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f pM ftottcesu WiWkft WTIAL IMLftOAD. Passpsgev trains now leave Detroit and the everal stations in this C'ounty as follows: GOINQ WEST. Mail Day Dexter Even. Night Train Ex. Ace. E. V.r. Detroit, 7 15 A.MlO.36 A.M 4-35 P.M 5.25 P.M 11.00 P.M Ypsilanti, 8.40 " 11. 55 ' 6.12 " 6.50 " 12.55A.M Ann Arbor, 9.05 " 12.15 PM 6 35 " 7.10 " 1.00 " Dexter, B.35 " 12.40 " 7 00" 7.35 ■ Chlea, S 55 " 12.55 7.50" OOING EAST. Even. Dexter Night Bay Jiail E%. Ace. Kx. Kx. Train. Chêlsea, 7.3T)i.M3:30 P.ST6.00 P.M Doxti-r, 6,05 A.M 7.55 " 3.45 " 5.S0 " Ann Arbor, 4.25 A.M 6.35 ." 8'2G " 4.IT5 ' 6.50 " Ypsilanti, 4 50 " 7 0J ' 8.40 " 4.Ï5 " 6.12 ' Detroit, 6.10 " 8.25 " 10 00 " 5.45 " 7.45 " The Mail Train runs to and from Marshall. ITCH. I WHKATOIV'S I 1TCH. Sa't Rh um. UISTMEST. Salt Kktara. Wil! euro the Itoh in 48 hours - aleo cures Salt Rheum, Ulcera, Chilblaius, and&U Eruptions of tho Skin. Price L0 cents ; by fiending 50 cents to Weeks Potter, Boston, Mass. , will be forwarrled free Uy mail Fornalo by all ilruggists. I'RBDKHICK SlEARSí. Detroit, 4 Agent for Michigan. PROF. R. J. LYON'S' Patients aDd all others j interrestfld will pleasetake notice that he will contin uo his visits at the Monitor House, Ann Arbor, duringf 18G4 and'65 and at the expirationof which he willdis continue his vifiits and opeo an Infirmary at Cleveland, Ohio, for the troatment of Lung and Chest diseases. WHISKJEHS:WIIISKEKS3 Do you want fftWwiW Mi u sta ches? ■Oaríreciníi Compound will force theei to grow oti the smoothewt face nr cbin, or hair on bald heads, in Six Weeks. - Prici,$l-GG. Sent by mail anjwhere, closely sealed, on receipt of pricc. Addi'fis, WARNER k CO., Bor 138, Brooklin, N. Y. 3y9S9. THE BRIDAli CHAMBEÏl, an E=ay of Warning and iastructioo for Young Men - published by ibe Howar'ï Associatum, and ssnt fr e of charge in sealedeavelopes. Aldress, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTO.V, Howard Association, 1 hiladelphia, Pa. 1)996 AGOOD TREE Ití KNOWN BY TTS FRUIT. So ia a good I'hysician by his Successful Works. PROFESSOR R. Jf LYON1S, THEGRËATANJ CHXEBRATED PHYSKÏIAN OF THt THROAT.LUiïGS AKD CHEST, Known all over the country a the Olebrated INDIAN HE UB DOCTOR! From South America, will be at his roomft, RUSSELL HOUSE, DETROIT, OnthelSth an3 19tU inst. , on the same dale of and every aubscquent month ri uring 18R2 and 1863, A KEiT PAMPHLET Ofik life,study and etensive travels of Dr. Lyontcan be procured by all whodcsireone, free of charge. Dr. Ii will visit Ann Arbor, Jackson.ind Adriau, Mtch. , awfollows '. Ann Arbor, Monitor House, 20th. Jackson, Ilibbard House, 21st Adrián, BrackettHí use, 23d and 2:jd. MonK of Examination. - The Doctor discemB diseases bytheeyen. He, therefore. asks no questions nor reqiirespatients to eplain symptoms, Afflicted. comp and have your symptoms and tlielocation of your disHKPCTplainpd free of charjre COTICE ! NORTHWESTERN FAIR! AU MICHIGAN COXTKIBUTORS to the Northwestern Kii ir, are requerted to mark tlieir contribtons - wliether E6Dt to Detroit ot Chicago- JVORTHWJESTERïY FAIR, MICHIGAN DEPART1WENT." Tbis wiïj lnsure tbeir boiog properlv received a.nH ftre'ïited. VAT,n?IA TAMrBKIX, 310fl5 C-ei. Fc. M!ch. Iept. Kirthwijtera Fdr. FLORENCE SEWINS MACHINES. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, P1CTURES, FRAMES, THREAD, SILK, T WIST, MACHINE O1L, fc The undorsigned now oifera the publio TUE BEáT FAMILY SEW8SMC SVSACHSlE IIsT TJ FOï DURABILITY, BEAlïYoJ STYLE,and FA RIET Y of WORK,it "STANDS UP HEAD." It iieeluonly to bessen to beapprocÏHted. Runs the work luilh wayïi. takey four Jtinila of Htitchen, heins, feül, gthrs, bruids. bind-, quilts, frathora nd icn on ft rutile at the sanio timu. Sows from the tliinnest ti) the tliickest fabvio without changing the stitch, tensión or ueedle, or without breakiag the Ihread - The Wonder of the World ! Also a varifty of tho mest beautlful PHOTOGRAVH ALBUMS, P1CTUUES aun FRAMES n great variotx. and pictures trameil to order at short noties. Also.BABNUM'S SSLF-SBWEA or TüUKBB, whioh can be adjuated to any Sewing Machine. Cal t tbe nign of the KLOKBXCE SEWÏN'G HA. CKINfi, a few doors Kast of Cook's Hotel. Stiíching Neatly Done to Order. Also,onexhibition,thecelebrated " WEED SBWINO MACHINE," which touk tlie premium at the Michigan State fair, of 1864. W. D. HOLMES. Aan Arbor, Dec. 2Sth , 1.864. 9ÖS)tf [ISTORY OF THE WORLDBY PHILIP SMITH, B. A. nt of the principal Contributore ta the Dictiouariit of Grtek and Ruinan Antiguüiea, Biügropyt and Gtog raphy. PLAN OF THE WORK. SLoce Sir VValterRateigh solaced his Imprinonmunt l the Tower by the comoosition of bis " Hiatorj of ie World," the Literature of Knjjlaiuï ban n&yr jhieved tho work which he left unlininhed. ïhere ave been ' Universal Histories," f rom the bulk of q encyclopaedia to the most meagre outline , in wbich ie anuals of each uation are eparately recordad ; üt without au attempt to trace the story of Divinu rovidenje and human progresa in one counected narfitive. ït is procosed to upply thia want by a work, ontlenaed enough to ker-p it withiu & reasonable wixe, ut yet Ho f uil aft to be free from the dry bal:neKs ofan pitoine. The Lttcrature of Germany aboundn in hisury, - suchas tb ose of Muller, Sefe.losner, Kuri v tottock, Dunckej-jajidikers, - which at prove the'denand for sucha boek .and furnish in ode U, íd sonie de ree, for its execution. But even thoae treat works ,re somewiiat defiemntin thutorganic unity which is ,he chtct aim of this "Histjry of the World." The story of our whole race, like that of each sejmr tte nat ion, has " a beginning, a mídale, and au end." Tha-t story we prapose to faUow, from itsfeeginfiing iu hetiacred records, and froni the dawn of civilwatioo u the Kast, - tlirough thesuccessive Oriental Empire, -the rist of liberty and the perfection of heathen aolity, arts, and literature ín Greece and Rome, - the ;haue:e which paased over theface of the world vhen ,he lieht uf christianity sprang up ,- the origin and irst appearance of those barbarían races which overilirew bolh divisions .f tle ftoniau Empire, - the anaalbuf tho States wbich roe -cxx ttvo Kmpire'd ruïj ncluding the picturesque details of medieval history, ; and the steady procrea of modern liberty and civilizition, - and líie extensión of these influences, by dis covery. enquest, culonizatioa, and ChrUtian unaaions, to the remotest