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- - - - c- mm- mxamm - - -- lleal Estáte for Sale. STATK OF MICHTC(if,C(H vvv óf W.ifim.AW,s.- matter of the eataie of Jaoob Tpggenl of tlie C'otrhty "I Wasbte.imw, in the sin : - deoeaeed: ,NtVe is herebj givm, tht B purua,nee of au or.icr granied to the iiQieraigned, Adiamintntiix Yiitli tlie Wil! iiTiucxi d, "I ' -Mte ol irt J. . gcnburger, b}' the Uon. JuV e Lf PiomUím tiic ('ounfy of washlnaw , on tlio twontj--?ov?n(]i daj ofipri), A. D.Oó tlicrc will hü pold at Í ublic Veii.luo, to tbt' hi'gl.CBt tLe Soutli door of ti:o Qoul Iiuusc, n tlie Citv of Aun Albor, in tbc County of Wasiitcnaw , in s.-ü'l St.itc. on aturday, liio U'iitb dny of Juiu.A. D. lS(i.T,atonici'cliick in tiic aftemopn ol i !;;.! l:n . [subject lo :il! encumbrances hy motfgtgt oí otber' exi.ting at tlio timt; of tbedeaÜJ of aaij tïecoii.sed.1 tb lollowincili'scribcilrcal estáte : Belfig tn tli: C-.ty of Aun Arboi-, in sitiuítMto; coninK-ncin on the No'thwert comer of li-t numbnr i-n, in Moek tliree South range otie WeBt, in W. S. Majnanl's i'MiUon to ïho City of Aun Albor, and ranning West jiaiulli-l with the South lino of 8atd l)!'1'!;, eigtlt roiis to Thiri] Street, S.uith to the South nest cornor of fiaid Mock' abont eleven roéh, ttenoe East eigbt rm] to the South west corner of !ot number nfne, ttlehco Nort'i abont eleven rods to the place of bgisDiog, toKetlwi mtb )u freo use of the struam of irater ruSMng across aaU land, with the OTCceition nn-wóver, of a certatn piece of land beiqg aboul one half of a lot dceded by Jacob rUitizman and wife, to Charles Oonratli, on the 26th d.-iy of August, A . D. lsr'2, pai'l deod íioin.í? rocorrlerlin the Office o( tlio Hegister of Dceds for Waihlraaw County in LiborS8 ol Decrln on Pag 137. KATH4RINE TüfiGENBrRGER, Adminislralris with tlie, Willannexod. Pated, April 27th, 1885. 1006td Eonl Estáte for Sale STATU OF jnoHICAX.Countv of Wasl,lnavr, fot-L Ju the matter of the. estáte of David Ñ. (;■ Charles A. (Jcddes and Henry A. Geddeg, ni Ihi cf Wa-htcDaw in.tlK'.statoo'f Michfgaa, minors: N ticéis horeby given, (Lat u [lursmince of nn order ranted to the underalened Ruardiap of the cftaU - [ said Diinni bjr tlie Hon. Judge of Vrill)te lor the tountv of Wnslitomiw, on fourtli or.ijinl á D 1SS5. there .vill be sold at public Tendne, to the hltBen bidder, atllio .lwelling house on the premist-, in the Countyiif Wanhtenaw, in said State, ou Saturdai the lenth day of Jiine, A. D. 1805, at two o'clock m the .fti-rnoon of said day, (subject to all eiicumbraniss by murtgago or otlierwiae existiag at the timeofthp salc)the undivided half of the iollowiry. descritied real estáte, vil . The west half of the scmtH cast qnarterm section one, in township thrt-e south of range flve east, containiog efghty acres more or less, iu tho town of I.odi and county áforesaid RECECCA GEDCE8, Guardian. Datea April 4, 1865. td Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wa'htennw ._ H ín tho inattor oí the Estáte f Wiffiaai U. Kig and llatilda Jane