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'ÉUifc] UÓOTtí AiNDTlIE LE A VES I X WlIXbefurthe HeaT&g oi .the NatiortH. JBillc. HIK ÜRJfiAT AND CKJ.KBRATKD I'I! VSK'l N of the ' THBOAT.MIXttS. UKAKT-UVWt AND TiiE BLOOl Known ailover tlieoountrj as tLe CStSHRATED INDIAN HEBB DOCTOBl Of 232 iu}cvior Weet, Cleveland, Ohlo. Will vi&h Use fnlluwiug place, viz A:M'ÜINTMKMV FOK 18C2, 1863d IRft. Prof. K. 4, L_v,.ijs can be couttultal t tlu fnllowlnff uverv moutb, viz-, fa Detroit , Kh.sseliiü-usí , pach nionth , lStli a ni! 11) th Aun Arbor, Monitor Uouse, each tnouth, ÜOtli Jackson, Hibbni-d Houxe, ctoii ntonlh, 21, Aiiriiin, Braekbt Üuime,aDh montb Üüiditii)S24. Toh-ilo, Obio, Cullins Jlou6c,eah Mensitbf 2-lth 2&th .i u-i 36th . ílillsí'a'o, tfloh.lH]]ÍBé)BawrCfteb mth,i7tli Col-i a t, Micli., áoutuern MicTnim Uoust eacl montli , ü8Üt. Klkhart. , Klkltftri Housf, each moiith . 29th.South Hend, índ., St. Jo. 'Io'el, e:ieh mout'h, 30. LfiportPj Ind ., Toe Garden Ht iaeP t-aclt mouth Cíl'wt. Wo.jíitC'rjÜhio, Crandell l'Jxchaug-f, ecli arcmtk "tb iiiiu 8'li . Mnn.siitld, ühio, W'iler Houm eacb mcfcLr t& anri lOth. Jlt. Vt'iiuni , Kenvou Ilouae, tocli montb II th an lüth. NTe,vark, Obiu, Holtun Ilouse, cacli mcnth, 13.1b avu l4tli, Pinneflville. Oliio, Cowlf-Rriouse,e.ach montli 4tb CI.h.VKLAND, O1UO. RE8IDEN0B AN OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET, Kaet of the iublic sqnare, opposite tlie Postofflce Offloe days each month, lt, 8d, 4th, 5tb, 6th lótb Ufflcu bours froua 9 A. M. t 12 M, auiï f rom 2 i'. M tt I I'. M. OnSunUaj ftom 9 to 10 A. M.,and l"to 2 p 'ü' jgMaximsstrlotiy adhered to-I give bu oh bahn as have no tri4fcf With nature or tbe lawfi of tife, VVitUbloodniy liumls I neverstinn. Norpolsoo men toeawe tlieii paiu. c is a pkysician indeed , ivho Cures. The Indian Herb Doctor. lí. J. LYO1ÍS, cures tho fo] Lewing cunipiaiutpin the most obstinate stages of tlieir existencia, t7.: DistüvBfs of the Thraat, Lnngs, IFeart, I.ircr Stomach, ÜXQpay ia the Clu-st,, Neuralgia, Fits jr FaUinfiSickntsfi.andaHothür nervousdürangementR. A.lo alldlsBfiseBof the blooi,such as Scroiul, Ervaipi-las, Cancers, Fever Sores, Leprosy, and all otíiercomplicalcd elironic coraplaïntn. All forms of femalo dilliculties ftttended to with the li i p u-st resultR. It is hoped that no one wil! despctr of a cure until tlu'y have i ven the ludian Herb Poettn-'s Medicines a fairaiul faithful trial. igCSDunng the Doctor'.' travljIi ia Europe, West Indien, South America, and the United States, he baa been tlie instrument in God's hand, toTeötorfl to healtb and vigor thousanda wbo wiTt !ii on uy aai! prouounccd incurable by the mowt amhientold school phyatícian; nay, more, thousauds who were on the vevge of the grave, are nov livir.p moiiumuts to the ludían Herb' Doctoï'E wliill and i uccess f u It rea t ment ,andare Jaily exclaiming: "Iilesed lititheday when first we saw and partoob of the [odian Herb Doctor's medicine." tiatisfactory references of carea will be gladly and ïheerfully gH"Cti w henevfr required , TheDoctor pledges his word and honor, that he will n no or indirectly, induce or cause anv nvftUrl to tabe his niedicinewithout the probibüjty of a cure. jrg Mofl of ex&niinatiou, which is entirely.litforsnt Eiwa the fibculty. ])r. Lyou pTofeSse to dïscern diieafs oy t!v oye-, ffa tliervforc aBkfl noquestions, nor loeshe require pa-tintsto oxplnin symptoms. Cal! one ind all, iridhave tlipsymptoms acrd lociitioa af your ÜBeage axpUdoed f ree of charge. 