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' d H. MILLBN. 'iSEAI-ER in Dry Goods, (irocerion.Crockery, íw. &c. XJ ïünatreet, Ana Albor. PHILIP BACIL frMt&fa io "ry Ooo.Groccrics Boots fc Sboes, i) Se, Mainst., Aon Arbur. KFSPON & HEN-DEfttO. A, JoUTIIÉíIÍAND, lOENTÍor Cha Stew V,.rk Wí I trance CPW. A Óifice b fWro si reet AIso on haná a stock ol (he most approve I ióVing mácUiaea. _0U GEOEGlíFISCHEií. TFT MARKET- Hurón Strtrt - General dealer in MU írc-..!'i aad Salt Sieats, Boef, ttuttoa, I'oik, líams, PouUrv, l-ardf Tíillow, &c, &c. LËWITT & MÏEAKE Y. tlHÏWClANS AND SÜRÓEONS. Odice at theresiFde.M of íir. Líwltt, nortli iie uf Hurón, two doors west of División stieet. ___„ ' JïTG-üiïERMAN & GO. WI1OI,KSAI,E allá Retvii Í)caIorB and Ifanjfaotureri „I Kedy-lfadCIothing. Importéis of Chrttía, eB: 1mere,D'ooakÍDS, &c.,No. 5, Phoei.ix ülock, Main si. ""wliTvVAGNEll. TAElLERin Raí !- tfj I, Cl.iiliinff, Clotlw, Caflsimcrc, J; ,111,1 fostíngs, Mi, Caps; Ttueks, OrjiV Gaga, Se, fclireaix lilock, Maiu htict. SL A"W S O N "&SO N. 1ROCFRS PcnTwion aud C.immissiun Merclinnta, ind U'm.ak-r.iii Lime, I-Mid Pl.tBt, and Piaster il Pur!, one easl oí O'l' Hotel. SCOTT & LOOMIS. 1 MHROTYPE and Photogrpli 'ditsis, hl the rooms ft. orer Csuipion's ClotUing store, PtasBl? Bklík. Perípctsatisrattiougiven. ______ ! ■G. %. PORTES, SURGEON PENTISF. OlBceCorner of Main aud Hurón ■traatd, over B.icli & l'ierson's Store. All calis proinptly itíeuded to Atrl8S9 MACK & SCHMID. DBiLliRS !ti Foreign an-í I), use-tic Dry Good.Gruceríos. IUtsnn'1 Cap, Bot und Skocs, ürockery, te, Comer of Ifain Je Ubert.v sfr. ANDREW BELL. OKtLKK E ftroccries, Provisione. Flour, Prodaues&c., &ev. cjrttor iíai ar.d Waoigton Streets. lian Arbor. 'f Ue hlgkeüt inarket pricespaid Wrcouiitr3reduce. 886 t). CRAMER, ATTORN'F.Y fc COÜ.VÍELLOR AT I.AW, AÍMU ftfr rV tie Plitoaii Elre nd Cnnnectiirt Mutuil"Life Ilttrane Ce-upa6s, Cunvcingand Collectinü pr'iniptíí'Uondod tu. Office oyer Stebbtna & ífiboiri Store. M. C. STANLEY, P_jLCt_sra_pli.i.o -fVi-tiist. tornbr Main íind líuwn SErtcts, Aun Arbov, MicL, PHOTOGRAl'HS, AJIBROTYI'ES, &c. . &. , 'nths latent stvles.and evetycêfort made togive Batinfíttmn. 956K D. DjjFOUEST. HTfiÓLÈSALK mJ dealer In Lutofeor, Lath, '" Siliaglos.Sash, Ikiors, Uliji'ls, Wattrl.imc, Grand WltMter, Piaster Paris, aud Naüs ofallsizes A ''II wd perf.:ct ansrtmnt of the atreve, -and al! otlif r Ma4n of building maXerials cnnstantly on hano at the festpoiáible rates,on Detroil st ., a few rorlsfrom the ïillroad Depot. Alsó operatiug extensivel} in the 'ent Cement Rorön'fr. T UMBEK YARD ! C. KRAPF, ïlasa larfïe and well fitocküd Lumber Yard, on Jeffer!n Street, n IheSkiuth prt of the City, nd wrll ltcej) eonstantly oahaud an excellent varlety of LUMBEIt, SHINGrLES, LAÏH, &c 'lich will bíi BOíil as low as can be aíiordedin thifi urket. 'flwlity anJ ïjrices sueh that no one need goto Detat CONRAD Kr,.lrr. Ata Arber, Dec. Cth, 1804. 9.?Gtt EW MUSrc STORE J Persons tti.ihing to buy Pianos or Melodcons, JWld So to ',VI1, !rVS MU91C STORE, beforepurïüasia elsevhere. He WIH xuirrant satif-taction to Pjchasern, and talie pleasure in referriog to those "hohave alreadjr pulrehased .of him. He takes jiride ! "ying th:it 'h.i has jjiven the best of natisfaetion '""far, audintentls so to W in all cases. Any I'iano ïe_ furniahed that purchaser raay require. He "'M! it to be distiucliy uuderstood tliat lie will aot je i !}■ dealer East or West. Ö0l)"'T''e 'itest SHIET MÜSIC forsalo, PIAN'O ALVIN WILSEY. oArbor. Dec. B7th, 1884. S8'Jtd FOR SALE! Of) HOÜ8E8 AND LOT.S, wortli f rom $1,000 to ""-' $5,000. Also scverl improved CARMS. ""lArb.jT, F eb. gd,lSt)5. 9;'it! CommfcilAgent.


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Michigan Argus