Riggsof the ('oantj of lTashlenav 'i;VSUUoof Michigan, minors: Notice s hfreby giver that inpursuance ofan order granted to tlie underfigncd guardián of the estáte, of'sald minora, by the Hon. Juilgn oí Probate for the County of Washtenaw on thefpuitu day of April, A. TI. 1805, there will be' solí] at public venduo, to (he Mgfaest bidder, at the dwelling liouso ontlie flrsl describcd pareu! erf land in tlie County of Washtenaw, in' .d State, on Monda y thetwelfth day of Juno, A. D. 1865, at two o'clock in the afternonn day . (subject to allcncum braü'jo by mortgae or othBrwise existing at tlie umi? ofarl)' the undividfd tp ninths of tlie followin desenbed real estato. to ivit . "The èt a]{ of the north west qiiartcrof leetien (went' townshfp four Boutli of range tive cast, containing'eighty u-roa more or less v aud a parcr! cirttimenchig where the Case Road .ingles west, at the grave yard, on snij section tiventy, running tlience wetand norlh alonpr the üne oí saidroad tn the Chicago road tlier.cenortíieast along the line of the ('hicaao ro.vl aoont iifty mda lo the north -west corner of the ffrstabore describid eiahty acres of land, thenti putl-erly along the üne ftfMid eightj acrivs to the place of bfginmrá;, containing aboutten arres el lami raoi-e or es?, and also tlie iaterest of said minors in a parcel cOm'mendfrig W-eptcen aod half rods uorth of wkrratti Ca,-. intorsects the Chicago road in said section twehtv.aml in the centre of said Chicago ruad, running tlienco'noiJtj twenty eightanda half degree west to tl-e iMi ,,'r)-, thence nortli und west the above named nnmber of degreea, and along the Cintro line of said ditch to a stakein aid ditoh. on the went half ,ƒ the MJOth weM quarter of St-ctinu seventeen. and oae hundred rods andsix-tenths of a rod from the centre of sai'! i road, rr.Bn.iig noith t went y on; degrees r:a', to the contre line of said' section scventcen,. which itake wftrty-fbtirradieïïBt ;f tho ?juarter síalíé on the west sido f said stction seventsen, theBOO v eat tothe north-wrst eomer oftheeast half of the BOUÖleast inarter of secíron cighteen, same town and range, thence nouth along the west sido of above describcd eighly acres, to the. "oith line, thenco east along iid south line tothe section corner, thence south along the west line of the west half of tho nortii-wcst qnar ter of nectirn twenty, to tho Chicago road, thenc? uorth-eaaterly along the cenler of said the place of beginning, containing pne iiuudrcd aadlhirtymx acres of land more or less. ir tho io-,rnshin of Saline, Washtenaw Cour.ty and Ftate of Michigan MART EIGÍÍS. Ouarfian. Dated April 4th, A. D. 1665. td-1003 Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coükty Oí, 3, _ la thenialtei ol tho ojta'e of John Ludirig Killin ger.llatilda Kililngtr, W.lliam Henry Killinirer, and hlizabeth Killinger, of tilo County of YVahlnaw in the Htate of Michigan, minors. Notlie is hereby give-u, that in puracance of snorder granted to tlje imdersignpd. Guardian of tile cfl'.TÍo of id minora, bj the Ilcn.Judge