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TNSURANTti AGAINfT ACCIDENT. TRAVELERS': INSURANCE GO,, OK HARTFORD, CUNN'. CAPITAL, - - SoOO.OOOInsures - gainst jm. miz 9z m m ms: wttss OF EVERY DE8CRIHT10N, GAUSING LOSS OF LOT OR BODILY 1NJURY. rrIIK Travki.erk iNii-Kxf ü Covpant w.-s árganlxeo! I under il charter rantcd by thé Connecticul Li-ilatureof 18(3, aad iiim-iik-d by the.lieglftlature'oj IS(4, fur the ftpecific pdi-'pjiáe of effectiug i3u.nlh .minst accidents, of whutever kind ur dexcriptfop, whetner thcy occurin 'rafeltog by railiutvl, stainbo&t or stagecoach, walktng in the Rtreit,' at wurk int].. shop, or sitiini; by ddmestic a reside ; wliethcj '' ruling, boiitin, Lunting, li.-lling, shuouni-, Bwjmning, éfjcketíng, surveying, engineering ; riiether trorkiAg ór fiifhig-. sleeplae ór waking; in duntr oroutij fappairint) danser, at home ur abr.ul - uv-ui v variety of'Circuinstances ín which mankui.l areordinarilv placed. A Oeneral Accident Policy not only Includei the risk intrávtUag, butalso all forma ofais.looaUo.ns, broken t l'niiiw, ruituri!il tenflohn sprains, cunoussions, crush.' I n','s, bruises, eut, ntal.s,guTihot bands, gaiacnèd , wountt, bllrniS and scala, bites óf doos, unprovokoil aesaults by burglara, robbert) or murtUrvt - the ad ion oflightlngor uu stroke, the etl'ects of !.ilii:, . aliemical, floods and e-arthquake, auBbcation by droWuillg or cbüking Itis Setter than lii'e inRuranoé, for the persoi) inHureii derive tho beiicflts at tlie time he mot oeeJs them.- V!ien liuirt ilisnble'l by a fall i,n tbe atrbet, a railrna'd ci.llisiun', urollier accident, he roceives a weekly compensatíon of $2S per week, Cmbro or' tóas, acoording to u'.iountof premium;) and in tbc event of deatli bis f uiily rnceive the sum ui' íñ,OÜO, (more or lew, accui Jiug to premium.) 1 GENERAL ACCIDENT EISKS. ten dollars Premium Under a Qena-al Accident poBcy, will secure HO pi r week oompepaatiop wbila rtisaiiled, [not Biceedini tweiity-sM wceks,]loi-S2,000in the event of death bï Ltccident. J TVVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS PREMI ITM. WHÏ secure SSS-pur wek cmnpensation. or $5 000 in case of aeath FIFTY DOLLARS l'REMIUM Will secute $50 per wek compeutatiou, or Í 10,000 in case of death . ate ïates 8Um ' 'rUm 50 tu 10000 at PioportlouWhere compensatie only is dpiro.l, or pavment ia lawir " aly '" Ca'Se uflleatli tle rate 'aremuck P0LICY TICKETS. Travelorg lusurauoe Tickets are now sold at tlie principal Railroad Stations aud Ticket Offices in the country. TAUIFF OF BATES, For $3,000, and 15 per week Compensation. Tickets fo-ïday, 10 ets. 10 davs $100 " " 2 " 20 ■' Ï0 " ' I.' " 3 " 80 " S0 " 2.00 'c! ',! Í ,'," 60 " 3 mos-i 4-50 7 " 70 e " 7.00 12 " 10.00 S-Persuns desiring more tban $3,000 insurance can mc.-.ise lhmonntto#9,OOÖ, and Í45 per week oermpel,alioii hy purcliasinjf thlM tickets. No moro than Í10,000 mil be paid .n sny one lile BOARD OF DIRECTORS. ?Plo K' DAVtó' UALLENDER, JAMES L.HOWARB, OBOROE W. MOORE UUSUAL1. JEWELL, KBBNEZKR liOliKHTS l mr,S„l'KIKNA!'jK' CHARLES. WUITE, ' ri o lU S E!'"'IN'. HJJflH HAR1USOX, GLURWE 8. GILMAN, JO.VATHAN B. BINCK. JfAMES Ef. BATTKRSO1V, Prealdent. BODNET DEüNIS, Seei-etaiy. 