5The poor f hall be libera lij considered'. -Postofílceaddressjbox 266U R. J. LYONS,M. Ti. Cleveland , Ohio, Nov. 25, 18G2 lyB80 JUST OPENING ? The largest Stock and best aasortment of CABINET FURNITÜKE ? ever brouglit to tbia city, inoluding SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BEDEOOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, 31C3OlK.ÍX3LS Gilt Frames and Mouldings METALIC CASES, &c, " c, iod all otUer goodn kept ia the best and lar ;? housen ' o th2 country. We seepno spqoíhI hand ur lituie er uchoo goorls. Cofliijfi kept constnntly ( n nnd,and ma'ie to orde. My good are oiTorod at THE LOWEST CASH FRIGES N. B. I must have inoney . and rcspcctfuUy reqwest ;hose indobted, to cali aod íix up ttytir ojd mattere ffithout delay. O. M. MARTIN. Ann Arbor.Oot.6, 1863. 9H6tf BANNBB HAT STORE! GO T O Befóle you buy, Spring and Summer styles oi STRAW GOODS! GENTS' Furrpshing Goods, &c. A-an Arbor, April 20th, ]864. 353, Uiíle F actor y! Beutler & Traver, [SuCCCStors tu A. J.Sutberland,] llsnutacturers of and Dealers in Guns, Pistola , Ammunition Flasks. Poushes Gante Bags, nni EJvcrj otlipr iríicle i;, that Line, Jone at the nhortest notíc1, and ín thpbest manutir. "■L.'M-CJTfcfíPSi i f u 11 aHortnipntalwRyí kept onliand antí runde (UT$ef %%m Öhop comer Mruii .idi] Wasliingtnn streetp. Ann Arbor,Oct. 8, 1362. 873tf H 0 W A R D Á S S OCIA TI 0 M , i'iiii.AnKLrJiíA, va. DlgenAes of Ihc ii-ons. ScinlnnlJl-llinry ancl Sexual SysTeins - ucw ind rfliable tuatnent- n reportp óf Ihe BOWARD AKO'"I.ATI0N- ífnt ï)y mail in seah'd letter en''lnpt's, Cree ofcltaríri1i-Mrwi Dr. J. PKH.I.IV IIOÜOHTOS, Miivar'l Jnmer itlñg x.. ) gnutfc Nilh Jtreet, rbf(4f I]lbía , Pern SCHENCK'S PULMONIG SYRUP, SEAWEED TONIC, AND MANDRAKE PILLS. The abobéis a corred ïïkvncnR of Dr. Sclieuck.just after recovering from Constimption. many .voarsago Below is a likoness of liim OS he now appears. When the fivst wrh taken he weighed 107 pouuds ; at the preseut time hh weight ia 220 DU. SCHENCK-'S Principal Office and Laboratory ík at the N. E. corner of SiXTH and QOÏIMKRCE Ötreets, Philadelphra wliere Ml letters foradvice or business phould be di rected. He will be found there every SATURDAY, profra sionnlly to examine lunga with the Respirometer, for which hla fee is tbree dollars ; all advice f ree. In New York at No. 32 BOND Strooi, every TUES DAY, froni 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. At the MAHLBURO' HOTEL, Boston, January 18 and 19, February 6 aal Hi( Miuch 15 and 16, April 19 and '20, May 17 and 18, June 14 aad 15, July 19 and 20. The time for iny being in BALTIMORK and I'ITT.BUKG, will bc seen in the daily papers of tbose cities, The HUtory of Dr. Schenek's own Cast, and how . was cured of Coiisumptiou. Many year ago, whilst resjding iu Philadelphia, I had progresad gradually int o the lost etage of Pul monarj Consnmptioa. AU hopes of