of Probate for tile County ot Witshtenaw, on tbe tcnth diiy nf April. A. D. 1865,there srill be rolil at Publio Vcmlue, to tbe higheat biOder, atthe dwplling boua 0:1 the premlaei in Frsodom, in tlie Couaty of Waíhtensw, 11 -.l State, on Wednesdaj, thp thirty-first dny of Mnv. A D. 1SSS, at two o'clock in the aVternoon 'of that'day, (snbjtict to H encumbrancM by mortgage orotierww existinií at tbe of nía, nd alao suhjpct to tl'e right of dowcr nf Dorcithy W.Mlech, late irldö of John Külmger. deceaed], the undirided fourpfu'is of the follo-YiD described rl, towit: The north east quarter of the noi-tb-weí fnarrt'7 of tl;c uarth-wftfit qnfuter, oonUining ten acres more or Iras, and the west-half of the nith-west quartpr of the north east quarter, rautainiug twentv acres more or les,both pareéis beinsf in ection thirtive 11 toivnnliip throe, south o f range four eastin the State of Michigan. CHARLES MILLER, Guardian Dated, April lOth, 1886. 10U4td Renl Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICiJ GAR, Couxtt of Wasiite.vaw, „. In the matter of ths estáte ot Michael Wal?., of the Countyof Washtenaw, n the State cf Jfïchigin deceased: Notice I hereby given, that iu pursuanco of n ordnr grrantod to the underaigrned, Administra torof the oatate of id deoeaod, by the Hon. Judge of Trobate for tbe County of Wafllitfinaw on thf ■TCntecnth ddy of April. A. J. lgB5, there' wil] be noldat PubHo Venrtae, to the highest bidder, at tbe 'iwelline house on thí premises. u thf; Counry nf VVaibteniw, in gaM Btat, on Mondsj, the lifth dy of June, A. ]). 1865, st tiro o'clock ia rlie afrgr" noon of that dy, (lubjcct to all encumbraiici-e by mortsrage or otherwise at the time of the deftth of sfvid deceage-1,) the foilowing deïcrifid real estáte: The east lialfof tlic north-eaRt quarter of Hection tbirteen in towrihip four aouth of rango four eat, coatainingf:ghty oeros morenrless, in the town of Bridgewater, and the routb lmlf .if the east linlf of the northwc.'i quarter of pecticn eizhteen, ín tnwn■tajp fonr Eouth of range fiye et, canta HW'g forty acres, more orlen, m the sown of Saline all beinc iti the State of Michigan. AARO.Y I.. FKIJiKAMP, Adminiftrator. nated, April 17th, 1865 1005td Uommissioners' JNotiee. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Cor.vTV op Wasittknaw. ï.ï- The uudcrsigned havingbeon appointed by Uk; J'ro bate Conrt lor ?id CiMonfy., Gmimirioners ïoreeeive, examine and all claim aml (ir-maml ■ of all per sous ifgainn tfce enlate of Benjamin S!oc;tn, late of Britigewater, ín wd County, deceand, bureo v Live notíce tliat ñx irmnths from á&te % sre ftilowed, bv order of fiaiii PjabsÈfl omi. for croditors to procent thoir claims against the esLato of said deceawed, and that tbey -win meet at ihe btf1 reiflfeacie of &aid doe, ■ said town, onSaturday, tl;o tenl y-senond dn y ef Jnly, and Tut!sday,.the twe-nty fourth üv of October next, at oneo'dock, P. II., of each of IémI day , to reeene, exAiuinc aud adjust said claims Datod, April 24tli, 1865. GARRISON" T'N'mrRITiLL, HÍNEY CALHOt N. 1006td Ccmmiisionerfl. Goromissioners1 Notice. STATE OF MIl-HWAN', Coutlty of Wasbienaw ra.