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Important Proclamations

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fri'sidotit, Johnson, nu the 29th day of May, u]f., gave to tho people two very important proolnWatioBS. Oue of these, the amnosty proulatuation, so , ealled, distiiictly setu lurtli tho cla&sesto whoti), mei the terms 011 which pardon or aronesty wiil be grantcd for partieiipation in tho retyelliun. The amnesty proehituatioa vill be found in another column, and it wil bear more than a cursnry reading. It ofers to all who havo direetly or iudi veetly p: r tíc'r j :itrd m the reuellion, savu the Boinewhut nunsevous oxcepkions tonde, full "amticnty and pardon with rcstoralion of all rigli's of property exCüpt as to slavos," and except in cases wherc judicial proceeding h :ve becu institutod undcr tho coufiscation laws; conditioned, however, that every applloant for pardon shall t;ike tho oatb proeeribfcd, which oath requires support and obedience to the oonbtitution and laws ot the Uoited State.-i, and espeeiaily the Iftws and proclamatitins htretofore niadewith refereuce to tho etyaucipution of si a vea. The tone of the proclnmalion is oalm and dignifkd., and we doubt nat will meet the views of a largo majority of thu pooplo of the cauutry. The olaase reuiring thu eocept'anee of tho etuancipation prodainalions will ba soincwhat oaviled at, but the inexorable logic of Bveoté has Ba-ilw3 tho áoiim ot slavery, and for oue wu are not disposed tu inurruur every time a nail is driven la its O'ifFií). Tho reorgciuiz ition of the Stitq gúvernrriunts will gecuro the idoptiop of tho oo:istituiional ameudment, and then it will bo uácltíss for any to questioa tho legality of the proclamatiou iu (ueHtioD. The oath, in that view of the case, is perhaps uuncoessary, but can do little barni. Individuals of the fourteon exoept ed classes, must irnke personal application to President Johnson, who iromises sueh liberal elemeney ns may bejuJgod consis'eut. We are certain that he will lind bis time well occupisd uuder this proviso. The secotid proolamation we have not spaee to put in print this week. It is iu referenee to the re organizador) of civil government in Nortn Oamlina, and solves the knotty question of re con struetion. It's Wm. W. Holden Provisional Guvernor, and directa the calüng of a convention, to be oomponed of deii'gates to bo choson by the loyal people of the State, to auiead or alter tho constitution, and restore the State to its QOBSütutiona] relations to the Federal Government. This pioelamation repndiates the State suicida theory of Sumner and his ooradicals, and recognize Norih Carolina aa in tho Uuiöü, and tho cons'.itution and laww of the Stato cxsting prior to the20thday of May, 1861, the date oP'bis 90-cu!Ied ordinance of seoession, as still in force and valid. It sIbo gives the deaihblow to the rampaiit demanda being mado for a general ostensión, by the President, of the lightof suffrage to the freed negroea .f tho South. Ho requiros legally quaiified electoi's, at the first eleotion to take and subscribe the oath ot amuesty set forth in tbè proclama' tion we p'ublish to day, but tbe ftrure qualifiuatioQS of electiTri, and theeligibleneis of persans to hold office, are eft for the oonvention to determine " under the conatitution aud laws of the State, a power the peopla of tbe several States compi iëing the Federal Union have rightfully exercised frorn the origin of the government to the present time." This disposes of the oonnolidation and negro-sulTrage party duriag ihe term of President Johnson, tor we take it for grantod that the radiünl opposition already being organizad at Washington, will not drive froin hïs p.irposo to obey the conti itution and laws hirnself, while he exaots obedionce froin othors. Wb shull publish the proclamation in our nest iswue. - Wendbll Phillips has already tnade a speech bitterly denouucing tbe North Carolina proclamation. He proelaims tt supporters Davis sycophants, ays far better ha Grant surrondored to Lek, advises repudiation of the Da tional dobt, and utters other naughty thiugs- all for tho negro He evidently bas " wool" on the brain. US '■''ie Kulauiazoo Tehgraph, speaking of the reportad views of the President as to negro suSrage - before the recent proclcimatiou - says : '■ The President is right in leaving this great and important question te Congress, if he deerns it best to do so." Will the Telegraph teils us wbat either tbe President or Congress bas to do with deüniug the qualifications of eleotors ? Porbaps it can find an answer in tho late North Carolina proclamation of the President. L3" '■?