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Church Discipline Maintained.-lt is the prevailing opinión among different denominationsof Christians,thaï the mamtainance of discipline by the church isessential to the spiritual prosperity of the church, if not to its prolonged existenco. One would think, from a statement in the Bangor Gazette, that the M. E. Church al Ilamden, must bo destined to a long Rnd prosperous existence. A Mr. W. F. M. Reed has been excommunicated, the principal charges being contemptuous criticïsms of ministers," and "talking abolition on the Sabbath." On the first, there was ho evidence to support it. The then asked if any ofte had heard Mr. Reed speak contemptuously of bis fast-day sermón!! tcI will áíisweríhat question,'said Mr. Reed, myselfj'M saidof thaf serniorr. that it was milk-and-water!" The charge, vo' ihink, was declared sustainèdfIn regard to talking abolitionisriï on Sunday, Mr. Reed, admitted that he liad freqiienty rertfaiWifr the meeting-house during the and, vhen convenieni, had urged the claims of the slave upon the sympathiés a'ntf êSe'rtions of such as were disposed to Hsten to him. One "brother" said that Mr. Reed had offered him an abolilion fract upon the Sabbatli. "And you refuscd it?" said Mr. Reed. "Ycs." "Why?" "Bccause I didn't want politica! tracts put mto my hands on Sunda'y." 'But did I offer you thistract until aftcr Í saw you put a 'democratie lag' in your pocket? And did I not urge you to take my tract tlrat yoïi might have the antidote with thebane?' cWcll, I believQ itwas so.' [ A IHgftieovs Verdict.- Wc lrárn froni Uie Natchitoches Ciironicle that a very importa nt cnec was recently tried in iJio Circuit Court of thnt parish, in which a most rightcous verdict was rendercd. A man nawcd Annon was overseer for a planter narned Grosvenor,snd the formcr ened the latter fór $00, a balance due for services. Annon vvqb employed by Grosvenor'e ngent, dnring the Jatters absence, and when he returned, he ascertained that bis slavcs had been cruelly maltreatcd by the over secr. Whcn the latter sued Grosvcnor for wojfes due,G. "set up a reconrentional demnnd in defence, claimingf damages for the injury inflictcd on his property. The facts were clear'y and satisfactorily provod, and the jury re. inrned a verëiet of moie than -i00 in favor ol' defendant." We commend this case to the abolitionisls; it is a fijje nut for them to crack. JV. O. Tropic. And thns we crack it. Who were damagrd? The slavcs! Who yot damages? Tlie nutster! Who were mallrcaled? The siaves? Who wasa!forit. Mr. Grosvcnot.- Cin ticrold. Your witty peoplc are tire most hardhcartQd in the world. Fancy destroys feeling. ThequicK cye to the ridículous turns every thing to the absnrd sirle: and ;he neat sentencc, the livcly allusiop and he oddsimile irïvest what thej1 tcmcl) With I somethin-g oí iheir own buoyant nature. Eiumor is of the heart, and has ifs fearsj xil wit isorthe head, and has ohlv smilcs; b tnd themajority of fhoc are bifrer. ,Dan chfr Gtrlt.-The París correspondí - of the Boston AtlaP,nolicing the arriva! n Pa . hsofa troup of thjrty-six dancing girlf, be f ween six and ten vears oí age, from the bank , oftlicDannbe, f-nvs: "It is a snd thing to reflect, (and people d sometimes reflcel iiere) tliat there girls hav, been collected from their bornes, to be truincá for I he stnge, like Corter'e limis. Few per, song have any idea of the painful, Swpbuelike toil of a dansutse whose repose, ílebh nrt liberty are Pacrificed, lito those of a raccMiorsc, thatshc naay triumpli. "I have seen M'Ue Taglioni," pnys one of her friend?, fnlj nsf-nfsible on thc fioor, after receiving' a Iong 'eseon frorn her father; she would be undrcFscd and carried to bed by her domestica. Thie wastheprice of the agility and marvelout? boiinds of thc evening." Every evening that Fitz James nppears in her best character. 