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PUIS UOUTri AND THE LEAVES JL Vílhi be tur th Uealiug ol theNatiufis, I EUblñ, Prof. X=t. iT. IjYOJM, ■ AT Wh UXKBRATKD PllV'SHHiK of the ÜRUATjUINGS. RKARf,JJVfeJt A[) Til!; BLÓOD, Kuvwu alluver tln-eountvy ue tlie CELEUKATEIi INJDI-AJM HESB DOCTOR 2 Vi 232 tiüpsrtor ütceet, Cleveland, (JhiO. Will viait tbc follmviag i'Ui1! y Al'OiN'i'MK.VTlOlí 18&2, Utüurt IROí. 'rol'. R. J. L.TüUí caá be etnisaiteíl t iliu i'ojlowiug )luc?hOTfc)'J íaonth, vizt iH-tivii., Kiin-fllluus, fra-cbuettth, lStha&d 19th. Aun Arbof, M o ai tor Hou mu , e ach msolli, 30ib. )acksoarUUterd House, uach nwntb,&l, Adri ■ , Urrtcktt BOUBe, eacb m'.uith ''tl and23A. T " , tlUio-,Collms iiouse,aacii oíontii Mtb.Slotfa rnd B6th. BiUsdale, Micb. . HltisAftle Honts, neb wouth, 37íh. Ovtdwaiter, Mich-, Somlieru Michigan House, eatíb üou-tli , 281 ]i. ■.Lkimrt , filkhari Houhc, eacb niontb . 29tb. ■ Itond, !n'j., St, .To. Un e), t-:icli luouíh, 30. i K, , I ., Tce Garden 'ti. iv., eacli inonth SÍ sí. V,",' . .:i i-i-, Obio, (.randell Lvxcbangu, e.ict. luontb, 7tb n!iH!i. Msnsftelú, Ohio, WJlw ELousí ejch íncntb, 9tb aad lOlh. Mt. VVrunn , Kenyon Houhí, ch inouth, llíh and LSth. Xfcwarlf, Ob-io, HnUou House, ah montij, IStb and lh, latofrröi,Ofcio-, C.rafl sHD'ins,eacli moutlj,4th CLKVKLVNt), OU1O, REffilMtNCK AND OFFICE, '282 SUPERIOR STREET. UUj J'i eacli uïnatb, htt, 8d, 4th, 5ïb, Oïli, ÍMh.- m K-om í) A. M . t-o LL4f, aod fvw 2 I'. M. to j I', il. UftSuada froiii U to Iü A. Al.,aini 1 u 2 F. M. yy-MaMPtariürtl]f adbflrod to - í giflF fittsb balm a,? have uo stiifn, Witlt mtuxe or tUtí L&v-fl of ufe. Witb bluoiimy bamisl uevcrstaín, Nr [JoUon muu toea-iíe thcirpaio. lie is a. ahjsicUiB. indeed , luko Cures. T!.í: luJiau Doctor. K. J. LYONS, cures tbc fclLowiü compiajutsintli as-ofetobtitinatetiiaguííüí tUcii ci.;tttucü, Til; DibOa&ctuf tht'Thrcat, Luage, ÏLenrt, Liver, Gtouiacli, Uropsy iuthe ChcBt, Rb;i;matÍbíiI.Nlciir:ily,m , Kiu. or FallinírSiokiicsK.iiuilalloíhür QervouM'ïoEaftgeihonta. Also alldisea,Keot tbe blood, such au Scrofala , Krysíp?laa,Cancetrfi, Fevor dores, Leprosy, and all orher cem. [.licitod cbroüiccurnplainth. All fornaw of female diificulties attended to witb tbt happicxt i-f ííuUb. lt is hoped tbst uo one wíl] dtMpair of a cure untí) t-hey bave givoatbe ludiau Herb itoctor'u Medicine a iairaüdfiübfultrial. it,Duriug tbe Doctor'f truvrtlf in Europa, Went IBáien, South America, amt tbc L'nited Staten, he hal been tbe iimvumeut in God hand, to resxóre to health and vigor thouBandfi nhv 'Fe re giveii up a.pri proaouucffl me u vahío by tbe most emiuentold school physiciaDS; nay, more, thounnmU wbo wre ou the vergt' of tlit' g?ave. are no living moiuranti to the Indian Herb'n Doctor 's skill an1 íuccesfulí rea t ment. and are Uaily exclaiming: "B'eé sed betht'day wlieu first e saw and japtiíoli of tht [ndmn Herb Pnctor's mfidioine." ífttififactory refereacesof nares wül olí glídíy and cliePrfuUí givjMiwhenovtrrequirecl. TbeDoeínr piedles bis word and honor, that he wil 1 n no wise,lir?iítly or indirectly, induce or cause anv avaliñ to taka his raedicinewithout the strongest probabilitT of a cure. vom thetaculty. lfr. Lyon profeses tb dísif-Tii dileasee by tlie tye. lio tberefore akj noqueAtions, nor docHhp rpquírc-'putieotsío expïain symptoms. ('al! one ind all, nul haTethesymproms and looation of your 'tmeaBeoxpáaínedfre of charK. ï; The ponr hall bflibrrftlly conidered. íiypDsiaflioí ftddr%w,boK 2668. R.J. LYONS,M.I'. ClevelanH,Ohio,Noy.e5.186ü ty?80 TÍJST OPENING! The largest Stock and best assbyfc'aieiSt oí OABINET rUENIXÜRE ?■ ever brought to tfais city, includiDg SOPAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTEK TABLES, BUREAUS, CilAIKS, Gilt Frames and Moulditígs METALIG CASES, &c, ' c, ;ind alt othi-r goed Vept in the bpfit and lar rt hcseh in tl'.e coaatry. We ticpno second hand ur lituie or Auctioa goodi. CoUrn bt-pt coiii-tahtl) 'a and. and made to order. My goods are olíered at THE LOWEST CASH FRSGES N. B. I must havu mcupy.and reipeotful'y requeat thoso i'idcbtei), to cali und fli up their nld mattiirs ??■ o m MARTIN. Aan Arbor.Oct. 6,183. W p RE AT CLOSING OUT A Sl'LENDID STOCK OF DB.E8S GOODS! FURNISHING OOODS, CASSIMERES, Cloth, Satinets, &c, DOMESTICO, SHOESL HATS i CAPS, Crockery Are to be oMat price that will gtiarantee tbeir sale. N. B. - Th largest Stock oí Cnlico and Ürown Cotton in tliö City a; UftH thau ilanufacturtirV prices. Tbe highent pricc pail io Tradeor c&üh or all kinde of Produce. MACK. &SCHMID. WANTED- Marriud Ladies, Prof Vou Verie's Diamon:i Drop", a nvor Cíiliiig aD I hurttiloffh rt!tfiiC]jr för ül oatroptions ;ind irrëgnlantifiB Al' yirr:"] l.vrlif ■ will fin 4 CWn a ncver fa)ia prtv-'Mtive, for wbif h ÍIíh, warr&ytcd n every lia tLiir.c, M'fi rt: ídv (tt'd tsen-) a refl siatpji for a circfti Jar ''rV.' '6-ffra taottk-, to rFLDKn'K FTKAiysíp, 11 ..i.íí ■■■'.. '" ( Drft Ii5,f'troji PWem i i ■■■■■ un i ín i ni ■ ii i ■■ ii i ii i i ni mu ii mwi ■■■■ ni iiHiiiiiiii QCHENüK'S PüLMONIC SYRUP, SEAWEED TOKIO, ' AND MANSRAKE ñlLS, ■ The fcbote a eotiiwt ttfcMmof Dr, SeLtenc.ju3i after ruetm-riog froiu Cousumptmfl. vnñny yearusgo Eelow is allkencss of him as lié aow aprears. Viion tli e ÖTBt was lakín he ejghed, 10" pound ■ ut tb,e present tiLie híi weight ia C2C pounde. DU. BCHENCjFS FrÏDcipal Office anö Laboi aiorv ïh at tlie N. E, corner of 5IXTH and COMMERCE Stnets, . wbere all lottera foradvi or business thould be di recled. Hswili be fouod thero eyery SATURIUY, profes eionally to exa.mtee ïuirtj witli the K espiróme ter, -f or which bi fee is tlirro dollars ; aïl a'lvice free. In Ne York ut No. 3 BoXD S:ieet, every TUES pAY,from 9 Al II. to 3 F. M. At the MARLluRO' HOTEL, BoaUn-, Jannary 1P aid J;i, Fgbruary 16 and lü, M:ncli IJratifi 16, Apri! ÍD acd 20, May 17 and 18, JuuoJ4 and J5, July 19 and ZO. The time fur'my heing in BALT1HOKK ana PITTSj BXJKfli willbe ?ten iu the daiïy papa-ys oí thoee Bitten Jh&H&ory of Dr. Schcnck's own Case, and how ke. vxiz - cated of ConïttmptLv . Manv ycara go, wbilst residing in Philadelphia, I had pi'g' esf-o-i gadually in1o-the lust sta;re oi Pul iu o nM-y i'onsLimpti)o All hoj.en üf my recovcry bef ing diJnjfctt! 