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A uice variety, at DeFOllEST & STËWART'S. AI30, a good atoek cf OODPISII, W Hl TE FIS II, ÏKOUT, MAOKEREL, SMOKED HALLIBUï', HERRING, &c, &c, Wholesale and Retail ut Detroit priecs. 2wl011 D. AS. Estute of Philnnder Ltwis. CTATÉ 01 MICHIGAN, Coünty óf Waüiíti:nav, sa. kJ At a seesion-fflT the Probate Ccrart for the Ootmty of WaahJ i:nv, holden at the Probate Office, iu the City of Ann Ai-bor, on Wednesday, the thirtv-ilrst dav of May, iu tho yeir one Janusand ciit. haadred and sixty-live. I' . ■ it, Jfiram J. Beabés, Jndge of Probate. In ie muiter of the Estáte of l-hilauder Lewis, deceaeed. On reading and flllng the petition, Suly verified, of Mary Jane Plea I Uat George tí. B. 1; orsoraeother ■soü, may be appointed Ajaiinistrator of ihe estáte of said doccaeed. Tíwíreupon it is Ordered, that Tuesday, the twontvseventh day of June next, at ten o'eloi-k iu the forenoon, be assigmed c1. ;■ the tisaring of said (.bat the hei il lawof u;üd desased, and all other persons intereeted ' ipearat a sesbion of aai I i to b; hol-lcn at iho Probate Office, In tfie' City of A w cansa If auy there be, wiiy tno prayer of the petltkmet should not be granted : A;id it is furtbcr ordered, 1 petittoner rive1 notice 1 in said estáte, of the pndeney of ssjd pelilion, and the hearing a cniy of thi n Argm, a aeWspaper. piiuted avA ing in said County, tnree saccetisire waeta pror "ious to öaid duy of hearing. (A trae copy.j lililAJU: 3. BEAÜES. 101J Jiidgc of Probate. E.-ititö of Helen E. Wnlcott OTATK OF MIOIIIOAX. Cwstv op WAsiïrtur sm, m. í ■ At a session of the Probate Court for Uie Goi Washtêna, holden at the Probate Ofllc:, ij the f'itv of Ann Arbor, op MondBy, the tn-onty-üintli Jay dl May, iu the year oaa thoneand eight huud-ed aml tixiyfire. Present, Hirara 3. Bbttkes, Judge of Pro'iato In the matter of the Esta;s of Helen E. Wolcott, a minor. On reading and flüng the petition, dnly verifled, of Joaiah Hathow Liuitp said minor, praying that hemaybe Bcfcnasd to solí oertaio real eatáte behjivuí1. to said minor, Tnereupon ir is O-Ierci!, btat Mondáy tblB-typenty. sixttt day of Juac oost, at leu o 'doek in ihe tbr edfor the hearing of sjaï'l peiuion, ■ the ü' ;;L of ki; of ■ .i:l niüior. and all othér persons in - terásted bi Baid efttate s a of aidOonrt; tften to be holden at the Probate Office, iu the Oity of --.ii Arfior, and any tliere be, wny toe praycr ui' the petiliuuei ahvuld n(jt be grauted : And it is further ordi petiti givs cotice to toe nest of kin of s:üd minor, imd all other pereoas ■ In said estáte, of the lid the hearing thereof, by a coflji of iliis ügder to be pu'.Sishsd in the . á newspaper, printed and circalaüu" in aaid County, tUree snoiessiVe v.-eeks provioua to Baid dav of in (A u-ue copy.) HI38AJÍ i, BBÍKÍS5, Wil Judge af J'robato. Es ute of Uaiiifl W. Coiigintj, O TATE op jVnCHIGAX, Couxiv of Y,u,hten_vw, m. t At iaar-s-lio of the Prolwru C'onrt fof the I of "a;hteaar. holden ai the Probate Offlde, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the tuiriv-tirsi dy of May, in tUe year ono thousaud eight hniidred and sixty-iïve. Present, Tliram J. Boatos, Judcü of Pfobate. In the matter of the Estáte oí Daniel W. Cögcrlns, deceasod. On iwadin'; and flling the petition, duly verifled, of Benjamin Ro t, pi-ayin that ne or some other Suitable person may le appoiotéd Adraiaistrator on tl; ■ de ■ i led. Thereupon it is Ordered, that WedaearTfty, the 2Sth day of .Tune next, at ten o'dock in the fbrenuon, be asyiirned f(r tho hearing of sti.i petition, ancTtRal tíie helfs al law of terested in 8i i es( iie, are reij'.