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JULIÜ8 BAÏÏER & OÖT , Great Piano Fo...

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JULIÜ8 BAÏÏER & OÖT , Great Piano Forte & Melodeorv EMFORIUM, : CHICAGOi II, L. Wholesale Ageuts for PBSMCE & CCS IHPftOVED MELODEONS, ÏTABRANTBD FOR FIVK YKAR3. Tlu Oldesl Establishment in lite United Slatea ! TI LULT Y TJIÜUSAND QfttWH Instruments are now in use niostly in the Uuttcit Sutes and Canada, also in Burope, Asia, África, Soutli A raerle, mul the Wrst India, and h-om all these quarters ivu Imve the most fiattering tt-Bthnoniii of the Muh ertlmatlon tu wUleh they ars heW. At all Industrial Exkibilioiis, the hare invariably btën Awarded the Highest Premium ! whenpver exhihitiiiíí in conipt-tition with othera. We shiill lak pleiisufH in forwarding by mail (atourown expense) mu Ulmtrnted Catalogue in wnich every Insirmncnt we nianiifucture, ta fully describeü aud Uluijbrated by elegant engravfngf, CUTIONÜ We íl-'iUy sce advertiseiiKínts of some new reent Initrunu'nt, (with BtrAnge iKinie,) purporting to be aupe rior to Meludcüiis and School Orgnns, A new exterior aii'i :i iit'iv name will natorally attraot attintion ; but th; public will botr in niind thiit all Recti Instruments, now inniHifacturetl in the United States and Canada, an as usar as they can be made tvithout infringing otir putents, ooplea of our own. t;i:o. a. priivce & co. JULÏIS BAVER & E0. Whüleaale Agenta for WM. KXABE & CO'S CELEBRATED Gold Medal Piano Fortes Also, for SOKBBLKR & S3I1TH, BOARDMAN & GEAY, And other First Clasa Fiaaoi. Manufacturera and Importors of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, STIUNGS, ACCORDEONS, VIOLTNS, CLARINP]TS, DRUMS, GUITARS, BRASS INSTRUMENTS And other Musical Merchaudise. The Sn.vBii anl BftASS I.vstkumknts, of manufaclure and importaron, and used by all the best banda in the United States, and whenever exbibited have always received the Gold Med&Js and hiohest rHKMinMÖ. {5Havtnj connection with MnnufHcturing Hou sea Ín Berlín, Líipsic, Dresden, Kngland and Paria, we are prepared to furnish ÜKALKRS, BANDS and INDIVIDUALS, wltb everyarticle la this line, at the lowesi manuícturers1 prices. Remember the Place. Aadrest JUL1US BAIER & CO. WHOLKSALE WAREROOMS, 99 S. Clark & 89 Washington Sts. O CIIICKiO, 11,1,. ET SEND FOR i. CIRCULAR. PRURIGO LÖTÏ0, The great Itch and Humor Killer of the 19th Century ! TWs new prtparation posoessei mort wonderfvt propertlca, and is For every species of the ITCH, PHAÍRIE 1ÏCH, BARBEU'S ITCD, WABASH SCRATCIIES, IU.IXOIS MAK, CCTAffEOl'S EBIPTIOXS, PUIPLKS OS THE FACE, SALT ROEÜÜI, SCALD BEAD, ui;vo!nis, ie. The PRURIGO LOTIO Is a ntw and eertain atn for all ltinls of Itch, and being a fluid preparatíon í Is free trom all the gummy, disagreeable qualitiei of the ointmentu in peneial use. TtiePRüRIOO 1,OTIO Is afe lo me under AIX CIRCL'MSTANCKP ; will not irrítate the most tender kin, and C0NTA1NS NO MERCUBÏ. Don't to try it. Manul'acturcd by E. T. 4 W. T. McFARLAND, Sole Proprietors, L&fajette, Ind. PR1CB 60 CENTS. LORD & S5IITH, Chltago, Wholewl. AgenU. Soia at Wholesale in Chicago by FULLER, FINCH AFUM.ER; CHARLES Q. SMITH ; BUKNHAM8 & VAN SCIIAACK; W. D. HARRIS 4 CO.; SMIT1I i DWYER; J.H. KE1SD 4 CO., and h! SCOVIL. THE 6NLY SURE THING. PHOTOGRAPH lálilÉkf II As the natne indícales, it not oniy renews the growth oí the hair when thin and falling off, but it positively RKNiiws thk coLOK t It original hade wlien it is turning gray or white, whether caused by diGeatte, grief or oíd ago. It will certaliily do what i claimed forit, a fact to which hundreds, nay, thousandswho have used it, are ready and willing to testify. Where oue bottle íb fairly used,in any commnnity, its reputaliuii "apreads like wild 