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r4IB KU0T8 AND THE LfiAVES J4. VILX be fot the Uoaln.g ol the Xatious . Bible. 3Ex-o5t. H. O". IiYOKTS, THE ORKAT AND CFI.EBRATPD PHVSICIAM of the ÍHROAT.LUNGfl, UKAUT,UVJi,it AND THE BLÜÜD, Knuwu allovei tbccouutry as the CKLEBR-ATEP I3STX3IA.3ST ÜEIRIB DOCTCB i)i 282 Superior Street, Clevelaa-], Ohio. Willviftit tliO füllowing place, vz A?POINTMENTöFORl8Öa, 18631 ISC4. Prof. K. J. Lyon can be cousulted at the fAftowln placen o very uiouth, víz: Detroit, IíuH.setiluUBe, eacb month, 18th and 19th. Aun Arbor, Monitor House, es t:h mmitli,3Qth Jackson, Jlibbard Houre, ttacb nioutli, 21. Adrián, liracket House, each month 22dandfiSd, Toledo, Ohiü, Colima House,each inontb 24tb dfrÈh ai] aüth. ' Hillsdale,5ric,h. , IlilladaleHouHC, cach month 27th Colüwatpr, Míob., Soutüeru Michigan House' ene inonth, 2t)i. ' Klkhart, Klkhnrt House, each niont]i , S9tfa. Snutli Hend, Ind., St. Jo. tío!, pach month, 30 Laporte, lud.. Toe (íardeu IK ise, each month 3a'st. Woorttí-TjOhiO, Crandell Exchjnge, each month 7tl anddth. ManHrield, Ohio, Wíler Houst each mcnth 9th ant lOth. Mt. Vernou, Kenvon House, tAch month llth am iath. N'ewark, Ohio, Holtou House, each niontb, 13th and 14 Lh, Paineftvüle.Ohio, CowlsHouise,each month 4th CLKVKLAND, OHIO, RESIDENTE AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET East oi1 the public square, oppnsite tlie Pontoffloe Orticu UayH ettch month, lst, Üd, 4 tb, 5th, 6th 15th - - Utilct liours trom 9 A. M. to 12 M, ud from Q p j 'tü U'. M. UnSunday from 9 tu 10 A . M.,aud 1 to P 'm 4KL-,Maxinis.slnct)y adhered to-I give Bucb bahu is have no utrife, Witli Qtun of tho las of !ïfe, Withbkiodtny hands I uuvprstain, Kor [toisón men toeaFe theirpiiin. Heit i pk y sitian indeed, who Cm;:. The Indian lloro Doctor, R. J. LYONS, cures the following DOmpiaiBta In the inost obstiuRt siagesof theii oxistence, iiz: DiaoHsesof tho Throat, Lunga, ITeart, i.iver Stomaoh, Dropfly iu the Cliest, EUieumatism, Neuralgia, Fits. r FallingSickues,audal!otfier nervousderangemt-nts Alflo alldiseasesof tbc blood, such nu Scroiula, Kryni). ela8(Cancers,Feveröorefi, I.pprosy, and aJlotier complicated chrouiccomplaints. AllforniR of female dilliculties attended to with thi liappiest resultn. It is hoped that no nne will despair of a cure until thcy have giveu the Indian Herb Doctor's Medicinen a Fair and faithfuï trial. ftS-During the Doctoi'itrav sin iu Europe, West Indics, South America, and the United States, he has been the instrument Ín GodV Liand, to Testóte to health and rigor thouëands wïo ivarc given up and pronounced incurable by the mosi Diuinentold school physiclans; nay. more, thoumodv who were on tho verge of tlie grave, are now living moi.uments to the Indian Herb's Doctor ' skill aUr mccofisfultreatment,andare daily exclaiming; "Biew ied be thoday when iirst e saw and partook of the indian Herb Hoctor's medicine." Satisfactory referencesof cures will be gladly an' heerfally given Tt henever required, Thtílloctnr pledges hi.s word and hnnor, that he wil) n no wiae,directly or indirectly, induce or cause an nvalïd to take bis medicinewithout the Btrongest probfcbilitj of a cure. SïïF Moiie of osaminfltion, which is entirely-liiTerem froni tltefaculty. Dr. Ljoa proftsAés to discern diiBuea by the eye. He therefore asks nnquefitions, noi íloeshe require patientsto explain ymptoms. Cali one und all, ind have thesymptoms and location of your difienseerplainedfree of charge. ï-n5r!'The pooi sbali be Hberallr considered. j-PoftloQlccaddreRtjbox 2663. R. J. LVONS, M. T. Cleveland, Ohio. Nov. 25.18C2 TySfiO JUST OPENING ? The Iarge8t Stock ond best assortment of CA3INET FURNITURE ? ■ ever brouglit to thia city, ineluding 30FAS, TETEA-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS , CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS-, CIJAIRS, Gilt Frames and Mouldings OOFFIIffS METALIC CASES, &c, " c, ■md alt other gnods kept in the best and lar fit housetin tl, e couutry. We seepno second hand ur litme or 'tuctioD eronds. Cofiins kept constantly ( a and, and nadii to order. My goods are offered at THE LOWEST CASH FR1GES N.B. I must have mcnry , and respectful'jf requent tlioHe indebtedjto cali and ftx up their old mattern without delay. O. M. MARTIN. Ann Arbor,Oct.6, 1863. 925tf BANNEE HAT STORE! o GO TO Before jou buy,Sprinj and Summer style oi STRAW GOODS! GENTS' Furnishmg Goods, &c. Ann Arbor, April 20th, 1864. 953. iiïfle F actory! Beutier & Traver, [SuccPRporH to A. J. SutherUnd,] Manufacturera of and Dealer in Guns, Pistola, Ammunition WlavJcs. Ponches Game Bagt, and Ever} other articlo iu that Line. All kindw of ionc attue shoi -test notice, and mttiebcatraannr. a fuIIÁfWorlmfn'f alwayH kcjit on hand and made order tï. Shftp urntir Mum aml Wablviugton qtrectfl. v-n Arbtr,Oct. 8, 1862 STñtf HOWARD AS 8 0 Cl ATI 0 N, rillI.ADKI.PHIA, PA. Dlscnflrs ol'the Nrvous, Semltinl.TJrlnnry mifl Smnil SjslttiiN - m-, .u.; r'Ii:il!p treat■ir-it-ln n-pertf ..f the FIOWAKD ASSOCIATION- ":int ür mait in hpiiIcm! letter cnvclopcs freo ofeharrs Arlaren Ür. J. SKI1.1.IV IKH'liHTOV, Iloirnrl Atmet ■MH.n,N-. J 5uutti N'iiHIj -:ireet, ()'.!:■:■ l)iii , !Vr.ti lylTMtfa, iíVf3 PULMONIC SYRUP, SEAWEED TONIC, ANP MAN9RAKE PILLS. The aboTe is a correct likenes of Dr. Schenck, juit aftcr recovpring from Coosumption. manj yearsago Below is a likeness of hiin as he now appears. When tlie first wao tnkt-'n he weighed 107 pounds ■ at the present time bis weight is 220 pouucis. DR. SCHENCK'S 'rincipal Office and Laboratory is at the N. F. corner of SIXTI1 and COMMERCE Streets, Pbiladelphl where all letters foradvice or business ahould be di ected. He will bc found tbere every SATURDAY, profesonally to eïRniine lungs witb the Respiroraeter, for which hih feo s tliree dollars : all advice iree. In New York at No. 32 BO.N'D Street, every TUES DAY, from 9 A. M. to 3 V. M. At the MAKLBORO' HOTEL, Boston, January 18 and 9, February ló and 16, March 15 uid Í6, April 19 and 0, Mny 17 and 18, June 14 and 15).fu]y 19 and 20. The time for my being in BALTIMORE and PITT3BUKÜ, will be sten in the daily panera of thoso cilies. he. Hiüory ff Dr. Schcnck's own Case, and howhc was cured of Coiisumpíion. Manv years ago, whilst residing in Philadelphia, I ad progresad