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Jeff. Davis And His Family

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JeíF. D.ivig, of whoru we ot the North have hearJ eo mtich, and seen so linio, for i lie pat four years, is a man aboiu ■ix feet in height, rather lean, and not of the fincBt figuro by any moatis. I fhould take hiui to be soineuhat ubove fifty years of age, prensa! urely gray - He h ís Culi whiskers, rather stuuted in growth, nnd( like nía hair, aprinkled with gray. ílis gray oyes (une of wliioh is bliud,) have un uudrfiuud and Uíifalhomable look, and his nioutli, of the Grecian inould, is occasionally jerked out of all proportion by a sepulohral laUgh or a forced sinilo. He is confinad to his bed a great dual of the time, and it requircs all the nursi'ig of his strong-nerved wife to kycp hirn from giving wuy to despoudenoy. Hn is a p'niful bigbl, anrl the last man one wpulq have suppotel to be a fit subject for Presidential honor. Mr1. Davis is the second wifo of the ex-President, by whorn he has had four children. The elde.-t a a smart little blaok-eyod girl, Mággie, of sonio fourteen suuiraerí, and the next a boy, oí itbout tvvelve or thirteen, who goes by tho euphornous cogncimen of '' Young Jefï." He íh a chip from the oíd block, and vve would nuppose from his actioü and temper, shown on various aixl sund''y occasions, that he too, like his traitoroBS aire, would in after days be fit fot' " treason, strulageni and spoün." The noxt is a smart iittle fellow, with bright eyes aud flaxon hair, too young to havo the least appróniatioa of his con dition, and the fourth is a nuring child. Mrs. Davis íh a mernber of the Howell füinily, of öëorgia, and has a great rnany relativeH at Augusta. Sho is a pretty womaq, of prnbably forty years of age Whon I firtt suw her, at Maoon, and oonversod with her ou the cars, I thoug'H her pretty and agreeable, but to look. at her now seoins as though twenfy years hd l)ecii hoapod upnn her bead in one short week. Hor prido and vivaeity havo lorsaken her, and truly she is but the wreek of her former self. Mi s Hovvel!, her sister, íh a young lady hardly out of her teeus, if we are to jndge by her uppearanoe. 8he has black bairand black eyes, with a ruddy couiplexiou, a:id very little of that modest demeanor which characterizos our Northern belles. In faot, sho s ooarse; coarse in feature and coarae in demoanor. Th s is not niueh to her detritneut, how ever, as her future prospecta are not well caloulated to develop the tiner qualities of a high brud ady. Shu is affiancud to Lieut. Hathaway, ouo of. tho prisoners. ui ■■■ ui In the patent office at Washington there is a model of a steamboat, wïiich Mr. Liuooln wliittlud out of a fhingJe and cigar box. Tbe pyotninent idea of the model was a plan to holp steamers pass over suaga and obstructions in the rivera. It is describid as inoro btroug thnn r!tgant.


Old News
Michigan Argus