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Commíssioners No tice. STATE OK MICHIGAN, Countyof Washtknaw, bs._ The andersígnsd baring lippn appointed by the Pro bate Cottrt for said Cnunty, Cuinmissionerrt 10 reeene, : examine and artjust all cláíma an demandfl of all peí - Rons againal ths estáte of Jacob i Maralnll, late of the City oí Ypsilaini, in finid (.'unty detieaaed, hvn - by give notice thatSix nbAbtbs from data, are allowed, by onl'Tof aaid I'robalo füTcreditoni to preseut tlieir claítn.s afiauidt tbe ístate ct laid dcajiMtao4 that they wil] rfteet at the dwèlltag böuse o! Mi. Lucinda l'. Marshall, in the City of YpsiUnti , n said ciuntv, on ftaturday.tbe Öfth day of August, and WednodnV, the eighthday ol Nivomber next, at oue o'clock I'. .M., o( oi"h of saïd davH, to reeeive, esamino aud irdjust ald elsims. Dated, May 8th, 1865. LEE VOST, l.ij: HENDRICK8 4wl003 Commlsstonvcv. JULnJSBAÜËR&CÖ. Great Piano Forte & Melodeoni EMPORIUM, chicvgo, iCifc. Wholesale Agent3 for PR1NGE & CO.'S IHPBOfBB MELODEONS, WAREANTKD l'OR FIVE YEARS. The. Oldesl SslaUisIimeiU in the Umlal Sbdcs .' THIRTY THOUSAND Of these instrumenta ave uott in use mopliy in tho United States and Oannda, also ín Europe, Asia, África, South America, mil the Wrst Indiiis, and from nli these quarters we have tlie most fiattering testimoniáis of th hljih estim:ition in wliich tlit-y are beid. At all Industrial Exkibttimis, Uiey li;ive tnrartably been Awarded the Highest Premium ! exhibitin.i? in oompetltlon wUh others. We shiill t;ikp pleusure in rorwardlng by mail (atourqttn expense) our Hlustrafett OatafOgue, In whieh cvery instrument we manafactare, is fuUy tlescriled and Ütustrtited hj cUgant engfavlugs. CAUTIONü We daily nee adrortisenutota of sotne new reed 3nitrument, (with gttange name,) purportlng to be sapprior U MuloAvoih an(J Schooi Órgíins. A new exterior an(i a new Dame wiil uataraïly attract atCenÜon ; lut tíw public will beur la miiul ttiat, all Keed Intinmients, aow niiu)tif:u-tnii..'il iti the Tinteil Stat 8 íiml Ganada, are as nrar ás they can bf made without hifringiúg ourpatents, coplei of our oivn. CEO. A. PRICE & CO. JFLIlïS Bil ER & C. Wliolesale Agonts for WflL KIVABE & CO'S CELEBRATED GoldMedal Piano Fortes Also, for SOKBBIiKS &, SS1TU, 15OAIÍDMAS & GRAY, And other First Class Piitnos. Maaiufacturors and Importen of MUS ÍC A L INSTRUMENTS, SÏJUNGS. AOCORDKONS. VIOLINS, CLARINETS, DRUMS, GUITARS, BRASS INSTRUMENTS And other Musical Merchandise. Tlit' Sn.vtïFi ;md Bü.-.-ís Ixthumkntíí, of our r.ianuf:icturt and Importation, and used by all tha best bsnd-ï in the United States, ;md irhenever exfuhitt-i! ii a vu always receiveil the Gold Medals and hiühüst prkmiums. í5g.Havinjí conncNlon wïfh Manufncturïnsï House la Bertin, Loipsic. Drewlcn, Bnglaod and I'aris, we are prepRTed to fuinish D15ALEKS, IÏAXDS and INDIVIDUALS, wttb t'vcry ai-tkie in thid line, at the lowesi manufacturera' prtoefl. Remember the Place. Addye&s JI LUS Bif ER & CO. WHOLESALE WAUER00M3, 99 S. Clark & 89 Washington Sts. CHICAliU, II, L. SKND FOR 4 CIRCULAR. FHQBI60 löTIO. i l S JU " m f tIFí The great Itch and Humor Killer of the 19th Century ! Tliis new pttjarñtíáft osatcpa most wonderful pro[-'erticB, anti ia For nei'T species of the ITCH, TRAIRIE ITi?r, BARBER'S ITCH, WABASH SÍRATCHES, ILtprOIS MA5ÍGK, CITASEOIS EBiri'-'OXS, P1HPLKS OIÏ THE FACE, SALT ROEP!, SCALI) BEAD, EÜVCWORSIS, 4f. TIip PROltlOO LOTIO 3 new nnd cirtai HM for alt kiti'ls of Itch, anti beinc iï fluid prepavation 1t ís free from h)! t!.