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Jtyerial lofe& ÜcBgÏFcEXTRAL "RApÖAÈ Passenger traiiis now leave Detroit and the aeïeral stations in tbia Cotinty as tollows: GUINU WKiT. Muil Píiy Doxtep Even. N'irht Tr:iin Ex Ace. Kx. Ex. notinlt, 7 Wa.mIO :im.M 4 S1p.ii5.j;p.m 11 oi' Yvsiianti, 8i) ■' 11 5S ' " 6 50 " 12.66 J. Aon Arbor. 9 ('S " 1---.15 P M C 35 '' 7.10" 1.00" Dcxti', Ü.8& " itM " 7 00" 7 35 ' Chuiswi, 9 55 "12.55 7.50" GOIXQ KAST. Even. Doxtcr Ntaht Iay Mail Ex. Ace. Ex. Kt. Train Chelsea, 7 .35 a. y 3S0 P.M .VOO P.M DexttT, 6,03 a.w 7.65 " S.45 "5.20 " Ann Arbor, 4.'.'5 i.x 0.35 " 820 " 4 05 '■ .0 " Ypailanli, 4 50 " 70) ' 8.40 " 4.25 " 6.13 " Detroit, 6.10 " Ö.Ü5 " 10 00 " 5.45 " 7.46 " The Mail Train runs to and from Marshall. ITCH. IWHEATON'SI 1TCH. SaltRh um. lil.VTHK.VT. Salt Khennu Will cure the Ith in 48 houm - also cures Solt Rheuni, Ulcers, ( hilblnins, nnd all Eruptiona of the SkiD. Price CO cents ; by pending 50 cents to Weeks Ir Potter, Boston, Mass. , will be forwardod fee by mail For Kale by all druggista. l''BKDKBICK ÍTBARNS. Detroit, 4 Agent for Michigan. PROF. R. J. LYONS' Patients aod all othrs interrested will please take notice that ho will contin ne hi.s vifiits at the Monitor House, Ann Arbor, during 1864 and '65 and at the expirationof hich he wil dis continue his visita and open an Infirmary at Cleveland, ühio, for the treatment ot Lung and Chest dlseasee. ÏVIIISKEKSI WHISKE'KS! Do you want Whiskirsor Moustacheaf OurGrecian Conipourid will force them to growon the snjoothest face nr chin, or hair on bald heads, in Six Weeks. - Prico,1.00. Sent by mail anvwhere, closely sealed, in rei:ei]jti)f price. Add.-cis, WARNJSR t CO., Box 131, Brookhn, N. Y. Iy999. THE UltlOAl, CHADIBKR, in Euay of Warningand Iustruction fnr Young Men - published by the Howard Aigociation, aad sant fr e of charge in jealedonvolopes. A ldren, Dr. J. SKILLl.N' HOUGHTON', Howard Aijociation, 1 hiladelphia, Pa. 1)935 AgooiTtree is knuwn bv IÏS flWït. öo ii a good i'hysician by histíucceasful Worka. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, TIIEGKKAt ANU UKLKBRATEI) PHYSIUUN OF Tilt TUKOAT, Ll'NGS AND CHEST, Kaown all over the countrj as the Cfllebrated INDUN HERB DOCTORI Frum douth America, will be at íiíb rooms, RltóÖELL HOUSE, DETROIT, OnthelSth and 19th iust.,on the same dalo of and erery subsequent raonth during 1862 and 1863, A XEVl' PAMPHLET Of the ltfe,3tudv and extensive tra veis of Dr, Lyon can b procured by all whodesireone, f ree of cb&r9Dr. L will vísit Ana Arbor, JackHou.and Adrián, Mtch. . BRfoüowB : Anr Arbor, Mnuitor Hnuse, 20th. JacksoQ . Fiibburd House, 21nt Adrián. Brackett H use. 2 and 23d. Modk n Kiamination. - Thf Doctor dlsCerDS liiBöaifrs bytlíi'oyes. He, therefore.afika no quetions nor req ires paHents to explain symptome. Afflicted, comv and havp your symptonas and the loeation of your die a.fí BTplained fr-e of eharjr y HAT EVERYBODY SAYS ! PLÜMER & JENNINGS CAN ET YOÜ ÜP A BETTER SUÏT OP CLOTBES THAN TOÜ CAN BÜ7 ELSEWHERE. - o - PLUMER & JENNINGS eau y X'JC yow Try MUCH BETTER thn yon can hop to b FITIEJ Uavbere. PLUMER & JENNINGS 9n SEIX L'Wi:R thancyothr Firm in Ann Arbor, AND THET WILL DO IT. PLUMER & JENNINGS hare on band the bet assoitmeat of Furnishing Goods, thiB side o( New York, which they w!ll teil it pnce which wi.l inuuce U to buy. K. B.