- The undereigced having beon appointod by the Probate Court for .eaid County, romuii-fsioiuTB to receive. fxainine ;inl ftdwfe all claims aud demands of all peiami.s malnii tlie estáte of WlHfam C. Drake, late of tlie town-iiiip oL Northfleld, in p;üi! (o;mty deceased, lu-reliv jrive nottce thiit tix monihs from date, aro alloi;, Nv onler of said Probate Court, for creditors to preseot their claims aainst theestate of s;ul deceasicil, and that they will meet at the dwclling house of Samuel I. lilrd, in the township of Xorthfield, in said countr, on Satorday, the twenty-seooTnl day of July,aDdTuosdat tlic twenty fwurü) d;i of Octobèr oxfr, at one o'eloi'k, P.M,, of each of said daya, to receive, examine and ftdjuftt hM claims, Dated, 24. 1865. HAXSON" SES?IOXS ISAAC SUTTOV, lOOfitd Commissíoncrs. Coramissioners' Nofcice STATE OF MICHIGAN, Counfy of Waehtenav ra.- The nndersipned b&vlng befn appofoted by the Probate Court for said Cmmty, Commi.sKioners to receive. examine and adjustall claimsand demands o! all persons ajjajMt í'ie estáte of R;insom liradtey , lato of' tho iownsbip of [ïrlflgewater, in Said County, deceased.nerby give notiecthat BÍX nv-ntíis from late iiro allrvei bjF nr-Ur of s;utl Probate l'oui-t, for creditorsto pveaen ilicir claims hc e-late of said. depoasoil am that thcy triïl nuct at tlio rosidencc of David W. Pai nier, in aid town. on Saturday, tlie fifth day of Au gust, and Ttn;rsi!ay, the secoud day of I ovcmber next at oue o'clocU, 1'. M., of each of said days, to reccive exAifiipc and fijnst na iel clairósl Dated, Ma} '2nd,1865. PAVin W. PALMER, DANIEL LeIÍAKOX, 1007M Commissioners, ConnnigHoners1 Notice, STATE OF MICHIGAN , Cíhwty op WsiiTeaw, kk - The uDdersigned liaving bseq appoinled iv tho I'robatCourt for said Cotmty, Cora miss ion era to reoeiye ex.'nnine and adjust all claims and domands öf all p. sons againsttlif cstatc (rif Lol Viilcox, lato of tin; town of Vork, in Sai4 Coinitv. doreased, horpJn ffive notiep tliat alí montliH frnni (Iníe, are allowed,by oidor of said Probate Court, for croditors to present theircltiims npnin-'t tlie cntato of gaid decoasodand that thcy will meet at the dwrllmg lioiise of Nathan Phillips, in the town oí Milán, Monroe County, on Saturday, the eiglitb lav of July, and Wednesday, the eU-ventli day of Ortobcr next, at one o'clpck, P. M.,of each of eaid days, to receive, rxainine and ;.dust faid claims. Dated, ApiiJ lllh, lSfih. .lOSIAn ITATHX.WAY, KNSiCIiA. HOtGOMBR, Eslate of Conrad SeLwatT" OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coc.vrT orUSH' l' At a ';s ■' ' "I the Probate Courtfw tl, r ? "■ ■ ttasutenaw, Roldan 'a t the Probate ir, .1 ""'!