1IE.VRY A. 1)YILR, Genei al Agent. II. C. MAR.SIMl.L, General Ti.-.ket Agent. , Dr. S. B. BKRESF1IR1I, Surgeou. R. E. FRAZER, Agent. AnnArbor.Mich. 2mlOO6 JE"WELEES3 303BROADWAY, NEW YORK, (CORNER DtTANE STREET.) 100,000 WATCHES, CHAIWS, GOLD PENS & PENCILS, &c. kc, &c, "WORTH $500,000 1 TO BE SOLD AT OJÍE DÖLtAR EACH, WITUOUT REGARD TO VALBE. And nót to he paid uutil you k'now what you vvill reoeive ! SPLE'NDID LIST of ARTICLES AU to be SolJ for ONE DOLLAR Eaoh ! 100 Gold Hunting Cases Watches each S1000 100 Gold Watches CO 03 200 Ladies' Watches ;r lo 506SilvOr Win-lu-i. , SITiCHf to t'-'5 CIO ÜÓ"O Oóla'Wlcï'aad Tost öhair.S 12 00 to 15T)i lOOO Chateiain ;njd !-na:-d C:hains 5 00 tu 1 ■" ' ) 8000 Vest and Neck Chaina 4 00 to VI 00 4000 Solitaire Jet and Gold Brooche-s.. . 4 00 to 80 4000 Coial,Lava,Garnet, &c.,Brooches ' 00 tft 8 On 7000 Gold,. Jet, Opul, c.,Eir Drops . S OO to 8 00 6000 (ients' Breast Bnd Scarf Pina S 00 to 8 00 6000 Oval Band Bracelets .' 3 00 to 8 00 2000 ('hased Bracelcts 5 (10 to 10 Hi Ü500 California Diamond Pina & Riugs. 2 iJO to 8 00 2000 Gold Watch Keys 2 60 to 0(10 5000 Solitaire Sleeve Buttons & Stiws. 2 Ou to 8 Uit 3000 Gold Thimbles ;. J 00 to IU 5000 Ministure Locketa 2 00 to 7 Ou 3000 Miniature Lockets, Magie 4 CO to 9 (III 2500 OolJ Tootbpicks. Crosses itc„.. 2 09 to 6 O1' 3000-Fob and Ribbon Slides 9 00 to 5(0 5000 Ëhasetf Gold Rings 2 0 to SlO 4000 Stonö Pet Rins 2 OÍÍ to 6 OU 6500 Sets Ladies' .lewflry - l'-ik Golrt.. 5fO o 16 (W 6000 Sets liidies' Jeivelry- vawed tylej 3 00 to 15(0 8000 Goid Pens, Silver fase and l'enèil 4 00 to 8 0' 4000 Gold Pens, Ebon.v IIiliW and Case 6 ('0 to 10 00 8000 GoW Pens, Mounted Helder.. . 2 0T to ti i n All thegoods ia thu abovel.isc Will bo old, witbcht [reservation, for ON'E DOLLAR p:.CH. Certiücates il all the varinus articles stfe placwt :i .rimilar cnvrlopi s seaied and mixed. These enTelupaa will be sent by ieiúí; ur doüvered at our office, without regard to rthoic. On receiïing a Oertiliuat, you will „ hat article it pejire-sentK and it is optional witH you toaetd 0ie dollar, ABd receiv e the artiele named ur any othur in th. list of s'ííe valuó. By thi.i inodo ii'S-givo selgctions fruui a varied atock of fino gooJ-i. of tl:ebat make and Utesf ut; lea, ad of intrinsic worlh; at a BOminal prici, uhile all hafé achaitceof securisg arjtietefcpf the ver) higoesi In all ii-an.-iactiong by ïnail we cliarge for fnrwardin the Certifloate, pajlïxg potftuge, aini úi n, busineA , '25 cor.ts each. Ftve certijiat . will be. saf fy Jl Eieren fnr J2 ; Thirly Tor ,'i ; 'ixt'j-jitejor (f; tn,l One Hmiríd fur ÍÍ5. srxuRE Á certifícate r Thero i no banid nr ii.,k. Ther? nre no blaaksj Kvt-ry Ce-liücatercpifit-üU an ailicle. A we HellnoQ of the !