- Gay's Patentf'l !Iolded Collar ünivral CollarK, Satin Knameled Ilyrnn CollarB, {the first Hyron f.nameled Collar ever maDufactured.J Frfnch Printed Collar, Ward's Printd Collar, Le Beau ldl Collar, (Importi"!] Garden City Collar, Satin Enamelld, patent Button H-le, New York Excelsior Linen Paper Co lar, F. A. ,11. ie Ci' Improvcd Paper Collars, Maaoit Paper Collar, and in fact everv discription of l'aper Collars manutacured, costantly on hand in largO quantities. Second doorSonth of Public Squar, Mam Jt , Ann Arbor, Michan. KOTtf A Dice variety, at DeFORKST & STEWART'S. Also, a good stook cf CODFISH, WH1TEFISH, TROUT, MAOKERELs SMOKED HALLIBUT. HERRING, fcc, átu., Wh'ilnole and Fetail ut Detroit prices. 2wlOH DAS liiile Factoiy! Beutier & Traver, tSuoceasorb to A . J. Sutherland,] Manulsoturers of aad Dealers in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Ponches Gam.%. Bagi, and Evorjotbei article fa, tbat Line. Allkindiof (3ontth horWt notie, and mtiibtt mansar. % f all asscrtmentalwayj kept onhand acd jníi ni %. tibop eornar Min and Washington itmti. Ann Arbor, Oct. 8, 1862. 7átf ! ü. S. 7-30 LOAN. THIRD SEBIES, $230,000,000. By authoiity of the fleoretarv cf the TtvasqlJ, the underaiguott, tlie General Subscripluin .Agent for the saloof United State Securitie, ulier to the publbtho tliird series of Tieasury Noto, hearing eronaoil thrce. tuuthh jut otnt. intf rtist per animm, linuwu a3 thü 730 LOAN". Thvbe Dotvs re [gtfued ini'ier dütu oí Ju!y líith, 1805, and are pityable Uiree voars trom that dato ia cunea, cy, or are convertible ut the ojitiJti of tht holüer iatl U. s.5-20 Six percent. GOLD-BiïARING HONDS. Theo Bond.s are novr worth a liand'Oino prornfum, and aro oxemptj as ure ali the (ïoverunmi. t Bunda, from St&te, Couiily, and Municipal taziHon, wkich addt froin onr. to thrc&per cetU. psr annum to value f cording to ihr. rate levied upon other proparty. The intortst ík payablo semi-annually by coupons attachi-d tu nch noto, which maji bo cut off acd oid to auj bank or banker. TIk Intet at 7-3O per cent. araopnU to cnt ti day on a $5Q noto. Two eeuw " l " 1OO Ten ' M " $500 ' 9O ( " " $1000 " gl .. . ' " $50O0 " Notes oí all tho denominations named will be promptly furuisbed upon reoaipt of flubtcriptioa. The Notes of thisThird Seriii ar pieiaelj sml.t n form and privileges to the Seven-Thirtiea already old, except that the Government reserves ta itaclf the optioo of pajing interest in gold coln ut C per cent. instead of 7 3-10tks in currenöjr. Subscribera wlll rfduct the iutorest in currency up to July 15th, at tbs time when they aubicribo. Tho delivery of tlio notes of tbU third series of the Seven thlrtlaawill commenoe on the Ist of Juno, and tv II be made promptly and contiauoualy ftr that date. The alight cbange made in the condltioni of this THIHD SKRIES affectg only tbe matter of iütert.