gradually into the last stage of Pu! monary Consumptiou. All hopen of niy recovery béng ditssipated. i was adv sed by my physicían, íír.'Parisb, to remove ioto the country. iMoorestown; New eitsev, being my nativo place, Í was removed thither. ly fatber and uil bil faraily had lived and dted there- ml (lied of Pulmonary Coimimprion. On my nrrival was put to 1 ed, where I liiy for many weeks in what ■aKilccmed a hopelews condiljon. J)r. Tlinrnton, wbo ïad been niy iather's family phyician, nn; had ntended lim ia bis last illness, was pulled to aee ma. He hought my case e.ntirely beyond the roachof medicine, nd iWWaÍ tw y mW -ijA aini cave me one week to arrange my temporal affairs. lu tlii-s ajiparntly hope e.Añ coudition, I heard of the remedies which I now make &iv b#11. It seemed 'o rae ihat I couid Ceel thera working tbeir way , and penetrating every nerve,fibre, and tissue of my system . My lungs anl livor put on a neiv action, and the mor bid matter wbich for years bf.d accumulnted and irri tated the düTerent Organsof the body, was elimhitited, the tubercles on my hmgs ripened, and I expectorated from ray lungs as mueh as a pint of yellow ofi■enive matter every moining. As this expectoralion of matter subi-ided, the feverabated, the pain lefL me the cough ceased to harasa me, and the exliaunüng nightsweats were no longer known, and I bad re resliing tite now begn to return, and at times I found It dif cult to reKtmin mvuelf from eating too much ; wil tiiis return of health, I guined in strength, and no am Henhj. 1 am no.v a henlthy man, with a larj, BMlftd cicatiix in the middle lobe of the right lung anc the lower lobo bepaticd with complete adhesión of t] pleura, The lett Ulbs in sound, and the upper lube o the right one is in a tole: ably healtli y conditiou. Consumption at that time wasthought to bean ín curable diseane, by every one, physiciana aswella those wlio were unlearnedin meliciue- esjiet-ialíy suc cases as were rcducel tothe coudition I was in. Tli indnced many peopleto bolieve iny recorery ooly ten porary. I now prepared and gave the medicines 1 consumptives for some time, and made many wonder ful cure ; and thedemand increased so rapidly that determined to oCfer them to tïie public, and devote ni undividcd atietttion to lung disea.-c. Intruth(lwa üext to foreed to it,for peopie wouM f=end for ni e fa anJ neat, to nscfrínia whother their cases werelik mine. For many years, in conjunction iith my principa ffice in 1'bÜadelphia, I have been making regular pro fessional vinits to New York, Boston, Baltimore, anc PÍttburg. For everal yearg past I have made as many as fiv tiundred examination wcekly with the "Iïespirometer.' Por fiueh examination ray charge ia three dollars, an ,t (nables me to give each patiënt the true coudition o iis diseasu, and teil him frankly whether he will ge wü. The great reaon why physicians do not cure Con mimption in,that they try to do-toomuch ; they í1y hol telnet to stop the eough, to stop the n weata ïectie ferer, and by ao doing they derange th B whnl ligestive systexoi looltin up tlie secrelionn, andecvent lallv the patiënt dies. TI16 I'ulmonic BjTUP Ís one of the most valuable nedicincs kDown. It ia nutriënt, powerfullj lonic, and lealm in itself, It contams no opium, yet loospnw ho phlfgm in the bronijhïal tubes, and nature tliroww tolT with Itttle exertioa. One bottie frequently cure an ordijinry colt] ; but U will be vvell first to tütke a doKe f 3ohnck'9 Mandrake's Pilis to cloanse the stoniach. 'he Pulmouic Syrup is readily fligestod ai d absorbed ntoblood,to wbich it imparts its hsaftag proptrtïeH. - t ia one of {he best preparnLions of i ron in 11 e ; il is a ïowerful tome (ffStself; And when the Seawecl Totiic Üssol es the mucus Ín the stoniach, and is tarrlsd off -- L „ _ .1 j 11. Uit.JriAbii li I I ,. . l „- UI I - J' gaslric jui'-e, good nppetitej a mi a good digeslion foliow The Seaweeil 'Fonic ín a plimiilnnt. aiiil nune tiur i requirfid when it Ís nscl. It i ])ure and plcaxunt ; no bad efl'eot líKe when nsTK llourbon wbfsky. wbicb 'lis orders the stonuicli, toi'l ors the livei", locks up all the eoretions, tiwnx Ilie hlood inta watw, dropsy st'ffl in atid the patiënt diessuiliicnly. Bourbon whi-iry Íh reroinmondfj nnw-a days by al nosl oveiy physklan. Many patients that i.-it my ooiijf, bnth malf aml fpinah'. are stupeíied wiíh this ioi'-on. The relief is tt-niporiuy. II the.v congli tliey alie a Üttle wl isky ; if they Ceel weak tuid feeblc tliey mee a little whisky ; if tlioy eam ot kK'h, tlicy falce ;i ttle whisky ; and they go en in tiiis way, requlring mnre andnmrfl uniü thpy are bloated up. and imagine hey are i;ettiiuj ife-iliy. The stomaofa, livor, and diestive powers aro complétela destroyerl, and lose theii ppeíitp for í'ood. No ono w.'is evercuivrl of consumpion by this procfKf, where ravititiK have been formed n the lunps A t it t 'o etimul&nt Íh frequently ijeu'-fiial to consumplives. Riich as pure brRndy or gooñ "inus ; in iniinv cases I.unr'on porter or biown stout in íoderate quaniiea ; but Bourbon whisky hartens on ñatead ot cúring cnsumptíon. The Seaweed Toníc produces lastinjï rosutef, tlinrnghly invioraliiig tbostonifich and dfgeslife flystem, and cnublin it 'n ttlinunate and i ake ioto healthy blo't the fiod wlich may t ued for that purpone - It ík 80 wom'eifnl in ity effect Ihht a wuie glassfsfi] wili ffeat a íiearty mea I . and a lililf of il taken hefnre hreakfrtht wíll give a tino to thp ttomach uhich íew iiR-dlfinos possrs tlif power of ding. The MAiN'DRAKK ï'IU.S may be takon with pntirr safety by all i ges a mi comlitions, prvdacisg uil the goei KBttltl tbnt can bc obtuined fj om calóme I, or any of the mercurial medicines, and without any of tlieir huitful or injurious results. Th f y carry out of the Bvctem fVí-iilrnf aiul wom oi,t m.'i tterv iKJ■[el anrl rtiianlved by my Seiiwred T"iiic and Putmonic Syrup. - ït will be epen that all thrf e f my m 'icines BM nooded in niLfit caitfi to cureCünsinnptiun. AGENTS. BOSTOV- Rcorgc C. Goodnin & Co. NEW YORK- Drrna Barnes Í: Co. S.P. Ilanco. Pr. fiporfc H. Keyer. CIXCINNATI- F. E. Sufre ft Co., and John D. Park. CHICAGO- Lord & Pmitb , and II. Scoyfl. LOUli- CIHn Brother. SAN FliAVriarO- H.