my recovery beiug dissipated. J was adviaed by my pbysiciau, Dr. Parrisb, to remove inta the country, iloorcstovn, yPW .leisey, being my nativc placo, i was removed thither. My fatber and all hiR fiunily had Hvcd aud died tbere- and died of Puhaoiwry Cöpsumption. (Ja mvan-ivai I as put to led, wbere I Jay for many weeks in wljat wasdecmed a hopelesti conditioD. J)r. Tborntua, wlio ha3 beet tttj father'fl fanrily jliy-ioiin, muí liad attendecj biaa in hia last Hness, was oalled 1o see me. Ue thouglit my ÖASe entifely boyond the reacliof medicine, asd decMed Ihat I must die, and gave mcone eek to iirrange my temporaJ ftll'nirs. Iu ihis apparf-ntly liopeles eonáition, J heard of the remedies whícb I no make aod selll It scomcd 'o me that I conld f rel them workiog thfeir way, and peiictrating cvory Herré, íibre, and tissue o{my System. My lungs nad Uver put on a new actiou, and the mor bid mntter wliich for years bmd accumn iatsd and irri tat-.1' the alu6ret orgaasoï the body, was eiimiiuited, tbe ti.lberc'efi ün n3 ' iuogs ripenetl, and I expecforated j'rom m v lungs us aiuch as a pint of yellow odemin matter "e 'wy moituug. As thia expectoraron of mntter subsidié, the fftvMr abatt-il, the pain U-flmcthfl cough ceascto haiass me, and the cxhauMing ni-htsweats wera n'O longe Biwn, and I had re'roshing fileep, to whicb j' bad loust betn a siranger. My .ippetite now beg. n to return, and fit times I found it djflïcult to restntin nn'WlffroTn eafing too much ; with tais return of !iealthf I gaine d n strengt!], and now am ileshv. 1 ara now fl beafthy man, with a Urge healcd ctcatilx iu the nñd'llelobe of tbe right lung and the lower lobo bepatied wi'í eojtnpleie adhesión of the plftura. The left lungis sou.1. a the upper lobe of tfafiright oae i f in atole:ably hialthy coryljtion. Consiunption at tliat time wa s tnough't o benn incurable discase, by every one, phy.'irians as wollus these ivlio were anlearnedia niRflicin- espeeiiillysiu-li cases as weie reduced to the coudition J w&a in,. Ths induced many péopleto believe my reeovi%ry only temporary. I now jirepared and gave the il? edicines to connuinptives fot sosia time, and made many'1'0"6" ful cures ; and thedemaud increaspd so riipiu'ïy tbnt Í deteimined to otTer tliein to the public, nnd dev 'te my and}v}ded attenfion to fupg diseaseti. In truth, 7 nu next to foreed to it,for poopio would send for me far and iiciir, to ascertala whetlier their casos wereükc mine. For many yeara, ín conjunctirm wlth my principa office ín I'lji.ladelpliia, I have bren making regular pro fessional viaits to Xew York, Boston, Uallimure, a ik: Pittiburg. For sevoral eara past I havo muño as many aR five hundred exaiuinaiioii wef.'kly ith lhe "iïespijonieter." For sueh examination my charpe is three dollars, and U tnables uio to give each patiënt the trim conditiou of bis di-sease, and teil hhn fraubly w liet her he will get veil. The grent rea on why physic:a"ns do uotcwreConumption ís , t'iat they Lry to do loomuch; they glve me ïeines to stop the toi?b, to slop tlie n wpat--1, hectie fever, and by bo doing tlx;y derange tli " wholo digesfive h.ystem lockini; tip the secretions, anöeeventually the patieut dies. Th6 