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o. h. mïllen. fvEALER in Dry GoU, GrocerLes, Grockery, te. &c. IJ Mio Street, Arin Albor. """ PHILIP BACH. ■rvEALEHS 'm Dry Joods, Groceriea, Boots k Sboen, l) kc, Mi!n st., Ann Arbor. . RÏSDON & HENDERrfON. DEILERS o HarJwure, StoTea. house fumiïhlng g„o,ls. TihWare. itc , &c.,New Bl.iek, Mamat. S. G. TAYLOU, DFALER in Hits, Caps, Furs, Robe, Gents' Furnishni!Goc)aa,eto. Kst side-Main Street, Aon Arbor, Uiclngun. __ A. J. SÜTHERLAND, GENT for the S'ew Yoik Life Insurance Company, A OISmoo Haroa utreet. Also has on hand a .tock oCthe most approve ! sewing machineB. 885tf "george fischek. MEAT MARKET- Huron Street General dealer n fresh and Salt Meati, Deel', HuttoB, Pork, Uams, Poullry, Urd, Tallow, Sc.ic. ' LEWITÏ & BREAKEY. T)HY8ICIAiS AND SURGEONS. Office at tluresifdtnee of Dr. Lett, north sideof Huron, two doors west of División street. ' M. (JUITEKMAN & CO. tTTHOI.ESAI.Eand Retail Dealers and Manufacturen 'V of BeadyHade Clotliing. Iniyurters of Clotbn, Calimere, DmÍMm, fcc, No. 5, Phoenix Block, Main st. WM. WAGNER. DEALER in Re&dv Mide Clothing, üloths, Cassiroeres, and Vesting. Hats, Caps, Trunks, Carpel Bags, c, Pkwnix Block, Main slreet. SLAWSON & SON. 1ROCERS, Provisión and Comrais.sion Merchants, nó II Dealers in Water Lime, Land Planter, and Piaster ii Paris, onedüor east of Cook's Hotel. SOOTT & LOOMIS. AMBKOTYPE nJ Photograph Artisis, in the room over Cauipion's Cluthing store, Phoenil Block. Prftet Mtisfactiongiven. 0. B. PORÏER. MRGEON DESnST. Office Corner of Main m3 Hurón U itreets, orer BacIi & Fierson's Store. Ail calln (coraptlyittoódi-d t . Ajm-1859 MACK & SOHMID. DEALERS in Forign and Domestic Dry Good. Groceri8. Hats aud Caps, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, k., Corner of Main & Liberty Bts. ANDREW BELL. DKALKR in Groceries, Provisioas, Flouf, Produceste., 4c,t cornsr Main and Washington Streets, innArbor. The aighestmarket pricewpaid lor country ptodiwe. 866 M. C. STANLEY, Photograpblo Ai-tist. Comer Main and Harón Streets, Ann Arbor, Mich, PHOTOGRAPnS.AMBROTyi'ES.&c.fec, inthfl latest stylen.and every effort made togive satiglittfeB. 956tf D. DkFOREST. WñOLESALK and retail dealer in Lumber, Latb, ' Shiagles.Sash, Doors, Blinda, Water Lime, Grand rt Pias tert?lA ter Paris, and NaiU ofallsizes. A ■larf perfectassortment of the above, and al! other til' of building raaterials conntantly on hand at the "' poisiblt rateR,on Detroit st ., & few rodsfrom the - road Depot. Also operating extensively in the ■ at Cement Roofing. LUIYIBER YARD! C. KRAPF, üuilarge and well stocked T,umber Yard , on Jeffera Street, in the South part of the City, and will keep Bïtaotly on hand an excellent variety of ÜJMBER, SHÏNG-LES, LATH, &&. 'Heb will be sold as low as can be afforded ín this Krkit. Qnality and pricea sucb tbat no one need go to DeIni. CONRAD KRAPF: iaoArber, Dec. 6th, 18(54. 9P6tt NEW M U SIC STORE! Persons wishlng to buj Pianos or Melodeons, JjM Ko to WILKY'S MU.3ÏC STORE, beforepur'huing elsewhere. II will warrant satinfaction to 'fctiAjers, atui takes pleasure in referriniï to thofie " have alnMly purchaed of him. Ho takes prtde '3jiiig that ba has g'Vftn the best of satísfaction ''"'lintendíí so to do ín all canes. Any Piano jl' ta fttratshei that purchapfr raiy require. He "esittobO iistinctly underntood that he will not be uisriD e -R s o Xu r ''f ileilnr East or Went. ïml'-"1'18 Iit8st SHEET MDSIC for ' Pi1'0 ALVIN WILSET. "nArtnr. nes. 2Tth, 1864. 98'Jtd TrOR SALE! Ort HOUSE3 AMD LOB, worth from $1,000 to 5,000. Also sever! iroproved FiRMS. A. J.SÜTKKRLAND, aArbw, Peb. 2d,lS65. 991tf Cororaercil Agent. ' ÏN'ABE PIAXO- on of the bekt iun'rntneoíB


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