ürod to appeir ■ aion of said Court, thon to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Anwr, and ■ any there be, ivliy prayeT of the petitioner shonld not be i,rranuJ : And it is ñirther ordered, tH;ii. Baid petlttóner Mve notice to the persons Interésted in said estáte, of tlie [Wndinty of said pefitibn. end t: ing thereoi', by cansing a copy of this Ocdec to be publiBhèa in the ífi i r a uew-paper, printed and circ&lating iu paid Gottaty, three sujeeaaive weeks previotis to Baid day of hearing. (A trae copy.J tl [RAM 3. BEAKE3, 1011 Jof Probate. Coimniísioners' Notice TATE OP MICIIIG.-VX, CocMir w WASttPÈNiw, ss. O The ondersi ippointed by the Probat:1 Court tor said County, Coraïnitisioners to rorive, examine, and adjust all claims and iemands of all persons ftgainst the estáte o' Schwab late of tUe Townèhlp of Lodi, in Baid County, deceased, iereby ;rive notioe that six months from date are allowefl, by order of said Probate Court, for credltors to th r daltnö ágainat the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the late faildeOce of Baid d - Bei liuiaid County of Washtenaw, on Saturday, the twenty-sixth day of July, aqd Wednesday, the twentyninth day of Moyember ;t tes o'dock in the forenoon, of (-ach of said days, to receive, exanüne, and adjnst said claims. JOSEP1I JEDELB, j Commlssioners. Dated, May ifitb, 1P05.. lOlltd - Cornmisioners' Notice. OTATE OF MIOniOAN, Coün-ty ok Wapiitesaw, bs. O The nndersigned haviug lieen appointed by the Probate OoOrt for Commi .t-ioners fo rn-rh-examlne, and adjust all claims and demanda of all perjarnst the estáte of. Thomas S. lograham, late of the Township of Manchester, in said Cou berehy riye notice that .-i.-c months from "date are allowed, by order of Baid Rrobate Court, for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of saiddecc ised and that they will meet at the Township Clerk' in the Villas;!' of Manchester, iu said Couuty of Washtenaw, on Saturday, the twelfth day of August, and ttonday, the tth day of Novemuer next; at oue o'cbck iu the afturnoon, of tch of said days, to receive, examine, and adjust said claims PHliETDS COON, í :: VALK-rmiS } tommls loners. Dated, Hay Mth, 1W.J. lOlltd. Commissiners' Notice. QTATK or MIOIIIOAX. Ooi -TvmWAraTKw bb O The nnderüined having been appointed by the Probaté Coxiri for sn ' Conrity, Commjssfoüers to receive, exsmjne; and adjust all clajai ,-,íh of all persons airainst the eatata of Qeorge W. I.unbard, late of itvd'-coased, hereby frfvo ïidti'oe that t-ix months from date. are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present thiir claims against the éstate of said decoas.-.l and that they wijl meet at the öodfrey House, jn said vilIajté, on Saturday, the tjveniy-nin'th day of Jnly, and Saturday, the thirticlh d.iy of Septi-ratar," and Mnndav, the twenty-sev'-mh dav of Novemhef next, at oue o'clock, p. M., of eir'.h of said days, to receive, eramine and adjust s dd claim-. Tl H MAS Sf. LAnñ, , WT1 l.IAM A H'ï'fnLTJ CcTimisfJonero ELI8HA COXGDON S Dated, May -.'7th, ISÖS. lOUtd. Estáte "of Nelson Uealey. 