1 wnaAviiMA by m.v pJxyBiöJSm, Dr. Pari risu to remnTe iuto the ccuntry. MoOreotown, New Tcsey beio? mv uative pl&ct, i n-ns remorred tbithen MsfttkprMidkfiJl fwwU har! i'üüd died tbere- ■■nd di'Hi rf Fulmonarv Connumpnofi. On my arrival i r prrt tn i e wbtie i h for mny vreest in wliat I wasdorapri a hopelesn cnnrlii'on. Vx' Tlm:-;ittn. w.o had bec-n my fatlier' family pTjWan, atf Ufñ'nt tended him iu bis last iH'H5flS,wa8 cn'Jea to see me He thottght my case enfiiely beyowd tlie rtfachof mecicine, riBddeciled that I mufit dir, and gav mione week to arrane my tmporil nffair?. Iu ihU (fppan ntly hope lei conditiorij I board ■ Í' tlie rptijpi'ie.s trWou ' imiw miiUe an sell.' It softned o roe i ha t I uittW leel il.t"J norktng tb way , a nú pïitrtlni evi'y n0rve,fibic, anlti8ue of sny synteiu. My luagi Böfl 'r-vev put cd a r.ew actlön, and i.b1 rui" ' bid matter wrich for ytfars tsd accumufatt-d 61 Irrj tated thPí'ilVert'nt organsof tlu body, iafl e!in:i;. e') tl) e tubeicleti on ni v luBga ripemd, :ind I expectoiiud froiu my lungs a touch as pint of y e 1 w i Re i i t matter every ui-nning. As th,s epcioralion cf mnt' ter üuSt-Med', tbe fcfvfcraba-ted. the pain U-ïi w,; the co'tigh cfrafio' to httiifcfla me, Hfl thf !'x1kíuh;íjl: i ilit■weátd wero no lonpcr known, anfl 1 had r" rth Dfl leep. to -sThicrh I had toe? been i fitrangeir. Mv appej tltenowbeg utoreturn, and at tirad 1 ftmhd rtifflf cult to re(raiD mvpelf from OH'ing tuo rauèlï ; with tuji rènuu of iii'ailh, 1 sajnc'd In trciigllt, anc now mi fipKhj. 1 Stö i.ow a bealthj mn, wjtb t laig healcd ooalii-: in tbe n bid Ie lob-, of the i-$ghl h,n and tbe lower lobe Lepntized with complete adhfion c{ tfre plsura. The left tsn'U sound, and the ufp-oMobe oj tbeiiyhi one ís in atole ahly hilthy cóadKtou. CouBumption at tbat tfaw wftfitbaiijtht tftwaniuf ! cuiiible (BW, by ewfy out, pbytletanm ü we.l as i tbose who weíé difi-téarniMliá aao4ifte- O?# i-iily snc caes as were ruduced toti; eOroftíio i ju.' Tl.tti induced nuny peopleio bejev mv reeevny o; lv tem porarv. I no1 prépMJed anl &fV& tba met i e; t consum tivoh t r somo timi, aml made m;inj, ■ wnmlrfül curen ; anrt tbederaand yéoreasl (to rioully tlmt I fft teuiMned to oifer thi-m to ptibiic, wád devote mv uurii' iöed attertiou tn l-ung disea'cs. In truth, I wai a'xt to foreeii to tt.fnr jeopLe woukVfeud for jnc f if and near, to ascertaia whethei tlnir cases wc-rtlike mni1' ,3. ■ -v For many years, in conjuucÜou srlthtfprfocfpl office i d IMii ar'ciphin , I have been makinjregulai j.rn fes'-loual vitiii to New York, Boston, Baitimorc, and Piitburg. tor several jeais jft?t I have made as many as tive hundrfd exnmtnniimwe.rkly with the ' For Bueb exíiuÍDüiÍun ïuy charge l three doliarrt, and it nablerme 1o givp eaoh patiënt the trtie condition of his disease, and teil hini frauLly whether he wili get The grent rcaotf wby pbysicians do notcwroCon Rumptïoti [a.tbat they try to do toomuch ; tliey glve me i i'ifn to stop the cough, to stop the n ght renf, hectie trvür, un Í i)r o dohïg th-y derauge tb whole digeativ c tookia np tlie seeretions, anevent uftlly the paiicnt dies, Tl.é I'ulmoric Syrup Ir fne of tbe most valuable rowHcines jtnowtj, it is nutriënt, pojrerfuUj tonic.and heálm inffself. It eontnms no opium, yet roonrt th phifgm in the bvnnohkil tubes, and iiatiuc tbrotvn it off with litfe oxerlíHn. O;m' bott frtqM6ht!y cm e.i an ordinary cold ; but il will be vell first tfl tike a dosie of Scbenck'B Mandrajce'a I'üIh (o please htomach. ThePulmouic yrup is reariily digested aid al-Horbi-d ioto blood, to wbich it its licaHng propt rtïe-1 - ïtis nno of tbe Vcsi prfip:irflticns of iron jn use ; il i a powiful tome of f; and wrhefl thg Seawegd toio dlspol es t!ve mucas tn íbe stonifioh, and 1- 'mried olf by tW "M of tlie H-lls. a heult by ti.-w of gat fric jui-e, p-oo-1 appetite, ; nd a good djgestlon fo'iow The Sewett Tonift i a f-ünitilaut and rfbne otb.r requii fd wlien it is nteU It U pure and pleasaut; no bad effcotfc Hite wken uciufr Dourbon rlky. wbiuii disorders the Ktomach toi'pors llie liver, locks up all the secfètions, turn the blood into water, dropityses n, and the patiënt dlWsuddenly. Bourbon whiüky ifi reoommendtd now-a days by al most every physiiiln, paiientx that ii-irmy roonií, btth mal f and female4 are stupeCicd with thin poison. The r.-iirf is tt-mporarj . Ii' t! a,v cO'tgb they take a 'ittle wl i-Uy ; if they fee! weak una feble they takf) a littlb whisky ; if tbey canrot si p, 'bey takf a Irttle whisky ; and they go on Iu this wy, rcquiring more anflmnre uotil they aro bloatod up. ahd imagine they are KRt'in.i Seshy. The Btoioacb, Jiver, an'l dtgestive power arn compíetcU destrojpd, aud lose thtir appetfh f"1 lood. No one wfis evercured of cooumptio'i by this proct-Rf-, wbere cavjties hovobeoB förmed in tho lunas A ütt'e hiaulaut itt ben ricial tu roiisuiriptives, iuch as pure brandy or gool linp ; in niaiiy case 8 Lom' on por ter or bron Mout ín moderat f (ju air i ís : 1.wi t Vo nl,ou whisKy basteas ou inütead otc uring c'n.Huinpti"n. The Soa weed Tooic pnyiuces Instinsr rsute,Btlmroughly invipc"iatiii{r tbe toniaon anrl c)Ti?eti'i7e ytt-ni , and euabliDg it o elimínate and r al e iut heilrhy b!o"d th f"ü'l whJcL niav b Uit-d fur tbaL nnrpoise - 1 HiBMi.wondAful in ií e!Tcta thlt a ■ ■ wU digeat a hearty oieavl, and a llttle of i-' takeo btfi-re brenVf:ict wil] giv n tnw to tbe ftomach which foto r medfeices poRsèss the pnwer et' rUfng. Tlie MANDRAKE l'TI.I.S may be taken with eotire Bafety by all ges and condifiioDS, prodneing aMthf (ToodrcKiilts t.hnt enn de bl-ftineil fiom r.ainmel, or any 3 of the mercurial rncüc:(;oH. and will.out any of the,ir btntful oi' injuriüus rnitR. They carry out of tbo BYftem thfl Lecul n t and ioin qjU matter a l'juppnnd nijd diaeolved ity my Seawi'cd Tnnk and PutMonfa í j ni p. - It will be hí'pd tbat all tb'rre of my rae'Iicineii are neeflod ín cases to cureConGumption. A O E N T S . l-v ■ T - BOSTON- Ceiwec C. Cooíjwin t Co. f NBW YORK- tlenja Barnes & Co. { P.P. lance. ,,' Dr. fiftwfs II. Eeyeer. flNCINNAÏI- . E.