'ir,'' and is the bost advertiseinent and rec'ommendation we desire. In the Eastern States, where theil RENEWER" ( i used by all Vountí I-n.liPsnRa Dre.siup, nnd ifitobefound on the toilet tftbh's of YoiiDp Men, (alpo at thúr barberH ; (while Older Men and W otaren will not be without it, as a renewpr and eorilt!Te for their groy locíc and bald hernis. which it clianpe to their cutiré ntisfaction. We are selling in the city of Boston alone, upwards of 19.000 bottlej per znnnth. the dealerft Riviug the REXKWER the preteronce over all other IlairPreparationF . If notsold by Drnggistnin your town.a trial bottle will be tipnt to you by Kxprees, upon rocpipt of oue dollar byinail - thusgivinfi youan opportunity at onco for tt'dtipg itexcelUnt virtues. JB& Orders for Trial BottUs, must bn addresped to inr general Aftcnt for the Northwegtern Staten. C A COOK, Box 0524, Chlcngo, 111. AU wucü order will receive prompt stfritiou. K.P HALLA CO. , Proprifitors, Nasbua, N. TI. The tradRBUpplied at Manvfacturcrs1 prires by FULI:R, FINCH &F0LLEB,Wholesaleliruggist8.CiiicftKo, JUiriois. 6djob 999. ♦ HHAKEN UP! Game into the eocloBare of the subffcriber, on the 19th day of April, odb dark bay or liht brown COLT, euppofifcd to be two yeam old, with three mostly white feet, vida buneb on right ilde, niie small. The nwner is rcqnegted to prove proper' y, pay cbargen, and talie amd Colt a.wy, JAMES MoLAEiy. Umi, ApiTl5tl(líftft ffW07 Ettate of Franklin M. ilendriek. 3TATE OF MICIIIGAN'-Counly of Vaabteosw-U ( J AtaaeMioool the Probate Court for the C.nmty k .1 V.ahtci,aw,li„MeiiHl th l':nbnt Office iu tlie C;t if Anu Arbor, OQ Wedneddny, tü" U'thdayolMav ntlie ' (nar uii? rliiuwm.l eifht lir.nlt.c! a,l sixty live. t rimi-tit, llitsw .1 Hiiki',.Iud;.,i!iil' i'rubïtl In tin matter ui üu. Ikiite of Ftioklm 11. Ileu'lrick l On tvn.ling an-i Aliog the pctitlio, rluly verifieil, of i _.. livndriuk. pi. i.jr 'l.i.t lliiiuu Npumiin. nmy 1 be ayuolBtttl adutalairutur of the witata oí said dei i:ü;iscd. . ThuifUwn t ín Onkro.l, That Mondy, tile fifth 1 il.iy ui .linie ncxt, at ten o'clock in the foreno b I aarigan] fur tbe hetin of ld petitixm. aml , tli.t th belrs at law of wül deceased, and all , otber f.evsons intertsted in aaul esute, are reijuiriKÏ to arpear at a scíbfíuii ui" said C'outt, tlicn i tole holden at 1 lic PriAatp OUitc in tlio City c! Am , Albor, and show ÖMIH6, if any tliíTO be, wJsT I tbe prayer of tbe patitloner ihould nut bc grantcd: j And it is further ordored. that said petitionn autb&to tke panoufl iaterest.'d in said"etate,of tbe . ponc'pncy ol said petltion.tnd the hearing thereof, by 03.U! ng a copy ot' this Order to bu pub'liahed in tl e Michigan Argüí, a neiïapiper printcd and ciiculatirg in aid Counly tbroe succu.i.iva wcckspreviount0 day üf lu'arin. (A tne copy.) HIRAM J. I3FAKFS, 1008 J'udgej5fJroba.te. R -ol Etate tor Sale. CTATBofMICHTOAN, Cnr..TVoFVAí,m.'Nw, M. ■ iu the matter of the Kstntc of David Lapham, late ft" County of Wiinhten.uv. in tlio State of Michigan decei 1 : Noticc te hereby gtven, that in pnrraance of an erder rauted to tije imoeréigned, exccutor of thr estat; f said David Lapham, by the Hon. Jndge of Probve br the County of Waehtenaw, ou the twentysecon 1 tav of May, A. D. 188S, thnre wlll be soM at Public fandne, to the highest bidder, at the dwellfunhons3 ou the premlses heréloafter described, in the Coua; of Wachten,-, in said State, on Tneadav, the elevj h dar of .Tnlv, A. H. 1885, ut two o'ciock ín the anemoon of that day, i'subject to all enenmbrances by raortgage or otherwlse r-xistiiiK nt the time. of the death of said Éteceesed,) the fnllmvint; desa ibed real eetate, to-wit : Tliirty acres off from the south end of the east half of the iinrth-cast qunrter of section twenty-seven, and