-fii'üfr, 8mith Penn. '.' i. ),i in al) rïriiilf t mui Dtaltrs, Sf9S8 JULIUS BAÜER & CO. Great Piano Forte & Melodeon EMF O R I ü M , CHICAGO, 1,1,. Wholesale Agents for PRINCE & COS inPBOVED MELODEONS, WARRAXTED FOR i'IVE YEARS. Tlte Edailhthmenl in Ihe Uiiiled States! THIRTY THOUSAND Of these instrumenta are now in uae mostly in the United States and Canada, alsoln Kurope, Asia, África, South ámsrfca, ml the West Indias, and from ali these quarters we have the most. fiattering: testimoniáis of the high estinifition in whlch ttaey ure h-ild. At all Industrial Exhibitiojis, thejr have iuvariably bfttiQ Awarded the Highest Premium ! whenever exliibitin in competltloa with others. We hiill take pleasura In forwarding hy mail (at our owo expense) our HhtstraUA Catafoguit in wnlch every Instrument we inannfju-ture, is fully desciibed and illuatrated by elegant ep#rav}ngs. CAXTTIONÜ We daily see advertisemonts of sorae tiew reed instrument, (with ítmnfe nitine,) purportíng to be superior to Melodeona anl School Oi%ftni A new exterior and a new mime will niiturally attrnet aMcntfotí'j but the public will benr in inind that all Reed Instruments, how roanHfacturcd in the United Staii-s and Cunada, are ai near as the y can be mude without infritiffing our patenís, copies of ourown. GEO. A. PRINCE & CO. JULIIJS BAUER & E0. WhaTesalo Agents for wm. ax .ni: & co's CELEBRATED GoldMedal Piano Fortes Also, for SOEBBLEB & 8HITB, BOARDMAN & GKAY, And other First Class Pianos. Manufacturera and Importers of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, STRINGS, ACCORDEONS, VÍOLINS, CLARINETS, DRUMS, GUITARS, BRASS INSTRUMENTS And other Musical Merchandise. The Sii.VBK and Brass InstrüMKHTS, of our manufacture iind Import Ai.In, and uged by all the best bands in the Uoltécl States, and whenever exhibited have alwaya reoelved the Gold Medals and highbst PKKMIU.MS. {"Having eonneotion with Manufacturlnf Ilouses In Uerlin, Lfitpstc, Dresden, England and Paris, we are propared to furniih DEALERS, BANDS and INDIVIDUALS, wUb everyarticte in this iine, at the lowesi manufacturera1 pnces. Remember the Place. . 1 ïtipn JUL1CS BAÜER & CO. WHOLESALE WAREROOMS, 99 S. Clark & 89 Washington Sts. O CHICACO, It,Ii. By SEND FOR A CIRCULAS. Trurígo lotio7 The great Itch and Humor Killer of the 19th Century ! Thls new prcparation poseesses most wntlêfful propertles, and is -A. ISTTIIE Ot7XX3EI For erery species of the ITCH, PRAÏEIE ITCH, BARBER'S ITCH, WABASH SCRATCHES, ILLI.VOIS MANGE. CCTA1VEOIS EBIPTIOJÍS, PliHPLES ON THE FACE, SALT RHEUI, SCALD HEAD, uniavoiiiis, &-. The PRURTGO LOTIO I a ncw and cerlain our. for all kinds of Itch, and heing a Huid prcparation !t Is free fjom all tlie gummy, disagreeable qualities of the ointnients in general use. The PRURIGO LOTIO Is safe to use under ALL CIRCUMSÏANCES; wil] not Inilate the most tender skin, and CONTAINS NO MEBCÜBÏ. Don't fail to irjr it. Manufactured by E. T. 4, W. T. McFARLAlïD, Sole Proprletors, Lafayette, Ind. PRICE 60 CENTS. LORD & SMITH, Chltago, Wholesale Agnl,. Sold at Wholesale In Chicago by FULLKR FINCH KULI;ER: CHARLES O. ImÍth ; BÜBNHAMS VAN SCHAACK; W. V. IIAHRIS 4 CO SCOVl" DWYER; J' " REED CO., d i! THE ONLY SURE THING. PHOTQGRAPH v h ALw H AÍí Éilf II As the name indícales, t not only renews the jrowth ot t.ho hair wIjcd tliin and falling olf, but it (ositively bEnkws thk color tu its originalsharie whcn t s turning gray or white, whethev eaused by disease, rief or oíd age. It will certainly do what is clíiimíl forit, a fact to whieh hundreris, nay, thouBandi wbo have used it, are eady and willing to testify. Where one bottle i&fairy used,inny community, its reputaiioii "preads ike wilrl ftre," and isthft best ndvertisenieut and rcmmendatinu we desire. In the Eiistem States, where heRENEWER" onginated, it ik sed by all Youny -adíes as a Dre&sínp, jiüd íb to le foutul on the toilet able.i of Young Mpo, (also atilnir liwrbers ; (wliile liler Men and Women will not he without it, as v onewer and rehforative for tlmirgrey locks aml hald ïeads, which it changes to their en tire naTisfaction. We üreselling n the city of Boston alone, apwaráa f 19 ,000 bnttleü por raonih . Mie dealers Rivirig the tKNEWEK the preterence ore r all other Hair Trepartionr. If notsold by Pruggists in oot town,a trial bottle, ill be Kont to ynu by Efpnsft, npon recipt nf one ollar by mail- thnsgiving you :vn oppurtunity at once or testing itsexcellcnt virtues. fGir Orders for Trial Hntiles, must be wireased t ur genera] geat for the Northwestprn staten. C. A 'OOK, Box 65, Chicago, 111. All su.-n iers wiUrecpivo prompt attention. R. P.HAÏ-L&CO., Proprietorw, Nashna, N.H. Tlie tmrlpHiipplied at Manufacttirt-rs prircx bv FULKR, FJNCH&FliLLEK,WholrKa]t-I'rugg-sts. Chicago, Hnoii. 6iuo8 999. HPAKEN UP ! Carne luto the enrlosure of tlif subsertber, on tlie 'til day of April, OB iark bay or llght brofrp COI.T, upposed lo be two yeais oM, with three inowtly wbite eet, anda biinch on righ) mííIí, rtizc BmaTl, The owner i-iiimcd to prove lircpert v, ji.ay (ïhivrgfs, ani] rnke MiV,ltsway. JWÍY W T A HF1?, ].!ni;i, Apn 29th, ÏW3. t w ÜW7 Edtate of Jacob F. Kocb. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coüktt of WAsaraifiir B3 _ At sessiouof the Probate OourtfortheCouúty of shtenaw, holden at tho Probate Office, iu the City of Anu Arbor, on Tuesday.tbe sixteenth day of Ma iu tho year one thousand eiijht hnndred and éixtv -five! Present, Hirím .1. ISbakbs, Judge of Probate. cea"ed 'Mtter Of the e"tato of Jll(!nb Koch, deOnreadingamlflljngtho potitlnn, du!T terWed. of Jolin Rauschenbcrgcr, prayiiij; that a certain Iriatru"?[;;"' ; J " tli Court, purportlng to bo the lastW,llandïetanieut ot a.iid deceased, =ay be admitted to Probate. Thereupon it is Ordored, that Mcra.lay, the twllth day of June noxt, at ten o'clock n the forenocn, be asignlfor the hearing of said petition, and that the legatee, dfTiwes, and hrir at law of snid de cea.sed, and all other persons intpreated in said estáte are required to appear at a seasuin of said Court.thfn to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cauee, it ny there be.'why the prayer of the petltioner should not e grunted : And it in further ortlered, that said pe'rtionergive n tice to tbe persons interested in said estáte, of the peDdtncy ol H petition, and the hearing thereof, bv causing acopyof this Order tobe published in the IHchtga rgU!' nPI-T, printed and cu-culating in said tounty, three successiye weeks previous to aaid day of hearing. J (A "'e coPy0 IIIRAM ,T. BEAKEP, 1OOOt'i _ Jud8e ot Probate. Estáte of Marshalls - Minors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, flnuOTY ifWiïtkv ._ U Atasession of the Probate Conrt tol theCounty of anhtenaw. holden at Die ProWfl Office in the City of Aon Ail.