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"aU MILLE N. rvEM.F.R in l'ry Goods, Groceriea, Crockery , Se. c jj Mui u Street, Ann Albor. _ v'PfilïilP BAjCH. TEAI.ERS in Dry Goods.Groceries, Boots & Shoes, JJ Sc, Main at., Ann Arbor. EÏSÏ5Öir&nÊNDERdON. DEALERS in Hardware, Stoves, house furnishing goods, Tin Ware; &C , fa., New Block, Mam at. A,1TSUTHERLAND, t REMT for the Solí York Ufe Insurance Coinpany. A Oiüceon Hurou utreot. AUo has n hand a stock ol the inost approve l sowing machines. b80tf -; GEOEGE FISCHËK. MFAT UAKKET- Huron Street-General dealer in b'resh and .alt Meats, Beef, Mutton, Pork, Ham!, Pouttry, Lard, Tallow, Sc. , kc. ' LKWITT & BIIEAKEY. " PnVSWIASS AND SURGEOKS. Office at the residente uf Dr. T.i'witt, north sido of Huron, two doors Ifcst of División street. M. GUITERMAN & CO. mHOI.KSALE and Rotail Dealers and Maimfacturers W of Rca.iy -Mada Clotliiog. Importera of ClotbR, CaslimoVea, Doeskioa, ie, No. 5, Photnix Block, Main at. WM. WAGÑER. DEAI ER in RfLi'ly H.iJf OLotoing, Cloths, Cassimeres, aud restini;s, Hata, Caps, Tiunks, Carpet liags, &c, Phciiiix Block, Main stroet. 8L AW8ON SON. nRUCERS, Provisión and Commission Merchants. and U Qoalersin Water I.ime, Land Piaster, and Piaster of Paris, onedoor ea.t of Cook's Hotel. "SCOTT & LOOMIS. i MBROTYl'E and Photograph Artisis, in the rooms AovirCanipion'sClothingstore, Phoenix Block. Perfect iíatifactiongiven. "c7b. porter. SIJRSEON DEKTIST. OflíceCorner of Main and Huron {reets, over Back & Piersun' Store. All calis proinpllyattended to Aprl859 Mxi.CK & SCHMID. DÈXLER3 in Foreign atid Domestic Dry Gond, f!roceries. flats and Caps, Boots and Shoea, Crockery, ie, Corni-r of Main & Liberty sts. ANDREW BELL. nüAl.ER in Groceries, l'rovUl:ms, Flout, Producen, i) te, 4c, corner Main and Washington Streets, inn Arbor. Tue higlient lu&rltel pricespaid lorcountry produce. 886 D. CRAMER, ATTORN'KY COUSFJ.LOR AT I.AW„ Agent for A tho Pböealx Fh and Connecliiut Mutuil Life Tnranuce Companies. Cunveying and Collecting promptIj ittonded to. Offl.e over Stebbina & Wilson'a Store. M. C. STANLEY, Photograpliio Artist. Corner Main and Huron Streets. Aco Arbor, Mich, PHUTOGRAI'HS, AMIillOÏYPES, &e. . 6c, inthe latest styles, and every effort made to give satisdetion. BKKf D. DeFOREST. HWOLESÁLIand retail dealer in I.umber , Lath, aiungJes.Sash, Dopra, Blinda, Wiitfil.ime,Grand ■tr PI uter, Piaster Paris, and A Ultnd perfectassortmeut ol' tlie lijove, and all other Jiils of hailding materials coustantly on hand at the esti)Oïsible r ates, on Detroit st ., a few rodsfromthe iiilroal Depot. Alao operating extensively in the Nient Cement Roofing. T UMBER YARD ? C. KRAPF, Has a l:i'rj;e íind wel! stocked Lumber Yard, on Jeffer 'on Street, in Ihe South part of the City, and wül keep ■-orutainly on hand an excelleat vanety of LUMBBR, SïILNGLES, I.ATIÏ, &c. aicb will be aoid as low aa ean be afforded in this awrket. Qnaüty and pricea such that no one need gotoDeïroit. CONRAD KRAPF: Ana Arber, Dec. 6th, 1864. . 986tl. lEW MUSIO STORE! Persons wi-shing to buy Pianos or Melodeons, i ffo to WILSKVS MIJ?IC STORE, beforepur!hismL elsfwiiere. He w!Il warrant satisfactioD to PurcUasers, and talies pleasure io wferrig to those o already pufrehasod of him. He takes pride tliat ba has giren tlic bost of satiafaction is'far, ftnd intcrt'ls so to do n all cases. Any Piano 11 ' furnifihed tliat purcljaser may rehuiré. Ho ■hw Lt to be dintiaotlf understood that he will not be IJ IST JD E R, S O !_. JD 'jJnytlcalerFrast orM'rt. N'. 11 - Tli.; latest SIIBET ATOSIC for sale, PIANO ALVIN WILSET. wnirbor. Dec. 27th, 1861. 98Dtd i___ FOR SALE! OH HOrsES AND LöfS, worth from 81,000 to m- 5,0l)0. Alsn impr.ivcd FARMS, , A..I.SITHKRI.AND, ■'.r -1. 1,18Sj. 'vltf CnmmercWIAgfof,


Old News
Michigan Argus