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The Michigan Argus

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pablisliedaTery Friday morntng,in thethird story ol h brick block,coruerof Main and Mu ron Sts., AN '■ngOR, Mich. KntraofieoD Huron Stfeèt,oppoHittthi ELlHtT B. POSD, JSditor and Publisher, 'ï'erms, $3 OO a Year Ifi Adivaiice. dvertUIng- One square (12 Unes or less) , on i k 7Sccnts; three weeks Í1.-50 : and 25 cenU fol „rinsertion thero ifter, less than three montbs. Km inuare 3 mos $4.00 11 Quarter col. 1 year Í20 k - saare 6 mos 6.-00 i Half column 6 mos 20 One square 1 yest 9.Ö0 Half column 1 year 35 ï.on'res 6 mol 8 00 One column 6 mm. 38 fB iq'res 1 year 12.00 ). One column 1 year 60 CBfdS'n Directory, not to eiceed four lme, $4.00 'í3íiirtur tu the extent of a quarti-r column ,regul.ittHro'ughtheytar, will bo eutitled to have ird in D'rect0'rv w'thout extra =nar8e' '" 'lvertisements unaccompanied by writtenor rertjaMirections willbe published until ordered out, ' ufa'l'arttisëmènfsf iirst nsertion, 50 cents per l.lio 25 cent perfolio for each subaequent irsertion. líh.n a postpenement is added to an dvertisementthe "VlewiUbecUarjedthesame as for Erstinsertion. Tin Prlntlilif- Pamphlets, Hand Bills, Circular, „i Hall Tickets, Labels, Blank, Bill Hekds, and Ui.rVariéties of Plaln and Fanoy Job Priuting ,eiecuj th promp(ness,andin the best style. Cards- We hare a Ruggles Rotary Card Press, and . Uree variety of the latest styles of Card type wrnch !„.bleusto print Cards of all kinds in the neatest ..,iblo style and cheaper than any other house.n the ,t. Business cards for men of all avocat.ons and proSi'on Ball, Weddins and Visiting Cards, prmted on ihortnotice. Cali and see samples. ROOK BlNDTtfG- Connected with the Office i a nío!![lin.leryinch!irge of two competent workmen.- Tl", Records, Ledgers, Journals, and allBlank Books m,d"to order, and of the best stock. Pamphletsand p" „Ödicals bound in a neat and durable mauner, at D,"tpn'- Entrance to Bindery through the Argus jfficd.


Old News
Michigan Argus