-,r, on Frlday, the flfth day „f May a,e year one thoosand Igbt hundred and sixty' Present, IIih.vm .1. Bkakes , .Tndge of Probate In the matter of the Kstato of GeorgoT. Marshall, and Jranklin J. Marshall, minorf. On readingand liliu? the petition, dnly verified. of Willium Jobo, Guaríala unto said minors, praving that he may be licensed to Bell certaiu real estáte bolouKmï I" saiil minors. Thercupon it is Onlered, that Monday, the fiftli aay ot June nest, at ten o'clock in the forenoon bc Mwigifta for the hearing of snid petitioa, and that the ne.xt of kin of sai,l loori, inü all other persons iuterested in said es late, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the I'rnuatc Office, n the City of Ann Albor, and show cause, if any thcre be, why the prayer of tlie petitioner shouM not bejrantod ■ And it is further ordered, that said petitioner ve not ice to the next of kin of said minors, and all other portons interested n said estáte, of the pendency of said pot). Mon, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copv of thii Order to be published in the Michigan Arma a lewspaper printéd and circulating in said jCounty ;hree e.iccessive weekpre.vcnls to iaid day of hearing [Atruecopy.J HIRAM t. BEAKES, loostl1 Judge of Probate. Ettate of Franklin M. Hendrick. QTATE OF MICHIGAN- County of Washtenaw-ss O -At a sesalou of tTie Probate Court for the e , of Washtenaw, holden at the Probato Office in the City of Ann Arl.or, onWediiesday, the Klth ,]ay olMay in th year 0D thousand eight hun.lred and sixty live ' Present, Hiram J. Beaies , Judge of Probate In the matter of the Estáte of i'ranklm M. Hendrick deceatsed. On readingand flling the petition, duiy Terifleil, of Kveline L. Hendricli, prnring that Hiram Kewman. may be appointed admimstrator of the estáte of said doceasfd. Tliercupon it ís Ordered, That Mondav, the flfth ilay of Junenext, at ten o'olock in the "forenoon be assigned for the hearing of said petition, aud that the heirs at laiv of Kaid deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of paid Court, tijen to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be sranted: And it is further ordered. that said DetKoBer "ive nottceto the persons interested in saiifestate, of "the penciency of said petition, and the hfarinpr thereof, by uausing a oopv or this order to be pubtished in the Michigan Argus, a newüpaper printed and circulating in Siiiil County three huccessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. (A truc oopj.) HIRAM .1. BEAKEP, liJS Judge of Probate. Commistiouers' Notioe. ST4TE OF MICHIGAN , OoüXTT "F Washtk.yaw, rs - underuigned ha ving been appsinted the Pro ate Court for said County, Cominissiouers to rtceive x uiunnanü ndjustall claims and .Iemands cf all pei-' sonsngaiisttlieesUteof Alvah Bur{e88,lRtecifthc tüwn of Lima. in said County. deceaseii, Ihmi t.v i,nve notir.e tlmt six montlis from date, are allowed', by 01 der ol' said Probate Court, for crlitor.i to tweaant their claims againet the estáte of said deceased," mrt tliey will meet at the dwclling house of MrsHarnet the townof Lima, in said County, on Saturday the t'welith dar of August, and Weduesday, the eigbth dayof Novem ber one o'clock, I'. M.,of each of said days to receive, examine and adjust said cliiims. Dated, May8th, 1865. CHESTER PALMER BAMl'SON PAHKER, " Commissioners. Commissioners' Notice. ST4TE OF MICHIGAN', Cou.vty of Washtkmaw, SS- The undersigned having been appointed by the Probate Court for said County, Coinmissioners to re ceive, examins, and adjust all claims and demanda of all persons against the eatate of Ezekiel M. DeFurest, late of the Township of Aon Arbor. in said County deceaseil, hereby give noticethat six mnnths frOm hite' arealkiwed, by order of said Probate Court. for creditors to present their claims against 'the eatate of said deceased.and tliat they will meet at the late residcnce of -aid decfased, in said town, on Saturday, the 'welítli Hay of August, nnd" Jfonday, the thirteenth day of Noreniber next, at one o'clock, P. M. , of each of said tiaya, to receive, examine, and adjust saiil claims. Dated, May 13th, 1865. EDWARD TREADWELI,, 1 „ 1000 SKLDEN VV. SHURTIJtFF, J-Lommissioners. Comratssioners Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Couxty of Washwwatt, as.- O The undersigned havfng been appoiutedby the Probate Court for said County, Comíais sioners to receive. examina, and adjust all claims and demanda oí al I persons against the estáte of Michael Ievany,Iate of the City of Aun Arbor, in sai.l eouuty, deceased, hereby gire notice that six moptba frojn date are allowed, by ord 3r of said Probate Co tut, for credïtors to present their claims the estáte of said deceased, and tliat they will meet at the oífice of John N. Gott, in said city, on Saturday, tlie fiitcenth day of .July , and SatunUy , t'-e sixteenth day of September, and M"nbiy, the thiiteenth day of Xovember next, at one o'clock, P. M., of each r.f waid days, to receive examine, and adjust eaid claims, Dated, May 1ïtli, 1S65 JOHN N. GOTT, 1 JAMES McMAHON. l Commissioners. 1009 JO1IX CLANCY, j gCommissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw sa.- The undersigned haring been appomted by the Probate Court for said County, Commi.ssioners to receive, examine and adjust ail claimsand demanda of all persons against the estáte of Ransom Bradley,lateof the townslupof Biidgewater, in aaid County, deceased, herebv gïve nötice that six mönths froin date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for crediXors to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they svill meet at the residence of David W. Palmer, in said town. on Saturday, the fifth day of August, aiiií Thursday, the ecoud day of lovember next, al oneo'clock, P. M-, of each of aaiü days, to receive, examine and adjust snid claims. Üated, Ma 2nd, 1865. DAVID W. PALMER. DANIEL LeBARÜN, 1007td CommiesionerH . Cominissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHT(ÏAN",Coüntyov Washtenaw, ss.