■ Davis has beea indicted for treaaon in the criminal court of the District of Colombia, and it is sakl will bo fint on trial ae soon a8 the conspiracy I trial (nnuifttes. i t3T In uno', her column will be foniid the proceedings of a meeting held at tbc Cuurt House in this city, on Saturday vulling last, t eunsider a proposiliim to du L' nor tu thü biave gona o' WashtenaW uho have folien in defeoae af tlio Uui'n, by tho i;iT-etion of suuh S monument ;i.s [n noi ooly teil eï ibeir services and Hueriftoea to future generatiouH, but sliull yfiow trio estèeln in whicb. they aro hold by thu present. Th 'S "is Ú ftling move, and wo hopo that tho cominittec appoiated wil! bu ible to develop a plan that vvül meet the npproval of ihu eitizens of our oounty. Il ;i monuniuut is to be ereotod, i'. should bt; no representativa "f a grudgiijg or penurious spirit, 'jut whüo it cotnaiffmwafes brave ieeds, he-rnje sacrifico, oud long suffuriug, should as a v. ok uf' art satiffy a reii.ied anti eduoatsd tíKjto in fact be "A tliiii" of beauty, Wlnch in ajey (brevef." To do thi.-i will coHt sumo .ur.íicy, bbt a smal! sub&criptinn froin each citizen of Washtenaw will au abuud aneé. It is perhaps too early to disenss the lie;ition oí the soritemplated monument, but it in'ty tint be impotiue to sugest in thiü eo.iineütion, tho,: we have heard thi-oe loe:itions prxipasftd :■ tho Court House Park; the University Snwre ; and a beautifuí and elevated plat of ground in Forest. HiU Oemetery, whioli tLo offjeurs of tho cotupaoy so;ne inoinhs ago tendered as a freo gift, either for the biüial -f falieu brolhers or for the sito of a monument to their memory. SST The Nw York tierald, has etarted a project, to py the National dobt by private subseriptioo. The shares are fixed at $10,000 euoh. Commodore Vanderbilt feááa ofi with fify nhuroa. Bünxeü, of tho Lerfyer, an iid-erjsing dodge, takos iour. - About fhree mülions had been sub(■criböd at the last report. We mistrust thrtt it wül take soine time to climb the thousanda of mülions to vvhich the tkbt lias attained. However, we suggent tbat the subseribers vvaive the oonditTon of full pnyment, and Iet the dfbt be proportionatul v roduced. - They aro men, bo far, uho have made enongh ont of the war to nfford to be liberal, especially aa thoy expeet their nnines to go down to history. The New York Neu-ê umends tho propoiition, and proposes that all holdefa of goverament bólido, stocks, &o , &c, donito the same to the goveniiiieut. -Should tho debt bu paid by eilher of these modes, what will become of the national baaks? We pause for a reply. L-C Tho presa correspondents from Washington agree almost unariirnously in tho statement that Gen. Sherman refused to ehake hands with Secrutary Stanton' on tho Jay of the review of his ariny. Tha general verdict is " servad bim riglit."' I is also caid that Senator Hhebman has po-sooally cullod npon Secretary Stanton and cíaimtíd an -apulngy for the diapatch tele-graphed to Gen. Dtx, iiaplicatiug G-eueral Siibiiman íd a scheme to let Datis escape. Tho sympathies of the pubüc are with Subrman. Ij1 Humor says that the universal negro suffrage party has run against an unexpected obstacle, Prenideut Jdhnson doubting the authonty of the Federal government to set aside the statutes exiating in the seveial States prior to seoession, and deolining to prescribe the qualifications of electors. Besides, the new Constitution of Tennessee, formed utider Joiinson's immediate supervisión, does not eonfer the right of suffrago upon negro s, and more than that, does prohibit negroes from being witoesses iu courts. LC The corner stone of the mon uiiient in the national cemetery at Get tysburg wilï be laid on tire 4th of July, with impoing military and civio ceremoni'3. Gen. O. A. HowAff, late commander of the Army of Tenüessee, and n prominent actor at tho batfle of GoUjBburp, wiü daliver tho oration. L '5f" rteoretary Stanton, liy order of the ti ijsideut, bas direcud the dis charge of all persons oor.7oUjú by militar) couiis, nul sentenceü t) i rnint during the war. This is fn o'Tioial det'laration that. fhö w:,r L eid(id. JU" The great Northwestern Sant. ' tary and Soldiers' Home Fair, at ' go, was oponed with hnpressive nies on Tuesday. The inauguration address was delivered by Gov. Oolesby. L3?" Tho lst, 5ch, 6th, and 7th Michigan Cavalry afrived at Cinoinnati on tho 29th, en route for Texas. Now that Kikry SitlTH haa surrendered, their destioatioo may ha cbanged for a musteníig out camp. - ■■■ -- i i i L2E" Mallouy and Cobb, two more of the rebel magnate, have been arres ted. The Commercial'! Nashvillo dispatch reports the capture of the rebel Governor Harris, of Tenuesseo, six hundred thousand dollars belonging to the State treasury, the State archives, and all Statu bonds being captured. Tho Savannah River haa been opened to Savauoah, and railroad communietion Irom Louisville, Ky., .to OljarlcKton. will kood be complete,


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