(iwpr ;'i-n:!c.M.f J.'v.ehv i, . person cili re&ite teaa tban theTOué of their money, and they mav '5 anartiolo worth live, ten, ora huudreü fold'l SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Every persbn knT#s Raí tl-,-v vil ruceivi the ai Hole Is paid for. On recoipl m „ Certifica y oi see what articleit repi-L'-L-nu, and it in, af cnunte gi youroption totake il, or auy otheiaiticlü iu ..ur Lisl of the same valuó. We giiai-antee euürc latUikctioa to every pufdnüei and if thc-ri' shoul.l l,- any perron dissatSifted ivjtlvan artiele recoivod lruni us, Ihov y iminedintelv rcfurïi itan.l the .-n'iount pK'Ü wiM'be refun'ded ÓP" Omtrial will rr.ivp to any tha I. this Ie leiven p"haBr greater advuntaxes than any (jilicr erer proposed. Aoents.- We illow thosca'ctinji anjtgents, Ten Centa oneachOiiilioat.-frdered, providsd their remittan.-e ain.junl to Oue I (ollar. They will crollecl 2"i cects Cor Bvery CiittScKte anrl retaininc 10 cents, remit to u :5 cents fnr ftacn Addross, GE8RGE DICMErt] I' - CO., 3ml002 Ü03 Brdádway, líew Vork. WAKTED- M.nncfl Lariies, Pnif "i, ;-rae' Pianioag litoftt n.-ver ntilinf and li'iritili'n r'iui-t v for 11 nl''rin'i mum and in-een larities All uiarried la.lie u-ill 8od this a n,-v,-r f.ii ing prpvi-nti,-,'. ffwhWh itft aii-anf pd in even inntance, and in ■ in n.,1 tnsead a rod stamp ,. ,r .n-ii.-ii. lar. or Í2.2S lor a h..n ],, to Fl;K))H: n h JteaRNS wholssale drngïisl ge .-ral age nl f,r Mi,-liiffdn torihl Diamond Drops, 1". u. Drawer 445, Detroit. Oí alrn supplii-ilal projirieior'spiiffs . 9l)6mt jp F A1HJ3AN IS' JPi STANDAR gSHSB OF ALL KINDS. ALFO, ' Warektntsf Trucks, Ldtcr ï'icsses, L:. FAIRBAMS, GBEEMEAF & C0„ lf Street, CHICAGO, Sold in Jetroii ity FARRAND, SHELEY & CO. y Be carvful v bjoalj thsGonuine.JlyftM ÍX - - - 3UR GKINAMAN STILL LIVES, . AirI continúes to tliat unrivalod bsBtJ oí 'K. alway fl fornid at the People's Stort'. '..ovrrs oi" ffood Tea will pleasa try a :inple OF OXJH' NEW TEA. defokist sstkwart. ){ :M kinds, biuits. Kxtnicts, Spices, PicMes, Ou, Vrfuwei', ie. l'uie l.iiiuors aml W'ints fur Medicinal mrpubcs onlv. HüFORK-.T 4 STKWART. Sugar ! Sugar I A HHKtll lat if LOW FKICED SÜGAR. DkFOREST k STEWART. &i$r FISH.- Codfih"wbitfish, 'ruut, Mackorc], Htriing, &c. IIeFOREST k STEWAET. syptjFTsyrupT A few bárrela, extra qualitv. OkFOREST k STEWART. I OIL AND LAMP W I3EFOT ! KEEOSENE OIL! ÏTho Uest quality ONE DOLEAR Per Gallon. DkFOREST k STKWART. ÏÏO! YE! Purcljasers oi CKOCKÜRy. GLASSWARE, LAMPS, PLATED GOODS, TABLE CÜTLERY, &c. For aala at leas tliau New York wbolesafe prïees by DkFOREST & STEWART. A Good Clothes Wringer. Saves time.' Sanes money! Saves clothivg! Sates itrengili'. Saves heallh.' Saves kiring help'. Sanes weak wrists! Saves buTitiiiy hands! Woolön clotlies can be wrung out of borlin water to u-cvent bhriiikijjg, witbuut njury to the machine. DsFOREST ii SÏEWA8T. piLES-"A"sÜSÉ REMEDY. Kverybo'ly is béiug eured tf tliñ üistressiug diaeaia by tlit use of DR. BïLLINGTON'S PILE REMEDY, Kaatï wÏBüft tliose say wlio have used it ; PinïuajiLi), Washteuaw Cft...Mïw Út. ?. A. Billi.ngtoS ; DearSir : Kor the guod of tbo aiïïicietl, I. heritb transmitió you a statonacotof the benefit which I ftT reccivedfrom the H86 of your PILK UKMEDY. Kor & numbr of yoars I liave boen vory bailly afïlicted with the Pilö.s, so inuch .o tiH to render me at timen totally unilt for busincas-. 