regions of the earth In a word, as separate histories reflect the detached scènes of human action and suffering, our aim is to bring into one view the severa 1 parta whioh asanrcdiy form one great whokï, movtiijj'Mnward.s, under the guidauco of Divine Provideace, to the unknownend oidainod ia the purposes. No pains wülbe spared to make thia hiatory scholarlike in ubstance and popular in style. It will be íounded on the bent authorities,ancent and modero, original uad secoadary. The vaht progresa recently maue in histurical nd crltieat investigatins, the results obtaiüed from the modern science of comparative plulology, and the discoveries which have laid open now sources if infdfumtion concei'üing the JCaeft, afïord uch facilities as to make üm prst'dt a fit epoch ior ovr andertakiog. The worE wiïl be divifled iflto three Poriods, each complete in itself, and will form Eight Volumes in Demy Octavo. I. - Anujext Histoby, Pacred and Secular; from the Creatiun to te Fall of the Westers Kinpire, in A. D. 476. Two vn uunea. II.- Mkdikval HiToirr.j'Ci-vil and Ecclesiastical ; from the Fall of the Western Empireto the taking of Conetantinople by the Turks, ia A. D. 1453. fwo Volumes. III.- Modkrx HïêTOby ; fromthe Fail f the Byzantine Empirt' to ourownïimes. Four Volumes. It will be published in 8 vols. 8 vo. Price in clotli, $3.50 per volume. SUeep, $4-5U. Half Mrocc, $5. Volume 1 now ready. Agents Wanted in all parta of the Country. Applications should be made at once to the PublishD. APPLETON & CO., 2amtf88S 443 ■ 444Broadway. N. Y A TWOflD'S PATENT DRILLING MACHINE, PIL. E DRIVEK, KYDRAYLIC SAND PUMP. PRACTICAL TESTS havmg fully demonntrated the luperiority of this machine ovor all otbcrs for purpose )f sinking OH Wells, the unlorsigned is now prepared ;o receive orders for thes;n&e. This mchin.fery compríses everything requisita for ;he boring of oil wells, exceptiugthö STEAM ENGINE 4.ND CAST IRON DR IV IMG PIPE, (but wíll be furnihcd, if desired, at a reaíonable pncr;, and dispen. ses with the u so of the Derrick Rope , Buil whee l and other cumbious and expensive fisturew uow in usc, md is 8o arrüiiged , being constructed on wheolsiind portable, tha t ten be eawily removed for theurpose of sinking welis ia different localities. XHE DETRITUS is removed fro-m thewOH by our Patent llydraulic process,and does not require tbe removal of the drill from the boring. This procesa not ooly removea all the do ti i Lus in from 5 to 10 mtnuteR, but likewis1 efFectua.lly cïears out and oprns all ihe smalloil veins that areBo often entiroly closed up Y y the oíd proceas of -aand pumping. WITH THIS MACHINE aod a practical engineer, a wel 1 can be sunk from 400 to 600 feet within a period of fr:m 15 to 30 days after 'the soil pipe has been driven. Arrangemcnts are being made for the construction and del'nrery of these machines at New York , Nor wie h, New burg, K . Y. , aod Pittsburg, Penn. For further inforuiation, price, teruiSj c,f adcrss, SIMEÓN LELAND, Metropolitan Hotkl, SmlC04 New York. THE .NITEC NATIONAL BANK OF TUE CITY OF NEW YOKK. Capital, $1,000,000, Paid In, FISCAL AGENT OP THE UNITED STATE8, And Si'KC'ml Agent kor Jay Cooke, 6i;b5CIUPTion Aowrr, Will Deliver 7 30 Notes, Fiee of Charge, by exprcss, in all p;rts of the country, and receive in püyment Check a on Xew York, I'hiladelphia, and L'oston, current bilis, and rM fiv. per cent. iaterott notes, with intTcst to date of FubRcription . Ordirt scut by mflil will be promplly til led. Thii Bank receiïpK tbe accounts of Banks and Bankers on favorable terms ; alio ol individuáis kceping New York accounts. J, U . ORV1SL President. T. T HÏLL, Cashier. 