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'I HIK KüUIá A.NDTHE LEA VES I WILL lj for tlie Hullh jí ni Ihe N tierna. Biilt. CHE GR12AT ANO CF.LEBKATEl' IMfVSin IK of t!i i BJIÍOAT.LI'XGS. HEilH.UVhiï a ni, jije BU01' K3u-.hi íH over ïhecouutry at iU CKLBllK.ltKl TIVJ3XA.XfT HEBB DOCTOE 1 ui iSü áuperfes atrec-'., Olevuiuu.;, otio. Willvii.t Vn flioiviogi!cej, vil A7fOINTUKKTerOK 1SBJ, I863a'td 1SP4. l'rof. fc. J. I.tuo caá be cuuaultedat tbt fallowtai pliwe erery woutb, v: Ltetxoit, Uiic.fllJoiifr, ';icbuiutb, lBtbaml 19th. Auu Arbot, Muaitof HoniH), ícb njontb,iOlb Jackftsn, ttibltard Boa, eadj mcotli , 1. AC.vinu. brnctut Uouu', MehBimib 'J2rl md-JSd. Tíílt'do, Ohio,OollinB Uouae ,cacb ujouth "4tb atb todJMtb. ' ' Ilillftlalo, Micli. . Uillaitali' Iloasn, acb montLTtli. Colduaíor, Micb.. Suutüern Michigau Uoiut, i-ucb UiOutb , Stb. Elklurt, Eikhari nous,oach mouth.2Dth. SoUtfc Bend, Inri., St. 0 14 tl,eacb mvntb, 30. L&pArt, hui., Tea }rdfD ík i, cicl. awwtti .Tlut. Wo.i.sttTjUhiü, Cramiull h)xfbDge, oacli luoolb, 7tb anilStb. UüAíicld. übio, Wiler Houst eacb mentb. Oth and lOili. Mt. Vernou,Knyini Hdul ech aveatli, lltli aixl lith. N'ewsrk, Ohio, Holton House, eacb iiícntb, 13tb and Uth, PaitienviHe Oliin, Cowlff Hnuní ,eflch montb th CLLVKLAMl, OHIO. HKfiiUENJE ANU OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET. Eit oí thO public square, oppoaite tbc P!-tiílice . Offi;oda;pach müntb, lt: d, iih.Stb, eth, löth - UiEoc Uoure frww D-VM.tjl'J -U. and L?tw 2 f, ji.'to 1 i'. M. Outiuniiay froni 0 te 10 A . Al., and 1 10 - y. M 4tylttximatrielly adhered to-I givc sucfe Imhn a hüTo qo strife, With imlure or Lht' taweof Üfo, With l)lüoa my hands I tw-Xtr alain, Nor [loisou ii".-o to&{ theirpain. Ucis a pkysicittH iwfiíct , who Cures. Te luiliun Hert Doctor. K. J. LYOJfS, cures folio wring coüipia i 11 16 i utbo must ob&tiuatc stages of their oxistuncc, TÏ7.: iitoaBehOl' chp Throat , Luugp, Hoart, Livor, Stomach , Uroprt.v iutlie Chcst, Khenmatihni , Neunlgfa , KitK. or FalliuK.SickncB,:indallother nfTrnif!'ierHneat7ítn. A.1SO alldiflOaeof the blooii uch at Scrofula, F.rysipelaa , Cancera , Kever dorss. Ijeprosy, and all otliercomplicatud cliroDio compiaiute. Allforms of fomale diöicultios attendod to with the bappient ttífiults. It itvhoped that noono willdenpair of a cure until they have giTcn the lodian Herb Doctor1 Medicineh a fair and faithful trial. ft2I-uriug the Doctor'; traveln ia Europe, Weet fiadles, South America, and the ÜDited Sttn-, he liau boeu tie inirucieijt in GodV hand. to restore to ïve-arfh and vigr tho;lHn1 whu rere given up and pronouiiced incurable by the most uraiuentold school physicians; uaj, more, tliout-andwho were on the verge of the grave, are now Hviiip moi.unipntH to the Indiau Iierb'is Doctor's ikill ani'; aucce8fifultreatcaent,andare daily exclaiiaing: uB'ensed be theday when first e saw and partook of tho Indian LIerb Doctor's medicine." r'atiafactory references of cares will b ladly and clieerfuïlv given w henever required . The l'octor pledges his word and honoTjtbat lie will Ín no wise.directly or indirectly ,iuduco or oaase anv invalid to take hië inedicUiewíthout tbe stroagest probabiiity of a cure. #- Modeof osammation, which ís entirl,yli(Treni from the faculty. Dr. Lyon professeM to discern dileaseR by the eyo. He thereforp aök noquestionp, aur doeshe rehuiré pa tienta tooxplain symp,tojBQK. Cllone and aïl, vnd have thertyniptnuis and location of jour d1seab'xplinedfreeof charge. ÏPTbp v-oor Khall blibcrsllr conaódsrtíd. fiSFostoiilceaddren, box '2663. R. J. LYONS, M. T'. Cleveland , Ohio, Nov. C5. 