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University Commencement

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Another ÜniVersity year is drawing to a dose, and Comniencement will take place on Wednesday, the SSthinst., in the Presbyterian Church, where, we presume, the other exerdses of the week will ulso be held : The following programme for Cue week has been furnished us : . ..-, Sunday. June 254ÍI, 3 P. M.- Baocalaureate Sermón, by President Haven. Sunday, 7 1-2 P. itf.-Address before the Chrislian Association, by fiev. Dr. Joski-u Haven of the Chicago Theological Seminary. Mönday, Juné 26iA, 7 1 2 P. J.-Addres. lefove the Literary Soeieties, by Prof. A. S. Welcii, Principal of the State Normal School. Tuesday, June 27(6, 7-12 P. M.-AddreB8 before the Alumni, by Samuel P. Düffield, Pfa D., M. D., of Betrcit. V'ednesday, June 28tft.--Oommcnemïnt, morning and afteruoou. Wednesday evening.- Presiuent's Soiree. gp We omitUsd unintentionaHy to notice in our last issue the improvement in the Detroit Daily Fret Vrtss, wliicli has appeared with another column added to each page, the columns increased proportionately ïn Ieugth, and the type new and enlarged.- ïhe old type was too small for the convenienee of most readers. We are glad to note this evidonce of the prosperity of tho Fret Prul, for both as a news and politica! journal il is worthy of it. J3F" Judge LaWbexck is novv holding the June term of the Circuit Court. The civil calendar- except 'cases for hearing by tbo Court- was disposed off oh the first day, Tuesday, by conüuuiug all but two, one of hich was on trial yesterday. The criminal calendar ia quite large and will oceupy the Cuurt and Jury several days. One oonviction bas already taken place, Alfrud Jacksou, colored, on informatión for Stealing wool and peltsf 8@w A Strawberry Festival s to be given at the Academy, in Lodi, on Tuesday eveuing next, the proceeds to bo devoted to furnishing the new churoh beiag erected.- The Lodi ladies have the credit of being Wmtiful on such occasions, and our citUens irill fiud it pleas ant to go ont . EP" The youog ladiea of the PresbyIcrian Church give a Strawberry Festival in the basement of their church, this evening, thé proceeds to be 4evoted to the basement rooms. L3T Mrs. Dr. Dentón is replacing the dihpidated sidewalk in front of her resiflence, corner of Hurou and Fourth Streets, with a fine plank walk six feet wide. There ite quite a number of citizens " around town " wTio should profit by the worthy example, and " mend their ways." " We are indebted to John AllXiy, for a box of Strawberries - Russell's Proliflc. They are , large, handsome, and of excellent quality, is we can attest. If any tliink they have a better variety we are ready to try them. -John will have Planta for sale in time for the Fall setting, and we advise growers to try '.hem. Ê3E" Hon. B. F, Grangbr, of this %, is announced to delivèr the oration at Brigl'ton, ón the coming Fourth. - Lieut. Oov. May, we ilnderstand, is to (eliver an oration in Lima on the Fourth. C3ST The Public Schpol Examinaiions will taks place next week, and the term will close Friday, with an exhibition of 'te graduafmg class of the High School ,- Ow citizens should attend, SS" We have had a little, a very Üttle rain since our last, but yesterday wasin'lined to showery, and we hope for a downPotrfug that will do the crops good. iïf Very little new Wool bas apIfared in our streets - growers and buyers "ot being able to meet. Buyers offer but Mc. for best clips, and growers prefer tohold n, See Wool artiele in another column. Wheat - $1.30@I,50, the latter for pure So. 1 White. Bitter - 122 '5c. Eggs - 15c. Strawberries - 20@35c per qt. E The April number of the Lomion Q'wtcrly Review haa the following papers : - "illeries of the Louvre„Classical Learning in 1' ranee- The Oreat Printers Stephens, Sir EdWaf(l Bulwer, Lytton's Later Novéis and Col'Wted Poems, French Education, Our Ships nd Buns- their Defects and the Remedy, bishop of London's Fund, Clerical Subsciip''"n, Travels in Central Asia, Libel and the freedom of the Press, Parliamentary Reform. playear; with the tb ree otlier Revieres and Miekwood, $15. Addrcss L. Srirrr ■ Oo . "Walker Street, New York. EP The Third Series of tíio 7-30s are now ready ibr delivery, and aro selliuj, rapidly. Sales on Monday were $2,537,000 at which rate the loan will soou be exliausted and wo hope it is tho last the govcrnineut will have to put on the niarket.


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