the sonth-wast quarter of the southeast quarter, and tht east half of the south-eaat quarter of section twenty-seven, contalning on limidred and tiveoty acrey more or les, and the north-west quarter of the north-wart qnarter of seettoo tüirtv-nve, containiug forty acres more or loss, all in township one south of rauge seveu east. in tbe State of Michbsaa WALTEK D. COKSON, Execntor. May 2-2d, 1805. Wlotd Esiateof Beoker Piatt. VTATE OP MICHIGAN, County of ASaraHAW, ss. Notice is hereby riven that by an order of the Probate Court of the County of Waehtenaw, made on the tweuty-second day of May, A. D. 1865, six montha from that date wcre allo wed for editora to present their claims against the estáte of Becker Pratt, late of said County deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased, are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the City of Aun Arbor, for examination and aliowance, on or before the twenty-n-cond day of November next, and that such claims will be heard before said Probate Court, on Saturday, the flfth day of Auüfust. and Weduesday, the twenty-second day of November next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. of each of those davs. HIRAM .T. BEAKE8, Judge of Probate. Dated, Anu Arbor, May iid, 1S(!5. 4wl010 Commissioners' Notioe. OTATE OF MiririOAN , CorxTï or WirtTrwrüf1, ss - O Tho undersigned baring been nppointed hy tbe Proati1 Court for paid County, Cominishioners to receive, xamiue and adjuiit all claims and (Iemands cf all pp), fionhagainst tbc estáte of Alrab Burgefis, late i f tbe town oí Lima, in ciaid County. deceased, hereby give notir.e that oix roontbs from date, are alloived, by otder of said Probate Court, for creditors to present theirclaims agaiiift the e.-tateof lid deceased, " ind that they will meet at the d welling Iiouseof Mr.s Hamel Burgers, irt the town of Lima, in haid Countv, oo Saturday, the twelftb dav of August, and Wednesday, tbe eibtii dayof Novem ber next, at one o'clocte, ï. M... of ftuh of said days, to leeeivt-, examine and . fijust said claims. Dated, Slaytilh, 18CS. CHFSTKR Pil.MFR. ■ MAMF8OR PAHKKK, l09 CommisRioners. Coinmissioners' Notico. STTE OF MICHIGAN. Cou.vty OF Washtknaw, rs Tbe undersigned having been appointed by tbe Probate Court for said Couuty, Commi.ssionera to re ceive, examina, and adjust all claims ■■ nd demands of all persons nguinst thu estae of Ezekiel M. DeForest, late of tbe TowDshtp of Add Arbor, in said County, deceased , heréby vivo nolice tbat six mouths from date aro alloweii, by order of saidl'robat.! Couit, for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of said dece-Hsed , and tbat they will meet at the late residence of aid dectased, in said town, on !?aturdav. the t.welltb day of August, and Monday, the thirteenth day of N'urcmbor next, at one o'clock, V. M. , of eacb of aid (iays. to receive, examine, and adiust said claims. Dated. May 13th,186S. LDWARD TKEADWFLL. „ , 1009 SKLDEN W. SHl'RTLEKP IComMiS'ioner. Comwissioners' Notice. STATK OF MICHIGAN, Coc.vtt or Wjsiitbxaw, ss.- The undersigned having been appointed by tbe Probate Court for said County, Commis.sioDors to recpive. examine, aud adjust all claims and demands of all persons against tbe eetate of 5Ii.:liacl Pïauy,lato of the City of Anu Arbor, in said county, deceased, heroby give notice that six tnonths from date are allo ved, by order of said Probate Court, for creditürs to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that tbey will meet at the office of John N. Gott, in said city, on Saturday, the fifteeuth day of July, and Satii.ila1, , t 'e sixteenih day of tieptember, and Monday, the thirteenlh day of N'ovember next. at oneo'clock,P M., of each ,t said days, to roccive, examine, and adjunt said claims. Dated, May IStíl, 1S63 JOHN N. GOTT, ") JAMES McMAHON, i. Commissionorl. 