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WAR MOST ENDED! CHARlESTONiTAKEN 1 ! fiüiTERMAN & 00,, Bcintf connrctod with one of the hu-geit Lomea in [ Nw Yoi k, whlch hnji beteer faciUtie for Seliing Oheaper i tban aaj othr hoti-e. Are bouti1 to h nol n w_j r-m? mm mj0 uk mt direct frum NEW YORK CITY, vrho b:i had lon expricnc iu ttiv buimtKS, vr ua.rt iu tu giva tli-i buut SATESFACTION tu our iiuuiorou GUSTO MEE, &STUDENTS of thw Cslefh]ty. Kospluf oa haud th nroni stock of CLOTHS, CASS1MEBES, VESTINGS, tugetber with the Ur.n stook of Ready-Made Olothing, OBNTS' FURNÏSHING GOODSÜ &c, &c, &c, which we wlll böII cheaper tban wit o'her establishment in tbe citj. All we ank ii thnt ourfriendi aud Stuüentn r gi?e usacailand aatiafy thumselve, M. GtTITERMiN. 4 0c, A RARE CHANGETO BUY GOODS CHEAP! I UfcT In Btore fail tuck of sUplo and FANCY DRY GOODS, Á fullliMof DOMEáTICS md CHOICE GROCERIESÜ Ml purcïiat! piuca tb WAR CLOSED! And owinR to eircnmrta-nee beyond my control, 1 rfeh to makim fmmediate Sale of the Stock. CASH BUYERS eau for a few weekn haTO g-ooda 3,1 jnstibout TflEIU O WIN7 PRIGES ! J. H. MAYNARD. My5th,lP63. lOOTtf JDtt. SMITH'S 3SrEtX7" PRÍSC1IPTI0N & DRUG STORE ! Is the place to buy jour MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, VV rit in 2 Paper, by the Reain orless, and all other nrticlps in our tint, ttf KKpocial atteution tu Compounding at)d putting npPrwdrlptioM, t the sin oc GOLÜ MOHTAK,Kxchange Block , Ann Arbor, Michigan. Jgff $$- l'rufcsHüual calis promptiy attenileü to. 1 Y9Í0 100 City Lots tbr Sale. TDEMEMBEll SNOVER & KELLEY'S yyn diüiiL is the Korth door of Gregory's Xew Block. 6, W, SNOVER, 0, A, KELLBY. ïiot TNSÜRANCE AtíAINST ACCIDENT!. TBAVELERCiNSURANCE Cö,, OF HAKTFORD, CON.V. CAPITAL, - - . ."00,0OOInsure3 painst jxl. mzs zz m mtubpq vLrM?m OF EVKRY 0E8CBIPITOK, CAUS1NG LOSS OF LIFE OR BODILY IN'JDBT. THE Tkaveieek I.wsetíA.vcK Cuíipa.vv w.e oranfmi onder n cbftrter gr&titeri by the Connectie at í.eiii-í ■ la tura of 18'jS, ïï' atpejtdéd by the legislatura -f 1804, fnr the specific pijrpofte of offeetlng imuiuhck AOAI.NST ACCIUl.NIM, of wht6Tr kiiul nï (loscri [ tlOtl , t bey uccurtti ra t-!jr_i by rnilruR-i, HÍcnmboRt jr htug.uuach, iu tlm Mrt-cl, tit wurlt in tlitshüij, ür Hittin by tti doinesti árcudd : wLoUier rilling, boatiíísíi Ij u ui ing, ftyliiflg, Hlmotniir, swimmtTig, crffikettog, nojTejíUig:, euinoeiinK ; whetbor irorki.ii tr playiufT. aleepirift nr waklag, in rtangor or out ol (itppamnu dnRr( -it Ucuns or abroa il - Íbotíiv rarta ty u f circuiuntiit:i.i-s iu which mu n t. ii'l utc orútafti i pla-'ed, A neoeral Accident Polio v not onlv (nclndes the risk lotraij-tüiif, but Ibu ulifürün of dlslocfttiun.i, brojWn b'ait'H, i'upíured teni'oiw, [jrains, annauuUifia, eruh tnK, bl'Uii'H, tiuU, xtub.i tfui]bi't vi', iu iris, poipi. nc' wouiifld, buiDS n-1 ï'tnlil, bftes of dogs, unprorokefl k b.-a ü lts by burviuia, rubtwsor mtird i.-i-. :!i avtion of llgbtiog it huu Hhjke, ib sffectH of exploAlon; Chemicals, ituods :ind .urthquaka., suiiucütiiru by droirnlng or bak ing Itis bt'tter tlmn lifc insiiraneo. for the prurm iaiurt-'. dei ven the WnttHs a( the time he most ncedd them.