Pulmonjc Syrup is one of the mout valuablo ïnediiines known. It ia nutriënt, powertülly tonic,aud be&ltiu in itself, It contantK no opium, yct loosons the phlegsa in the bronchial tubes, and nature throws it olT with üttle exerljon. .One bottle frequently cur an ovdinary cold but it wül be woll 6rst to take a dose of Schenck's Mndrske'H l'ilis to cleatfejé tïie atoraaoh. Tho Puhnonic Syrup i& readily digesto! ai d absorbed uto blootl, to wbidiitjmpar.ts iU h.aling properlíes Hisoneof the best preparfitions of iron in use ; it js a poworfu' t'jnic ofitself; ani vhen the Seaweed Todïc dissol es the mucus in the xtoinach, and i-i earriod ofT by the aid of the Mandr&ke lilis, a hoalthy flow of gastric jui' e, good appetitd, and a good digestión foliow. The Seftweed Tnníc ih a Mimulant, and noue tli:r is requirrd when it is nsed. It is pure and pleasant; no bad oflfbfïts line vhon Bsiog Bourbon wLisky, wbjcb iisordtrs the fitomneU, toipor.s the liver, lockw up all the secretions, tiirns the blnod iuto Wft$er, drpijy setf in, aad the patiënt dieesuddenly. Bourbon wliinky irt rcronimcnded now-a days by alra ost bvotv phjsicïan. Man y patients that viit iny moin.r, botli nini and femalo, are stupefled wiih thla poison. Tlie relief is teitipoíÁry. If' trey cough tlipy talte a Uttle wLlsky ; if they foei wftk and feeble they tnke a Uttle whisky ; if they cannot flletp, they tako a little whisky; anU they go on iu this vvay, reiiiiriii(i more andmorn imÜl rhoy are Ulonti'i.! u i . ui'! ünayine thfïy are getüng (leshy. Tlie sloaaach, liver, an.i Ü- gestivc po wen are complétele destroyod, a ml lor,e their fippefite f"v lbo'! . No one iras vercured of consump. tion by thls pro eend, wbere cavitios liavc fornifd in the lungs A litt'.e stimulant is frpqnently bcn.-fioial to con&UjDQLptJves, Ruph au pure brandy r good vines ; in many cftíeí Lnnoon porter or brown stout in moderate quant j lee ; tuit Uourhon whihky hartens on instead oi curiogcoiuumptioD. The Seaweed Tanic produoea Insting rebutes, tho ongbly iDvigorating thetnma'cH anrl diesúve system, and enabhng it 'o elimínate and i nke Into hoalthy blo"d tlie fnol wl.ich mny h uaert for that purpose - It is so wonjrful in its efTectu ilu.t a fftneglassluïl will ilirest a ttéarty méal . and a rrttlí of t taken before breakfiist wHJ gv a tuno to tbe stomach which evv Rjcdicines posses the power of dting. The MAXD1ÏAKK PH.LS may be taken with eutire flaíety by all i pen and conditions, producinji all the good retiultti thnt cao hf obtnined froni ca lom el, or any of the mercurial medicines, anC without any of their hurtt'iil or injiirKiiis resulta, They cnrry out of the isyptem the fee u lont and woin out niii ttern icost-ned and di()3olved by my Seaweed Tonic and l'ulmnnic SyfOp, - Iit w4U bfl st-cu ihat all thvM of my ine'li.:liios are needed ii} iui üJt caöeii (o cure ConsumptioQ. A Hl E N T S , BOSTON- f.'orge C. Oooihvin Ce. NEW YORK- Demin Bnincs Í; Co. 8. S. Ilancc. Pr. Gcorpc H. Kevfi-r. CIN'CINNATl- V. E. Suiro fc Co., nixl .Fchn n. Park. CH1C.UIO- L.ihiI &Sn,itl, itml 11. joivj. PT. I.O' 'IS- Ci.llim CrollKTfl. )C fHACISÜ')- Hi.i'ti'll.r, fmiili Dpin.


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