-feulre S Co .fint) Jolu P. Tm),. CHICAGO- I r.;. k Trüifh , tr H. ?coi). PT l.C)Vl--r, .,);{„„ Brothem. l' i, ■ si: lyrirf1- Rosrr, Pmi'h Pfr 1" "" liv utiDmBjtlpto Bod Dealer". JjCftS 17IL0RKNCE I SEWÍN8 MACHINES. i íiui uunm n AlöuMö, PWTIIttES, FRAMES, THKEAD, SILKÍ o: -w i s t , MACHINE O IL, êe. Th unám-sigñed nuw offer thé public TUK BEST SËWlWfe MACHINE iêt tj Oë- fob DUHABÏLITY, BEAUTY oj STYLE,cnd VARÍE T Y of WORKJt "STANDS OP MEAD." p-reciated - Runs the werk frhtft Wajrf, taken tour kinds of stitches, henia, iells, guthcrs, braiilrf, Vini , tLi:i!ta. gathtrñ aud bcws on p njt the saini? time. Sewri ff om tlu1 tfrtnnasi tb !',- fcftick'wM fübric teithout phángtñg i}üs stitcb, teaslou r ïieeile, ortrítSout breskiug tbe tlireucl - The Wonder of the World ! fcttftHtfnffJ RTtïïl (RTïl fcëauüfül PHDTüiïRAlil ALtVÜM, FiyTtTilCS aatl FRAMES in triest variety, (ind piciu'rf'S traiïwd to order at short DOtiee. AUo. HAIiNÜM'S gJBLP.-STCEK ox TU-KKIÍ, which" caü be djtusttíá f any otSüjí R! ti I Cali ai the sïgn of lbo FLORBKGK SEWlNflMlACIIINE, a few Ettst óf Cook's Hotel. Stiíching Neatly Done to Order, AUo, on exhJbitiou, thttüeltJÖtfated " WEED SEWINQ MA"rHTNE," vb i eb rook thé bmrJiioi at che Mi.'!.: 'nu State Pair, of . VV. V. HOLMES, ÁnnArbor, Pee. 28fcb, 1S64. 980tí , - . _. " Grcatest Medical Circular JPOü f A K Ever PnÜlitW! J C I ■ J fi-Fifteen largo I ■ ff M letter pages for two F Touag Jlt-ü's Cnnd'WniKil Mt'iüeat Adv ia era incala I of Sperma torrheft or Semlua i Weakuess ch used by M.ituri)íitiou, Cenital Ia,u'íil.iiííi'U, seif buso, or sec iet habita üdulgeci in by youths at the agc of puberty. ÖSS. JVCKSON, H'KKtlKRT (t CO.. Propriftorn of the tVatiupal iyspenfiMy, Mtab]ikMk .iijj-ucionaii, Obio.Jan. Lst.lFfiO. InnluDtavy ] mihbiöHB leO io Impotenc . fcusninp1 and Peatb. ïhone w"ho ftifife1 in tlii Jèntii i. . pfeEul Hïactice, shoukï ajiply the wh.Mf i-u, '.;;;,■ of tuesoul tu lbo attftiomentof liealtlj and consequent pontentment and happiappp. P,tpv one, either ciek or well, BbouM bve mr va loa fc ij treüiise on thi-i subject , whicli i 8' ut freè of cbargej We gurtTïUfW t(1 ÍHW 6 ■ '- l-'t, ypliiüis, fatpottfnoj, NiK-turnai. Emisioi; er rielf-AUue, l-'iurnal EtniFsiora, Funle CuuplB iut.K, in .hort, (-vt-rj possible itiriu mu.: 3 iy "1 -■' u] ir i ..i'V.i.sf. Curts r.Mirouííb arnj perteaJiftiA, and fet ïaadhratï.- Send forourC rcular [R. JACKSONS FEMÁIS $1 pei ■ . - Pxifccial wjritteii replies, t!l fed , sent wit h the Circulav,- nitiio",; r,b g. .1 't . l'd engra'Tifegai - Mounpfcin of ïjglit, or Sfedfoal Pr.'.íecíor and MaiTifïB l'!;i;f' ■''■■' ;ir' : : fiJ :it Kfv ío L've and Beauty." It K,IHF.CM.'3-:n,Y ri-veals variouseub jeets nevcr bc-forcfuüy txplained ín aftv popular vori in the KngliKb Ianguüe. Pr: e 5ö cents, oí 1 1 61. Wimn-ean'i mstruetifto p-öt i'-rmpUy toaar run of the cauntr. Ci' nHiitq ui ihf IH8ptiaryj No.107S:,c;hhop sfixRt I'. O. Boi.Nn, 436. ' DR. JACKPOIÍ'8 ORIENTAL UU i MENT Removes all colino a, t n3 rjiu ■ liave lain dorToant fot' m'my re;iie. Ct6 bö LOailt-d i witb perfect safetj. Piícb S3per boitle. DR JACK8ONJb-FKLNíGH FA%KNT MALE SAKK. ït is the only ure 'an?Í pafe preventivo 'ñgaínat con trácting diéease ever iflVBHTFd, Piic $1 eacb, S4 por bTalf dozen, aud L7 per dozen, snt by muil, 6'r.H;:fi WW MTKt. ■;■ jflBfchJ 'flU ! [Ij. rjjaJJilffiBlfl great Itch and Humor Killer of the 19th Century ! TWj mw prtparaíion possewej Dmt iconíerfid propertiea, and Ís .A. JSTJ2FS.I3 OTTDFIU For eTíry species ef the ITCH, PKAl ríe itch, BiiinrR's itch, waijash SCRATCHES, ILLINOIS JUANGE, ClTAtíEOIS EfilTTlOXS, PIMPLKS ON THE FACE, SALT KHEIJI, SCALD HEAD, KINGWOKMS, Af. The PKURIOO LOTIO Is x ne ir and eertxln cun fór all Icinde of Itcli, and Ving a fluid preparation It la frcc from all the tfumniy, disagreeable qualitiei oí the ointmeutH in general use. ThcPRUUldO i.OTIO Ís safe to nse unSer ATX CIUCUM'rANOKS ; will not lrritate the most tender ►kin, and CONTA1NS NO MERCUBY. Doo't fail lo iïy It. Blanufactureíl by É. T, 4. W. T. JlfFARMKT), Solé Proprletoj'p, Lafayette, Ind. PRTCÏ 80 CENTS. LOBÜ íí S'.üTI!. CMttrn. WBStma .,rn$. ScM t Whtilt.nlhi Chicago hVFl'WEft BU OH FtmrjftBH: CHAirt.ttro. shí : 'ci-viia t VAN IÍOHAACBí W. D. HAHR18 Cü SM1TH A DiVYl.K ; 3. II. RíKV & CO. and JJ BCOVIL. THE ONLY SURE THING. PHOTOGRAPH ofjL uSVr tB US. MAIR ÉNlWyll As the nan.e iiulicati-K, jt uoi rjuy í.km.s tb grf wth ot theliaír whfn tl. in anrï íalÜTif; off, but t , po.sífcivi'l v jhKNKWö tu ti coi.ok t ís originH 1 tba1fi whfi I it ík turning e rny or white, (rlictbtT Cím'socl by ilisoaee, grief or oíd ago. 1 It will certainly rfo wt)t cT.iímpd forit. a fact to wbich hundrerts, nay, thoosajída who nsed it, are rtiifly niirtfrilling to teetify. 