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A few daya 'ig', whiie tnking a little trip Uito the country, we noticed BB orohard, appaieutly thrifty and iu uiost ref p. cts well cared íir, but un aloiost every tree tbere were une or moro ues.s of caterpillars. Now, we take it that the farmer whoowns :'iat orchard, is not a reader of the Western Rural, or any otber agricultural psiper, or he would nt have disreg irded the many dirtctions ha munt havo een io rehttion to ihn destruc'ion of these pt's's. Ttiatone who has been at the expense and troublo of setting out and canua; fur ao oro.iard, should thiiM itllc w the trees to be seriouly injurea and his prospect of a fruit erop destroyed, seems ilinost incredible, yet we ofteu aee want of care manifested by those who are in other respects good farmers. Mar y modes of destroytog caterpiliars may be practiced. For srnall trees the neatest and bost way is to out ofi or rub üíF tho eggs before they are hatehed. Sonne nests may be overlooked in this way, nd tor large trees it is not advisable. The Dests are sometimos washed off with strong suds, burnod off with paper, shot off with powder or scraped off with sticks. Any one of these operations is exceedingly disagreeable - to the caterpiliars - but unless preat care is ued theie will soine aurvive the catas trophe and live to avenge ihe departed. Perhaps the surest way, when the uest 8 on a siiiall tuig or branoh, as is frequenlly the oase. is to out the brancli off and buru it. Wbeu thtts oannot be dune, we would advise putting stout gloves or and uing tne hauda to thorougtily ru move eviry partióle ot the net. This work shouid be Jruo in the morning before the oaterpillars have left the nest s If all the farmrs in the neighborhood winild unite in takiug vigorous raeasurt-s in thiH work, they oould soon free thcir orchurd trom this gruwt Himoyanue ; but while K(;mu ncclict to take any s'epB at all, the othtr wil! bave to narrowly watcli their treeH ever yoar - Vestern Rural. " Ñames of great mtn rtmind us thst we oan muke our live sublima." So savs ihe pei. But Josh Billings has uonther iilwa on the usa of ramos whieh ho iliustrntes af'er this fashion in reply to a coirespnudt'iit for bis autoirroph " We never furuish ortografié in lef-s qunntii ios tbau bi the p&okig It is a bzeri?s th:tt great men have got i n to, but it don't gtiiko us az being prufituble nor amusi'iËT We furniwhed a near and very dear friend our ortoizratï a faw years sgo, for 90 fiays, nnd it g-t into the huiids ov mio ut tbe b.mks and it oogt $275 tew get it back. 'We went out of ibe biznoB thep, acd bsv oot hnkered for it eídz.'1


Old News
Michigan Argus