'ST;V ' V''.Jnrniv , ■ Al a H.wkii] of the Probate Court forthc r, C'f : ; Mf.; t Uie IV o! A;m Arbor. onTnesiy, lh of Mi JudgofPr. Bi the naatter of the . . ilson Hejlej , On reiKiiog and fl!in; Iho prtittóè, (,]v wriw M?; Jii; that Philip Bacli maffe?, Thoreupbn it is Ordered, that Wedneeda tS day ol June next, r.t ten o'clock in the rorenooiLhui d fov the hearing of said petition, au-1 ri,,, , at Uw of said deceased, and all other .„r'o'nl llred 1 at. slop of dd Court, then to be holden at the PmÍ Offlco in the Cit; ii-bor. and show caZ any there he, why the prayi r el the ) 1 1 tioner si.,, Dot be grantea : And it ís fu rth er ordered , that petitloner eive notice to the persons interested in . of Hm pendency of said petirion, and tho ' nsing a copy oí thi Order to lépj "hetlip the jH'hiijan .1,,..., a,uewspaper, printed b ('1IV:I ' . throe sucecjssive wwkaS (A trno: copy.) HTRAM J. ISKAKEfj, ]'u Judge of Probate. O ATS, O APS, AND STRAW COODS JOHNSON I PIËRSQf have receivad lUe largéat stock of ever broi;lit to tala ronrket, wjiich they ure sellinji veiy i-ÜW PKK5ES. Tilt stock coiisistsof- GENTS' SILK HATS- all atvles. GENTS' SOFT AND STIFF BRIM HATS GIÏNTS' AND BOYS' DERBY HAT8. GENTS' AN& By YS' CAPS- all kinds. GENTS' STKA.W HATS. CH1LDRENS' STRA.W CAPS ANDHAT3. 0L1ILDRENS' FANCY FELT HATS. BOYS' STRAW HATS. GENTLEMENS' FÜRNiSHINCí G0U0S UMBUELLAS, CARPET é TKAVEUKQ BA GS. PARASO1S. TRAVELIJTG BAGS. HAVEKSACKS. SUN DOW NS. S1IAEER8, and in faef, 11 goQd pertsiau to tfieir traJo. JOHNSON & PIEJRSOtf. MAIN STREEP, - - lolOtf - - ANN AKBOS THOMPSON Tfll lATfl. - 0 - T..c T.ARGKST STOCK iü this cfty TbeCÏIAEPlK1 HA.T . State. An entïiely díí aa] atilw dfd aaaortmefci oí MENS5, BOYS', LADIES' AND MIS3ES' HATS A1YD CAPS, Flowers, Ribbons. GEKTS' m LIDIES' C0LUK PARASOLS. UMBUELLAS, TRUNES, VALISES, &c, &c. A gfDCï-al a-J.'ortm.iiit in m_v line OH iu and extulM' forvouric:oble to shaiviaA CLEMENT R. THOMfSO HKiifW .STÜKKl'. ANN ARBOR. 6sWl Vy"HAT EVERYBODY SAYsT PLUMEK & JENNINGS CAN GET i'Oti CP A BETTER SUÏT OF CLOTHES THAN TOU CAN" B0Y ELSEWHEBÍ. PLÜMER & JENMNGS MUCH BETTER than you can hopo to be FÍTTEO elsewhcwPLÜMER & JENNINGS can SELL L WfK than soy other Firm in Lnn Arbor, AND THEY WILL DO IT. PLUMER & JENNINGS have on iaodthe bPt aseoitment of Furnishing Goods, this sideol New York, v:bich they will iilUtP"' wliich wi.l inuuce all to buy. N. B.- G:ay's 'atento! Jlolded Cellar. rjBir"lC Sim, Stin Enameted Byron l'.iUars, (the Ct OT ïnamelert Cullar over manufacturo.],) Kicneb Pn"" íoltar, Wsrd'n Pripte ll)r, I. H. ■ Mf'-I Ccl' (Ijnpi.rl-.'i (iaj-den fit} follar, í-aün KnmliiP„ Button Hole, Ni w Yott ExcVisior l.inon Papfr fo;1 F. A. H. s C..'.s Iraprovt-d J'ajier Cullnra, Mi"ÍC"ÍÍ. L'ollar, 4nl IU faot cvpri discripiitm u( l'Pir l lora manufac' npcfl, o;n istuntiy on hnnd in largc qu' i.d .iu.,r South of l'ublie Square, S'"".' ' Aan Arbur, MicJiipin. Io0' ANN ARBOR VVOOLEN MSLLS Are now realy to farmsh parties witn kinds of AVOOlCElSr GOODS! Ani ivill-ESEnANGE GOODP FOK WO"i" Persora fnrnishinpr thfir own "Wool, caBr.y ,hei MANJfiüPrüKEO aio any KINfi OF 600 ' SHO..T N0I1CE, Also, ja: li.-uJtl ■""' will be girou to CARDliG OF BOLLS.' ir Mi!ls aio uil fcupplieii tlmi-' njrbineO'if ' bot iin! mofft approvM puttera.. DIvT TOMLIrïSOï I Aun rl.or, Mlh. Ma; 5tb. 1 S 6i. . 1."""


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Michigan Argus