'Whro oi;e boit.'e is f;iir! ly ubfd.inany comrnmtíty, its leputaiipu i48prc:i1s j libe wiVI ñre," and is'ïhe bcs'i advertiBeipeiit and rec-" ' ommenilalion we '1?sirf. In ïh" F.'islern Sftto L jrbeffl the' ItEXKWEK" üiijrinated, it ík tisefl Ty SlLVouner La di es au o Dreuing, and Iiiobafbuad ont3u to:Ut i tfibleeí oï Younf: Men, (&hf at t barbcjs ; (wbile Üldor Men Wi-mn wjill n"t bc without it, asa reaowcr and rei-tertív for tbcirgrtj IocIík fliulbuld ' hea'ls. wbíeh it cbp.nrg to tbrir fnflTe natlsfaetin. We re nelling in ihe city of Rnston alone, upwarás ■ of 19000 bottleó per róonth. the rlpalers iïivin;; tho KF,NEWER the pntereace overal! other HairPreparaticfif. If notrsold by Dr'igiFÍin yanr tfwn,a tial hottlc ylUbe Bppt to you by KxpretB, upwu recipt of one dollar bymail- thusivinff'yóuíin opportuftiíy atónos &&- Oiders for Trial BotíUs, munt be adrtreEwdto ourgt'neralAgejit for tlio Noïth weg torn States. O. A COOK, Bíx 6534, Chftngo, ïiï. AU sacü ojderB vi!l r'jccive nrouipt atteutipn. 'fe.-p.HÁtLfcCO., rroprfethr Nasbuii, N. H. Tíi e t.rsdesopplied at Manvfheturers' pricx bv FUL1 XKR.FINCn ■ FT Lll R, WbolrthlRltrugiíte Xbicapo, IlUncip. Pntos 99ft Estáte of' Herman Schlack. STATE OV MICHICAN, Com.ty of Whtnw,-M - ( Al a arxim if the I'n.bate Coiirt lor the County l ol Washtenaw, hulden ai ll„ Probate Office in the 1 oity .r Aiin Ai-iv,,-, oh ; : .,:h dll) o! May, uj th.-y.ju' o-uu thojisaud eiirht hundred i anil aiïty live. ék '; Hint,; J. BeakcK, nágt of Profcate -.. matter of the wtate of Herman ,-clilacU ■ i' i':::t-i.3 On r irt&igand (lieg th.petRlqn, dn MWM. ! temible, tli. "■■■ "; I te be autl,,,i2i.. and dirw coivey 10 mm certam Beul Estáte .n purauauo u.inti'sct in wniin;' midu batwean toe h.iï.I dëces3 ( and i!iv said pi títioner. i Tliormpou it 1-, (ird-n-l. t hut M.nday, tfiè t ixib (]:'.y .,[ Juna oeitt, atttno'eloek in the.fotcnoon, i htt ISIllgDtt) (oí li, ■ I , ., ■■ p, (jijón ,: and that the hejr at !iw oí I cwased, t and all other (K'i-gonfi üfcrufcU-il ugniri cfttate, ure ryt quired to appear ata Kemon of i Court, be1 I holden al Probate Office, in the Ciiv of Anti Arbor, anrtfthuw .tav tbere be, nhj Úie pruitr f t'-e i jHittttotier sIkriW n„t be gran'tdt': Andit'isfur Uu-r ordersd., that ssid netitkaïr aoltee to i I e pent k Interested in Batd etste,oi the pendenej ( ol Mird i'titiii]i.ii,ii il, ,. :,■■, , i,,r dpusing i topy ol 161 WJtt t„ 6e pnblisnéd In tte ,1icAi, ■■■,_.■. jicwstiipvi ,mi ulatintr in,Hid 'v'iniv, ix nuccesaive w.'iKs prwtuubte aiddayof bearlug (A truecopy.) HI3AJÍ J. BEAKJ l'J8 Judgs ol Probate. C'prumi-sioüciii' Notice C ICO IA V ■,.-.! t ra W.isnmiw, r,s. ' ' Tío ü'idersigned having been appointetl bv tbc ' !■!;■■■' Conrt Por B8ld coimfv, CtfrmalssSoDörs to n pjiae, .iiid udjiiit all clahaü and dsmauds, ot ftU ■' [i ;.'_-iim.t the iwtate or Conrad Schwab, late of tlü ' ip of ],di, in s.iid Ooiinty. deosased, herebr Ice that slz months from date ai'e ajlowed, by or I r of sald Probate ("urt. for credftbre o pfesent : !;: ■.■ clairas agaiusl the estato of said decifased and ite residence of i ■■■' sed,ingaid County ol iw, on Satardav, tht iw.r.ty-oiïili ;x uï July, aiot VVedneaday, tho ' niiilh day nf .NoYruibur next, at ten ü'duck n the ibrennmi, of eacn ol satd d'iys, to recefvé, examine, aud adjual öftid chtims. JOHN M. WAGNEE, ) „ . JOSRPHJ EDELE, Í Ccmniissioners. Datcd, May 2ath, lStij. lOlltd Commissioncrs' Noteer, SJTATK OFMICIÖGAN, County or X: bootbi iw. bh t" The ttnnerslgñea haviu;; been Bopointed bv Êfie Probate Court for sai(! Cönuty, Comn.issio-uvr.s o reccivrexamine. and aojust all claims and (Iemands of all persons agafnat tlie estaie of Thomas 8. hvrtih ,m, late of theTownsnin of Manchester, iu said Coúnty, dcceaserl, frereby pive noticB that sfx months from clate are alioweil, by order of eaid Probate Court, for creditors to pféseflt their claims agamst the state of sald deceased nud that they will meet at the Township Clerk'a offlee, iu the Vlllage of Manchester, iu said Couuty ol Washtenaw, on Saiiiniij', the twelfth day of Awu.-n. ml Moiiday, the twenty-seventh day of'Novembcr nexf, at one o'clock iu the afternoon, of earti of said days, to receive, examine, and adjust aaid chunw. PIULETUS COON, ( „ PREDERICH VALEXTINEÍ commis-'oners. Dated, Jlay 26th, 1865. lOlltd. Conimissioncrs' Notiee, QTATEorM((;inGAN, of Wabbtiwaw, 8S 1 2 1 he wndersigned having ben appoiutod by the Probate Court for lid Couiity, Commissioners to receive examine, and adjust all claims and demauds of aïï persons against the estáte of Oeórge W. Lumbard; late of the VUlage of Cnelsea, in said County deteased, ;,-. give notice that six months Trom ate, ar? allówed by "■,i, r ,,f said Probate Court, for creditors to iire'-ent thelr claims against the estaré of eald deoaasea, and ibat they will Mt'et at the Godfrey Höfisé, in Bald vllmge, oirSaturday, the t'.venty-nïüth day of July, ard Sarnntay. the tinrtimh day of September, and Monday, the twenty-sevonth day of November ucxr, at onn o'ciock, P. M„ of eaoa of said days, to receive, examine and adjuet said claims. THOMAS M. LADO, i W1LLIAM A. BEGOLE V Cotumissioners KLISUA CQNQDON, S Dated, MayiTih, 1J5. lOlltd. ' Es'ateof Beoker PrattT . T ATE OF MICHIC AN, Cousiï oi' uv" RU Xiitice is nereby giyen ttiat by au order of the Probate Court of the County of WasutenaW, made on the twentj--sccon(l day of May, A. D. láOó, tixmonths from thnt (late worc nllowed for ci-editors to pivsent thcir claims aijniust the estáte of P.ecker Pi-att. late of said Cüunty deecrised. and that all creditors of said deceased1 are re';uired i.o present thell claims to éaid I Court, at the Probate Offlee in the City of Ann Arbor, for examination nnd allownncc, on or before the twenty-second day of Sovember next, tnd that anch claims will be hoard before said Probate Court, on Saturday, the flftb. day of August, and Wednesday, the twenty-second day of November next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. of each of those davs r, . . HIRAMJ. BEAKES;judge of Probate. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 22d, 1S113. 4wl01O C"ii'niis.--]'oneis' Notice. SJT '■:■: bV HuarGAS , Coï.vtt or Wíshtisjk., _ " '■■■■■ '■ ■ '""g bffn ajipoin'fd by rho projati: '. o'úíl lor Kiil Lonii y . OomuiissioDer. tö rvceive, px -mino r.i.ii adjust ;ili il;, -al and rtemaiiil.s c f ;;!! ]n-' i(lBsj;aiBttliia wtMOf AtVHt) Borgfí,hrtí, ft]:t, town yf Lima in 'ai1. Cmnt. (leef ased hereby (ju e notjeé th.rt six ni' otb". frrtttl 'h:c.aro al'owcrl" by ui der of Sdif rrobau ourl. ffr creii;t:rs1u uri-aciit Mwrc!a;nis HÍMBit th .--'.:' of s .i-', (leocased, md thal they ill mictat tlicdivi.;:,ii:, !,■ ■.■■líjírillíimtl Burgpf,in the - ■oiir( Erf,iil sjw Court.v,on Saturday, Ibe tivehtll ■lav oi'Auximt.niid U edutiii!ay, the eiftbth day cit.Novem Vr next.a' one o'clocli P. M.or oacli of aaid days to receive. examiBe uu-! sdjit taid clnicis. Dated, MavBth, ÏS'S. CHFSTER, I,MI Jf, SÍ5EPSPN PAHfCl 'n'' rommisRinu'r. CoiuimsMouers' Notice. STTK OF MICBIOAN Cou.vrv of Wshtikaw, ss.- imdi'rsftfneii hrïïij; been appomtfd by the l'r.,bateCiurt h.r saici Couatr, Cnvisir ccivp, examiii i, and adjust all claim i..i ..■ii..-í:kU of all persons kgüdstffie estufe of EVítíelM. I . ate of tbu Toiriiibip pt Ann Arhoi-, n ssin Cuin'v, deceaseE, fteTrebgtvd öqtlc ; it: ,U montai from date ara aVInwed, by order of -Jd l'róbt Court, for oredij tors lo pvseui tboir elaim aaiuvt rhe estáte pf said Ïetd7an1 thry n-ill rncot at the late rctidonc.e ■"■ .: ■'. íU'ii i.-ril, u mí. town. on S.i:ur.1ay. the twèlitll day' of August, and Monrlay, the tbirtcenth day ,.." Xiivenili.'? iifxt, at o'cleck, P. M. , of each of a.iu' '} ■■■ to rtiCííM e, examine, and adjust said cl;;i.ns Dat! Mjr ISih, isv,! tUiTARD 1 H.KATJW; I.I.. 1 Í09Í 8FM-EK W. SBETHTtEFF }7im"nlsil'ners. Goiuniiseiotïers' Notiee. QTATF. OF .MICH1GAX, Cou.sTÏ 8ï Y7.iï!iT,;:ï.cTV, ss.- O Tbc nudersit;ned bavlu boen a i)]oii-ied by ibo Probate Cpurt for hiuil Coanly, Commi.--ieii.1rs ;i, i examine, imd adjiut all ulaiiufl and (Iemands oj all pcr?ons .?-r;nt tho cst;ite of Mihacl Pevany', late of ihe Ci'y of Ann Arbnr, in pai'i conntv. deceaf , h ■: by givt mlict tlia! ix uiorilhs f rum date arft or-Vir of s:i:r! l'ro!i;ite Court, for Oreï; tOr& to j r.sfii t ;heir claims a;:am.t Ibe étilé'of f-aid dece.isird, nui tbat thy wil! meet flt tbe of John N. Gu'.: in Paid citíi rul Mtiir-lay. t.[ic ;Vfiiit:i ü ■ v oí July , ati-1 --it ■u:i , t c Bixteenth düy ol Sejttember, and Moi„bt,tbe tbfrteenih day üt NV.vfmber nest, at ' one o'clock, I' 11., of each of 'said dayii, to receive, exatnineaud adjust B.iid claims. Dated, May 1.1 tb. 1?65 JOHN N. GDTT, 1 JAMKS McM.UION', l Comnjissiooers. 1019 JÜH.N' CLANCY, j QIdS0LUTI0N The co pftrtnortfbip between the anHArfiiffnpd, uniler the il m name of 0. C. SPAFFDUI) CO. . wiu thisday lgüOlréd by mutual cons(;tit. The aceo.uuts of the U.te li:m will be yf ftled at the old shop, whera the cooperiug bueiness wfl! be cOLtinüed by H. iJ. DODtíLEV h O. 0. SPAFFORD. H. B. PODSI.F.Y. Ann Arbor, April 2Sd, 1865. 6wlG07 Bitch Sale. HK PNDKRSIONED will sell to the lowest bidder, 750 rnds of ditch at the hoime ot A. Hirth, in the TolrBKblp of Lodi. on Tuosday, tbe 13tb duy of Juno next, ut 2 o'clcck, P. M. Lize of ditch inade known on day oí sale. J. J PAHSHALL. 1 PR1XCF. BEVNETT, iDrainage Commispioners. KUSSKLL WHIPPLE, ) AünArbor, May 17th, 1865. 4wl00? Tll. SMITH'S PRËSCRiPTïON & DHL'G STORE ! Ik the place to buy your MEDICINES, PERFÜMERY, "Writine Paper, by the Bm oilesi, E! PJ-VOESXj O3F JSE , aarl " o;i;tr irüclcs ij pur ïioe. BIpeflhtT aftArtion tn Componninc nd putting up PreKcriptions, at tbe Rin of GOI.U MÜRTAR Ex chango Uloek, Ann Arbor, "6fi. 1'rofesKonal ca.]W promptly atUudcd to. 1Y96O 100 Oity Lots ibr Sale. HOWARD ASS0CIÜ.TI0N, PHILADELPUIA, PA. Dtsenes oftho IVervou, Semliinl.t'ilnary ajid SMiiaJS}-l'ini._„.M{l reliol.'i'tiin. , mnt-in report of the HUWV.RD ASOCIA I'ION- ! fent byraa'l in kealifltstfer enVelopps, free of i I Adri'SK Irr. J. BKII.I.I.V HOUOIIT0V. loward Askocíation.N'o.2 iSouth Ninth Stroet, J'biladelphia. Penn sylvani, Jy'Jfl9 nH AKEN ÜP! J. Carne Dto tbo endosare of tïae subflcrlber, on the IStlt riy of Aprü, ene dark bay or liijbt bi-own OOLT, i Bappocd tob two yeam ol,1, with three rpusily wblto féot, anda bopoh on niiht sicTs', iiae iru,!l. The ot?er lis r'qncsted to prove proper' y, pav cbAreres, nai t'tk ewiOoltaway. JAÜTH? StoLABr.N. i, pni astb,lflA. (honr I"IZ-_ "" ' ■■■■■mi Estáte of James Stewsrd. QTATEOK MICHIGAN, Count.v of WtfthFehatt ie- ' kj U b RofitioD 'jftbo Probate Court, fur the Cuuiuty ol Washtenaw. hniden ütthi Aun Albor, un ïucsduy, tile ninth dav pf May uideightbuudren1 rnidsIxt.-Bve. rwment, Hi'Bto J. i:. , ■ , 3 ■ . uílVobate. Iu the minu-r of the Estáte oí Jamen íteward, ' kdtan nnd (liiiK tro petiíion, dulr Ttrili.rl. ,;( ■, ií:i-,ii tbat she n.nv 1j" lici'n.-ci tö sel] ceriatnreal e.sut'e wbereof said de ipon it sOrdered,íhal Mo,d;,y, íw.-níy. sixth dny of June next, at ten o 'ilock i; : 'ii'.l ioj the hearing of eaid petitioo, iu,d thatrb Ii-iij ji 1.1 ol said decéi i1 other ' persons intefeMul m aaid esUte, aré r -kí i,, Court, liten to holden at the (.fice, in the CHy ,,í An.i nd csuíe; if aily tiéie be, why theptyeri1 Mispel a mtbe íañttd And it iu further ortfered, tbat said petiticner give n.itice t.) the persone intertsted in saiá catate, ol the pí.ndoacy f said iciit.n ana theheanng l.r causiog a ci-],y af tliis írd-i (u be lliu Ihe Michigan Arffux, a nu.' n1 circulatin in said Coontj lour succeí ie weoksproviou tosaid day of hearing (A truecopy, HIRASI J. BFAKKS, _8ul___ Judgeof Probate llunl Estáte for Sale. ijTATF. OF IC&ÍGíN', COBSTV Q.W4SBTKNAW,g■ I u.t he matter oj theesiale of Jacub Toggenburaer ' .. the oí W,il te. .iw,m theblatcol Michigan' deueasi-d! Notk-e b herpby giren, tiat ia(araaance of anunler gianu-d o '■■'■ i ' ,,,trix wilt tho Wíl! aonextd, ol Lfca efíste ofsai.i Jacob ïoggenbnrqer.b;) thellon. Juc eol I róbate lor tne Counc i tyoi Wahtnaw,f ihe íet;i -sevecth üav ofAiii I '■ A. 1) ■-■.