- The undersigned having been apjiointcd by the Probate Court for Kaid Couoty, Commissumfrs to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all pei Ronsagainst the estáte of Jacob L. Marshall, late of the City of Ypsilauti, in snid (íounty deceased, herebygive notice thalsix montbB from date, areallowed, by order of said l'robate Court, forcreditors to present tlieir claims agamst the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the dwolling house of Mrs. Iucinda 1'. Marshall, in the City of Ypsilanti, in said couuty, on Saturday, the lifth day of August, and Wednesday] tbe eighthday ol November next, at ouc o'elock P. M. of each of said day s, tu receive, examiae andadjust siUl claims. Dated, May 8th, 1865. LEE YOKT, LEK HENDRICKS, 4wl00$ Commissionerí. fireatest Medical Circular ÍAK Ever Published ! fi E 1 1 I J ■ JWFIfteen-S largo 1 I jl Sr letter paes for two %A Jm r 3 cent stamps. Young Meu'w Coníidentiul Medical Advisers in cae ' of Spcrinatorrhea or Seminal Weakue.s cu uso il by ( Masturbation, Genital TautalizatioD, self-abuse, or , secret habits indulged in by jou tbs at the age of puberty. , DRS. JCKSON, HERBFRT CO., Proprietors of the National liyspensary, efctabjihed at Cincinuati. . Ohift, Jan. lat, 18fiO. Involuntiiry EmÍBsionslead to Tmpotency, CVnsumption, Insanity and I'eath. Thosa who Mifl'er n the , wast Iroiu tliis banoful practica, sholfl applv the whole enerify o tb e pul to thtt attninment of health mid consequent onte ntmeot and liappirifsfi. Krery one, eilher i(;k or weJl. sbonld hav our valuable ti paiise on this subject , whicb is sent f ree of " cnrgt'. We jftiarantfc to curt' Gonori hoea.'ïlftt, Syphilün, ïuipotency, Nocturnal Kmissuiüa er Self-Abuse, IHurnal Emisst"i'B, Femiitc Complaint, in short, every posHtbU foriu aodvarioty of Öexular I'isease. Cures ripi'J, tluirouli aTiil permanent, and fer moderate.- Send for our Circular. IiR. JACKSON'H FESULE HI.LF- $1 peí box - Special written replies, well sealed, pent with the Circular, without charge. 300 pages, 100 engraviiigs. - "The Ifouncain of Light, or Medical Protector and Marnag" (uido, uva an Kxplicit Key to Lore and Beauty." Jt PATHFACTOR1LY reveáis variouHsubjcts never beforefuUj exfilaioed in any popular work in the English language. Price 50 cents, or thrce for Mfdicine and instructiona pent prompt ly to any part of the country. Conpulting Hoorns of the IÍKpenary, No. 107 Rycamore Htreet, P. O. Box, No. 43fi. Mi. .ÏACKSON'S ORIENTAL LIN1MKNT Removes ntl coldneg, and rejvivenatra organs wliich biirv liiin dormant fof many years. Cun be mailed wiih porfect eifcty. Trice $'2 per bottle. DR. JACKSON'Ö FRENCI1 PATtNT MALK SAFK. It i th ïfily uure nnd pafe prfiwntfn agairetcon frft'-ínp 'lifa' #r ínveñftM; Olee $7 neb, $4 pit -. - Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICH[OiN,Cor.-TYOP WJ6HTEXJW,8.- In the matter of the estáte of Jacob Toggenburger. of tho Uountj oi VSaahteniw, in the Stateof Michigan, deceased: Nutice is hereby given, that n pursuanco of an Het granted to the undera;ned , A.inlini.stratrix with the Will annexeii, of the estáte of said .Jacol T(;r( thellon. Ju!. eol Probate for the Countyof Wahtcnaw,on the twenb-seventh day of April, A. D.1S65 thcre ill bu sold at I ublic Vendue, to the highest t ióder, at the South door of the Court Houáe, iu the ('itv of Aun Arbur, in the County of Washteuaw, in said State, on Saturday, the tenth day uf Jun,A. D. ]865,atone o'elock in the afternoon ofthatday, [subject to all encumbrancen hy mortgage or otherwise exkting at the time of thedeath of aaid iiecease.1.1 the lollowintr dehcribed real estáte : Being in tlie City of Ann Arbor, iu aid State; comroencing ou the Northwcft corner of Int nmnber ten, in bïock three South range one West, in V. S. Maynard's arldition to the City oi Ann Arbor. and running West painUel with the South line o[ said block, eight rods to Tbird Street thence South to the Suuth--veRt corner of said hlock about eleven, thenee East eight roil to the South west corner of lot number Dine, thence North about eleven ruilK to the place of beginning, togeiher with the freeuse of the etream of wnter runninir across Mid land, with the exception howerer, f a certaiu piecc of land being about onc half of a lot deeded by Jacob Hoinzman and ife,to CharlcsConrath, on the 6th day of Augut, A. D. 1S5L', aiddeedbemgrecordedin the Office ol the Register of Decds for Washtenaw County in Libera8 ol Deefls on I'age 137. KATHARIXE TOGClENBURGrlR, Ailministratrix withthe Will annexed nate'l, April 27th, 1S05. 1006td Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coiinty of Washten.iw ffi - kj In the miitter of the Estáte of William H. Kies a'nd .Mutílela Jane Riggsofthe Cmintv cif inthe State uf Michigau, minors: Nütice i hnroby given that inpursuance ofan order granted to the underslgned guardián of the èptate of said minors, by the Hun. Judge o! Probate forttie ('ounty of Washten.w on thofourth day of April, A. II. 1805, there will be' sold at public vendue, to the hichest bidder at tb dweiling house nn the lirat described parce] of land n the County of Washtenaw, in' sairt State, on Monda y thetwelfth day of June, A. D. 1805, at tvo o'elock in the afternoon of that day, (subject to allcucum brances by mortgage or otherwïse existing at the time of sale) the undivided two-ninths of the followin? described real estáte, to wit. The eagt half of thê north west quarter of fection twenty .in totrhuhip four south of range file east, containing eighty acres more or less ; and a parcel coinmencii.K where the Case Roart ang:eswest, at the grave yard, on aaid section twentv, running thence west and north ah.ngthe line of akid r"ncl to the Chicago roaíl, thence north-east along the line of the Chicago roa.l about fifty rods to the north-wcst corner of the lirst aliuve describid eighty acres of land, thence southerly stang the line of (Sla eighty acres to the place of beginning, containin; about ten acres of land more or less, and also the in. terest of Kind minors in a parce] commencing se venteen and a half rods north of where the Case road intersects the Chicago road in said section twentv. and