- Wheu lieUdiabled by a fall on th ttrt, ft lallroad colliuioti,ürothur doci-leni, ba r#celvei a veektv oom pensatiou oí 25 per wyek, (muro or Eess, Roeordtjg to toiiuunt of prèmf uní ;) a.nú in tbc rent uf leath , bis f niily reoetra tUe lum of $5,000, (mOre or lei, acoorJiuji lu premium.) GENEEAL ACCIDENT SISES. Tí:.V B0I.LA1W PRËllJUü Under a dimcral Accident polley, vill secure $10 nti iteek compaouitlu hile dUabled, fnot exceedloj t.ventysix weeks,] ur tí ,000 in the Tent of deatli lv frceídent. TWKXTY-FIVË POLI..1R8 PREMIUM. Will secure t'5 pfr n-uek coinpeasatíon, or Ï3 0OJ ir oaáeoir KIFTi' DOLLARS PRKMTOM Will ■curo $50 i.t week com[)eiuaton , or $10,0Xi Ín caso ot (Jeath. Any ot!ir um , frouj 500 tu $10,000, aC proportlon. ale nitP. Where comptnutlrin only la deslio.! , or parment i toboinado oulj i ca.-e of duulh, tA ra( "jr ixc loicvr. P0LICY TICKETS. Traveloríi luauranoe Tickets are nnw icld nt tlie principal Raiiroad StatloEJ uud Ticket Office ia the couatr, TAR1FF OF KATE.3, Kor 83,000, and $15 per week Oompeuiation. Ticket 1 dajr, lo cts. 10 days $1 00 " " 2 " 20 ' SO ' 1.5C " 3 " 30 " , L0 'i '2.00 " " s '' 60" 3 nj,,B., 4.So " 1 " 70 " n " 7 00 12 " 10.00 B-& erjons dosirimr mor than $SX'OO murante can ÍHACüsm the amount to $9,000, and 45 jer wceK com purcliasing linee tickets. No more tlian 1O.OUO wi'.l be paid on any ona life. BOARD OF DIRECT3RS. gx si avis r. nAns, w. h. d. caLlendkr JAMES L. HOWARJJ. GSOI1GE W. MOOEE, MARSÍl.ij,!, JEWElA,, KHEXEER TioRF.KTS, iHONÍAS HELKNAH.Jk , CHARLES WHTB, CÜKNKl.iUS B. ERWIN, HÜGH HARR1SON, (JEORGES. Gil.MAN, JOXATHAN U. BUNCE JAMES G. BATTEBSO, Presllltnt. RODiVKY DBVNIS. Srearr; HE.Vai' A. OVEl!, Ceueral Ageüt. U. C. MARSHAI.C, General Tikot Agant. , Dr. S.B. BKRE3F0RD, Surgeon. R.E. FRAZER, Agent. AnnAbbok,Mich 2mlO08 GEOEGE DEMEEIT & CO,, JEWELEES, 303 J8ROADWAY, NEW YORK, (CORN'EE INTIME STBEET.) 100,000 WAT0HS3, CHAIWS, GOLD PENS & PENCILS, &C. iiC, &C.( WORTH $500,000 1 TO BE SOLD AT ONE DOLXAR E4CH, WITHOUT REOARD TO VALUE. And not to be paitl until yoi know wbat you will receÍTa I SPLENDID LIST f ART1GLËS All t o be Sold for ONE DOLLAR Enoli I 100 Gold Hunting Cases Watches a;h $100 o 100 Gold Watchea 1311 (;q WO Ladios' Wa.tch.6t 35 (0 500Silver Watc.lieü Í15 00 to f'.: 5 00 fiOO Gold Neok anti Vest Chains 12 00 to 13 lm lOOO Chatehun and Guard Cuidas 0 00 tu 1610 SOOO VestaedXeck Chain 4 CiO to 12 00 4000 Solitair Jet and Gold Brooehes... 4 00 to 8 i-o 000 Coial,l.ava,Garnet, &c, HrouctieB 3 00 to 8 00 70(0 Gold, Jet, Opal, .Vc., Ear Drops . 8 00 lo 30 6000 Gents' Bronst nuil Scarf Pias 8 00 to 8 00 600" Oval Band Bracelot 3 01) to 8 00 2000 Chimeil Bracelets í 110 to 10 U0 ÍJ50G California Diamund Pins & Riugs. 2 E0 to ö 00 2090 Gold Watch Keys ï 60 to 6 (lo 5000 Solitaire Sleove Buttons k Studj. 2 00 to 8 00 800(1 GoM TUiinbli-n _ 6 00 to f! 00 50O0 Miniaturi' I.ockets ï 00 to 7 00 SOOO Miniatura Loeko's, Maglo i CU to 9 10 Ü500 fiold Toothpicks, Cvosso, áio. . . . ! 00 to PO.) 3000 Fob fuid Ribbon STÏclan 9 00 to 5(0 S000 CliaBed Gold Rings 3 "0 to 5(0 4000 Stono .et Rings 2 00 to 8 00 f.600 Set I.adiis' Jewslry- JetiG.iM.. 3 00 o ISO" 0000 Sft Luilies' Jewelrr- varled Btvlet 8 00 to 16 CO FO'10 Gold ln, Silvor r-'at and PfBfil. 