8he lies for half o n hour, face downward, npon fwo chaira, placed a yard apart, whilst her f,-mm% de chambre sits upon her back, that it mny become eupple. It 3 trne thnt a etercoiypcd j smileplaye upon their üps, but jt is oníy to conceal the wofklnga of a heavy heart." Molition Trouble.-The Washington Union, May l'j, remnrks concerning the conveutions of elaveholding Baptisis and Metho[liste:- . "TJiis maügnqiiestion of abolitionism PcemJ Jcstined to mingle itself in many delicate queeions,like the frogs of Effjpt m the ovens and íncading troughs. But the friends of the un on will save the Union, in despite of all the anatics." The Plavehoidinfr politicians are cvidently rightened at ihc prospect oflosing one main nstrtirnentofsubjugating the North, by the :mancipation of the northern ccclesiastical ) from the control of the overseera rho dca is absurd, that the Union h hooped vith ccclesiastical bnnds, and will fall to picces is 6OOH as those bands are taken ofl- Eman.Svbstitute Jor úe ltnth.+-The following pion was adopted by Sir Aetley Cooper, during mnny yeam of bis Iife - and is worthy the rxample of those who cannot enjoy the blessings of batliing in thcirown bouses: "Immediately on rising from bed. and havng all previonsly rcady, take off yor night dress, then take up from your earlhen pan of two gallons of water a towel, quite wet, but not dropping; begin at your head, ruhbing hair and face, and neck nnd eare well; then warp yourself behind and beforcfrom neck to chest, your arms and every portion of your body. Itemand your towel into the pan, charge it afresh with water, and repeat once all I have mentioned, excepling the hcad, unless that bc in a heated state, when you may dobo, and witli advantoge. Thrco minutes will now have elapeed. Throw your towel nto the pan, and tlien proceed, with two courso towels to ecrub your hfad, face nnd body, front and rear, when four minutes uül have you in a glow: then waeh and hard rub your feet, brush your hair, and complete your toibt, and trust me, that this will give anew zest to your existence. A miJe of walking nay be added with advantage." " Gel out of the tcuy, Old Dan Tvcker."- The New Y..rk Express sayR, that at the public Stock Exchange, a resolution was passed forbidding membera from doing business for J. G. Hamilton, colred merehant, under pen ilty of expulsión . All the reason for tlus appears to be, that Hamiltóri ia a colored man Thia ís trüíy a btavc ond (tec land! The American mnketcostg the Govérnnpiit nine doflars a piece; the ÊngJish musket :óets four dollars and a half.- .That in use in America is too hcavy-ita tteïgbt s much reatcr than the French and Germán; and vhat is to bé regréttcd, it is with the old 'ashionéd lock, which is no Jonger üséd in Euope. -Saiurday Écentrig Post. An affair of honor carne oíFyesterday in Éxhange bctweón two gentlemen- (we all every m.m ivho subscribes and jaya for ne newspaper, and who does rrert cbeat his vasherwoman, a gentleman,)- wenpons, urnirellas- distance, "prorníscuoús"- roundp.too u morona ío ment ion- rcsult, two tolerablv ood beavers tiansformed into "cocked hats,"' nd Feveral dark and red rrinp-Hnea drawn oer their ccuntciiances. - Picayune.The Author of the "Curtan Lectures'ot Vftikh tve publiehed one or two- is dead. His nnme was Lamnrr Blanchard, snd his contribiïlions to the London Punch were among Mie best articles published in tïiat paper. The 'Curtain Lee tures," wer& ritten while his wiïe was lyingr at the point of dentri: hxe hcort fiüed with offlictioi). Su it is . the reader wbo lóaglis attheeallies of wit, litile dreamp Miat what excites his lïiirth ís often wrung froui a brain ofilicted with dei=palr. Blnncli nrd was of a most amioblc ond free dipposition, remarkable for his eotial qualities, his coinpanionable spirit, and preat neatness of drees. And yet with all theso he was unhnppy, and in a fit of delirium committed suicide by culting hfs throat.