- ti. Me mil I... í.,1(1 at i uíiiic V.n,iui. to tl,è ! hgte ti. ár,ai tjieSoutb dtt.n of tbw CouiHíousc ' ' ■'■"■ ' -!v "I Aun Ai!. lii State, ou íntuMay, te tentt dv uf Jum A atjm o'clock o the afternoon of ti [snbjvcttu all encumbraiiocH l-v mol Igage or otbrwsc i. .-un i: ni t'.ie time of the dtaih oí sai.i decealed 1 the lolluwiqg described real etíatti : Bsjng in thc Csty of I .lini Arr, in raid í{a fe - cr.mmeítcmg tiu tlic N'oitli: i Kitoir I iHrmimBer ten. n block throe :-ouh raiige oo IVí.I, in W. s. Maynai-d'.s j.!dit:,Mi to tbe Uuy ol An A-)1.r,.ai]drunniní' Wcjst paialifel t!, tlie ííoutb line ot eaid block, eight ro.Is to 1'hifd gtrect Ihetice guuth to tlic Sonth'u-kt óorrièr o f eaid lilock aolt elini-n Mdí.theaee :t oigbt roils to the Pouth uv.-t r.iii-iier "t tut uunil.rr nine, ti.oncc MlStUsbout leven roda tn tlie Jilaceof bi-gisning vith tl,c freeuse uf ihe efream'of wer running across said land, wit'.i tlie cNcfption howeVer. of a rtaiu piecé of land beiug abimt lialf i f a lof deoded by Jaco Ileinimaii aud ife, to CharlesCoDrath on ti e26thdat Of Aa;.'u-t, A . D. 1652, said di-od benig KeeriM in tlie ónice si tlie Register r.f Ilccds íor Waehten C'oumy in LibcrSS oí Secas on Fage 137 KATH HIXK TUGGElíBURGER, AÉminislnitrix witkthe VVi'i .-uinoxiil Dated, April STtli, I lüJótd Real Estáte for Salo. OTATE OF MICHIGAN', r,,unt.v oí ffB6tnaw iu.J, W Iii tho raatier el tho Estáte of Wilimn-. li. Kitg, and atilda .i . Slutoof Michigan, minor-; [íotíoe i 1 tbat i pursuance of n ojdat grajüed to tbe signed guardián of the of etü minors, by tbé Hua. JutlgR o' Probate for the Cour.tvoi Wubtenaw '' on thefouiíh day ofApnl, A D . :"., thfro will be soldat public tbe bigbest bidder at tlicravelling os tho lir.,t dïscobed ],arcpl ul'lnnd in the County ef Wasbtenaw, ju faW Mate, ul ' thütwelrtn i!ay of Juno, A. D 18B5, at two oleloek m tlie afteruoun oflliat dny (irhjfet to a]ii-i-lim brancei. by njoMgage ov othr-i iv oí jsjHtio at tlie uno of al) til undivided ( o -nintli ,,i - descrtbeJreaeatatf. (.. wit. Tbe èatl liil ,,i tbe uoj-tb weEtuüirlerofBcVion twentv.iu ti nui.r eás, e.intainingVi-i ! or lesa; and a parcel oommenciiia vvjie'ro (he I ; , at Iho grave mil. on snid, twratv, running thence west and tinrth alopethe une of aaitlri a to tht Cbica.gfi ro-a!, théncenortb ■ -; üioiir lSaaa ofthe Ctii -m-., road about ftftj foís toho norih-wpst corntr oí the írnt alune dencribcd eisrhly ni.-r.'s of :uiii, tlicnce n.allcrly alsng tki '■ jight; aares to the aU .t ir;,, con.. ■M Kves ot hind rrinre r le--, I i-l a1so tb in ten ■ i.'fsi.i minors iu i pnrcel cñmínei teen and í lialf rída Oórth of vüme tí intersect tlic Chicago road in paid sectimi tweniv and ís tbf céutreofsaid Chicago rud, t i ttntj . . rees e.-,t lo ;'.-,: i), 1 óíteh,, iK'rlb. ftrid -.v,t t Le above nacinl m.uibcruf , and alofcg the'ceníre line r.f a.rf .Mu-lit" a stake in sa!d .iit.rh..-.,, the west'. .,; ib wsth est qnurterf.f Spetion evi-ntien. aml o.ic I n .irjlsix-lcnths of arod the qpatie jf said Cl road, running thínr oorll one i to ast.ikein tl.n ce.itnvline of said sectie ■ which stokt isnftj'-fduf rodseasi i f Uie quarter staké tlu n . a ii tii he north-west coïn.-r ot'fh+east half of the éaít qtiirler ni i iMn, same tówn nnd tbrttóft.soBSfáH fie west 6f ai. cithtyacres to , be, thence east alnng said i-Gutli lino to the tectiop cocsr, rntace tte vs' lino of ihe i ter of Beoticn twei ty, to tbe el noith-easterjy along the center of iiaid road.t ;'-■ i'lice of begÍDning, Gonta'cí'ng oce hundred and tliirtyl six acres of land more or less in i.. fn-r-k p pt-Sa hne, Vasr.!en.:-.y Crfuity tnd í fvté of ] .,■ AiM ,'iio. Pated April 4f!i. A. D. Jffir.. td-1003 Real Etale for Snlc. CTATE or MICHIGAN. CorraTïor Wauhtbsavi-, es In tlie ra.-itter ofthe Estáte of David I inhum la ■ of th County of WnsMeiiaw. in Ole State of V] I deceased : Notice i hereby elven, that to parsnanra ol .ín ordrr granted lo the uiid.:;-;ened. executor of th -!.!-itc ot' sairt D:ivir Luplinri. by tho Hon ítmge oí Probate for the Countv of Waahtenaw, on the tivrtv second dny of May. A. D. 186B, there will be sok] ai Public Venditc. to the hihest McMer, atthectv on thu ptoinises hereip:ifter desorihi-d. in ihe Coanty df WasíterAw, n-jírl gta . av. t'." eferftith rl.ii' of Jnly. A. !. tSOs; at. Imi o'clock ín the afternoon of thut day, 'subject to all BBCumbnmcea bv mortgage or othori.-i' existine at tbe timo of tho death of said deceasedj tho SSlowina desaibertreal estáte, to-wit : Tliirty acres from the sonfh ead of tire esgt half of trio noith-east quartef of sccíion ttrenty-serm, and the sonth-west quavterof tlie east nnurter, and the cast half of thc ijnarter of section tirenty-seven, contalning one hnndred nni tn-enly acre? more or Ii'fs, nnd the north-nest quartef of tlic norlb-west qua ree r ofsecüoa ihirty-ini' conlniuïn.Lr forty acres moiv or fess, aïl fa towrvihip on south of rauge seven east, in the State of Miclr-an „ n . WALTER D. COKSON, Execntór. May üid, ISiM. uiU Real Jíhtate for S'uit?. OTATE OF lIirUKiAN'.County o( ÜTasMTsw. s._ lu the matter ofth1 estáte of David N. Q Cbarie A. (ieddps and Henry A, Geddea, óf theCountf of Vasbteug.w in Ibe Statoof Michigan, iti n : io■tacéis hereby iri en, tlr.t iü pu-ruaace of .?: r.-.i-ti'! to Ihe iindersigned uurdiah of the esl said minors by tlie Bo. Judge of Probate for Ihe Connty o[ i.n ioi;, !