■! .:: .Albor, on Monday, the first ",■?,, "í 't injhe year ono thousand eiglit hundred m '!, l'iwnt, II1K.111 J. Uk.ikks , .ludiré of P „„ , : ' On reading and tlie retition ,1,.T FKraie. fchw.b, „ thatVa.'CH.! other nuitahle peí-non, míj bu appointed i 1 ■' "i TUrtéupon it U Ordered, Tl,at Mond, ,w liyol Muy inst , st ei. o'clock in t],o f, ' hl Míigned lor the heariftg of sai.l petiti, „ ,"? the heirn ut of sairl Jcccanert mÍÍ 'S11 % liersons irtereirtcd :n kM etic kr. 01 appear at a pessinn of c;uU,irt , 1],èn tn l'",1"''0 '- tke Frob .te Oiïicc, nthe of Aon ,ri, ' llolllii cause, if ar,y there be, rh flft prayer „f tl j "';d,.lb= sho„l,l „,,t be gianted: And if u furu,!'"1 hatsaidpctitiüllergiyeDüticoto t'he per,.'. ;■■! in 9aid estáte, of ],, pendcy of JlldS thehenringtlicreof, by cau.singa cosr ,■,■■"! piintei! ui circulatini; in saiü tir.„ p'Kr weck to sW daj othparm , "lcc"'i'i [Atruecopy] ' miiA# J'. RÉa loo;td __u.iliC yjgj Estáte of .Tudah E. "mIlÜT" CÍTATE OF JftCHIGAN, Covsty or W Ámvf,j ■. O At a session of the l'robate Conrt for th7rSlS WajhteDaw, holden at the I'robate (,fficc "J5M 'f Aun Arbor, on Frilay, tht tiventy iúrW, P.:.-S(.r,t, HlRA .7. BA!IK, Judge of P,,,ba,, In tbe matter of the Estáte of Judah R , On ctadilg ari.i (linp p,.tition, ,l„lv v;ri. Will&m Preston, Adminiftrator of sajd tiíTSií ftat he n,y be Hcrasfrt 10 ell ct'rta SÖÏ whereof tlicaid dweascl died seizo.l I!"11' - Thereupon it i.s Ordfred, that Salurday, t4, day of .Tunenext, at ten o'clock in th'o f, be Msigned for the hearing o' „id miÍS?" that the idow an.l heirs atlaw „f „ad deceaed1wí other peraom's interested i,i said estáte, are r)''!!'11 apreirat.ajsestiónofaaWCourt.thentobel ShV..11 Ir fbate Oï:c, in the City ofAnñ Arbor.aódSiï1 ifanythere be, wl,, the pr.vM of the SS sI.ouidn.M begrntl : And it is f„rthe" ovSf sai.l pelUonergivenótKetothepersonsInlfrpJK. . estáte of thepudencyof Said petiti.,c: & ing thorenf, by cánsiñg copv i.f tli, n.i b": PWi.hl in tle M,,rf; and cirtnlaHng in said Cuiultv, I„T'T "! woekspreviousto said cay of hearin '"! ; Estáte of Horace BidwelJ OTATEOP MICHIÖAN, County of Washtn,',,. . ' O At aaesiionofthe Probate Court fortb, Lf' i Wafihtfn..„ .l.ul.ld. atth ■ Propte íntCÍ.-' iw. Arbar, on Fnday, the twCTtia&r April, m tbc yer oaethoas.nd eight h SÏÏJj I'ivnt..-},,mj. Iieakw..J,,dYe of Probate drc",",í Matter ' tho L" Horw-Bii„: Onreadinirnndfilins the petition, duly Tcritii llary .1 Bidw, Uraymg tl.t ,to-.., t , ' s" ñí-d toTeUr Si"J '!''0'ase'' ''i!d se'mi "Jlïï Thereupon it a Orfiuretl .thal Saturdav, the 2TI1, ,. , May „oxt, at ten o'clocï ia tl,"e re,"1 ws.gncd forthe hearing of said ethion, aD heirs at law of ,aid deeease-1, and .11 , i ptrsons intcresterl n gaid eatatè are V to apprar at asessiou of ,-aid Court.then tu j,il,„li , the Probate Office, in the City of u„ A and sbow mum, if any tbere be, whjth,. of thnpetitiontr shouidnot be gjiinte,!" And it is farther oidered, Uut 'nM petjK t!voi:itiL-!'tohejersonsintereH!c.lir] sai.l citil.'