( p unitny, disagiveenble qualities of the uintQieiits in genflrbl u.e. TIn' 1IU"RIGO LOTIO la afe lo u'íe uniifr ALL CrROCMSTANCES; 11 11,11 Irrítate tMMWMt tender ikin, and CONTAINS NO WKROCBV. Pon't fail to ivs U. Manufsctured liy E. T. & W. ï'. ÜTdAELAiVD, Solc Propiielors, Lafiiyette, In4. PRICK 60 OENT8. LORD & S3ÜTH, Chicago, WM,, Afi"e„ts. Sold at Wlmlpaale ta Oliicairo liy rUTiMSK VINCII rUM.RR; OHAlttRS G. SMÍTH ; BDRNHAMfl A VAX SOHAAt'Kj W. IJ. IIARRIS i CO S.M1TI1 4 DWYERj J. IÍ. UKROi CO., and II V Greatest Medical Circular , i A Cl Ever Publishedï f A El 1 I J E wmttwrCW. largo 1 I jj m 5r letter PaLpf for two . M r 3 cent etauipa. MÍ Young Mcu's Confidential Medical Advisers in cahb tí .Sperma tnrrhea (ir Seminal Wealtness cáüsed bff Mapturbation, Genital Tanhslization, se I f abuse, or secret habita indulgid in by youtlis at tbe age oí pubort}'. DRg. J VCKSOJí, HERBKRT & CO., Troprictors of he National Ky.spensary, establUlied at Ciucinnatí, )hio,,!an. Jst, 18fiÜ. InvoUijitury Kinissinne lead to Impotency, Copsuuiption, IiiBanity nii-1 Death. Tljose who suffer in the least from tjiís banful practice, sbould ajiply the whnli' t'iiercy of fbfl soul to the nttainmentof healtb and consequpnt coutentmont and huppioesfl. '.vory oue, eilher aipk or well, should have our valuahle tren tfí?e op this subject, which ís eont free of otwrge. Wp guarantee to cur,i Gonorrha'ailí'ft, Syphilii, Impntenov, Nocturnal Kjnissions Cr Solf-AbuFe, Liurnal ,3ioi:gi Kenaale Complaints, in short, evcry poMKibte form and va riet y of Pexular Digrase. Cures rap d, thuroiiffh aipcrmanent, and feí-8 moderóte.- Send for our Circuffr. HR. .TACKSON'S 1KMALE PII.LH-r $1 pl box - Special written replifiB, ui'll sealed, .ent wjth the Ciroalar, wHfeouí cbarge. ;1O() págéB, 100 engraviogs. - "'Jho Mountaiti of f.ight, or Medical Protector and Mamare (uile, and an Explicit Key to Iore aiul Beauty,1' Jt SATISFACïOftlLY revenís various subeets never beforefuHy explained in any pnpulnr work in the EnglíshíauRUíige. Prioe 50 ceut,or tbree fof Medioíae aivl matrnctions sent pronipfly to any part jf tbe countiy. Consulting lïooms of the IMspeuïary, No. 107 Sycftmore street. I1. O. Box, No. 43ft. DR.JACKSON'S ORIENTAL LINIMOT Removef all coldnosp, md rejuvenutre orpann whícli ! nave lain dormant for many yeara. Can be mailud ilh perfect fcty, Trice $2 per bottle. DR JACKSON'S FRr.Nf:il VAT1NT SfAtE SAFE. It h tb only eure aad siife prevontive agalnst conraetmg dV'fiKR evrr inventad, f'rice .fl Mhcbj $4 j or 'i f ivn, ftud $7 peí 'l'icn, irtt 6T aaafl. flimiii1 . Estáte of Marshalls - Minors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coiinty OF Wjisjitkkaw „s - U At ,,f tl, e l'zofeitt Courl for eCount cl N.-nhtinaw bolden at the Prbaf(j Office i lbo City ol Aun Arl.-ir, (m Frúlay, the filtli day oí Hu mtliu year olie thousand eight hundrcd and ix"y' Present, ITutAS J. Bkakb., Judge !f Probatf. In the niattor of the Katnie of (eorgc T. MárSbátl ana Frankliii J. Marshall, minors. On readingand flling tin petttfon, duly vefMed. of I Nilliara Jonea, Uuftrdaln nntn said minors, praying tht he may l,e licensedto selt certain real estáte bêlÓDuira ti) said ininorí. Theienpon it is Ordeied, tliat Honda, the (iftli aay b! June next, at ten o'clock u the 'forünoon he asslgncd for tlie hearing of unid pctiíion, ánd that the next of kin oí Baid minora