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Andy Johnson's Spunk

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Wheu wo weie ut NiihüviIIo, screo yems ago, unecdutüs ui tlie coolness uud courage of Govenior Johnson' were I iiiong the ourrent coin of conversation. Üue gentleman, a polilicul opponout of thu Govurnur, au eye witiieg Ot the ocurrente, told us tLnt a placard was posted iu tlie tuwn, ooo ruorning, aanuauoing, in the well knovvu iaoguagouf old Tenóessoe, that Andy Johnson wa j to be shot " om sight..'1 Frisada of the Goveruor asseinbled at his house to (;soart him to the State Houso. " No," said he, '' gentlemen, if I am to be shot at, 1 wuut do taan to bu in tuo way of the bullet." Ho walked alone, and witb unuB'jal delibersiion, through thestrcets to his official anartmetits ou Capkoi HUL Anoftier eye witness rclated a similar atory. He was sunounceil to speak ou ono of the exciting qucstions oftheday ; iiiicJ loud thieats were uttered that, f lie diircd lo appear, he would uot leave the hall alivu. At the appuititcd huur, he ascended the platform, and advancing to thu desk, laid pistol upon it. He thöD addressed the auclience, in terms as near like the following as our informant oould recollect: " Fellow-citizens, it is proper vvhen freeraen assomble for the discussion of important public interests, that everythiug should be dono deuently and in order. I have been informed that part of the business to be transacted on the pruscut occasion, is the assassination of the individual who now bas the honor of addressing you, I heg rospecifuliy to propose that thia bo tha tírst business in order. Therofore, f any mau bas come here to uight for tho puipose iudi cuted, I do uot say to him, lut him epcak, but let bim frboot." Hure he paused, with his right hand on bif pistol, and th . other holding open his coat, wliile with his eyes he blaudly surveyed the asscmbly. A f tur a pause ot balt a minuto, he resutued. " üontlemen, it appears that I have been misinfarmed. I will now proceed to address you on the subject that bus called uslogother." Whioh be did, with all hiiaccustoiued boldntss and vivaeity, not sparing his adversarios, but giviug them plenty of pure Tennecacü. Taüor as ho was, he is no snob. Sonn after he was inaugurated Governor of Tennessee, a high official ot the State, vvho had beet) brod a blacksmith, presented him with a set of elegant fireirons, mado with his own hands. " I will give him a return in kind," roinarked tho Goveruor. He bouglit somo of the önedt broad cloth that Nashville could furnish, procured u set of tailor's implaments, got the Judgo's measure from his tailor, and made a complete suit oi clothes, setting every stitch bunself] and presented them to hia friend. The work, we are told, was all done in tho Governor's room in the Stat-i Houso. The bappy wearer of the garraents proDOuuced them a perfect fit, and when we beard the story, in Iij58, he had them Still.-


Old News
Michigan Argus