4 00 to 80 4000 Gold l'ens, EkrtHJ Ho'dcr mi) Case 6 00 to 10 00 tiOOO Gold Pens.Moun'ted Helder.. . ï 0) to 8 10 All the goeds ia the alove List will lie nold, without reneryation, tét OXK DOLLAR KACI1. Cartincte of all the Triou arüclca re placwl In similar enveiopie S(iaU:d otl mixed. These p.nvelopoa wiil be ent bT til, or delivered at our oiEco, without regard In choice. Oh rcceiviog a Ceitillcjvtp, yon will nee irhat article k roprescntR and it in optior.a! wtth you to cr.1 one dollar, and receifeth articl uamodur anj othur tn the !it of same ral na. Bj tin modo ivo give sc!ootl:.a frr.m a íariiMl itocl of rin,o good, of the bost mah and )atet tile, and of lutriario worth, at a nominal pi-ioo, while all liarf aohance of securing metióle of tho vprv bighofit vaU:e lo all transactiona by mail we charge fo:' fnrwaidii g the C'oit. tinto, paving pottnge, and dl'!ji th biiaiimw 26 conts och. Jic crrtijirattt Kill bt KerU for $1 Kirren for 12; TMr'y for $5; rixty.f.vtfor S 0; anl One UuxdrtJ fur f. 16. SECURE A CERTIFÍCATE ! Thore is no hazard or Hsk. There ara no blank.- EvoryCe tilicatu representa unaiticle. Asnigllno i of 1hf loirer K'adfift oí Jewelry no ponton can lectiva leu Iban tliey&liw of 1leir mony, sndihey mav rit au articlc worth Aro, ten, or a bandnd fold ! SATISPACTION GUARANIEED. Kvory perron knows irhat thy witl receive bofori the ntticle is naiii fur. On l-eoelpt ol n Corl diat you 8o what Articleit topresonti, Rnd it U,Of courc,at Touroptmn tntake it.or avy olhor urtiole ü our Út of the sarao valué. Wtí guarantoe eutiro satif.irt.ion tf fvpry pnrcliAsr, and f ther Fhiuild t anv pfrson disksiisiimi with anj article rf oei vid from nu, Uiejm.iy immMinUty r"i ,,.'■. it and the amount puidivill be rrfiuiáed, QP ();n trial will (;rovo to any thnt Ihis sale givrspitr.baser groatsr adfiiiiiaefs than any nthor fvor proposcd. Aoents.- UV a!lor IhoneactiBg as Agontn, Tou OnU on ciioli OrliOcatoi rdorod, proTidod their reuiilUnop amount to Oae Pollr. Thfy willol]ecti.ctcts for evcry Cejt licite, nd, rotainint: 10 cents, rcmittauB -5 cr-nts Tor each. Adilrcs, GEORE nEMERIT fc CO. 3ralO02 ; ,i BroaSwaj.New Vori.. Mr. MVtthews first pre pared the VEVKTIAN HATJÍ DYR ; ince that time it tías Ijíu iued Ir, thuusan'is, and n noinstamie has t faiJêd tn giré eutí re satisfacción. The VEXETTAN I'YK is tho cbnapot in the worM-- lts pricp ia t.Dl.v Fifty i-nt, :inr: t-ach boitle ormtsins Anuble tlioquantity oi dye in thone soM for The VEXF.T1AN DYF, i.i wariantcd nnt to mjurr tlie hnir or th noftlp in Ibe ulTihtefit 'lgrf Tho VKXKTUN' DVK wnrlis wiTh rn'j Uüy r.n.1 .-ertainty , thc hnir roauirisff tío preparación w UntVti Tho VKVKTÏAN UYK nny blmdn tlmi n-ny bo flcoired - onothnt triH not faño. cTncfe orwjmfa aat - nno th,i1 ia m permnunt ns t lie huir itselí'. Fot sale by all iruggistü. - rict í'O cents. A . I. MATHF.WS. Ctmmrm] A(?r.nt, 19 OttW Sti-wL ew Vork. Aln, ManufactiirPT f M atiiwV Aumta P!.wr fíios7be bt 11 tffrsídg lo un. Ic Itr hntti, pelw M font'fi. " LjOM Üj B HTS U' K. ' ' "" -- OÜR GHINAMAN STILL UVES. And continúes to f urnish thftt unrivaled (uality of TEA alwayH found ut the IVopte's 8tore Lotur of good Tea ill picase try a nnipla OP OUR NEW TEA. DuPÖttEST iSTEWAKT. GHElOOrEJDR.XEJJS )f all kinds. Fruits. Extracta, Spices, ricklex, Oil, 'ríuuien, &0. l'uie Liijuors und Wiues fur Medicina-l turposes only. DeFOUEST k STEV.'ART. Sugar ! Bugar 1 A sroalllot of LOW PRICED SÜGAR. Df.FOREST i STEWART. KST FISII.