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Anecdote Of General Sir Charles James Napier

Anecdote Of General Sir Charles James Napier image
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Wlien seventeeu I broke my rigbt leg. At the instant thcre was no pain, but looking down I saw roy foot under my knee, and the bones protruding; that tnrned tno sick, aud the pain becarne violent. George cama to ma, be was greatly alarmed, or I was very pale, and we were both young, lie but tiftewn. Theo carne Capt. Crawford, of the Irisb artillery, and I made him holcl my foot whily I pulled up my knee, and in that manuer set my leg myself. The quantity of extravasatcd b'ood led the doctore to teil me my leer must coiue off, but they gave me a day for a chance. Being young and vain of good legs, the idea of hop and go one, vvith a timber toe tmide we resolve to put myseif to death rather than submit to the amputation, and I sent the maid out for laudanum, wliich I tiid uuder my pülovv; luekily the doctors fouod mo better, and so saved me from a contemptible act on. The doctors set tny leg croiked, and et the end of a monlb, wheu statidintr up, my feöt would not go tngether; one leg went in pleasant harrnony with the other half way betweeri knee and ankle, but tbey ftew ofi in a huif, at a tangent. Tbis made me very uuhappy, and the doctors said if I cou!d bear the pain thoy would break it aguin or would bond it straight. My auswer was, I will bear anythiag but a crooked leg. Here then was I, at seventeen, desperately in love with MUs Mnssey, huving a gamo leg iu pnippective, and in love with my leg also, so I said to the leg carpenler, iet me have one night for eousideration. All that day and Dight were Misa Massey's eyes before mine, but not soit and tale telling; not paying i( Pig, will you marry me 1 '" but scornfully iquintiug at my game leg. There wa MuBsey, and there was I, uuable to do anylhing but hop The per contra were iwo illlooking doctors torrnenting me, and the n;flection that they ruigbt agnin make a crooked job after the second frauturo as they luid dono after the first. However, my dear Miss Massey's eyes carrie 1 the day, and just as I hud deeided, sho aud her friend, Miss Vandcleur, carne in the dusk, wrappei up in nien's greatcoats, to cali on me; this was just like the plug of a pretty Irisb girl, and quite repuid my oourageoas resolve; 1 would have bruken all my bmies fir her. So, alter letting me kins tbeir hands, off tbe fair incógnitas went, leaving me the happiest of lamo clog. The night passed with many a queer ieel abont tho dcutora coming like devil imps to torture me. Be quick, quotli I, as they entered, make thu most of my courage wbile it lasts. It took all that day and part of the next, to bind the red banduges, whicb were tied to a wooden bu-, aud tightened evory honr, day and niglit;I fuinted several timen, and wlien the two tormentors arrived next duy, after breakfiiBt. Btruck my flng, say ing, take away yonr banduges lor I can't bear it any more. They were taken otf and I feit in 'neaven. None the loss so ibat my leg was straight; and it is now a straight a one, I tktter my self, as ever bore up the body of a gentleman or kicked a blackgnard. There was in Limerick a great ooarse woinaD, the wife of Doctor . Wheu she heaid of my miífortuue she i-aid, " Poor boy, I suppose a fiy kicked his spindle nhanks." Being a little fellow then, though now be it known, five feet seven inches and a hlf high, this offended me greatly, and as the Lord would have it, she broke her leg just as ! I was gelting well. Going to her houso wilh an appearance of concern, I told the eervant how sorry I was to hear thut a bullock bad kicked Mrs. , and buit its leg very much, and that I had called to know if ber leg was also liurt. She never forgave me. Mrs. Parlington says that the doctor lells her she bas tno buckles on her lurigs, and eho really beüeves it to be true. for she feels thü prongs every breath ebe draag. The Russian Government, as a consequenco of the euiancipation of the peasiintp, has just taken roensures for the diffusion of instruotion amopg the i cultural pogulation. Au additional budget of four hundred nd fifty thousand roubles, for the year 1865, has ' been decreed, whicfa provides for tbo ! frandï?ig of numeroue ?i]lag fboola.


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Michigan Argus