■: , nl.A.R. 1865.tbeie will bo mU at public TfndTb"; to thp bigbOst bidder,attbe dweiling house on the premises m tbe County of Wa-htenaw, innatd State, on 8atnfda4 the lonlli day Of .lui-e, A. D !gC5, at two i in the r.fternoon of said day, (subject to all ericOmbrsnees by 'ortgge or oTi.erw-e eji:ti.;r st t!ie timo of the sale) tbe undivided baf of the following desenbed real estáte, vit . The net half ofthe kmiih ea'.t quiirter of pection ope, in township tln-ee soiith of range five ejiFt. containing efgbty acres more or less, in the town oí FiOdJ and conty aforenid REBiiCSA GKPDES, Guardian. Dated Aptil 4, 1865. f! Mortg.ige Saie. DefauU having been roade in the coriliions of a giortgage m.nie by Henrv C'. Fi-k and wife, t John Havmport, datcd October Is, ISfll', rn tour c'civcli iu the aftemoon, in tiie Ri of Deed's oüice f"r tile Countv oí yashteuaw, Mieiii gac, in Ijiber 2ü of morlgage?;. on page tili, upon ïvbieh theie is claimed duf at this date, the surn of sevén bundred and twtntyseven nd bfty one hun dredths iluliais, and thij urther Rum of live hnndred dollars and interest thereon Iiom the first day oí Oc tober, 1W4. bercafter to btcome ilue, for tbe reeovtM y of ivhich no piooeedings have bithei lu been tal;en either in l.uv or equity: Tlierefore, noticeis beiuby iivtn, that by viituc of a pojxfil iu said mo:tgage con tained, for tbe purpose of iea4)ng the raoney : fore pai.i due, togethor with accruing iniere..t ar.d coHts of forecloenre piov:dedlor in said mortgage, I, the snid mortgagee, üliall, on the tbirtieth day of Juno, Hi)5, at i ij'clp;k in tha foreno'on, at ihe Cuurt Heuse iü" the City of Arm Arbor. in Raid County oí Washtennw, (tbe plftce oí' holding ' cuit Court for paid cburfy) .spil at public vendue, the premises descrbed insaid moitgagc. to v-jt tboso pareéis of land si 'nat o ín fhfi twvmhip o'. Manchester, County of vVa.sliienaw, Michiiraa kaown and ilescrib'-d loüowa. Thonortllliall sftbe north buil' of the norlli easi quarter of section nambsrtbii ty-three (03) ín townfhip numbet lour V4) -oulh of ranino nurnber tbree (ö) east. coutaming foiiy acres of land be tb-) pame more or lesF: Alsè tlie middle part o! the tforth hatfof tho j north-west quarter of Hection number tbirtv four ('U) , intoivaship uumber four (4) fouth of range nnm'ier tbree (0) east, b(Al&4#n on the joríh by lnr.i:s o' ■ cric, aml on the fouth by Isnds ÏQrmfirljr ! sold and dcedod by snid John DaveMioVt u linos Lytle. and contaiuing tbhty nine aclisof land, bo the Banio more or less. JOHN PAVEN-POKT. Moiigngie. E. 15. Woon, Aftoin-y t'or Mortgagea. Dated, Marcli 30, ISW. 1003 td Mortg.ige S:,]o. WffKffBAP, defáúlt'has been mn de in tbe condilions nf nerrtain Indenfure of Mortgac mude and exeeutedooheflrstday of Amil, A. D l5T,by Jonathan D. Fopdiek, to me tbe undersigncd, whirh Mort gage was fhiiy rerordod on the pevenlh day of April aforesaid.inl.'iber No. Í3 o1 Morigages.on '(.sec 46i! in tbeOfli-e of tho Hcgister of Ileeds and Morteagps, i in and for 1be Ccunty of Washtenaiv, and State of Michnjan-, and, wU' reas, tbere ip ïioiv d-eanrl unpair' o:i hid MoittMge on-1 Boni acconipauying tbe sam, I tho stnn of i3.5S7.ü'i, inclnrling an Attorneys fee of I I S'.fi, npprovidfd for in n.-ud Mortgage. nd whenas, no euit or procefdiügs at law in equitv, has bo n instituied to recover tlie pnme nr any part tbrp'r N'f'W thirefore, notice is hsrfby pivo", tbst by virirtc , f a power of salemnaid Morriage conta'ned', I strtll se ! a' public f lotion tg die birbeft bic'ofr. on Saturday, the 15tb day of .ïnly next, at 12 o'ok, Af .of fiairí :he froDt door ofthe Ciïcnit Court Fonfip,ip tbeCityof Ai:r, Arbor, iu sai') (.V.-nty of Vv'a'btpnñw, the pieirisesdeteribrd in iaid Mortgage, to-wit : The I East half of the Poütn Wétt Quarter ( of S Wv ) ] th Wesi of the North West Quarter, [WJÍ of N1 W'if.l andtlis South half of tbe Kast Tmlf of tho Noith.West Quarter, TSM of F5foi N WJÍ .] 'all of Ppotion No. ten. [10.] ia Tmnshij ÏT.i. four, [4.J South of Eane N. fle, fSl fast ; the siid piemisee being 500 teres oí laad. and sikuated )n tbe Countv of Wasbtap.iw, aioreftuM. ■ ■ Dt(1, April !9t.b, 1SS5. ' '. v5nrFN', trte,ge w k.Mrvtz.Attv for Mortgngva. jm,"ii Èatnte of Nefeon Heaiev " CTATE OF MICHIGA H, Comm of vJ, ' ■ aL?M matter of UMJUEt1r?i Ou raadiug nnd ulinj the petition ,ini. , . ' Ij'bmS "' poinled AdminlBtrator on the eatal lered, that V 7' rJ loekinthefor Fof the hesriDB of said petiúou o bc holdevi of Ann Arbor,?af.hif5' er "' 'the iSfe1? fl: And it ia fnrön oi'i .. . said Coiuity, three successive ÏÏSS? iouB to said day of Ui wk p, CAtraecopy.) HüMj. bka: a Es ute of Danie! VV. Cogi"""""" OTATE orUICOIGAN, OoimwWu, ' n At a session of the Probate Court for utenaw, holden at the Probate i .n the year o, f dght KgjjJ Present, Hlram J. Beakes, Jadge of Probav ■ matter of the Estáte oí Daniel W.(w On rcatliiis; end fiüpg the petition. dulvveiUu in Koot, that he or some otherSSl! may be sppointed Administrator on tí 7 Thoreupoui that #edne80ar iw. day of .Tune next, at ion o'clück in the foreaoni i LW Rr the of said petition, S&S u:-':-] ' ' réquired toapJeS? sion of said Court, then to be holden atup ,? Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, aiul 4 , ' " auy tkere be, why the Draver of the ry-uS i?ft I : And it ïs further cïdered oSS petitioner give noti, e to the persons iaSJSS estáte, of the pendepey „f said petitio,, . andftM,1 I ■ lof, by causing a copy of this Or to & cireulatrosi in said County three sucwSSÏÏSfi1 vious to said thiy of hearing lreTOJn. (A trae cojjv.,) HIRAM J. BEAKES' __. 