1862 lj?80 TUST ÜPENINGi i The largest Stook and best ossortnient of CABINET FÜRNITUSE ? ever brought to this city, includÍDg S0FA8, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, Gilt Frames and Mouldings OOFFÏKTS METALIG CASES, &c, " c, ana all other goods Uept in thu bent aml Ur fí"-1 hoime in th country. Wa iie.epno secoud huurt ur litmeor oRtumffOO0a. Coñinn lépt coiiHtantljr t a and, and ma.dc to order My god are oflered at THE LOWEST CASH FRÏCES N. B. I miuthsTt mr.ncy.andrejpectful'jrcquest tlioe cali and ttx up thoir oíd mítter ""' O. M. MARTIN. AnnArbor.Oct.6, 1863. 925tf ( REAT CLOSIJVG OUT . A SFLENDID STOCK OF DRESS 600DS! Gents' FURNISHING GOODS, CASSIMERES, ölth, Satinets, &c„ DOMESTICS, SHOES. HATS I CAPS, Crockery GI1OCERIES, fice, Aro to b flold at priceR that will jnaratee thfir N. C - The largiot Stock of Calioo iuid Brewn Cotton in tbe City at laas thaa Manufacturera price. The highest pricc paid in Trade or cash for all klndi of Produce. MACK & BCHMID. WANTED- Married Ladies, Prof Von Verao's Diamond Dropp, a never failing i antHiarmleHs remedy for all ot'tructiona aad irregn; laritiea. All ui.irried ladijs will Gnd this a never fiil: ing prevantive, ior which itia warrantedin every in i ëtanee, auil are inrijd to nend a red itatnp for a ciren! Inr.or 2.2Ö fora bottli, to FRKDKRH'K STKAKN8 vholeaalö flroggjHt. genrnl agent f ir MffhigD for the Pitianud Pmpfl, P. O. rrapr 445, Vvtxwt. Draier ipi 'ísdat prjyi-it-r'nprss - f3LaS COHENÓK'd PÜLMONiG SYfflIP, SEAWEED TONIO, AKP MANDRAKE MUS, The above is a. correct ÜUcness of Dr, 8fcb.#nck; jat ifter rúcover-ng from Cousumption. many yearsago Below is alikeuefc of hira aa Jio now appears, When the iirst wa Uk-n ho weihed 107 pounds ■ at the preseot tisi- kis vretght is 220 poundti. öLSÊkk . DK. SCIIENCK'S Principal Office and Laborator; is at the N. E. corner of SIXTIÍ and COMMERCE t-trtts, Rilladelpllüt where all letters for advice or bubiiieti fchGuld bc di rected. lic will be fonnd Ibero every SATURPAY, profesfiioaiiily to lings witb tho Resjijrometer, for whicb. his ft e ia three dollars : all hdrieo free. Ia Ne York at No. 32 BOND Stieet, everr TUES DAY, from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. At tlieMAULBOKO' HOTEL, Boston, January 18 aud 19, Fobruary 15 and lfï, Maich 15 and 16, April 19 and 20, Mny 17 aud IS, June 14 ftnd 15, July 19 aud 20. Tho time for my boing m BALTIMOKE and PITT3BUKi'i will bc sten i ii the dailj papen of those ciiie. I7íí IlUtory of Dr. Schenek's own Case, and howji-z was cuied of Consumpti' x, Many ye.arit ago, whilat rIding in Philadelphia, 1 had prtg:t;fed gradual ly inlo the JüBt stage oí' Pal Tponary GotfiumpHoii AU hopee of my recovery being dihfijmted. 