in the centre of said Chicago road, running thence north twenty eightanda halfdegrees west to the ilellditch, thence north and west the above named number of degreea, and along the centre line of said ditchto a stakein said ditch, on the west half of the soulh Mt quarter of section seventeen, and oie hundred rods and six tenths of a rod from the centre of said Chicago road, running thence north twent one degrecs eist toastakein the centre line of Kaid section seventeen, wlnch Dtake istlftv-four rodseast of the quarter stak onthe west side of said section seventeen, thencewest to thenorthwest corner of theeast half of the south east quarter of section eighteen, sametown and range thence south along the west side of abovo described eighty acres, to the south line, thence eau almig said south line to the sectiou corner, thence aouth along the west liue of the west half of the north west rjnar ter of sectitn twenty, to the Chkago road, thence noith-easterly along the center of naid the place of beginning, containing .me hundred and tliirtvsix acres of land more or lesK. in the townnhip or Saline, Washteni County and Ftate of Michigan II AR Y IÍIGGS. Guardian Dated April 4th. i. D. 18IÍ5. td-I003 Real Estáte for Sale. STATE 0F MICHIGAN, Coi-hty or WiSim Sí! - ín themattei oí the esta e of John Ludiyig Killin SPr. Malilda Kilüngir, W.Jlian) ILnry Kill1r.f5.-r, an.l Elizabeth Killinger, of the County of VTashtnair, in the S::i te of Michigan, niinur.s. Noli;e ishcrebv given, that in pursnance cf in order granted to the nnderolgoed, Uuardian of thn cslnte ol caid minors, by the Iloii.Judgre of Probate for tbe l'uiinty i 1 WahtmRW,un the tenth dy of April, A I) lSti5, tliere will be old at Public Vendue, to til highest bidder, at the dwclling house on the premise in Fracdom, in tiie Countv of Wahtenaw, i;i State, on Wednosdnv, the thirty flrst day of May. A I). 1865, at two o'clock in the afternoon of that daj (subject to all encumbrances by raortgigc orothorwi existing at the time of Bale, añil also .subject to tl rigbt of dower of Dorothy W.klleeh, . John Killinger, deceaseil], the undividert fonr flft) of the following dewcribed real estáte, towit. Th north ea-ít riuartcr oí the nortb-west (uarter of the lorth-east qirarter, containing ten acres more or less, and the wet-t-half of the north-west quarter of the north-east quarter, containing twenty acres more or ess, both uaroels being insection thirty-five -in townfihip three, south of range four east, in theState of Michigan. CHARLES M1M.ER, Guardian Daíed, April lOth, 1865. 10ti4til Keal Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MïCirOAN, Cocxty of W.ashtiaw, s8. O In the matter of the estáte ot Michael Wals, of the Countyof Washtenaw, in tbe State Cf, deCfjised: Notice in hereby giveo, that in purauance of an ordr granted to the under.-igned, Administra tor n ƒ tli e estáte of sai d decea-ed, by the Hon. Judge of Probate fur the Couiity of Washtenaw, on the Kfventeenili day of April, A. D. 1865, there will be sold at Public Vendse, to the high est bidder, at tbe dwellino; house on the premiges, in the County of Washtenaw, n aail State, on Monday, the fifth day of June, A. I). 1865, at two o'clock in the aftornoon of that day, (subject to all encumbrances by ïortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the eath of said dereaaed,) the following decriaed roal state : The east ha jf of the north-east quarter of 8tCtiun thirteen in township four south (f range four easf, cofttaiaing iglity acres more or less, in the town of Bridgewater, and thesouth half of the east half of the northwesi quarter of pection eighteen, in township four south of range five east, contaiirjng forty acres, more orless, in the town of Saline, all being in the State of Michigan. AAKON 1. FELDKAilP, AdminiVtrator. Dated, April 17th,1865 1005td Mortgage Sale. Pefault hftvíng been made in thfi conditions of a mortgage made by Henry C. Fisk and wife, to John Havenport, dated October Is, 3859, recorred April b', 1860. at four c'clock in the afternonn, in the Register of Deed's ofiice for tlie County of Washtenaw, Michi gan, in Liber 26 of mortgages, on page 61-i, upon wliich there is claimed Uue at 'this date, the Büm of peven hutidred and twenty-seven and iifty one hun dredthfi dollars, and the further sum of five hundred dollars and interest thereon from the first day of Oc tober, iBGi, hereafter to become due, for the recovery of which do proceedings have hithfjrto been taken t-itherin law or Thr-refore, notice b hereby given, that by virtueof a power in said mortgage cou tained, for the purpose of realiz'njï the money afore said due, together with accruing interest aud costs of foreclofiure provided lor in said mortgago, I, the saiii mortgagee, ahall, on the thirtieth day of June, 1365, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, Rt the Court House ín the City of Aun Arbor, iu said County of Washtenaw, (the place of holding the Circuit Court for said County) sell at public vendue, the premises described in said" mortgage, to wit : All those pareéis of land situRte in the township of Manchester, County of Washtenaw, Michigan, known and described as follows: The noitlihalf of the uorth liaH'of the nortti eastquarter of section numbertliirty-three (33) in township number four (4) south of range number three (3) east, coDtaining forty acrerf of lamí be Ibe same more or '.ess: Alf=o the raiddle part of the north half of the Horth-wtjst quarter of section number thirty-four (34j intown.ship number four (4) pouth of range numbor three (3) eaat, bounded on the north by lanrïs of Frederic Valentine, and on the Fouth by ]nö$ formerly sold and deedod by .said John Davenport to Enis Lytle, and contaioiug thlrty niue acres of land, be the same more or lens. JOHN DAVENPORT, Mortgagee. E.B.Wood, Attorney forMortgage. Hated, Marcb 30, 1865. 