.'Hie pen.loncy cf said pe-tition. r.nd the lionrini tfanJ bv oauMoga copy of this Order to be publiW i„ Mir.iigan Argüí, a uewspaper printoil ciitatmp in said Couaty tliree successivo wednl vious to said daj oí bearirs. ' f.1 trueoopy.) MRÁM J. DE1KK3, _1007 JudKf of Preb.1, Estáte of Horace BidwëÜT OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cor-TTT o V.,siito ■„- 13 At a sossien ; the Probite Couït fm of Washïer.rAv, holden at the Probate Offiw is S,ffi, of Ann Arbnr, on TiKsdiy, the fecojld A; rf Jiay, in the year oie theiisaaá eight bidnd il Present, ïhMJX J! BfeAKis, Jüdffe of ProWj ín the matter of the Estats of Horíw Bük'í, OBoeMed . On rcai'ing and nling thE pefitinn, dnlxieiïrt,(( Í fienrge Sutton, Administrator of eaid estáte ■ ih.-it h taay be licinse.l to eeü certaia reriisWi whereof saiddeoeased di d aei d Thereupon it is ürdered. that Tuej-lar, !!i day of June noxt, at ten o'clock in tbe f í be assigned for the henriog of said petition, d' that the wiow aud luirs at hiw nf sairl decen ui all other persons intereated in said i-atate, renttuired toappear at a session of said Onrt, tlien holden at tbe Probate Office, in the City f Aon Ark, aai! ihmvcausp. ïf aáy thera be, ivlsv ?he jirajer of rti petitiijnershould nut be granted: And 1'. isforfttm dered, that gaid petitioner give notice to fteptn tere.sted D saidefttate. "f the pendencrof 9 peltim, and the heaiing therer.f, liv caunng a cnpj of tiOt. derto be published inthe Michigan Argüí, % ctnp per priiitcJ aail circulating in sai.i Cnotj, Buccesstve weeïs pVefious to s-.iid da of bt'Arinf;. (A truecopy.) HiRAM 3. BEAKSS, 07td íudge of rrob. Estáte of Lrnn Pratt- Minor. STATE OF MICHIfíAX. Corar or Winwrjit At a seasioQ of the Probate t'uurt f.jr tbeCouitjif Washtenaw, hoMrn at th Probate Officeinlbtil;il Ann Arbor, on Widnoiiluy, the third d.ij of MiT, intheyear one thouauml oight liunJred tii il; i't. i'rescüt, Hibam.I Beíkss, Ij.Icc of l'robte In the matter of the Etate ofljnn Pratt. tuinir. Oii rea,]ing;anl Sling the petition, .lnlv rnífí,f Pmtt; Guardian of faifi minor, jr"J'n? '' she mot De liot'nscd o ell cesiaiu reol est Mm to sr.iil minor. Thereuiwn it i Ordeid,Tit Thinsíjj,tk(t'. 8J cf June next, at ton o'clock n !he furenooa,U (igrneil tho hfaring of eaid retition, wlfttA iicvt of kin ót wi.i O9foovff,nd a!i othor prMMtaUfpst. -4 ii; s:ii;i ttatp, are rt-q-uiieci to pMar at xieiioo if Mn] Courf.thon t,, b( hnMon at the Probate DB, in the City r.f Ann -líber, a.nd ïhoiï cause, ifn; Uw bé, nl.v tlm prar&r rf the (etifmner uliould notii granted : Am] t 'i furtVr ordeieil. tliat ►!) pctiHiw givo notico to tho next of kin 'if said miuor and ftllpirsi!S ir.tHrf siptl n said o?Utc, cf the penrleuc of tii efition, and the hearing tbcreoL bT dMBing a cipTtf bis Order to bn publiahcdiu the Michigan Argvi Bewapaper prrnted and clrculatiogin aid CoudIj, three successire weeks previoaa ts Faid iay of hw[A trni-ff.ra.i HIKAM J. BEAKES. udge of I'rctait, Estáte of David Qregory. STATE OF Minir.'AX, Ccn'STT or Whteuw,'I.At a sesí-ion uf the Probato Court for tue Countri Wasniennw, halden at tfie Probate Office in ikS Aun Arbor. 