3m98 TJTTANTBD- Married Ladies, Prof T Y Von Vrte's Diamond Drope, a nevrr failing and barrules venieily for all obstructions and irrrgularitiGB. AU married ladies will find this a never (dllinp preventive, for which it H wavranted in every intancp, and are invited tn gend a red stamp for a eirenlar or 4.25 for a bttle, td FKKDKRirK STKARXS, wholebalö druggift ganer&l ageul for Michii?a,n for the Pi-iinind I'rop!-, T. o. Draver 445. Detrci't. Falfrn ■ uppliodat rropTit-tor'ipricPB . W6mC INJOW "ÍS ÏHB TIME For foargains in AND CROCERIESÜ C. H. MILLEN. is huw roceiving his stock QT DRY GOODS, CARPETS, nnd GROCEI?IES, ought a', the roeent ffreat dcllne in N'ew York, and tvillbesold as luw ah tlio lowvat Cali and eamiud oods and prices bdfure purcbaMiajf . C. H.MILLKS. April, 1S65. 13R1NTS, 20 to 25 Cents. BEST DELAINES, 81 cents. SnEETINGS, 30 to 40 cents. BLEACHED COTTONS, and all other gooda at EBDUCED PBICES ! At C. H. MiLLEN'S. ♦ KJtt'TTT' OARPETS, A 'T C. n. MILLEN'S. L ADIËS1 DSBrfS GOODS of U klad, Ladles' Sacks, Cloaks, Shawls, Huir Ornameuts, &o , ll th ntw ktjrloi iut racelTod H4 lor ntt chi. 1004Ü C. H. MILLEN. WAR m. ir w. i: - THE PANIO HASCOMMENCED, Ann Arborla one of the ftrat to throv ut induceinvnts for People to GET G90DS CHEAP. All of the Kerch anta are on th I&ekout. and are buying goodn at the lowest pogsiblt) ateütaul ach one gets h:.B own variety of articlea. soné of the PRETIK3T PLACES lu the STATIC, ad veil auppücd with qaimufactnring interes ts for the ountry generally. Tliere aro 12 Iry v oods Stores, i jr 5 Hardware Stores, 6 or 8 C lot hing fcitorea. 3 Hat Stores 3 Shoe Storen, and a ha f dozen Rhoe Shnpg, 3 Itwelry Storen. 5 er 6 Provisión íuk'. ftretMTy toree, ii& 4Cabinet Waro Rowïs, 4 ot 6 Bukc Shops, 4 Hur ness Shop, 4 IMntiRcr l?rt'aii(-, and all kinds of ManuTacturing Establubraents, too numorous to meniion.- The whole sarroutidmg oountry wijl do well to gÍT Ann Acbor a cstt, and nftor looking around, all around for your -ANIV GROCEEIES, don't forget to cali a-t 0. ft THOMPSON'S STOEE, Cornor Min and Washington Street, anti he will ti y anl give you prieel that will natiflf. He is receiring goods bought at the lowest poMtible price, and will trj and atisfj as fr at he can. Th MOTTO la "LIVE AND LET LIVE.' "Help your neijhbor iwidfou help yourself." 1 am confideut of the renult. CHAKLES B. THOMPPON. April, 1866. SmlOOS QOODS AT HALF PRICE! GOLD IS DOWN! COTTON IS DOWN ! PRINTS ARE DOWN! DOMESTICS ARE DOWN! WOOLENS A5E DOWN! (ROCHES ARE DOWN ! and now is the time to buj' your SPRING COODS! - o - F. B CH Has just opened a oomplele assortment of DRY GOODS, Dress Goods, Cloths, Groceries, &c, &c, bougbt slnoe tb urronder of Ij arl th er" full in Aun Arbor, April, 1S6. 1WÍ


Old News
Michigan Argus