and :ill other persons interested in iaid et tate, are requlrfld to flppear at a session of said Couft then to bebjklenat the Probate fa th OH oí Ann Arbor, aud show oansc, if any there be, wby the prayer of tlie sliould not begrai.tcd ■ juni it is furllier ordered, thntsaid pelitioner rivr notie to tlie next of kin of said minors, and all otlirr perions iulirested iu said estáte, of tho pendenc.y of aid neti tion, and tlio hearin tbereof, l,y causlog a copv öf thl -rder to bo publinhed in the Michigan Aruús a newaptfpto .rinled and circulating in said Co'untV three sucuessive iveek. uraïloua to faid day of hcarins-' [Atruecony.] HI-RA.M .5. HKAKES, _ 100S"' Judge of Probate. Ettate of Franklin M. Hendrick, CÍTATE OF MinjIGAX--Connty of VTú,blOT-L U At sossiou ol the Probate Coart fur the Couiitv of Hahtensw,boldenot íhe Probnt Office in rtie City of Ann Arbor, on Wednoaday, the lOtbdny the j-eur one thousand eight hundred and sixty five Present, Hirnm J, lleakes, JudKe of Probate ' In the matter of the IistHe of Franklin M. Hondriok deceased. ' Ou readinjrand filing tlio petitijn, duly vetiBed of Líveline C. Hendrick, prnying Iliat Hiroro Newittui. y ue appouited admiuietratuc of tho estáte of said de ceased. Thercupon it is Ordered, That Monday, tlie fifth day of June next, at ton o'clock in the forenoo M assigned for the heimng of Baid pelition, and that the boira at law of said deceased, and all olher persons interested in said estáte are required to appear at a sesnion of said Court then tobe bolden at the Probate Office, m the City of nn Arbor, and show cause, if any there be wl'y tbe prayer of the petitioner should not bo grantedAnd it is fnrther ordered. Ihat said petitioner 'ive noticeto the persons interested in said' estáte ofthe pent'.oncy of said petition.and the hearing thereof by wiuslng a copy ortbis order to be published in'tlie Michigan Argur, a newspaper printed and circulating In Baid (.'ounty tiïet iraoaMiiTe weeks prerkin to saul day of hearing. (A trae oopj.? HIRAM J. BEAKES lüJ8 Jadge of Probate. .Látate of JameB Steward. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wahtena,v ss _ k3 'U a session of the Probato Court for the County oí Wishtenaw. holden at tbeProbate Office in taedtr of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the ninth day of May, intheycmonothousaudeiglithundredandsixty-nve.' 1 rosent, Hnam J. Beakes, Judge of Probate éfiíSed mi;tter Of th0 Estate f J=mes steward, deOnreading and filmK the petition, dulr verified, of Alty Stewaid, Adroii.islratrix, praying tiíat abo mav he hcensed to Bell oertain real estáte wlierr of said de ceased nied seized. Thereupon it ík Ordered, that Monday, the twentys.xth dw of June next, at ten o'sjoclt iii the ftreuook 'T ."V f:r th" 6effBg of sai.l petition, and tliattbe heirs at law of said decoased. and al! othcr persons interested ín said ette, aré requirod to iLpi.earat a session of said Court, then to bí holíen at the I'robate OSÓ,, in City of Ann Albor and show causo, if any theie bo whV the praycpof tho pefittonw Bhtrild notbe rartod - And It i. fnrtlier ordered, that said petitíone gire to he proM interested a Bid estáte, lt thc litndency of said petition and the hearmE thereof, by oausing a eopy of ti O-dcr to be p,.bli.-hodiii the Michigan Argu,, a n,„s paper pHntrd and iroutatlng in said County four 'euenoss re weeks previous töiaid day of hearing 're eöpy) JIIKAM J. BKAKES, 1008'd Judgenf Probate, Egtate of Herman Schlack. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washteniw s - At a Misión of the l'robate Court for the County oi Waslitenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesd.iv, the tenth dar of May, in the year ooe thousand eight hundred and sixty flve. Present, Hiram J. Beaftes. Jude of Probate Ie the matter of the Estáte of Herman Schlack deceased. ' On Ntillagand tho petition, luly rerified of Michael Schaible, pcaring that the adnu'niatralor de lonis mm of said estáte be authorized and directed to couvey to him eert a in Real Estáte in pursuance of a contract in writins; mide batn-een the said deceased and the said petitioner. TIn reupon it 8 OMered, that Monday. the twentysixth day of June next, at ten o'clock in' the foreuoon be asigned for the heoring of said pelition and that the hoirs at law of said deceased, and all othcr persous inlorefted in uaid estáte, are required to appear ata seesion of aid Court, thon to be holden at the Probato Office, in the City of Ann Arbor and show caneo, if any there be, why the prayer of ti'ó jietitioner should not ba granted : And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the penrtency of Baidpetition,ald the hearing tlierof, by causing a copy ,f thi Or.ier to bc publishod il tbe Mirhigan Argüí, newspapor printed aml circulatine ia Said County, six suecessive weeks pi-erious to said dar of hearing. J (At";" copy.) HIRAM J.BEAKEÍ!, 1013 Judge of Probate. Estáte of James J. O'Brien. STATK OF MICHIGAN, Coc.vty o KuoRnúw M._ At .a eísinD of the Probate Con"t for the CountT of Washtcnaiv, holden at the Probate O.üce in tfclyof Ann Arbor, on, the 17th dar of April ni theear onethou.-and eight hundred and 'ixty (ve' l'resíiit, IIiram 3. Bk.ikes, Jndge of l'robats lo the matter of lile Estáte o{ Jaüie J. O'Bric-n decemea. Oeorge Sutton, Adminiatrator, with tlip il! anne.tcd of said estáte, comes hito Court and reoresentítliat heia noivprepared tu rfnder hin final accoiuitas such Admmirttrator. Thereupon it HOrdered, tliat Monday, the ISth daj M Ma v m.'xt , at ten o 'clock la the forenoon , be umigmá foiexamining and alloiving uch 1 1 munt, and flmt the widow, dovisecs, lógateos and hoirs nt law of said decoasod, nnd nll otlipr penosa iaterwted insaid estáte re requiredto appsnr at a sesíicin of mtiá Oourt then ïobe holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Afm rbor, in said County and show cause, if rtnv tlierp be ' .vliy the saidaccount should not bc-allowed: Anditisfnr;hcr orderod that iiaid administratoi give notice to the perrons interesled in said estáte, of the pesdeBCj ütsttí ac!o;mt, and the hearing therecf. by cauping n copy of this Jrderto be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaer printed and circulating in said County, three suc:essive weeks previous to said dny r f hearing. (A truc copy.) I1IÚAM .1 BEAKH8, 1006 .Tudge of PiobRte. Mortgage Sale. Pt-fauU hflviog been made in the conditinns of a mortgage niarïo by Henry C. risk and wifo, to John Dn venport, dated Octobcr la% 1859, recorred April 6, four c'elock in the afternoon, in the Register ofDeed'fl office for the County of Washtcnaw. Miehi gan, in Liber 26 of mortgages, on page 614, upon which tlipro is c la 'raed due at tuis date, tb f? aam of neven hundred and tweuty-seren and fifty oneliuudredths dollars, and the farther sumof fïve hundred dollars .and interest thereoa from tlic flrpt day of Oc tobir, lSf.4, hereafter tn become dup, for the recovery of which no lirocnedings havo hithorto been takpu either in law or pcniity: Tb ere f ore, noticein lier.