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Boston Wool Market

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Fhe uiüket bas boen rathor (ju.ot., and pricus wi-ic inoUned to r oede until tho thu upward ajoveineut in gold, wh eb lina rendered holders iirm t provioug Manu facturera are Utkiug email lots only for mDiediaie consurríption, and fine, full bl lodf.jl fieeces, fr llie production offall ana i'nnoy goodg, nre , inost wuutcd. Thu low grados of bolt) fla&ueaud .ulied ure vory du 11, Uut lots for dül.iininir and a chotee ar: irle of ex tra pulled are deairable at ful] [trices. Heuvj Vermont and New Yurk fleceos are begiuüing tu geil, as usuul tortards tliu cl jsü ( 't' tho eeason, thouqh at com p iratively low Cates. Soniu Vermont operators huv beun holding larga lots, bouglit op early il) the season at 1 per pouiid, und ure uow obliged to sol! at a ruinóos eaerifio:, realizing not over SOafiö : per cop.t on the prime oost, Tttey bava lfiiriiod i leesou which wili not bo lost, i if tlieir nrectmeitt w, and will not litely bo Ciiught n that wuy agtiin, at leabt iu ! ftny wool speui!atk).i]s. Thu eoiutnetoial apeets of lbo ucw clip aro be'tng largely discusied, Imtb ia ineroaolilo and agricultura' cirolcs. As usual, tliore is a vvula diverrity of opinión botwecn the two classes as to the future oí the marko!. Muelings of (rooigrowors have lately been held at various points of tho West, for the of iuterehiing'ng views and secuiing co op eratlre aotion. Tho :vsult of tlio.o conferences has beca a determmatiou not to press sales the oornirg season, and 80e is tho price gener lly named by thcin na Ibe epening üguru lor fiue ühio and Ptnnsylvania fttmtce. On the other harjd, Kaslern dealers and ninilfuoturBrn ure generally Q favor of holdiiiLr off a hile instead of sending their agenta bati-ioea into the woo'-g owing distrit;fci to buy up tbc clip as s'ion as it is fairly off the sheop'rhack, a.i they havo do1 o for tliu last fow years. They (link that both go'd, cotton and wool prteetf wi'l rulo lowcr by-aud by, :uid that thoy hail b ablo tu si cure tho bulk of the orop at a range of 50ii65o, At these rut ihey woiild ba williug' to inake. cansidcrablo contincts, aöd Western operators, who have lately been hert) to soüeU ordeis, c'.o ijot muet with tnucb. etiC''urnoment at iMytliing above tho outside figure. Ou the whoio, it sens probable tbat the next sensou will open with bnt little Spirif, and a mtt'i;il diffeience of views b -tween buytrs and sollers. But in tho end, ihese views must be modified by various caiiseri, in;!utiing not only tho prico of gold and eotton, bnt the exigeuoies of oonsumptPOn as indicated in :he goodrt market, and thu balance of ld wool Pemaiaing on hand, upon wbich manufuctarers mitst be content to f all back, und remaio quietlv at home. if this procfBRtinating polioy is adoptecl. j Already the New Jersey farmers have ; commei'ced elippmg, and som early lote of low grude have been m rkotcd at 50aC0. " tiidcs of (ioines ie for the week foot up soinc 325,000 pounris at about tbe pravious range of 5575e ior öeeoe, and 65a80c ior super and extra pulled. In cluded are lots of Illinois fleeoe at 55:-. ; CO ■, Wiseonsin at 6068;, Vermont t 6065ö, Michigan and New York at C5a7Oe, which is the outside figuro oxeep! for a lot of 15 000 pouttds. choicf do at 76c. In foreigo, tho salen havo boen moderate at a shude lower rates, incladiog lots of Cape at 32a37c, ahd Mestiza ut 23a28c.


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