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Stop Grumbling

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If all the grumblers in the world were sumuioued together by sumo thundering Cülliopo, what an anny tbere would be. láince the daya of Xerxes, nothing o nurabers could compare with such a hoKt. The late financial troubles bave furuished uil the recruits necessary, or that could be desired to keep the "regular army" complete. You fiud grumblers everywhöie, as thick as the frogs of Egypt. So trade, callmg or profession is tree from thein. Now we have a word to say to such meo, and we hope they will not grumble af U3 for L0 doiug. Let ua describe them. Gruwblers are a very lazy set. Huving no disposition to vvork thernaelves, they epend their time in whining and complaining botbabout their own affaiis and those of their neighbors. Grutnblera are usually a year behind the age, and therefore when they undertake aD enterprise, they tirid theruselves so far down stream, that all tho winds and tideá of sympathy, 80 necessary' to success, are against thern. 1 Grumblers are usually very independ ent - "sariDg notbing lor nobody " Determined to " go blind," they find a " wide berth" aud a "hurd road to travel" wheresoever their footsteps lead them. Grumblers are very easily scared. They always see doublé. A lion is in the way sure - uo mistake abouL it There i alwuys eomethiug g"iog to huppen. Look out for breukera ! ia the great refraiu of their every day soag Grumblors have a most Cupacious ap petitb for favora as well us lood, and are therefore alwaya on hand, and justin time to accept the gilt ot a particular friend. Their favorite motto is '' snuill favors thankiully ruceived, and largu ones in proportioo." Gruinblers are always very jealous of their chariicter anti mfluence in society, itid getieraliy qaite as goud asanybody. They shoiild, theretore, be treuted with great consideration. Gruinblers ace usually long Hved, in the opinión oí tLeir friends, aud htiuld tberefore be eured uf their disease as soon as possible. Now, in order to prevent another financia! crisis aud uuury other eveuts too nuuierous to ïneution, we wish to give a little advice to our fellow citizens of the whole grumbling fraternity. lat. Stop grumbling. 2d. Get up two hours earüer in tbe morning, and begin to do something out of your regular prolusión. 3 1 Stop gniinblirig. 4th. Mind your own business, and witb all your tuight - let otber people alone. 5th. Stop grumbling. 6th. Live within your means. Give nway or kill your doga. Smoke your cigars througb an air tight stove. Eat with rnoderation, and go to bed early. 7th. Stop grumbling. 8tb. Talk less of ymr own peculiar gifts aDd virtuen, and more of those of your neighbora and frionda. 9th. Stop grumbliug. lOtb. Do all you can to make otber people happy. Be cheertul. liend your nuck and back raoie frequent'y, wben you pass those outside of ' sulect circles." Ful611 your prornises. Pay your debts. Be yourself as you wish to see others. Be a good man - a true Christian, and theu you cao't help - finally, to llth. Stop grumbling.


Old News
Michigan Argus