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$10,000 WANTED ON TH3 Boüds of Waslitenaw Coiiniy, payable February Ist, I8ftf. w i tU 7 ppr cent . interest, Will ba saued m sums of $100 o: upwards to Buit purekasers. By aulhority of the Board of Supervisors. PHILIP BI.ÜM, County Treasnrer. Ann Arbor, .Tune lllh, 18ÍJ5. 3vlül3 Af ONEY WANÏED AT TEN PER CENT. INTEREST. I have uow severaï applicatious by different persons to borrov from One Himdreiï to Five Thostana DoIlHrs, from une year lolen yeara, at ten per cent. interest. B. W. MOUGAIV. Ann Arbor, June ISth, 1865. 3wKll3 Estáte of Danfortli - Minors. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, Codntï op Washtfx i . ..;.. O At a sessiou of the Probate Court for the Couuty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Ofüce, in ttfe City of Aim Arbor, ou Frlday, the iiiuth day of Juno, tn ti.b year one thopsand eight hundred and sixty-five Present, Hiram .). Beakes, Jute of Probftte. Iu the matter of tlie Estaie ofDaniel F. Danforth and Elizabeth F. Danforth, minors. Ou reading and tiling tUe petition, dnly verifled, of Mary Danforth, Guardian unto Baid minors, praxjng ■ m:iy be lieensed to solí certaiu real estáte belonging to said minors. l'hereupon it is Ordered, that Monday, the tenth öay of Jnly next, at ten o'clock in the foreuoon, beassigped lor the hcarinii of said petition, and that the next of kin of saW minors, and all othcr persons interested in tte, are required to appcur at a se.ssion of said Court. Uien to bc holden at the Probate Office, iu the City of Aan Arbor, and show cause, iï any there be, vvliy the pvaycr of the petitioner shonld uot bo "ranted : And it is further or.ln-ed, that said petitioner give notice to the next of kin, and all other peraons ' terestea in said estaré, of ihc penjency of said petition, and the hearing therccit', by causng a copy of tbis Order to be published in the Michigan Argvs, a uewspaper, priuted and circulatiuir in said Clonnty, thrce successive weeks previous to said day of hearing CA Uur copy.) UIKAM j; BEAKES, MU Judge of Probate. Keal Estáte for Sale. OTATS-O MlbiUGAST, ( n , v o V ,smi i:n nv, ss. O [n the matter of of Judab B. Ü late cé saiü Couuty deceased : Notiee is hereby glven, that in of au Order graated to riié ánder, eignea, Administrator of the estáte of said deceaaed, by tlie Hou. Judge of Probate, of said Couuty, 6a tho tem li day of June, A. i). Imh, thew will bagoldal Public Vcuilite, to [)v. liishest bidder, at the dweHiu" house on tiir premii s, in saidConnty, on ly of August, A. 1). 1S05, at two o'cloek ia the afteraoop of that day. (subiecl to all enonraBrsBcés by mprtgage or otherwjse eiistiug at the time of lii's ■■id alo subject to the riht of dowcr . I. McLean, the widow Df said (hvrased.) Uu f(,;ioin' 1 nal estale, to-wit : The West half of the Soulh-Rast nuarter of sectlon ix, and all of that ]art. of the West lialf of the North-Eart qriatlei of eeaööii si-ven, 1;.).; Noi-th „r i;„. hiuhway, and afteerj '!v' "1' tliat part of the Xorth-WF' quavter of the Norih-Bast qnarter of said seeüpn Beten, lylng South of the bighway, all] tlu-ei'.Sjutbof ranse fonr East, in Uie State of Michigan. WILLTAM PKESTON, Adminislratnr. Datcd, Juno loth, 1-m.;. i,, : Estiite of Abram N. Fox. OTATE OFlíICÍtlGAN, C.h-mv ,,i. ■ Wasutes ■ ■ Is gjvén thul ivv an order of thi bete Cotn-l uf the Cojintj of Washj mew, mad twraty-thii-d day of Fèbraary, A. 1). 1866, 8ÍX months from that date were ollowed fot i irewnt thejr claims againsl the estáte oL Abraui N. Pox. late ■il. and : lint all creditots of said ili-ivased, ave ivcjuireil to present tbeit claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office u Ule .City of Ann Arbor, tor examinatlon and allowance, on oroéforetbe twenty-ihinl day of Augttst nct, and that sneb cbiinis wiBbeheara Wfore êaid Probate Coiirt, at any of ita sessions, oii or betote thïtday. H1RAH J. PEAKES, Jndgc of Probate .Dated, Anu Arbor, Api! -'id, 1865. 1018 Estáte of Eliakim Walker. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coi utiofWasBtL. O At a sesi-ion of Vau I'robatc Conrt for the r ' naw, holclen at the Probate Office in ('ï"tyi of Arm Arbor, on Monday, thc twelfth diív nf r Cit. the y;ir one thousund eight hundred ancúíví, '1: Present, Hiram .T. Beakes, Judre of P In rae matter of the Mstate of Êliakim v L Ou rdtog and fillng the petition, duly Teri.rf ïancy Walker, pravmg that she and Albeit Ö ' or üome other utütable person, may be aimniniS1" minlstrator po the estáte of said ctéceased Thereopop it ia ürdered, that Monday, the t. of July noxt, at ten o-doek in the forcuöin h. '? for the hearing of said petition, and th-it tiikT" law of said deceased, mul all other persons nt1 in sald estáte, are required to it ' e'wtl sald Court, then tobe holden at the Pruba't , rw"n the City of Ami Arbor, and show caii4 f 1 8"í' be,why the prayer of the petltioner s)i„,,u y hei granted ; And it is iurther ofdered, that t d Lï?' ' Sive noties to tlie persons toterarted la F idS!01 the pendency ot said petition, and the hear inJ it ingacopy of thfa Order to bc pnbUsfedh Michigan A,, jus, a newepaper, printedaaddmiïu!'1 saldCounty, three successivo weeto preSfa1 day of hearing. "na to Si (A truecopy.j HIEAM .1. BEAKES, W Jndgeof Pr?b,te. jyOTICE! All persons are liorooy forbid trust; rav , my aecoaut, as I shall y.ny no (Ubis o! lier conti . JOS1AÍI S, ÜuïnSlH Abb Arbur, June 5lh, 1865. 3wloij IAKEN UP ! ("aiwe iriLi) tbc enclosure of thc sutiscr'iw „ f.boüt May18th,one BAY JURE COI.T anti, "' be about two years old, wlth one i hite liíuú f„„i í, owuor is reqoested to culi, proro proiièrt' charges, and takuberaway. .. lmf Ij PlttsfR-W , May 23d , 18C5. D ' A' er HHAKEN UP! l aöout IS yív.ra oíd. lias sone wnite in the forehoi and' ÏÏÏÏÏÏfBXti& PrOVe """'' Sam.JuneSth.lSCS. GE0' "" B' - ANN ARBOK WOOLEN iVIJLLS A?e aow ready to furnisli parties Vitfi 1' kiada of OOUEINT GOOD8! And ill EXCHANGE GOODS FOR WOOL, Peraoii3 furnbiug their ;jwn AVooI, can hT tl MASUFAdBIJKD iflio any KIND OF GOODS lb chooae,at f-IUi.T XOÏICE. Also, particular atltiiin willbe given to CARDJJV& ÓF ROLL8Í Their Mills are all supplied w;th ncw macLineryoflW best aud most approvei patterus. , t TOVLINSON & BEXT. Ann Vvbor, Micli. May 9ih. IS55. 12wl008 TULIIJS BAUER & CO., Great Piano Forte and Alelodeon EMPOEIUMÍ WAREROOMS IN "CROSBY'S OPERA HOUSE," 69 WASHINGTON STEEET., New York Warerooms, 65Ü Broadwtf; Wholesale Agenta for the ü. S. for WM, KNABE & m O E LE BRATED Gold Medal Piano Fortes! As to the relative umita of thse PIANOS, wi wonld reft-r to the Ceriilicans of Excellence in oh n f -'m THAI.BERG, GOTTSlHLK, STRAK1OÍCH, G. SAI'TEIt, H. VIKVXTEMPS, LOUIS STÍBB and E. Hl'ZW, Uw-, cal Direotor of Ihe Itali&n Opera, as iláo lrrm bomft of tbe most distinguixbed Professors aniAïïiaU'uism the country. A!l Instruments gnanmltii S" Í" ycars. AI.SO, ACENT3 FOK 8OEBDI.ER &SMJÍH, BOAKDMÁJV & GRAly A. H. ALE &CO., And oí her First Class Pianos. We havo hc L.ïIÏCET and BEST ASSORTKDETOCT oí PIANOS IN THE C1TT, which f jr Power andStietnc-ss ol. Tone, Easy and Agieeable ToucL, aödBeauil of Finish, have j by judgys, been prouuuiiced u-armled. Particular attention paid to th sfíectioaflí Iuütruments Cor di.-itant ofders, and a privihgeof change granted at any tiuffe within six moutnit ttt In.struinent shöold nüt prove eutirelj satipfactorjA lihtral icüíííítoClcrgy jien, Teachers and Schoof Terms liberal. WHOLESALE DÏALEES will find it to their adnitage to giva x8 A cali, as by gre'atly indTe&sed facililic we are enablüd to fill orders with ílispatcb. 4t#" Persons i ii want of a REAL LY flRSTCLAM PIANO wül do well to cali before purchasiogelM_whore, WHOLE9ALE.AGENT3" FOR CARHART.NESDHAM&M CEIEBRATEB HABMOMUIS, 1ELODE0E A L S O F OT? ftEORGE A. PBINCE fc C0'3 MELODEONS and OEGANS, Manufacturers and ïmporters of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS! Strings, Accordeons, Violias, Clarinete, Drums, Guitarti And otüer STusicai Mercüaadisei ivi; and Br.hw Ih-rBi'MFVTs. nf """fit CBieCure aud Impurt:ition, are used by most all ol ' be.-l in the In, lid StaUa,naá wlïenetfr eïbrtWJ bave aïways recpived the (iokl Medals and"10 PEEKirsrs.' O Having connection with SlamifadnrloS B" in Berlín, Uipsic, Dresiipn, Kiifland ■'" 1'aris'„'iviDprepaicd to fvrnis)] DEALERS, BVNItíand "w" U41JS, wlth cvoiy article in tliis liue, adhelc" manufacturera' i-tites. - o - MEMBMlJEn. THE PÍ.AC, JULIÜS BAÜER & CO, G9 WASHINGTON STREET, CHICAGO, - - - - UL 101C New York VVarerooms, 050 BroalaJ' A KN'ARR I%IANO-oñ77j7 the bett jaft'""A' eotirely new. Ijiquircal tfae orcfCÏ


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Michigan Argus