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The Common Council

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Tl,e Oomwon Council held a regular session on Moaday evPiiing last Present 11 bttt yermen Thompson and Rhodes Oommittee on indebteduess of city repovtÓrdera over uaid and outstauding (t dato of last annual report $8-40.19 Allowed by thi for old claims l " J_ $1112 16 The above supposed te be about equally diTiied between the General and Street fonds. Be-Mes the above Uu-re is the Dorking judgment, and a number of OUtglanding unaudited claims. Aldermen Parson and Rhodes ware added tothe sidewalk coiumittee, which committee noff consists of Aldermen Slawson, Schunuker, Thompson, Parsons and Rhodus. Recorder was iustructed to givi) Drayman twenty-four hours notice to lake out tbeir licenses'; alio to aid Street ComraUsioner to roake out report of persons Hable to a Poll TflX The City Attorney was instructed to notify j(r Roso that if he would file security to tai demnify city for costs, the Dorking uitwould beappealed.otherwise he would be held for the judgment and measures taken to collect the same. Edward Stiling and Newton Feloh, were conflrmed aa Deputy Marshals. An ametidment to Ordinance No 25 was repo-ted and adopted. See advertisiug columns. Alderman Gott offered the followiug : Ritohed, Tlmt the Oommitteo of the Commu Council haïing examincd the vouchers of Se.lgi-wiuk Uem. Troasiiror of til ■ 3d, 4th, & 6th ward bounty fund, and found them correct it is ordered'that the bmd deposited by .aid' Dean with the Couuty Treasurer ba cancelad. Carried. Comniittee reported against the application of Qbastar Ingals for payment ot the ïight of way for a street along east line of hi lauds. A(io])ted. Suudry bilis were allowed for street work, 4c , amounting to $295.43. Alderman Parsons moved thit the city purChaso the Engiui belonging to Mayflower Fire Company. pending which tha Council adJourned to Monday eTening, Jur.e 12th, 18Ü5. Pic-Nic Th membira of the Ann Arbor Union Bchool intend to hold their Annual Pic-NMc on FrMav, thr 16th of June, and extend a cordial iiivitation to all who were once members of llia shool, aud are uow living at a dislance. Thesa Pic-Nica are golten op only for the jcliolars and s-uch as were formerly ni'iibei-s of th sah'wl and il is hoped that aü the old icholars who niay read this invitation, will vail tbeiixelves of this oppoitunity of meot{ng old frieuds and teachers. Let all come assured of a cordial welcome [rom their old teachers and class-males, and the committee pledge themselves to do their utmont to supply all bodily want that may rie. Th Pi-cNic will be hrid on the Island a Ittle Eat cf the Lower Town. HST Tb Theatrial Troupe from the Detroit Athenwum, Manager Hocgh, pens tbis evening in a large pavillion on the '■ old jail square," and wili perfurm " Uucle Tom's Cabin," aa originally dramatiied by Mr. Aikkh Irotu ihe popular novel of Harbiit Biich Stowb. Mr. Hoüoh bas attaintd considerable colebrity as a manager, and feral members ot bis company have won a {oodly dr-gree of fauie in Detroit and other titi.. The piece aunounced for this and to Borrow erening has always drawa largely frnm outKide the ranks of regular thaterjoen, and we are assured that it will bu presented in a marnier tucxmmatid admiratiou.


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