i() ""; aringthoreof, by cnusing u ,-..., .,■ ,,f ,. ,,'.■ iblisheii ir Ihi. Mlrhigan Argus, a néw ' ■ ■ i eirculatfng in Knul CoiiBty linee succíi?" weeks previoiis 16 3iia day of hearing, "" [A truo eopy ] I1IIÏAM J. BSAJM 'uo7tJ Judgeuf l'robite;. Estáte of' .Tudah IL McLean. OTA1E OF MICHIGAN, i'or.vrv ov W.smt5A . J M i rséaxionof tlic !r uatoCöurt fí.r t]iiCou'iit, b ildeu I the Probate LUice :ntle" . i' Aun Arlj.jr, on ïiiil.iy, tht tventy efeh a,T ', April, in the year u thousand ciglit liuuJredMPres,t, Hikam .1. Beakes, Jváfo. Ï l'rooitw lu llie matttr uf the Estáte ul Ju.lah R. McLttir Cln reaíUng au,l Bling-flio petition, dnly ivria.J „. '- Uní Preston, Adminiftrator of wiiil estafc n-ïthat lie niay he licnist.i to sell certain -ál, '- : d eeased died seized. Tücrsupon it s Ordercd, that Raturilay thetmtlv 'lay of June nex!, nt ten n'clock iii l)e fornumT be assigned for th heariug ' sairt pelition uí tliat the wkloivandheirs it law ufsnid deccaaed íi!,iothe persons inteiested m naid est.-vte, are reqóitn) i appeár it asefflim ofsaidCourt, thenkibe iioHfmHk. Probate Office, in Ihe City ofAnnArbor, and show tlu if any there ue, why the prayer of the petitioB hould not begranted : And it ís iuitlicr ordeiet thi8aid pelHoner gire notteeto the person8intereBedima estáte, oí the pendeucy of sakl peiition. anü tbthm ing thertof, by cansing a copy f'tliñ Order tob published in the Michigan Argus,JL vWKV&Vttwhlti and c&culatiug ín .aíd Countv, lour sucteüii. weeks previr.ns to lúitl í.iy of hi'ari'iiR. A truc copy.) ' HIRAM J. BEAKE8 ll07td Judge of rrobsle Estáte of Horaco Bidwell. SWÏEOï MICHIGAN, County oí Waahlaa, „ At asessionof the Probate Court fortbe Coo'nlr' i Washtenaw, holden atthlrobato Office, MheCilrrf Aun Arbor, on Fnday, the twenty-i-ighth j,: " pril, u the j-ear onethousand eighthuncJrei mlsiiij" U.IJIíarnJ. Beijkes . Judge of Probate. Jo tiie matter of the lístate of Horace Rall .Jecessed. ' yn readia aadjtüag thi? petiiion, öuy Ttrifia cf MaryJ. ■aTins: ttat hr dover 'in the rain. I.-.!, , u'.ba-uI tJw Md deceaseil difcdseúeil.ioavben ■ her. ■ apon it a Siitarilay,tlie27tLii)i( May Ofxt, at ten o'clock in the fnreoooi, i 99ÉeI fortW hearing of said petition. aiittlítn, leir.s at law of -s:ud deeeaseti, mul all (,ntp tersons interested in saiil etüte. are requiírf j ;ip )'i r at u se3iou of íaid Coui-t t lien tobe bolden the Probate Ollii;e, íd the Ciíy üf Aun rlw aii'l cause, if any tiiere be, why tht-pm ijl' the ;ytitiontr should not 1 giantetl: A:,d c is farther ordeied , that salí petititm 'tto tUe. persons itttosted in aiif estile, of aid petition, ;nd thf? hearing thelwf b.) paiiáinga copy of tliisOrder to be puUlinbed ii th Mr.],L;n7i A.'í,'rj, a uijuspaper printed anj tiÜouoty three saítemsiví utetipi di liearinjí. l .1 i nie cnpy.) H1RAM J . BE KES, loa; Judge of Probilt E.tttte of Beeker Prutt. OTATE ÖP MICMIOAN"- Cnnnfy of Vwlienw-,1. siou ui tiie Tiobatü Oourt ftir the Counu f Washtenai .hokíenal the !'