- Baltimure Patriot. Invisible Wr i f ing.- The plan of writing with rice water, to bc mndcred visible by the npplication of tcaljne, was prac(iced with gieat success in ihc correspondenco with Jcllalnba'd. The first letter of (his kind recèivéd frern thence was concealcd in a quilt. On opening it, a small picceof paper was unfolded, on which appearod otily a single word, "Iodine." - Tho mngic liqnid wnn anphed. ] terestirtg despatch from Sir Robert Salr j stood fortfi. ( "CJpwardfl of lO.ron ktterp, nll froni votcw werr posfed ín Liverpool on tf.c Z9lh ultimo o iiiform Lord Sandon that, if he cupport Maynootr, the wrrlere will no Jonger support j lim.1' e See the' urc, by thè pcople, of ttfo cent I (OKtagc in politice. P' A nevr musiraí pirre han been prepared in i ari8 by Mr. Elwervt- the deiugr- the ark - C itc.i:ioïi - cries of th anímele - storm th hú ttc róstoratioa at: b!1 rxi..''r:-e-:■ en í Posíoffire Balanres.-Thel model of Stephc j 8"n, Howard nnd Davis, of Boston, has bc e. selectcd By'the Poe'tinaster General- it seo gra. ]f9] uated as toatand unmoved when a half ounce le i ter e placed upon it. bút kiíko the beam hen jo straw is aided to it. 'e I The commisaion sent out by the loyn Trari' - otlaniic Steam Compnny, for the survr-y o ih r. ísthmus of l'annnia. han reiurned, and repnri - that it 19 more practicable to build a McAdar road, than ono of rails. cross h'e neck, o .the latter acema probable to be oí immense ex n Pense. I Coallas in common use in China cchtur.- ■ 'igo? yei Buch is their want of ingenuity in th minina operatioD, that coal et the móuth o( tbc pit elle for 4.03 per to, utid 30 miles oíT, ai MféKiq, it costa $II.G0per ton. ít ig camcd t there on tho backs of catncls and muíes. I PuTstrs. -At a recent trial in Mawwctoiseitt, J one of tho attomiefl remarked that the party op1 posed to him wai a I'urser m the Navy and a Virpininn; but, he said, he need hardly mention the latter fací, for the jury would of 'conr3e infer it. frorn the formcr. .Wirly all Pureéra in the Navy are Virginians. Tl.c last one appoin ted was froni that state. Douhle Factd Narspap-r - There a a psper publiehed n Haveratraw, Itocklnnd Coiinty. iV. Y. rl!cd "Thc Prototor," and dited by T. J. fe E. G. Southerland; one-half of which ifl Whig and the other half Democratie. Thi We ehould say is the latest curiosity in the Bhape I of a newspúper. Lxíigation. - Thc Grcenfield Dcmocnt sayp that n 6iiit is now pending in wliich the town of Wcndtll in that county is the defendant nnd a ctizn of that town the plaintiff. The whole clairn of dispute is but eighty-four cents. The coats ha ve already amounted to over $100. Beefur Evfrland.-Mr . N. C. Dal.hvin, of Cleveland, has put up during the pat eeason 8133 head of the beet Beef Cnttle in Ohio, making over 5000 tierers of beef, expresaly ibr the English niarket. Succcsb to the enterprise. The General AsBenibly of the Presbyterian Church have decided against a man marrying hiB deceased wife's eieter by a vote of 79 to Ö8. In Charlrston District, South Carolina, the white population ia 7,851, and the salave 4i, 540, or .V80 per cent, almost elx elaves to one white pereon.


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