16U JtlKe of Pro't,, E-t-!te of Helen E. Wfa STATB OP MICHIGAN, Coctjty of W.STOv " f the Probate Court fsrWrwL"; olden at ihu Probate O&vkTr?' of Ann Arbor, on Mond.iv, the tweSK? May, m the year one thoimñd eU;ht hiSJg Prewnt. Hlram J. Beakee, Judge ar ProW In. the matter of Ihe Estáte oí Helen E Wolmn -'■-- n Sling the petition, dulvntiM „ f,9SIat1 uirdiananto siód mfm S may be liccnsert to aell certain real ffi? Ttoruupon it is Ordered, that Monttey the tew, oí .June next, at ten o-doek in thefeS t.of kin of ,UM min"„r, ad dl'o „ "p'eSï in said estáte, are reqnired to r.nneïVuï &] petitioni next.ef kio oi .. copy of tuis Order to a newspaper, priutKl andiSJS daSof h"er? Í ' SliCCr ■-■'OMtoïa HIRAM .t. 1'JU Judge of Frote Estáte of Philander Lmvis, C 'f ATE of mciIIOAN, Conraif w Wabi V AtaKossiunoC the Probate Conrt fortteCóii'i of Wasatenaw, hoidou at the Probate Ofekï' City of Ann Arbor, on Wednexhy, the tliirMutíí in toe one Ihoutand eigh'.iáixiai Preséntj Hiram J. Beakes, Ja8ge of Mite In the matter of the Jwtate of Vliilania inriij. . Onreadinz and fl!ins eiíe' peütion, AdywMd ■"Iul'yJ" .ve :. a tatú or some other siütable .t-voi. m:y): mml3trai ■dered. that Taesda Iheiwe. seventh day of Jane . '■;■■ in ibelb P.0"' be asiiiri. P,.ütoí, oí toat the neii-s at luw - ; üoiübe. Bons iiiterested ia s.iid eslate, are rennirwl mmst a session of said Court, then to t the ( Uj of Ann Ar if :my.t!ieru bs, wm the prayei' of ■ : And it is fiirtl to the pereoi I " a copy of ■ lla"cti'. a nev,-f,paper, irilWal aid County, thrès sucueasivc wKtal Nm M saM day of heaj-.rag. CA trueccpy.j '. j, BEAKSSi lrl1 'Judgs of Piot Estiltt. OÍ Eli RiogS OTATfi OF MICHIGA.X Coitott or WimBiHt '■ Al '' " :',e Conti ! .- Offlc" ta tkeSif of Ann Arbor, ui the year one thousand eight hiu Pr sent, Hikam ,;. i;; u Iu the matter of th , i :, -gí, (el. ' Andrew V. Rijm Ad gtiutkeaq :te,w!iwrtidto ceas, d(ui-;is'iieri. Taureupoo il is ü d be tiJ4j of next !eh o'i loi k -, ísúi.8Í il tüe heireit law o ' in STid estftte, are requirad te qipett'it itenmtf s:iid Coiu-t, then to be uultWn at me Protate Office, li rofAnu Arbor. ai iianjthert be, wby Ihe prayer of the BhötM nét ■■■ Audiiisfnn,lier(i ■..: faidpaiüo fïive riotice to the pe! : i in BaidesWft . aiui Éhe hcHriug[teer ïög a copy or' , iv.d rírCHÍite ire weeks previonsw dar nf hc.irii'jr. (A true co)y.) HIHAM J. BEAKES, 101(1 Jud-e ui" Pro Estáte oí Jacob F. Koch. STAT1'; Oí SíjCHISAN", Covsty or WjsjliM,' 't ;t fie t u ■ f I :■ WstshteoSw, huldi-n at lbo e, ii'tbll of Ann Arlior.uü 'Euesday. ite Bixtnth day cf 3üf. iu the .,,. - Prssent, Hiü.Mi.r. Judge of Vvtoto, Iu tbe nmtur of the estáte of JscfO F, Kmi cca-rrl. tiu ie uauif and fthng tl-e pe+rtion, dulTTfriW.'1 John Rau-schet; berger. Drayiai thaí a ceruio is'' raiotnów m üleiu tliis Court. purporting to Í lastW-'ill ;iud Testament ol ttid decrased, Z&J ' mittfJ to Probate. 1V iptra it ia Ordpred, rtut Monday, ttif I daj ol Juu( LCXt, at't tea Q'clocfe iu tiro forenwt ■ the legstee, deTisce-, ud lei at lw nf '' . and all other pvrioai üueretea in said1; are rpquirpii to Beusicn of uid ro-:r!."fto be holden at the ITobate Office, in the '?ríí" anH sliow c.'iusc. iï any thfrcbii' . f the petitioner shonlSVot egrantel: it is further orrteri d.that fiaid )Witionerpf "" of FaiJ petitioü, aud The liMirinp; n .■?. ' " ' a ci'pyof tbi-i Ürdei to be publihbd in t'iii'rj Argui, n newspapcr. printed sci (■iiculnn{1?'J County, thioe successivo wctka preiious ion'ia' hearing. (A truc copy.) HIRAM J. BEAKF., lOOUtd JU(le ol P'""1 Estáte of Judah E. McLeai. STATE OF SIICniOAN, rov.TT or f"ur'J At a session nf the Probate Couvl ft! Ú'" %, WMktnaw, balilfn at Ihe I'rubnte SM'" V ,[ of Ann Arbor, on Iiiduy. the tweniy"?111 '] ,j April, in the year une' thonaand cfeW 6'J"" tixty-ïve. Prei-nt Hikam J. Bi!AK!s, Juoge cf Prob"' .. I In the ruatter of the Estáte of Judah " ' deceased , ,( On re.-iding and fiiiog the p,it;tion, 4oly K „ Wtliim PnsiiM, VdmiDl.-trar.or .f raid "''',;,, tbat h. mny bi lic.TBrf. !„ sel! cerUin aIIP ' wbegeof the k. : diedsiscd. . TUereupon it U Ordered, that StnflW"5 'ly of Ju'io nexl, at ten u'clock in tbi [ , bo MRi'ttPd for tbo herincr " ?aid Pf'y n:; t tbat tl. e i'.oiv and ] oir ,t law ,.f said neccaf !j'11 in:e!e'.rcd i:i Fnid catate. kitTi i aipear at n sebslon of ■■■aid Coiíi t. theo V be '0} iet : Probato Offic, iu tLe CityofAnn ArbiirjnaUEj if any therö be, wby tbc proKT ef Ibe Pf' ilir.iild nrt beirrantMl : And it in further ovBMJJ ssid petitonrgivencticeto thept-iouFÍüterfit0 .9„ state, of thependency of said politinn. ", !ti( ing thereof, by oanting a copy . f thiu c' "Jil pubïisbed in tile Michigan Artfvs, a EPspT',! and ti.culatin d niity, lont " week-Ftpr.cvirusto s.Ucay (f hfriog. . - - Estnro of Honce BidweÜ. STATE 01' Mi-n; !AV,Cot-SIï or WfSlK., Af( soüsifnof ibe Probaip Oi.rt f'r ts ' C:, of Waubtonaw, holden at. the Probate Offic" L,4 j of Aun Arbt.r, on l'ursday. the se , j V My, ij one tboutaad eight " . sixïy -iive. Preent, Híhm J. Zr,iT.z, Jitdgf -'i Jr0 "' ' jjj: In the matter of the Estáte o! Hor On rearlirc and filinfr petiilon, i"J " "„fa G.x;;e futton, Saaüinfctrat r of aid p;:aiijú ib it he J.i:",' be lic nseu to eü ceits " vfc'i eof raddeceascd di' d sfiiztd. tfcl Ibartuöori it is Orden d. ibt I"''' fW: day of Jane next, at tt.n o'clock iu -- . ! :;nd for tia heariff of M:J f ,llj1li tint atd heirs at la.w of ffí("tffS er portons interestêd in sid 'E- :.(1jis" Íqjirfd ;(.ar,-.,ears.t1H'-.ofsicnof E.iri fv'J1 ,," : holden at the Probate wlïct.iu thi -tj'1 'ïfjoftS' aBdfho1ycoii5.-. if anr tLtrebs, ':■.' '-3C ? tfi-!t'tf T,ii i ff.,. r jhnuiftflfrf. 'hj gVMi. od ';.''rtoi: dered . fhatjaid peïïtifji r jlve toü. "'Vpit: terwtud iuiid êsiate, cf thi " fj snd tha bc?.D tberetf, by pajuár-í ;''PJ ter' dftrto be publisfced in the .c4ir;i Tt. '■' per printed and oirculating in " (i'tiri (A true r.npr ) H1H.A J. E i, It07td ' Judg"


Old News
Michigan Argus