. .;.iu' flire in thefi I Ann Arbor, on, the 18tii day f AriJ, ia th& int red vul .sixlv Ére, i'resei't, Hiram ■! Beak.-s, .Ju..lre of I' rubí te. In rlu; iui,;t ■ ai uf P.eckerfriidttnieA. On reading aod filiag the pt-tïsi n. dulj itTifitft, i.t sabel Prtitt, praying that bo or ■-omr itW nifcWs' . raay bc apuoiuttd adraiuwtratür of theestatu o? RH fe#rtel, ITiat Momlsy.tlurkntk daj ui lüy injxt, ai ten o'eioek in tiic íoreaoon U ssigDCfl foi' tli e héaríDg of said petifi!, ui bat tht feeirs at Uiw of sa,i-ï dfceawd, d il ther persons iutereated in said f.-tate, are quired to ftpiiea'r at n aeknion "(iT-'sa ('oiri. lïn o Ue huia.-n at the Pobale Qtiici, iü ïIib Citj oíína Vrbur, and - . if :iny tJiVre bê, ilj hs pciiyer of the peti#emr ahöiïld nol be grwM: I Vnil ii is furthy ordexed.. that &aid petitionerfht iÖtii?é-t6 the persons ifater&sted ín saiMtstatt.of iti ►fdencj: p{ i3 jictiyuu. and the hearing íherwí, caüsing a copy ui' this order to be publiíhtd :í ti Michigan Argit3y a newspaper-pnaïe'l and ciiIitii( ICouaty Uiree succe&íya Yireeka previous Umi lay of heaïMDgi (A : copr.) BIRAVÏ J. BZAKK, 1O05 JuJgewf Probit. Estáte oí Thomas S. ïngraii&m. gVAÏA! OF MICÍUíiAN, CurxTY of WasFroUF,O . c :t scssi mi of tUo ï'rub-attj Court for tlteCouctjti W'aahteüa . . t Oic Probate Office, iat!% of Aan Arbor, -ii Xue3y, tle eleventh of Apid, a the yeax; ontj Lhousand oikt humireit ml iisti-i. Present, Hiiwm ,f. üeakk?. Jiulgè of Prnbaïe. Ia the matter oí tie wstalo oí TLoroaa á. lognt, ieceáftea. On reafng and Gürpr the petiiion, dnly TeriSeí;aí , iiyiüg li.t u certü-j luatrumectn .n file in thiü (urt, purportingto be the Jast WilUui Testament ui eaid üeceastvt, .&y hv uimitted toPro'fberenpon it ia OrdfFetl, ciist Montlay, iieJSftwn'ftlny of May uext, at ten t.'clck iii thefoDoon,i ipaignecl for Mie hearicg uf aid pi'titiD,8DcllbaUW wi.'.ow, deTisees, legatetts, añj heirs at la Í ViJe' ceasec1., and all (Jtli er persons interested iiisaiÏMlM ire reqaired to ! pp tr at a sensicn of saïA Cwt jthli to be holiten at th Probate Office, na ibe CUvof An Arbor, y id show caise, ii any tiire beJÜ ' the petitioner aímulfi mt t ranted'. Am it is tur!; . hatsaiiïpe'itionergivenflSN tbe in-tins intti psteö in païtï e=tafe, of tlie peidwr of saiil petition, and the hearing thereof, br cswii ; copj of tbis Ordtr to psbliahcd in the jtficAií Argus, n newspaper, printetl ani circulatin?'011" ('ouniy, thrie successive vrbk preioua to saiddjor (, tföecitpy.) HIRAM J. BEAKES, lo,5i'i JucUe ol Estáte of Ezekiel M. DeForest. ÍJl'ATE OV UlCtlIOAN". Ceunty nf Wasbtena, - O At a session of the Probate Court for the Ctut' uf Wnshtenaw, holden at toe l'iobate Offlee i" '" city of Anu Avbor, un Tuesdiiy, the elertntbij of April, ia tlie year one thous&nd eighl haotif1roet, Hiraiü J. Tleakcs. .ludfce of Probatí. Ir the matter of tho Estáte of ïzeiiel U.M ikceiiüed. , . On readinf? aivl filing the petitïon, áulj TcrilW," Sarah A. Del'orest, praying that slie aiiJ .