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TVTOW IS THE TIME For liargaiiis in ■ AND GROCERIESÜ C. H. MILLEN. is uow leeeiving bis stock: OP DRY GUODS, OARPETS, aEd GROUERIES, bouKht at the recent gicut ilodlne in New Vork , aml will bo sold as low au the li?weat Cali aud o:;amiao guodsand pricos belore purchasing. C; tí. MILLEN. April, 1?G5. pRINÏS, 20 to 25 Cents. BEST DELAINES, 31 cents. SHEETINGS, 30 to 40 conts. BLEACHED COTTONS, and all other gooda at REDUCED TRICES! A C. H. MILLEX'S. jyET" CARPETS, .AT 0. II. MILLEN'S. LADIES' DRESS GOODS of all kinds, Ladies' Sacks, Cloaks, Shawls, Hair Ornamenta, &o., all the new styles just receíveil and sale cheap. 1004tf C. H. MILLEN. YAR THE PANIG HASCOMMENCED. Ann Árbor is one of the ih-st to tlirow out indueenumts for l'eople to GET GOODS CHEAP. AU of tÜo Merchants are on th-3 lookout. and are buyihg goods at the lowest possible ratea, and u&ch oue gets hls owa variety of articlea. is one of the l'KETIEST PLACES in the STATE, and well Rupplied with lïinnufacturing iïiterests for the country generalfy. Tliere aio 12 T)r}7 t ouds Stores, 4 or 5 Hardware Stores, LÖ or 8 Clothing Stores, ,% Hat Stores , 3 Shoe Stores , and a lm f dozen Shoo Shops? , 3 Jewelry Storos. 5 or 6 Pcovision and Grocery Stores, and 4 Cabios t Wart) Rooms, 4 or 5 Bake Söop, 4 Har ness Shops, 4 I'rïuthig Pressce, and all kinds of Manufiiciuring Kstabli.4iiViG0tti, too numerous to uientiou. - The whole surrouuding country wijl do well to give Aun Arbór a callj and after lobking arouüd, all around for your -ANDGEOCERIES, don't forget to cali at C. B. TÏÏOMPSOFS STORE, Corner Main nnd Wasltington Streets,aad he will try and give j'ou p rices that will satiwfy. He is receiving goods boufdit at the lowest possible prices, and will try and satiwfy au far at lie can. The MOTTO is "LIVE AND LET LIVE." "Help your neighbor a.ü3 you help yourself. " I atn confideut of the result. CHARLES B. THOMPPON. April, 1866. Sml005 QOODS AT HALF PRICE! GOLD IS DOWN! COTTON IS DOWN ! PRINTS ARE DOWN ! DOMESTICS ARE DOWN! WOOL.ENS Aft E DOWN ! (R0M1I ARE DOWN ! and now is the time to buy your SPRING GOODS! - o - Hae juut, openad a conplele assortment of DRY GOODS, Dress Goods, Cloths, Uroceries, &c, &c, iiouclit j.iucf (ho Burretider rf tcp atul ite great fnll ia (incet-. ("nl! inmidMtnlv Hu-I -xfiniirp hiÊoclt. ' Ann Albor, April, 1865, 100S TTTHAT EVERYBODY SAYS ! PLUMEE & JENNINGS CAN GET YOU UI' A BETTER SUIT OF CLOTHES THAN VOU CAN BUY ELSEWHERE. Q PLUMER & JENNINGS eau IPIT you vcry MUCH BETTER thau yüu eau hope to be FITTPl) elsewhere. PLUMER & JENNINGS eau SËLL 1.0WEK tháu ány uthur Firm in Ann Arbor, AND THEY WILL DO IT. PLUMER & JENNINGS have on hand the lest assoitment of Furnishing Goods, this siJe of New York, wliich liioy will sell at pnces wliich WÍJ milico all to buy. N. B.