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I ïyiOW IS TUE TIME I Fot tHirgains in AND GROCERiESÜ C.H.MILLENJ Ís dow receíving his I os DRY GüODS, CARPETS, aod QROCERIES, bousht '. th rocont urcat, decline In New York, bí willbesold a loff Ihe lowegt Cali and camine goodft and pricoi Lefore rjurchasintf. C. H.MILLEN. April, lSflS. pRIfVTS, 20 to 26 Onts. BEST DELAINES, 31 cents. SHEETINGS, 30 to 40 oents. BLEACHED COTTONS, and all other goods at REDÜCED PRICES! 0. H. MILLE.V'S. ]yEw oarpets, C. H. MILLEN'S. L ADÍES' DRESS GOODS of all klad, Ladies' Sacks, Cloaks, Shawls, Hair Omatnents, &o , all iba new ktjlea juit reUd %u lar ule chep. 1004tf C. H. MILLEN. WAR THE PANIC HAS_COMMENCED. An Arboris ne of tb flist t throw out induceruvut tor i'wujjla to GET GOODS CHEAP. AH of tUo Mercbnt3 ar qd tht lookout and bwvinsr goQu at the Iovü1 pKiible ats,aad each üdr fots bis cwn varivtj uí .trticlee. -i uoneof the PRETIE3T PLACES in the 3TATE. anfl wU BupplieJ with m-mufacttjriiiff interen fcr the country Kenrally. Th ere are 19 Iry oods Strd, 4 or 5 Hardware Stores, .6 or 8 Clothing atoren. 3 Hat fitoru 3 Sbop S'torín, and a ha f doten Siio Shopn, 3 J wwlry Sioreí, 5 rr fi ProTision aud rocry "tAte, and 4Cabiuet Var# Romos, 4 or 6 Bake tihopn, i Har neus Shops, 4 Pilotín? Preiscf, and all kind of Manu fao'UrinfF Estabh hmfntg, t'O DUuicrouR tu men'.jon. - The wholr! gurrounding country wijl do well o Ann Arbor A cali, aod af ter looki&g aroucd, U around for yoar -AND. GROCEEIES, doa'tforgtt to cali t 0. BL TÏÏOMPSON'S STORE, Corner Main and Washinffton Ptrntn. n1 h wiU try aad givo yuu pricfi that will mtitfy. Hela receivlng goodi bought at t. lowit pomiiblt prica, and will try a&d utiêfy as fr The MOTTO ti "LIVE ANO LET LIVE.' "Hrtlp yoar nelghbor aod jou help yourBtlf. ' I am eoatdent of the roult CHARLE B. TH0MPFON. April, 186. imlUÖS QOODS AT HALF PRICE1 GOLD IS DOWN! COTTON IS DOWN ! PRINTS ARE DOWN ! DOMESTICS AEE DOWN! WOOLENS AïiJÊ DOWN! GR0CERIE8 ARE DOWN! now Is tb e Umt to bny jour SPRING GOODS! - o- P. BACH Hat jatt opDd A eofflplute assortment of DRY GOODS, Dress Goods, Cloths, Groceries, &c, &c., bongbt bc tb tiumtidtr of I.-m ad tb gr ii.ll ia fríe-. OU lmm&!lj uZ xstc h!8wk. m Aior, April, nm. -rm j TÍ7AR MOST ENDED 1 CHARLESTON TAKEN ! ! GUITERMAN & CO., Beinx connecteil with ooe or th largest bpúses in Nw York, which has betier faoilitiea for Seïling Cheaper thn& mij otber baue. Aro bouoil to b-3 aoi O Ü3LJ TT "P- O EBT TÖÜ2 bj nj sUbUlima.jt that now ojliU, Kv)nfgutluyl uu j;.-ri(ioc4 HZ? 1C7 TPJP JE? JE 9 direct fi-om NEW YORK CITY, ho Una haü odu ciptrieacv- lu the busiustía, w guárante O givötUe best SATfSFACTION lo oar mime:ooi GUSTÓME R & STUDENTS of th Kplt o hul tbtlrgat atock ef CLOTBS. CASSliIËRËS, VESTIIVGS, tufethit with th larfest itock of ïteady-Made Olothing, FURNISHING GOODSÜ &!., &0.( (StO., OT rK"aHC33 CJK'JTW, whlch w will aell cheaper tban anr oher stnblishmat ia citj. AU we asic Uthatour friendi and Students wiil ive usa cali and i&tiafj tiaemaetvei. M. GtflTERMAN. AOo.. NTEW Q00D3! New Qood at Unfon Clothing Store for Spring, Ii now the tböuif of whlch I sing W't8 all the latut stylas juat maJe, To tuit the 6ust citv trade, Of Kvt Hpring Üvercoat.H and Sacki, To flt th forn ike moulcii'd wax ; And liindioea- Cutit.-i of ut v'i.iti mak, AU ff tñe present sty le that takê j But t)icn the crowning Coatsof all are the Drima Coat8 at ünioa Store. We prid our-ielvp tïjat we -i%cel Aïl otlierH in hecoat weaell ; For in thena you wïll aUvaya ñnd Fit, Fahipn , Grace and Euse combi Dd But on furCoats I wil] aotdwall - Wö'tp also Panta and V'östu tf aoll, Of very hu?, ao'i simde ud xtyle- Tu tll you all WDülií take a whü ; Sol will onlj mntion here Thttthose who wou ld in tyle appear, Should corae to fjniun Clotbinir Stora and twy The CI-ÜTHING best to p!-ae the oje ; And not alone the ve to pienso, But money save in bu ving thoae ; For wr will well at prics low, No mnttpr ho lhf Gold dot go. In Furnitihing iioo:i both rich una neat, We have stock mll and complete ; Onr " gallant boy n blua M will lind AU kinds of (fOfidu to uit their löiud. Wt've also for the boy in store A better etock thtn 'er before ; -And can all fit, both rOt anl miií.1!, With CLOTHlNCi best at UIO Siokk. J1 The f IXEST bTOCK of Spring & Summer Clothing ! AKD THE XjOVCXI ai? PRIOBS in the crrr. OÜSTOM WORK pretoptly tonde, ni la tb BEST STYLE. Ca.ll At VSIQS CLOTHIKO STORE, Eaat id ot Mkin Strtet. N. NAT HAN & CO. Aan Arbor, April lb, 1865. SmlDOS. rpiíE GREAT CRI8IS1 N. B. COLE & CO-, hT ast opened LARÜE STOCK of BOOTS SHOES, pnrahued iIbc th GREA FALL IN GOLD! bieb víll be old at a GREAT REDUCTION FRO1I FORMER PRiCES. - -O- Tbtlr Stock nolndet tb Xjiatest iStyles 2 ud tba QUAUTY ia tb BEST IN MARKET. - o - GIVE THEM A CALL befare pcrohaticfi cl$ewbr. i mpmi EEPAIRING Neatly and Promptly Done. f ton Wert M of Conr Boom Bqtur, tmj Soon Kortkof tboOld frulüiB. V. B. COLE, 4, D. SETLTR Aun Arbor, ipril, 181 iiwi


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Michigan Argus