- The paj ment in gold, if made, will be equivalent to the curroncy interest of thebígher rute. The return to specie paymunts, in the event of wïiich onlj wi]I the option to pay interest in GoM beatailed of, wo Li Id so reduce and equalUe pricen that parchase made wlth six per cent in gold would be 1 ully equal to tboae mide wllh seven and three-tenthn per cent in currency. Tbiii THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET bow ofTered by tbe Government) and ita Bupehor &dvantages make it tho Great Popular Loan of the People. Le tban $230,000,000 of tbe Loan authorlted bj the last Congrega iré now on tbs marker. ThU amoïnt, at the rate at wbicb it in being absorbed, will all ba subscribid for witbia tw- months, when the notes wil) undoubtedly command a premium ,u bas uuiformiy been tbe caa on closingthe auoscriptioui to ut her Loana, In order that citiaas of evory town and section of the country may be afforded facilitie for Ukinj tha loan, tbr Netional Banks, State Banks, and Private iiaukers tbroughout the country have genorally agreed to receive aubscription.i at par. Subscriber will select tbeir owu aconta, in whom they have conQdeuc9, and wbo oniy aru to be responible fur th# 'lelivery of the notea ior which they roceive order. JAY C00KE, SüCSCPJPlION AQBKT, Pktlade'phia. Mjr 15th,I8e6. SCBscMHios-ü wiLL x rsccivid by th fIRST NATION.VL BANK of Ann Arbor, and FIRST NATIOXAL BANK of Ypiilaati. 8wl003 T WOOD'9 PATENT DRILLING MACHINE, PILE DRIVJER, HYDRAULIC SAND PUMP. PRACTICAL TE3TH haTiog fiïlly detaonatrated the Ruperiority of thi machine ove; allothers for purpose of ainkinif Oil Wella. the unleraigned Ís now prpröd to recuive orders for the name. Tbi niHchinery comprisea everything reqaigite for the boring of oil walU, excepttng the i=TKM EXGIN'E AND CAST IRON DRlVlNi PIPE, (but will be furni-hed, i f deaired , at a reatona ble pricj , and dis pen - aei with the ue of tbe Derrick Rope, Buil wbed and other cumbrouG and expeueive fix-ures now in u.ip, aud ih so arranged, bing eoastruoted ou wheeU and l,órtabK thMt Honbe aily removed for the purpose of uinking well ín different localitien. TI!L DETRITUS ift removed from tb well by our Patent tiydrnlic procese, aad doe not require tb removal of tbe drill f-om the boring. luis proceit not only remores all the detritus ío from 5 to 10 min liten, but Iíkt7s effect uilly clean out and opena all the sm all oil veins thac are so ofteo eatirely closod up I y the o UI procesa of and pumping. WITH THIS MACHINE and a practical .gineer, a well can be susk from 400 f) 60 J fnet witbin a period (pf fr m 15 to 30 dayg after the goü pipe has beea driven. Arrtingements ara being mad for the conttructioa anddelivery of theae machines at.Vew York, Norwich, N'ewburg, N -Y.,ani Pittburg,Pim. For furtlier íDfoí'mation, price, terma, ka., adriB, SIMEÓN LELAND, Metrüpoutan Hont, 5ml0O4 New York. THOMPSON %p - o - TjoLABGEST PTOCKin thi city Th CHAEPKST HAT STORE in the StiU. ia Dtiraly new and iplesdid utBOrtiueac of MENS', BOYS', LADIEd' AND MISSES' HATS AND CAPS, Flowers, Ribbons. GENTS' AND LADIES' COLIABS, PARASOLS. UMBliELLAS, TRUNES, VALISES, &c, &c. A general sortmot lo my Hn Cal) is and ïaaiin foi jourswlvcB. No trouble to show goofr. CLEMENT K. THOMPSON.


Old News
Michigan Argus