("J1 DeForest, muy be appointed adnainistratoMcrtw tate c.f saiil deceaatoa. Tlicreupon it is Ordered, tïiat Fiidaj. t t day of May next, at tea o'elock ia'ií'üSÍ' be assigned for ttie hearing of saiJ ' and that tbe lieirs at law of sal ü""" and all oth er persons interested ín saM estáte, BJ5 ([uirt-ii to appear ata Mession of saiil CVnr. IV? bolden at the Probatd Office, ia the City aí"j and how cause:if any there bewhy taepr7'fr_ petiüoner should iiot be granted i ?„ï ther ordered, that aaid potitioner gi "", í in naid sUte, of the ï1" of said petition.aiid the hearinj; therofxby "ï; copy of this Order to he puWishcd t.hí.,j '.-■, a newspaper printetl aBiloirculat'S Oounty, three successive wrcks pifviuu tos"' hearing. „, (A trno cupy.) IltRAM J. BJPlfc 1005 Juileeofft Estáte of Heman ïiokooi. STATE OF M1CIIICAX- Couutv of VasMM" i f the Probate Court lor the " of W.i.litMiaiv,lu)Ulonat the Probate'", i-iiy of AimArbor, on Thursday, Hip twm"ef j d April, in the y%ar une thousand eigM I" sixty flvc. l'rcsent, HiramJ.Bt.Rkes.Ju.ige of Fr"_ l. In the matter of the estáte oi Ilcman W ■ Jiimes C. Alleu. Executor of the last ff'11 MJ' , ment of sai.l ■!' ■ . cornos ato "nrí.SDflnIl K seOts lina i kow preyai-eü to render W "" couat as .sulIi Kxccutor. . tft.'a Théreupon it is OiíéreS, that Friclaj, tw r day of Mil y '.i'Xt, at tfn o'clockin the f010""!, ,:'. signed for cxamining :ind allowMíg such acc? j if ttinttlif1 '■- ees, ncd-heirp et la' .pjjjt Masad, and all utlier persons iutcrcstfli""1' j,, ■. requireü to appear ut a seí-.sion of aidCourt v I helden at the Probate Offlcé, in the city of „i ati'l Khow cause, if any tht-re be. vhy. her rI' count „houW iiot te allowed: And t i fr„. lieriil il .i.,r.!.'iveni.tioe '" ', 'T w teresteii iu said i-t:U", oí-u peniiencyo' fa' fAiift aní'tlú iK-ariiiK.tliercof, l.v'.w-ii.f! P 'ai!" d.rto Uphlnie ii. the Mich'gtn Arg- ' atU VriiitHaiidcivci.1i.tnn; in i-uní County tllIC8 ive weeke previouw tö saiddav of e"ïïljrM (■Vool.r""v) H1KAM,uagBe Pitch Notico. v TUR TN-nKiiMGNED 11 11 Xli lo est biilriiT.attlie residí nee ' ''■■, (,'li in Pitón .y. May 13th .Influí i1. M..4SH mdsof IU1 eb, knownaa 1 'ituM" . ,e - foft -deonttie tfSj ana#ídth'oritoií8fl4átcated on stations tlie line ■ i i bje .iit.i. .1. .1. PARÍHALL, ) . „..on" PHINCE BKKNETT, [ Drainage Como"-' RrSSET.L WHIPPI.K, 'T .„ooi AnuArbor, April 17th,lbfi5. - Ditch Sale. Tlir ('NllKRPIIÏXEn wiH SU to 'A jj' Wi' , Is „f ditch, t ü,obousa of ''"Jjrf W" May,W5.at4o'ollJok,P.M. SiM of a"' no'clo oo tay of sale. imRSUAU" B1NC


Old News
Michigan Argus