1009 JOHN CI.ANCY, j Conimissionei's' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, CouKTYorWASnTüN.l-w, ss._: kj The uudersigned having been appoii.ted by th" Probate Court for said Cour.ty, Ccmmissioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against the of Jacob L Marshall, late of the City of Ypsilanti, in said County deceased, berebygive notice tbatsix months from date, areallowed, by ürderol said Prubate Court, for creditors to present their claims agamst tbe estáte of said deceased, and that tbey will inert at tbe dweiling house of Mrs. Lucinda 1J. Marshall, in the City of Ypsilanti . in said countv, on Saturday, the fifth day of August, and Wednesda'vi the eightb day ol November next, at one o'clock P. M., of each of said days, to receive, examine andadjust siid claims. Dated, May Sth, 1805. LEE YOPT, LEE HENDKICKS, 4wl003 Commissioners. Greatest Medical Circular Ever Foblished Í WM C JÖ-Fifteen-a larco ■ I JTj I letter piica for two A 0J 3 cent etanipa. a& Young Men's Conüdenüal Médica] Advisera in caáe of Spermaiorrïiea or Seminal Weakness cause d by Miisturbiition, Genital Tantaltzatioo, self -abuse, or secret habits iDdulged in by youths at the age of puberty. DUS. JU'KSON, HF.IiBERT & CO., Proprietors of the National Oyspensary, estab]bcd atOincinnati, Ohiü,Jan. Jat, 1860. Involuntfiry KniistiioiiBlead to Impotency, ConRumption, Insanity ;mi Death. Those who suife in the least j'rom thi banïfu] practice, showld app]y the whole tmergy of tho soul to the attainmeut of health aud consequent contení me ut and huppineLK. Rvery one, eilher nick or well. ahould have our valuable treatisé on this fiubject, which is sent f ree of charge. We guarantee to cure íionorrhcea, Olfet. Sypbilns, Inijj'jlency, Nocturnal Kmissions er Self-Abuse, Diurnal Kmiseíons, Fenaale Complaints, in í-hort, every possible form antlvariety of Sexular IHgeatie. Cures r;ipid. thorouerh irul [jermanent, and fefg moderate.- Senrl for our Orcular DR. JACKSON'S FEMALE I'II.LS- $1 peí box - Special wntten replies, well spaled, sent wfth the Circular, without cha rge. 3)0 papes. K-O engravings. - "The Mnuntain of J-ight, or Medical Protectorand Marnagp Gui'ie,, and an Fxplicit Key to Love and Beauty." H SATISFACT0R1LY reveáis variouesubjects never before fuliy eiplained iu any popular work in the Euglish language. Price 50 cents, or three for Medicine nnd instructions Rent prornpl Iy to any part of the counti y . CnnpuHing Rooms of the IHspensary , No.l07Sycamorestreet. t;. O. Bot, No. 436. DR. JACKPON'S ORIENTAL LIN1MENT Removes all eoldness, and rejuveoate organs whioh have lain dormant faí many yearg. Can be mailed witli perfect a%fety. Price SSper bottle. DR. JACKSON'Ö FKKNCII. PATENT MALE SAFE. It in tho only aure and fafe preventivo agaicst con tríicting diaease ever ïnvented, Prioe $1 each, $4 per half dozen, and $7 per dozen, stnt by mail. 6míí96 TR. SMITH'S 3XT3EI-77PRESCRIPTION & DRUG STORE ! Ib the place to buy your MEDICINES, PERFUMEHY, "Writinz Paper, by tho Keatn orltB, ENVELOPa, and all other articlee in onr line. 5(" Especial attention to Conipoundinf: and putting up 1'roRcriptionK, at the sign of GOI.D M0RTAB,Exchünge ülock, Ann Arbor, Michigan. lEjr t3 í'rofessonal calis promptly attended to. 1Y960 100 City Lots for Sale. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Dlsenscs of the Nerroai, Semlnnl.Urlnary And Sexual Systems- ncw and riliable treatment- in .report of the HOWARD ASÍOCIATI0N- Bent by raat) in Heled letter envelopefi, free of chargftAtl8lr. J SKHJJN HOÜGHrOSr, Itoii.r4 As)ojtioo,Ko.9 South Ninthfti8t, ThHsdtlphi, Penn sybranl, lyPtC


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Michigan Argus