1 foiuuï uo pormauent rtlief fren tho many remCdiea wbich I matle use of, and alniost despaired of etfecting: a periiuuient cure. I was. at lengtn inducca by joac ftge! &. -iaa Ar'#or ij ijie trial of ysur i-ea3eiïy, whish he warranted to effcí a -ue i-eceiv-& pik. LttoiufdeMdit like nost other patent medicinen - a humbug, untü ï begna ta itopror. With ImpT ovement. and at length an eutiro cure, 'dcame cunvinced it vna ascientific and roHable rmzwdy. n e d Onje I'ackagk Unly, whicli lam happy to nayentrral.voured n;o. TïutitHig thata.ll vrha mak e use of Jbe Etectuary for tliat most dï&trwiiiufr dwease--Pilüs - inay realixo th 8a)e-hap;y resalta I and SMITIT fACOMBLe. Für cafles, cali on tht' Ageut and ubtaiü papiphlei auA leference to a number of citize oí Aun A,fbar h;ft have buen cuVed by-the uso of tlie Klec-tüarv1. 1 KFORE3T & STEWAIiy. THE ONLY SURE THINQ. PHOTOGRAtH lili ÉËfll As the name indicátes, it not onfy kkxkws tti growtli ot the ha ir ïipn 11; in and fnHiiig tiffiit it pisirivcly rkxkdcs thk Coi.ok tu iu nrii'iiinUl '1ow1ku : iirnipg gmy or white, wheiliur eavuel b (Usfage, It will i.-.'! lüirily iii) VibftH is cl;iivxd fur i, a fact to nhieh hun-i! fUs, rmy , tLoüsajads wlio have ued t, iiro '■ i ly atvl Hílfig í. tv-nív. VOiei4irG Vmitle is fiiirly [s(-ii, in :in_v cünmuiDily, its h-jiu latíoti 'apreads hko Wflaflre," and isthe best advertfcemetït a'l i'coiriraenaation we U-siic In ibe Ka teru Stutt-f, wber the-'HKNKWKii" orinati-d, il is ut-ed by all Yaun J.jidtc-h ;rs .. Pve,síng, and istu"bnfotind -n tho toilet tablp iJjVfiAina -Vj. (Ms" aHhf-ir b&rbii : (wbila OlfleriféöAnü Wxu will. yot bc without it, ana renewer and rèstorativ tor tbcir tt-y Ioc-ks and batd Jm-uüs ; which il cbangea ty iln-iv enttpc f atififactioD. Wt' are'Bclling in tliRoi: v ui hoston alune, upwards ni' W.OÍ.'O bottiej pt-r inmiíli. l)t flwlM-! K' vin a the KKNliWEii the jirfK-ieiico uwi uil th -r iliiir I'repnratK-n lï uut 'nldtiy I)niK')ii-is ín ir tmp,a ÉrïU toííé mili he wpt t jou by Km)1'ií' yíPwn r&cft of onO .toliur by mail - tt' u :■. i'. vbu an opp'órfuilty o-t ouce u) r-veolli-nt vii tues. 4Gy-rOr5rr9 ir p- B"ific4, ra H'.Mresscdio oiir u'-'ii!-]-;i ! ipn1 ir XfrtlMVCph'vn Htiites. C. A COOK, Box (iTr.'ï, ChUngo, IU. All suob or ders will recfive nronipi pjtenion. K.P fr COI. rn.firirU,r?. N;hua, N.H. Ti.' ti-t.i.Mi("i at M,tn fa-t uren' priret Ui' KULl.KK, FINCHA FÍ IJ.KIi, Vlii.ff.ii]t ■l'ni'HR.OUiflaRo, Itlii.-is. ' 6w0f v!'.t ARE YOüTÑSURED? 1F NOT, CALT. ON O. BILLEN, - ■ 1 1 t lor ;'..;!r) iii fii t da. Conipanies 2 Home Insurance of New York, Cash Canitalover$3,500Í000. CONTiNENTAL INSURANCE CO. Oj OF N2W YOKK, rMlll.; ,,-r si .500 000 . In llns ('ompany tlie InHiwt'il participa i e in ' lu' jiro fits. city FX-aï: ijsrs., co., OJ' HAK''! UK1. MfH ,■ : ! i' ■ 'i, ,,,, : :■ i infl :'r;:;!r C. H MTLI.KN, íeSNif (I ittrm, AnnArlwr. '


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