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Proclamation By The President

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II y hertd, The fourth ectiou oí Ihe fcmi tii miele of tbe co, .stiiuiion of tho Uni'.ed SutiP, declares (hst tho United Statis sliali gudratltee to every Staie in thi! Uuii'u :i repiibiirui) funn oí governuient. and sliiill [ rnteot eucb nl them iigHiusi aKibion and dotnesüe violeuoe; a iid TVhereas, The President of the Uuitef States is by ihe eongiitution m:ido Com mandi r-in Chicf nf the a ruñes and ftavy na 'veil M8 ohief Esèoutive office r of thi, United State, tiiid is bound hy solemr otiil) f'aiUiluIly _to execute the office o President of the United States, and t( tuko cara tbat the laws bo faithfully ex tcitd ; aud Whereits, Tbe rebellion which ha een Waged by a portion of thü peopU ot' the United States agaiust tbe prop erly constuuttd amhorities of the gov eriituent thereof, in ihe ii;ot violent uni ïevolting form, Lut whose orguuized un( nrrned lorues have now been almost en tiioiy overoome, bas in its rcvolutionun progresa dejuived tbe people of the Stat ot Ñorih Carolina of ui) civil govern meut ; and W hurta, It becoroes neceBsary anc proper to carry out and etiforce tb obligationa ot' the United States to tho j;eo[le of Noi'th Caruüua, in seeuring tneui in tlio cujoyiueut of a republicau foriu nf govertuneni ; ■Now, iberefore, in obedienco to th htgb and aotemu datioa imposed upou nie by tbu coustitutiau of tbe Uuitec States, aud Lur lbo purpusa of onablinj tho loyul people of suid State to organ iae a 8tato governtaent, whofeby justio may ba eatublished, domestic tranquilit; insured, and loyal ciiizeus proteoted in all ihetr nglus of life, Hberty and prop erty, I, Audiew Johuaon, Presideot o tho United States, and Cominauder-in Chief ot the Army and Navy oí tn Uuited States, do hereby appoint W VV. Holden Provisional Goveiuor of th State of North Carolina, whostí duty i ühull bu at thu earliost practicable pur iod to prescribe suuti rulos and regula tions aa muy ba nootwsary atid prope íor convüuiug a couveuüou ooinposed o de!eaíes lo tm chostiu by that purtuin o tile pcoplo of said State who are loyu to the United Statts, aud no others, fo tho purpose of ulteriug or tuneudiug th co stituuou thereof, aud with aaihotity " td etuicisfc, wilbiu ihe lúnits of san tJíate, all the puwers iiecessary anc proper to üaablL loyal peopl ot th Stulo of Nonti Carolina to restoru nau Statu lo lt- coUHlitutioual lelatiuus to the Federal Guvuruuient, and lo preseu sueh a republiea fonn of Staie goveru uieut aa will entitle tho Staio to th gnarauleo ni ihe Uuited Slates there lor, and its peoule lo pro.ection by tha Uiiúud Slatts agaiust invasión, iusurrec tion aud viol'juoo ; pruviied, ihat at au; ekctioa thai may bo hcreafter held fo oiioiicing dclegats lo auy Stuto conven tiou, a afoiusaid, uo person shall bü quiilified as au elector, or shall be eligí ble as a niuinbet of sueh oonveutiou, uu kbS e shall pi'eviou-Ly have takon an( utjscnbed tho oatb of ainnegry as Be forili iu thti Prtsidenl's proclawation o May 29th, 1865, aud isa voer qualitiet us prescribed by tba ci.nstitution atu laws oí the Siate of North Carolina, ii forcé íiDuiediately betoie the 2l)th daj of Muy, 1861, ttie date of the 80-calle( ordiuiínue of seceasion, and tho Eait convontion when convened, or ihe legislatura that raay thereafier be as serabled, will presut ibe the qualitioatioi of eleülors, and the eligibleuess of per toa to hold otRi-e uuder the ooustitution and laws of the State, a power tho peopie of ihe several Slates ooujprining the Federal Uniou have righttully exercised from the origiu of the goveruoieut to the presout time; and I do hereby direct: First - That the military commander of the department, and all officers and pert-ons in tho military or naval service, aid and assist tbe said provisional Goternor in carrying iuto eti'eot tbis proolaniatiou, and they aro required to abstain from in auy way hiudering, impeding, or discouruging tbe loya! people ' from the orgsn zation of a Siate govern. ment, as herein authorized. Seccnd - That the Secretary of State prooeed to put in forcé all Uwa of the United States, the aduainistration whoreof belongs to thu State Department, applioable to tbe geographioal iimits aforeeaid. Third- Tbat tbe Secretary of the Treaaury proceed to uominate for ap pointtnent, AsBffsors of Tniea and Collectors of Custom of Infernal Keveuuj, aud such other officer of the Treasury Dapurtraent as ara auihorized .. by law, and put tu executiou tba roveuue laws of the United States witbin tbe peogniphical limita aíoresaid. In ma king tbo appuinttnents the prelerenes shall be giveu 10 quahtied oval pergon residinfí withio tha diatriets where t hei.respective dutiu- are to bu perforroad ; but it suitablc residentH of tha distriots shiill not bo found, tboti persona reaidiug in other States or diatricis ehull be ap pointed Fourtb - That tbe Postmaster Oeneriil proceod to eslablish poat routes, and put iuto execution tho postal hiwsof the United States within the said State, giving the loyal residente the preferenoe f ippoin: lumit : but if suitable residents aro ri"t fouud, iheu appoiuting froui otbei' Si .tes. Fifili - That tbe Dntrict Jude for the Judicial Di-trict lo whieh Ntr h Carolina is incliiut'd, proceed to hold cours wi'bin said títato iu accordance wilh the provisión of the act of Congrega. The Atiomey General will iníiruct tbï proper offiuers to libel and Lri.g to judgiuent, Coiitiaeation aud sale, proparty subject to contiscation, aud enforce tlie ailininisliiition of justice within suid S ate iu all matter within the cog riizanoe aud jurisdicción oí the Federal oiurtí. Sixth - That tho 8ecrtary of th Navy taka possessiou of all public propeity beiongiitg to the Navy Department Kithui uaid geographical Hiniig, and put in oper lion all acts of CougreM in relaiion to naval alfuira having applicution to e iid S ate. Buveuth - Ttiit the Secretary of the llitui ïor put in foree tho laws relting to tiie 1 tenor Dépa-rtn-!, applic:ible tothu geogiapliical liini;s aforesaid. jn tebtiu)'nv wheraof, I h.ivo hereau:o set my hand, and caused tho sea! of , tbe United ötutes to b atüxed. Dme at tbo city of Washington, tbis 2tb áy of Miy, A, D, 18Ö5, aud of ti. e iudepenileiico of t e Uui'éd iSt:;ttj ; tin: eiglítj diith. ANDBtir JOUNSON'. By tha Prei-iiUnt : WiLLiAM LI. Sewabd, Secreiary ol State.


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