- CodfisL, Whitefish, [Vout, Mackoiel, Hftrrhiij, &e. OeFOREST t STEWART. "SYFUP ! SYRUP! A few barrels, extra quality, UeFOKKST L STEWABT. Í0IL AND LAMP DEPOT ! KEKOSENE OIL! Tb best qualit ONE DOLLAR Per Gallon. DkFOREST iSTKWART. HOl YEf Purcbasers oí GEOCKERY. GLASSWARE, LAMPS, PLATED GOODS, TABLE CUTLERY, &c. For sle at less than Xaw Vork wholesalo prici, by DeFOKEöT 4 STKWART. A Good Clothes Wringer. Savestinie.' Saves money! Saves elothing! Saves strtngth! Saves health! Saves hiring help! Savet ittak wruts! Saves burning handt ! Woolen clotboB can be wrung out of boiling water to prevent shrioking, without uuur; to the machine. DkFOREST & STEWART. piXjES- A SüRE REMEDY. Everybody ia being cured of tMs distressing dlea y the use of DR. BILLINGTON'S PILE REMEDY. Read whftt those lay who have uaed tt . PirrariELD, Washtenaw Co., Miott. Dr.?, A. Billigton : DearSir : Forthe good of the afflicted, I heretrüli transmit to you antatementof the beneüt which I bT ceceiTed from the uso of your PïLK RKXEUY. For number of yeara I have bcn rery badly afliicted vritb tho Files, so much so as to reuder raöat tjmea totally uo&tfor buüiuean. I fouud no permajieat rdiif from the many remedies which I made use of. And alpiott dspaird of effectlng a porraaneut cure. I wai ut leDgtb induced by your ageot at Ann Arbor to tok trial of your remedy, which b.6 warrantd to effect ft cure or reeoive no py. I consdered it like most other patent medicineB- a tiuinbug, uníil I beganto improre. With irapiovement. and at length an entire cure, I becarae eonvinced it was asctentific and reliable remdj. 1 uaed Onr Pack age uwly, which. tam happy to iyeatireiv curEil me. TruBting that all who make ua& of the ELectuary for bat most distressinit diaeaoe- l'ilea - may ralix th Bknivt happy resulta, 1 am RöMpectfully your,! SMITH MiCOMBKK. For oasen, cali on tbe Agent and ubtain pamphlet and eferenco to a number of citizenH of Auu Arbor who aave ben cured by the use of tbr Electuary. LkFOHEST & STEWART. CJLOSIJÏU OUT A Bí'LEMDID STOCK OF DRESS GOUDS! FURNISHING GOODS, CASSIMERES, Oloths, Satinets, &c., DOMESTIOS, SHOKS, HATS i CAPS, Crockery GROCERIES, &c, Are to be sold at piiccs tht vil! guarante tholr Mie. N. Tï. - Tlif larre-t Stork nf Cfcïif!Ottfl lT""n Cotion in the City atlef-h than MaDiifnctuwr's priow, Tho htfhffet pricc paiá inTrartfor cash for %Xl kindt of Produce. MACK&SCHMrr. lyOTICE! TAKEN' VI' V tlie suWriber hnui tli rat of April,!'' 6; sniKÜ lile .Isrt, bs Hf iKSK, tlire wh!t ft,ri'l n wlrf S)( in f-)rtlir"!.ahnnt, 7 Ifin old. T'jh ownfr is rrimestd til i . ■ r'iTi v , anl pay ?tlj8TceP. allí! takfi him ftwfl y . T VV. ' 'SSKTT. Sl-m, Mi-h.. April Hh. l'"3. (W1004


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Michigan Argus