1 vanaoMsed by my phyuiciun, Dr.'l'arrinb , to remove int o tlie country. Moöiestown, New .iei'Bcy, beir-í; uiy nativa piactj, i was removed tbitber. My fatlier and al l ui fainily bud lived and died tbere - and (lied oj Puloionary Loiihumpiion. Un my ar rival Í was put to 1 ed, wil ere 1 lay for many wek8 in what wasdeemed a hopetea cotiüition. Dr. Thoruton. who had bn my (at hei1' family pi]yician, an bad attendel bi'ii in hia tait illnew, was cnlled ío sea me. He thought my case eatirely beyond thereacliof medicina and decided thwt I must die, and gave me one eek to arrange my t1 ■mporal afïairB. In tnju apparntly hope 138 condition, I heard „f the romei'ies whioh I now m&Uf und sel). ït necmcd 'o me ibat I couid ieel tliem voi'king theirway, and peuetrating every neíve,iibra, and tissue cf my Bjvtera. My lungs and liver put on a new action, nad the mor bid matter wi.ich lor year bi.d accumutated and irii tated tho different organ.snf the body, was eliminHted, the tubcrcleson id lungs ïipened, and I expectorated from ray lungp &b rauch as a pint of yellnw offonfïve matter every murning. As ibis expctora(ioo of mtter suvtided, the ffver abated, tha pain lcfi the cough ceased to harstSH me, and the oxhaustlng nilitsweaw were no longet known, uidl had re resbifig sleep, to whicb I ha Ion? been a trauger. My appetitenowbeg uto return, and at timos i foued it difficult to retrain mvolf from eating too niuch ; with luis rèturu of heaith, 1 gained in trength, and now am fleshj. 1 aro now a healthy man, with a Urge healed cicatilt in the D Lldle lobe of the liht lung aud the lower lobo Lepatiïed witb cotnpieie adhesión of the pleura. The left lun U sound, and the upper lubc of the lighi ono íp iu a tole: ably iiealthy condiiionConsumptiou at that time was thoujiht tobcanin-l curable di(easö, by every une, prmki'inw aswellas tbose who were unlearnedin mcdiciue- eHpeciitlly Kuch case au were roduced to the condition I was in. ïbja induced nrnny peopleto boïieve my recovcry only ienxporary. I now prepared and gave the ineditiiie to consumftiven f r some timp, and rande many wondferful curps ; and theilftmaud increat,ed so rapiflly that Í dtteiinined to ofTer tln-ia to the public, end devnte my undi' laed atifti't'K'n to lung disea&eft. In truth,! wan next to forted to ït,fr peopie wouhl hend for me f;r aud near, to asoertafca whetüer tbeir cases worolike m,ne. For many reara, In eonjunclion with my principal office in 1'1'i nlelphia, I have been makiug reguiar proies-,ianal vibits to New York, Boston, Qtiltimore, and Fi'tebutg. t'or seversl j ears i)a.Lt I have made as many an five hundred cxamiuaiion werkly wfth the "Respirumeter." For sueh examination Bay charge is tb ree dollar, and lt (nabifB me Vo givc each patiënt tjie trae condition of his diaease, and teil him frankly hether he jll get Wïll. Thegreat respon wliy phjiciansdo not cure Conmnption ÍRjthat they try to do toomnch; they glve me i ineti' to stop the couch, to stop the n ght weate hecüe tever, and by bo dninjf they derange th whole digestlve lockint; up the secretiont, andrevpnt ually the patiënt dies. Thé