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umi to an oiHuiul ielter froit) Gen. SllBItMAN tO Gen. GlïANT, gptiukillg in plain tL-rms of the Irentmttol reoeived by Iiiin froin Scoretarv Stantox, and also au unoíficial lelter froro Goii. Siikkman toa personal frieud, and soüoit for thnn a caiedil reading. The testimony given by Gen. Siieií man büfore t li e Ootiduot ut the War Committee, ineluding his offioia] report of bis QOnierenco with Gen. Jounston, has alo heen la:d beforo the public. We veulnre to say (bat uo cundid man eau remi tliec variou doouraents without coming lo the concluukn that a greut outraga was perpetrated by áeoretary Stanton iu the mauner io which he cornmuuioated to the publio the rejeC' tion of Gen. Subkman's " meiiiir:induiu" aad Gen. Halleck's orders. It is riot witb the rejeotiou oí the ''memorandum" Gen. Suehman fiad fault, but wjth the insinuatiuns oí Stanton's " bulletius,'1 and the order of Halleck instructing officers to disregard bis orders. Gen. Sherman haa a pen as keen as bissword, and seeing that trtn. McClïl lan gaiuod nothing by patiently beariug the reprouch heapod apon him by the War Departtneut 'o cover i's own sins, he does not propose to be maligned and keep mlunt. He telis tha comruit tee that he had reason to suppo.-íe tl at lbo arraugement with Joiinston would be satistaetory both to JjIncoln and Mr Stanton, and quotos their conversation and letters to prove it. In short he pune:. rateo the Inde of tlie Secrotury ar.d bis williug tooi - a feat uot before performfid - uud leaves them to smart over their ■' indiscrutions " Gen. Suehman's tartness can be pardoned by the public, and that it has been is evidenced by the enthus'astis reception he is every w here meeting Even the ''adiOúl presa, that geuerally wiBexes wben Stanton snufl, ban been shauied to siletieu, save a regret or two that Siieuman should exhibit so muoh personal fueliisg. We thiuk that Gen. Shkkman poiut, uud in time. XtLT Tbc brave boys, or That are l'ft of them, are rapidly coming homo Thu 20tb Infan'ry reaehed Detiiton Sunday morniug, ritimburing, offi era and men, ibout 325 After boing generoasly i'efieshed they immediately left for Jat-kso , uud pased the station at tbis city, at uoon. Their coming having bt-en heralded by the telegraph, i-everal hun dred had galhered at the depot to give their írionds a grai ting, but the train rat) the stat toij at ful] speed, leaving li'tle time for an exohang ol congra'ul itions. The resirmeut is uon being mustcred out and the boys paid off, and in a few days those frota tiiis vicinity will return to tbeir home, we hope nevor again to be r-ummoned to the baltle Stild. - We understand that 3 snpper i being arranged for tbe boys of the 20; h livint? withiu hail of our city - nnd ihe liiiilmg voice oan reach some distance - 1 he date of vhich is not definitely dekt rrained. - Otlser regiment, including the 5th, L7ih, and ti&lh, have alrcady returned :o the State with depleted ranks and icarred flagf. bankera have eirervd iuto an agreement to pay out nothing l)ut '' greenback, " ' national," and their own fuuds nfter July l!t, Md reeeive "Stute currenoy," whieh term iucludes 11 bank'g chartered by States, only at 3-8 per cent. discount. Tuie ao'io wil! nsuro us, we hope, o uniform currency, M farmers wilt not take for their wheat anJ wool pjipor not bankuWe at par, and as ineri'hautH will not take whut the reut producing classes will not reeive froui ihem. 1 1 ■- n 13 Gen. Gkant ia to reach Ch enge and tho Fair li uiorrow. Gen Simr. man ia alao to bc there The Fnir is provine a gient guccess - Iho Micliigan departroent epeciülly. SS" The uviJencu in the conspirncy triitl i not yet cnneliiled. fsjE" We tind in the Rvpub'ican Ad vocale, of the 25th uit., pubKïhed at Batavia N. Y-, an obit uaiy notiue of Col. Cuas. H Toh'N. late of the First Michigan Cayalry. - Ooi. ï. died at. his renidence in Elbu, N. Y , on tho 7th of May. Col. ïowa was formtrly a resident of tliiN comity, having been engagi d in the niercantile business at, Dexter, wbera he won a host cf friends wlm have looked npon his rabie military career with ride, and will long ceiish bis memory On the organization of the First Michigan Cavalry, by the lamented Col. Bbojhiai) the subject of tnis notice entered it as Captain, having be)ii ini-trumental in laisiiig a company in the Upper Peninsnla, where he tben reidrd. His noldierly qualites won llim erly promotion and en tlie deathof Col B. he waa comuiissionpd as Colonel. F.r some time, too, he eommanded a Brigade, but was compelled by failing healtb to retire from the artny, and lived only Iodr enongh to witness the trinmph of onr armies arjd 'he dawn oí praes. Jo the tecond battle ut Bul) Run he reeeired fite wounds íd a band to hand conflict. He will bo rorpcmbered m 0!e of Wi ;íi'gan' gallr.t }?.


Old News
Michigan Argus