011 V,edD!sday, thc twenty siith Jij' April, in the ye&r one thoueand eijjht llundredH sixly 8t. Prsawt, Huutil .1. "TTil . Ju'ice nf Probatf. In the matter uf tbc Entate. ot Iavid Orevorj. ■ ceasid. Jacob B. Covert, Adniinlttrftor of itfnM comes into Onn rt and vt-pif gnis bat he ís nowprf pared lo render Ilíb lina! account ae such AOaiiai'W' Thcroupon it BOrdcred, tlia Wodnoi'ay, th(i dey of May u, t, at ten o'clock i:i the firenool sjjaed i"'i exraiaing anrl allnwiDir anch Acertar a ni üiat the wiiiuw and li.ii a at laiv ni' saii! (Tce"' and a'll otherporsons interested ín fluir! estfltt1,rtr(' quired to at a sffjii-n of fai"" Coort. tlifn " h(,l,]cn at the Probo t" Office, ir tbe City ef AnoJrW n aid County, auii liow cau-:c, if aiiv fcherel!' Mie Baid account shoulj not be alloweíi: Aníitu turtber ordered, that sald amn!Bfrat')r gi" míM the prreoo ntoroeted in said sute, of tba ;)!.' of said account, nd the hearing th1 rtof, bjcHál1 copy of this Order to be ptrblislied in thé ?! Argus, a newspspe' printed mid c.irrulatinp ("inty, three succeesive weeks previüus to saidí1' hejirinc. [. trurcí.pv.j HJRA.M .1. BEAÏH, l(JO6td judge of Proi"Estáte of Patrick McNamsra. OTATE OF MlfntGAN.CorxTY or IV.tsim,11' "O At a sossi.on of the Probate Court for the CoumJ11 AVashtc-uaw, "bolden at tlie Pyobate Office, in thtw oí Ann Arbor. on Thurprlay v the Rixtb diT of íí1 in the yeai one thousaud cight h""''' " sixty-fiTe. Prsent, Htiusí .1. Beakes, Judge of Prol In the matter of the Estáte of Patrick Mc5"' dcceased. , On and Bling tha petitie, dnl.v TíritMi"' Miehael Kreltn, prayirp that tha Ailminiiti1" said estile may be autlmrtzcd and dirccteil lo MJJ estáte, whereof thesaid deceaJ died seiïed. Thereupon it is Ordered.that Mondar, thf '"'' scci'Cd day of May next, at ten o'clork tñ tlicí"'0?'' Wí ísflgneti fít the hearing of aid p titíon, """ the bei ra at lav of aaid dec'eased and 11 othor pM"" íntere&ted in said "sfate, are required toapvíJIÍK.. sion nf -mul Tourt. tben to be hoUen at tbe F"1,, theQty of Ann Arbor, and shon .""' any there be, whv the nrji er of the petit0D slunild not l.e pranted: And it is furtbtr ■ dere.l.tbat si-j-i pi-titioncr pivcrotice to ""'''"Jji interestod in said e-tnte.ff tbe peudeucy tf ■"',':. í tion, aiwl the hearinir thereof, by cauflnga CTl'1 ' , Order t,. be publjilied in tito Michigan Arg", "' paper piirtted and PÍrctl!íH-rn in paiil ('ountv, s11 ( Uïssive wet-ka previuus to nid dav oí liearin?.. (A truecopy.) UIRAM J. üEAKEP, 100.1'd ' Judge of ITob"1 Ditch Saté. THE dNDERSIRKEPïriUaflI to (hr lowest bij'' 4a; roda of ditch, t tliehonse of Willum lun,f in tli Town-hip of Litnn, on Tucsday, the Krl W Ma.v, 1SH5, at 4 o'clock, l'.M. Site f sald litIl made liuoivn dn ilay of salo. .1. ,. r.llííH.UX, PRINCK HEN'Nf-TT. RÜSSÉXI. WHIPI'If' 1006 Drainage CommiMi"" Ditch Sale, Tu;: undkrsignkdtvíii seii to the loi'1 ,t"'ii' l)-j rofs of rlitrl,, at the hmisc ''f nnriu W"i :hc Township of Usa, oq Tvedy, the 93 w' , Hay. JS65, at one o'olock, I'. M. ïiti 'lildl '""j. 'eet "i.le n büttora, aud "f :i rioptli and rM" i8B ' :(1 on staXes'fet iu line of ilith. .1. .1. l'ARSBAU T-RINCE BENMS hussÉli, wpiPöf ' : -700ÍI DratnnííOomní"'"'1


Old News
Michigan Argus