Pulmonic fyrup Ís one of the most valuable medidnefi knowb. It i nutriënt, powcrfullj lonic, :md healiiu i& itself. It contrunH no opium, yet loos-ns i)ie phlt-gni in the bronchial tube, and nature thrówh it off with litt!e exerüoa. One bottie frequent! y curen an ordtnnrv cold buti: wíll be well ür-st tet tike a done of Hchenck's MmdiakeV FI1ÏH to ole&bfle t'io sfomach The l'ulmouic Sjmip U reatlily dyested ai d abaorbfd intoblood, to whic-hü Imparts Iu heitüng propt-rtie-" - It is on of the bei pwpartiünn of (ron in use ; il Ín a powerfu1 tonic of itHi'tf ; and when the ■"''a weed Tooio dis.ol eB the mucus in the atomaub, and i-i taxried off by tho aid of the Mandrakc Pilis, a healtliy Önw of ga et rif, jui e, good ap.etite,and a good digeion foliow The Seaweed Tonic is a sttmalftnt, and none otbi r l requirrd when it ie nse '. It bi pure and plea-at ; uo bad eftefttfc IJK wben ufringBonrbon whisky, wbich dia ordern the tomach. torpors tho liver, looks up all the fsecrettons, turns tlie b!ood luto water, dropsy eet in, aud the palien t diessuddenly. B'iurbon whisky i rcromrapnded now-a days by alraust every Mnny patientn that u;-it my r'omft both maú aud feraalc, are stupefied with this poisoii. The relief is tempbTftry. If tfcy cough they take a liltle wlij-ky ; if tbey feel weik nnd teeble they take a Üttle whisky ; if they camot slfttp, they tnke a little whisky ; and they go on iu this way, requiriug more anflmoro until they are bloated up. and imagine thyare getting fteshy. The BtomftOh, Ijver, and digestive powers are complétela destroyed, and lose thcir oppetite f' r food. No one was evercured of consumption by tbis procefif!, wheve cavitiee have been forme d in the lungs A litt'c stimulaut is frequently benñ"cial to conKumptiveK, tiuch as pure brandy or good 1 ine ; in mnny cases London porter or bron stout in moderate quaniiüuR ; but Bourbou whisky hastens on inHtend of uring connumplion, The Seaweed Tonic prodnoea lastini? resutep, thoroughly invígoratinj? thotomacb .nd igfifUivB sytem, an'i enabting it fo elimínale and ake loto henlthy blo'id the food wliich may b used for that puveoBe - lt is iO vronOcrful in Itê tffpets thfct a wme glassiull wil Ü!jest a hearty m-al. and little of Í' taken befo re break&U will give a tono to tb tomach which few medicines poiiSPfK the pwer of dciing. The MANDRAKE PILLS may be taken with entïro eafwty by all i ge and conditioim, prodaclng all the jrood resulta that can be obtained from calomel, or any of the mercurial modicines. anri without any of their hurtful or injurmue repults. They carry out of the H.yjttfm the fecuifnt and worn outmatterw loosened and digsolved by my Seaweed Tnic and Pulmonic Syrnp. - It will beween that all three of my medicine are ceed ediemcet cases to cure Conuamption. AGENTS. BOSTON- George C. Goodwin & Co. NEW YORK- Díinafl Barnes & CoBALTIMORE- 8. P. Hance. PITTSBÜRG- Dr. Geerge H. Keyxer. CINCINNATI- F. E. Suire & Co ., and Jobn D. ParkCHICAGO- Lord tSmith, aud H. Scov, 8T. ColfoBBrothflrf. íAH rBArCídCO-Hoateíier, BmKb & Pea, , i-!t allFr iBMlstt ad Dfaltrs, Ty?W


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