ïngivent that by virtueof a power ïn said rnorigage con tainei.1, for the purpoee of realizing the nvoney aforfi B&id due, togethor with accruing interent andoostsof forecloeure provided for in said nior(gagft, I, the piiH mortirtigee, hall, on tho thirtieth day of June, 18Ö6, at (qq o'clo-.Ii in the forenoom, at he Cmirt HoiiBe in the City of Ann Arbor. in said County of Washtenaw, (the place of holding the Circuit Court for said Couuty) Heil at public vendue, th premises describid in sa,id mortgaiïe, to wit : All thosc parcelH of laad situato in. the townsliip of Manchester, Couniy of Washtcuaw, Michigan knnwn and described as füllQws: The uoith half oftho nnrtii half of the north ea.stquarter.of sectjon nuniberthirty-threc (33) in tosrnship aumber four (4) nouth of range numpertbree (3) east, cnntaining ferty acres of land be the saine more or ïessj Also the middle part of tho north half of the Horth-Wüst quarter of section number thJrty-four (34) intownt;hip numher foui (4) pouth of range nuraber tli ree (3) east, boimded on the north by laflda of Fred eric Vakntme, and on the south by lands lormerly sold and deeded by said John Havenport to Enos Lytle, and containiug thhtynine acres of land, be the Hamo' more or less. JOHN DAVEXPOET, MoHgagee. E. B. Voon, Atforney for Moitgagee. Dated, Marcb 30, 1865. 1003-td Mortgnge Sale. tTTHEREAS, default has been made in the coníHions V of acertai TmleMure of Morlgage. inade añil exocutedonthe íhst. diy nf April, A. D. JS57, by Jobstlian n. Fosdick, to me the imÍ6rignrt , vliich Mortgage WUB dply recorded on the seventh dny of April aíorepfüd , íq Líber No. 23 of MortLnp;c?:.oii pjvge 459, n tho Ónice of the Register of Peeds ncd Mortgages, in and for the County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, and, whereas, there is riow dueand unpaid on Kaid Mortgage ami Boud accompanyjng the same, the Piim of f 3,257 .'ZO, nclurtinj an Attorneyfl fee of S'-fi, Rs prorided for in said Mortgage, and whereas, no suit or pioceedings at law o n equity, has bv n iqptitntcd to recover tlie same or anv part tliereofc Now thr.refore, notice is hereby given, that by virtue .( a powar of sale in said M..rti;nge contained, I iha]] pe; ft public flurtion to tbc highest lid!ei , on Saturday, thdSth day of .Tuly ïiext, at 12 o'clock, M., of saití day, at the frontdoor of the Circuit Court I'ouae, in the City of Arm Arbor, in paid Connty of Washtenaw, the pitmifies described la eaid Mortgnge, to-wit : The Beft half of (he South West Quartcr, (EK: of S W( ) tli Wesf of the North-Wcst Quartcr, [V} of N WV,',] and the South half of the East half of the XorthWest Quarter, fSí of Eí oí N WJÍJ all of Section No. ten, [10,] in Township No, four, [4.J South of üanfro No. tlve, [5] Kast ; the salil pieinises being 200 eerts of land, and situated in tho Connty of WasliteDftw, aforesaid. Dated, AprillSth, 1SC5. C. VAN IIUSAN, Ifortnna. W. A. SloniiB, Atty. ftir Mortpajfóe. fOOotd' L)ISSOLUTION. The partnership between the mvlersigned under theiinn name of O. C. RPAFFORTl k CO, , was thijday ! dissolved by consent. The accounts of the lfite film will be ?f-ttled at the old shop, Tv-here the oooperinc: business wil! be eontinueil by II. P. DGOSLEY k CO. O. C SPAFI'ORD, IJ. B. POUSl.EY. Aon Arbor. April S9d, Jffll. 61007


Old News
Michigan Argus