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From Mexico

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New York, June 13. Ihe Posfs Vera Cruz correspondent, June Isf, says: The Emperor is still on hia ploasure tour through the country, while evurything is at a stand still at the capítol awaiting his return. The Libérala have gained more ground during the Ia8t mnnth than they have lost during the last year. Gcu. JNegrete still holda Monterey and Saltello and all the country between those cities and the coast. The attack on Matamoras failed, owing to the threateniug poaition taken by the robels at Brownsville, when the Liberáis approacht'd Matamoras. The whole Stato of'Tamaulipas, vtith tho exception of Sampeco and Matamoras, is iu the hands of tho Liberáis. In the State of Michiran the Count de Portier has been badly beaten by tho Liberal troops under Gen. Regules. In tho States of i Tobasco and Ohiapas not a Freaeltman nor an Imperialist was to bc found. , The veteran General Alvarez still holds, ! unpollutcd, his Stato oí Guerrero. ] The wholo coast south of Vera Cruz, except Oampeke, remain in the undis putcd possessiou of the Juaiists. Tho Freuoh despair of pacifying the country, unless assisted by 5,000 French troops. Dr. Gwin has arrauged his Sonura project, and it only awnits Maximilian's signaturo. He goes as Director General of Emigration to the States of Sonora, Chihuahua, Dumngo and Tamaulipas. Eight thousand French troops go with him to protect tho emigrante, and forlify tho froutier the iueursious of the dreade4 Yankees. The Fueneli Admiial Las gone to Havana, for Maxiuiiliai), to purohaso the Stonewall. For scveral yeara to come, old irou will be plenty enough around Petersburg to aupply several large fonnderies. East and south of tho city plowitig is dangeï-ouft, as cxploding oliells aro very llkely ie H'-'iid horso and drivcr high iu the air.


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