- Oray's I'atenteil J[oldd Collar. t'niveiBiil Collara, Satip Knameled Byron Collara, (Üi first.Byron Ennmelod Collar ever manufacture,) Frencb Prtated Collar, YVaH's Prlnted Collar, Le Beau Ideal Collar, (Tmported] (janlen City Collar, Satin ISuaiaeleii, patent Buttota Hule, New York Excelsior Linen Paper follara , F. A. H. & Co's Improved l'aper Collars, Massasoit Paper Collar, añil in (act every diaorlptlon of Paper Collars manufactnred, constantly on hand in large quantities. Second door Süuth ot' Publy: Square, Mam St , Auu Arbor, Michigan. lOOïtf TTATS, CAPS, AND STRAW COODS! JOHNSON I PIËRSON have i-eccived the targöst stock of ÍÉÉI WM evei" brought to this market, whicb tbcy are selling at very l.OW PR1CES. Tbc stock cousists ol- GENTS' SILK HATS- all stvlcs. GENTS' SOFT AND STIFF BRIM flATS. GENTS' AND BOYS' DERBY HATS. GENTS' AND BOYS' OAPS- all kinJa. GENTS' STRAW HATS. CHILDRENS' STRAW CAPS AND HATS CHILDBENS' FANCY FËLT HATS. BOYS' STRAW HATS. GENTLEMENS' FURNISH1NG GOODS. UMBUELLAS, CARPET & TRAVEL1NG BAGS. PARASOtS. TRAVELING BAGS. EAVERSACKS. SUNDOWNS. SHAKERS, and in fací, all gooJs pertaitfing to thtjir ti'ade. JOHNSON & PIERSON. MAIX STKEET, - ■ lOlOtf - - ANN ARBOR THOMPSON iilliv THE HATTBR.1 -o - The LARGEST STOCK in tbis city. The CHAEPKST IIAT STÜRH in the State. An entiiely üew am] spleudid assortment of MENS', BOYS', LADIE3' AND MISSES' HATS AND CAPS, Flowers, Ribbons. GEiÏÏS' AID LADIES' COLLAR8, PARASOLS, ÜMBRELLAS, TRUNKS, VALISES, &c, &c. A general itsFortineut ia my line. Ciill iu and exjiniine fot vourselves. No trouble to show goote, CLEMENT E. THOMPSON. HURON S'l'UEET, ANN ARBOR. 6wl010 iTWOOD'S FATEHNTT DRILLING MACHINE, PIlE DRIVEK, HYDRAULIC SAND PUMP. 1'RACÏICAL TESTÖ Having fiillj demonstraiea the superiority of thi machine uver all othcifi for pmpose of slnkfftg Oil Wells, the un Irrfiigned is now prupared lo roceíve or'iurü for the same. This niachincry comprimes ever jtbütg cftqoUtte for llio boring of oil welln, exceptinp ílie KTKAM EN(UNE AND CAST IRON DKIVJNt. VU', (but #IH btí Hirnishetl, f desired, at a reaonable pnce;, and lisieuseH with thp ÖdE the Derríck Ropo, Buil whfel and other cumbrous aivl expenive (ïxtures now in use, and is po arrauged, being coastruöted on wheels aad portabli, tba íiteu be eawily removed for the purpose of eiuking wclIs in different lucalitieet. THE DETRITUS is removed fiom theupll by mir Fatent Hyilraulic pfocefistand does not lequiiü the re mo va) of the drill frnra the hoving. This proenss notonly remove;; all the deiiitus in fiom 5 fu 10 minutts.lMil MkewisA éffectually olean out and opeus all the smalioil veins thai are so otteu entirly olowd up by the old of sand pumping. WITH THIS MACHINE anda practical engin&er.A ■atII t iu be Kunk fnm 400 to 603 feet wtfhiu a poripet of frota 15 to 30 dnys a f ter the gol] pipe hus been diÍTn. Arrangementfl are being made for the construction a ml .Sol i ver y of I lieve machines at FíewYork , Norwlch, raBwburgj N. Y, ,and Pittsbarg, I'euu. For further informntiop. prlw, tertns, íc ,, ad; RIMKON T,KI,AN!, AlF'lHOri'! ÍTAR lïoiCT, 0B31ÖO4 New York


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Michigan Argus