1003-t.d Mortgage Sale. WHEREAP, default has been made in the cnmiifions of a cpi'tain Indenture of Mortgage, made and executed on ihe firttt day of April, A. D. 1S57, by Jonathan D. Fosdick, to me the undersigned, whjch AlurtÍTfiRe was fhijv recorded on the scvcnth day of April alurcsaid, in I.iber Xo. 23 oí MortjEapes, on "['ge -iöfi, in the Office of the Regü-ter of Peeds and Mortgages , in and for the County of Washtenaw, and State oi Michigan , and, wht-reas, there [fl now dueand unpnid od said MortpHRe aml liund arciimpani ing the saaie, the sum of $3.257.20, ncludin an Attorneys feeof $25, as provided for in said Mórtgftf e, and wherta, uo suit or procoedin;s at law o1 in eijuity, has be n ïnItftnted to reeover the same or aDy part thereo'; Now thercforr, imtice la hpreby g}ve", that by virtiie . f a power of Bale m aid Murtsrage contained, I sholl se.l öf piihlic P uctinn tn the hipho-t bidder . on Saturd.iv, thel&thday of July next, at 12 o'clock, M. , of rrÏiI day, at tho frontdoor of the Circuit Court I'ons?, in tbe City of Ann Arbor, in saic) Connty of Washtenaw, the piemines described in aid Morttrage, to wit : Th Kast half of the Soa tb 'ent Qunrter. (V-H of 3 Wi ) thf Wesf of the Norlh-West Quarter, [WW of X W,] : andtlie 8outh half of the Kast half of the XoithWest Quarter, f8 f Ejfol N WJf-J all of Section No. ten. f10.] io Tovoxhtp Xo. four, [4.J fionth f Ranpe Xo. Hve. [5] Kast ; the. said premisas brintr ?00 ! seres ol land. and situatod in the County of ' naw, aforesaid . Iated, April IPth, 1865. ' C, VAN HUSAX, Moruntrff-. W. A. Mo'"RK, Atty. for ÏIrt(rage 1Ö05W QISSOLUTION. The co-partnership betwpen the unilprnitrncfl, vinder thefinn nnuienf O C. SPAKFORD L CO. . was thisday digsolved by mutual consent. The accounts of tbp hite fiirn will be Kfttlei at the nlil shop, whera the coopering business wiH be continucd by }I. P. DODSLEY & CO.' O. C. SrAI-KORD, II. B. IWDSI.EY. Ann Arbor, April 22.1, 1865. 6wl007 Ditoh Sale. THE rNDERSKiNKD ivill sell to the lowe-rt bidder, 750rolof iliicli at the house ot A. Hirth, in the IWnship ofLod!,(ffi Tuesday, the 13th day cf June lext, at 2 o'clock, I'. M. Size of di'tch made known on day oí suïf, J. .1 I'ARSHAl.I.. l RÜSÍEX.1 tt-HTTT.F. S A j n A#bot, May ï Htt , ííflO. A w Kffü lístate of Conrad Schwab7" STATE OF MICHIGAN', Cotott op Whtïk i At a ..esDion of the Probate Court for th rvT 'Í!' " Wuhtona. hola at the ITobate Ónice n tS $ " Aun Arbor, od Momlay, the (hst daT „f "f 'ñvl "" OOe thoU8""d eiht hunírcd and ,"'' PreRíjit, niKAM J. BlUKIS, Jodge of Probítft cclsfih! mattCr "{ the Estate.f Conrad Schwab e On ron.Ung nml ling the petltion, dol Twnuj . othcr uitable ,,erson, may be appointed Adn.i'nl,!?'. of the estáte ofaiid decéaíed. í""itntor Therenpon it is Ordered, That Monday, the'ofi. day „f May mst , t ion oVlock in the for'CIoon t üSMgned for the hearins of said petition and w th.' at law of said J.ecca.4,1, a,,d' n „ Ï" persons interestej in SÍI,1 estáte, ere "en. LÏ'" ppeartf8ionof said Cénit, then tok,E to. the Prob .te OfRce, inthe Cuy of Ánn Arbor áñfl Ï " june , f iny there be, why the prayer of ti I De, ,' " .honld „,,t be gianted: And t,s ta J "' that sml petftioBCT givenofiee to the pér.„r,i„,! d'' Id ín said et,vte, or Üic penilccy of said „?,r "' the hearing there'of,by ca,,sng í opv T 1,'í W to be published ir, tl M.cAij-aH , .vil"' printed and circulating in said County three m,&L3í weeks previousto eaiddayof hearing ""' fíJlí c"Py 0 HIKAM J. BEAKES iU0td Judgc of Probite". Estáte of Judab K. mTEÜ ' OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coran or Wamt.. „ O At asessionof the Probate Court fcr theCoaM,? Uashlenavr, holden at the Probate Kffee, tïï? f Ann Arbor, on ÏWday, tht twentyeignth da, rf'xïy'rtvê. year 0Betl""d-iShtl.WdJyS Present, Hiram J. Bkakks, Judge of Probate In the matter of tha Eatate of Judah R M, "'! "-eaiing an.I filing Ihe prtition , ,I„lv T?ri8e,l „" Willtam Preïton, Administrator „f said eiMte,S.}S that he msy be HeeDsed lo sell certain rea]e,Uu wliereof thü ni.i deoasned ilit-fi seizi-.l '' Tlierenpon it is tedcred,, tlietentW ' day of Juoe next, at ten oVIock in the foren!,, be anigml for the hearih? ■ sai.l BC1 t ,,n ? '' that the -dnw and heirs at law o??d decSig other persons interested in aaid estáte, are rpm imit apppnr at a 8e8sion of aaid Court, then td be l.oMtn luhí Probate Office, in the Cit.y of Aun Arbor.andsLo ca„ if any there be, why the prayer of the pefntaS shouldnotbegrantM : Anti it is turther ordi,e,l tk sax! pelitonergtTenotfcfto ihepersonsintereBtPdiñJj estáte, of the penrlency of saW petition, an.I the hei inlhereol, ky causing a copy „f this Order tob. jmhlished in the Michigan Argüí, a cewspaper nrintS an.I eircolating in said Conntr, !our suceeMÍrí weeks previousto sairt cay of hearing (A trnecopy.) HIRAM ƒ. BEAKES ïfmiA Jilge of Probite Estáte of Horace Bidwell. STATE Of MICHIGAN, CoWty of Washtw,, „ At asession of the Probate Conrt for t),e Cwitr„, ■.-., hulden atth? Probate Office, n theCit í?í Aun Arbor, od Frlday, the twentj-rightt íaj 2 Apriljintlieyearonethousandeigbthuaflredandiiitj. Present. Hliam .7. B-afces..ídge of Probate )n (lie matter of the Estáte of Horace Bidutll Onrea.lingandSIing the petition, iivlj Teriíd ,,i Vlary .1. BMiwll, pra.TÍnK tbat dnwar in tlie resUi. tate, wliereoí the said deccased died seized, may h. „. ii(tned to her. ' ' "■ theretiponitis Ordereil.that ftitunlav, the 27tlia.t May next, at ten o'cloek in Hie formcoi i Ï issinsrt forthebar!mr of .laifi petition an.l t aill. aeirs at law of 8nd deceaaed. am „n" otlitr iiersons intorestert in said están-, are reama .o appear at a sanios of a! Ccurt . tlien t bf bi.iö.ni! .he Probate Office, in the City of Au„ Arb„r ind show nause. r any there be. why thn,nv(t )f tbepetitioner shnulil not be gtaiited;And it is furtner ordered, that said petitionw ,ito noticto the persons interestpd in saíit t.siale of ■he pomlcnc.y oi.s:ii.i petition, and the hearing therèof y causinga eopy ofthis Order to be pubiiVhed d tht' Michigan Argtis, a newspaper printed aDd cr latmf in said Uounty threu succe.-,siTe weetpt.. riouB to saiñ day oí hearing. (A trnecopy.) HffiAM J. BEAKES, _2m Mi-lfc of Prebttj hstate of Horace Bidwell. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cornrr or W.isnrrs.1 %,- VJ Ata. session [i the Probate f.ourt l.,r iheConlf of Wsshteniiw, holden at ttie Probate Offiv in eClr of Aun Arbnr, on Yaenday. tí e sec nd fai { May, d the year une thousand eiglit bunirtd ind sixtjr five. l'resent, HiimvJ. Beakks, Judgpof In tbe matter of the Estáte oí Horace Bidweil deceased . Onreading and lilin the petition, doly verififd.of Ge' rge Sutton, Administratnr of esid estáte, prsjhw tLat he mT be licensed to seli certnn rea) esüte wbereof Haiddeceaspd rli"d seized. Thereupon it is Orderei] . that Tuesday. tho I3lH day of June, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigiie.l for the hearing of said peiition, nd that the wii'ow and heirs at I nf said deeeunLuri all other persons nterested in said i stute, are required to appear at a session of id C'ourt, th(D to be holden at the Probate Uffice, in the City uf'Ann Arlr, and show canse, if any there be, whr tbc praycr of the petitionershonld not be granted: And it isfurtherordcred, that said petitionergive notice to the pcrsunsinterested in said estáte, 'if the jiendency of said petilion, and the hearing thf reof, by causing a copv of litis ürderto be publisbed inthe Michigan Argiis, rewtpii per printed and circulating in said Cnnntr, four successive neelis previous to said daj of hearing'. (Atruecopy.) HIRAM J BEAKE?. nmtd Judjre of rrobtte. Estáte of Lyon Pratt- Minor. STATE OF MICHIGAN', COUHTY of VTMfanssir-n Ata session of the Probate Court fr theCountyof Washteqaw, holden at the Probate Ofliceïn the City f Ann Arbor, on Wednesdjy, the third d.iy of Mar, in the year one thouaand eight hun.lred and sixtjr fits. Present, Hicam J BfUKM, Jndge of Probate In the matter of the Estáte of L.vnn Pratt, rr.inor. On reafiing an.l fiÜDs the petition, dulv veriËed, of fsabel Pratt, Guardian of said minor., ))rn)inz tbt she may De licensed to sellcerfain real estáte btlongiog tu saiil Miinor. Thereupon ft íb Ordeied.That Thursday.thefirs'dir of June next, at ten o'clock ia the furoDoon. bt m signed for the hearing of eaid petttio, aniitWthS' next fif kin of said minors, and all other perBons interested in said estáte, are requiied to appear at a sesión of f,aid Cnurt,then U be holflen at the Probate Office, n the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, ifany therebe, why the prarer cf 1he petitioner shouífí notb grantcd: Andit'is fnitht-rordered. tlmt saidpetitioner five nntice to the net of kin fsaid minor and all persons internet] in saiil estáte, of the pendenr of dairf. etition, and the heariug thereof. by causing a copy of his Order to be publishedin the Michigan Argus,% Dewspaper prïnted and cirmlatingin said Conntj-, hree succesnive weeks previous to imid ay of beur-' np. [A truecopy,"} HIRAM 1. BKAKK?. 1007 Ui Judge of Probate. Estáte of Herman Schlack. T ATE OF MICHIGAN, County nf Washtenw, sh.- y At a r.essiou of the Probate Court for tlie Ctrnntj f Wa.htenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the ity of Ann Arbor, on Wedntïsday , tbe tenth dij f May, in the year one thousand eight hundwJ nd sixty five. Present, Hiram J. Beafces, Judge of l'robat'e. Ie the matter of the Efltat of Herman SchUck, cceaseü. On reading and fillng the petition, duly verified, of licliael Scbaihjp, pxajing thiit the arlministralor Ai onis non of said estáte be autbortsed and flirected-to1 onvey to iiiin opriain Ra! fitttute in pursuanre of a ontract in writiüg made bctwwen the said deeeasei ml the said petitiher. Thereupdn it is Ordered, that Monday. the twefltyixth'day of June next, at ten in the forenoon,e aFsigscd for tlio hearing of said pelition nd that the heirs at law of said deceased, n'l all oth erperanns interested in s;id estáte, xre re1 airetl to appear atu session of said Court, thentobe olden at the OiTice. in the City of Adii -rbor, nd show cause, if any there be, why thepnrreroft'' etitioner should uot be granted : And it ia fttt" ier ordered, that said petitioner give notice 1 ie persons interesten in said estáte, of the pentlencj f said petition, ana the hearing then,f,by causiDg opy of this Order to be published in tbe M'" )an Argus, a newspaper printed and circnlating ídsíío ïounty, six successive weeks previous to said d; O' ïeariog. (A true copy.) HIRAM J. BEAKES, 1008 Judge oi Probtf. Estáte of James Steward. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WashïeDavr, M.O A.t a seseion of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw. holden at tb Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbor, on Tnesday, the niuth day of h in theyearonethoiisandeighthundrert andslxty-fl. Present, Hiram J. llenke-, Judge uf Probate. . In the matter oí the Estáte of James tward,"!' censt'd. Onraad ing and films; te petition, dulv verifi"1' ' A'ty Steward, Adminitrat:ix, praying tbat sli1 mt7 be liceused to nell cerlainreal estáte wbereof sid ó- ceaseil dicd seizetl Thereupon it is Ordered , ihat Mni.daj. tlie twcni.v sith 'layoiJune oext, at fcen o'Vock ia tbt forefltoj be assigned tor the hearing of sid petition : ú thiittlje heirs at hw of said deoeaavd. and al' oibtt persons intereated in said estuie, are reqmre! ia appear at a spfsinn of sai) Couil, thf n to b h"'c1en 1ho Probate Office, in the City of Aon # and show cause, i f any tlipjt' le, w'' th pmypr of Ihc p(üM hliould nol le pwntf-" And it is furthtr ordered, that said petitiooer ?lTe imtice to tho pcrsfins interestíñ in sa irl fstte tï thi' piiidfiicy r.f saíd ptlil;on nd the hearing Lhereof, by causinj? a copy erf tliif; Ordvi 1o "J putilïsht'flin the Mickifa-rt Argitfi.z. nfwjrtpr prow and circtilating in finid County tour EfUCWHrff weeks prfvious tosaid daj 'f hearing (A truecopj) HIRAM .T. F.FAKI H, 1008; d Judffeof pn.ltê. Iienl Ëatate for Sale. QTATEOr MICHIGAN. n,,,iiity oí Wa-hfrair. "■- O ín the nutter oftlie estáte of David N. G!"i Charles ,. i.eddes and Henry . Gedde, ol theOuu'J of Washteraw iu the St;ite of min'r: ' ticéis herebygiven, (hnt in purMiai-co "f a nr" grameil tu tho uuderiiigned guardián oí the estáte1 sait! minors by the Bon. Judge of I'roba'e fo " Ciuinty of Washtenaw. on the fourth ia} of pril, A. ' 186S. there will be sold at public yendue, to Hip "S"' eft bidder, at the dwelling house on thf priiniK"' ■ ' theCoiiiiiynf Wnshtenaw, in snid State, on FtuUJ the tenth' doy of June, A. D. le5, ' tiro c cloc in theafternoonof naid day, (subject to all nc'!r" brhncrs by mortpage or otlierivie exi"-tinp n' }" time of the sale) the uodivided half of the followiog lesenbed real estáte, viz . The weit half of the "' east cjuarteruf seotion one, in township three ' of range five east, containirrg efghfy ore "" " les, in the town of Iodi and eountj forFftifl. rtd April 4, HM.


Old News
Michigan Argus