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Mitchell And The New York News

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Johu Mitchell bas been removed írom the editorial ehair of the JV. Y. JVewsby the authority of the United State?, under charge oí treason. Ho has been a blatant nioutbur of sedition for scveral yenrs; and, no doubt, would havo been guilty of the overt act if his courage had equaled Lis iinpudence. Bei?. Wood, the proprietor of the News, has also been iuvited to explain certain financial correspondenae wilk Jeffi. Thompson, whieh is not, Reetaingly, as br'ght as the gold he handled. It has been the conduct of a few such men the Woode - Ben. and Fernando - Harria, of Maryland - some twenty of similar ilk i-n the Chicago Conventioa, and a smal! number ot sympathizers in tho West and New Exigland, (throngh their advocacy of thoright of secession, the depreciation of all' warlike efforts of the nation to preserve its uoity, and tbeir ingratitude toward those who were offaring their livesin its dtfensc), tbathas thrown tho democratie party rrteagre norities w liore ts-true purposes should have rendered t eompletely triumphant. But tbc democracy will soon relieve ;tseh" of these weighU, and, actuated by tha.t patrintic devotion to tho constitutiou, the Union and to hberty which gave it the eoiitrolling power in. the nation during three quartern of iïs existence, recover the influenoe its advocacy of republioan goyernmenfc and the righta of mankind entitle ii te,. Not as a mere party organiz'ition for office and pelt will it labor to secure ascendancy, but to pïsseot a nuclons for the concentration oí atl thoss koneat citizens who have not forgotten personal and municipal rights in the arbitrary assumptions ot war, and who would biad up rather than Lcritate ths woands oceasioDod b5' the great contest which has suppresaed rebollion at so. rnighty a co&t. The aggressiona and oí tbe paat are many, and havo been grievous - sometiines willful sometimes uaavoidable - but they did not justify sympathy with rebelüon, nor treason to the truo principies of the democratie party; and that party witö entertain no more respect for those whoso liefirts leanod toward traitors than for fchoso of their ranks who ' joined the feo promoto their seltish purposes. The gratification of personal ambition - iha lower iustiucta of mercenary motives - the of I revengo and envy - have united to misrepresent und libel all influences that obsïructed the triumgh of such unholy passioaa. Io the great excitement of the war the people were easily deceivod; ' their best impulses were often excited into acüon to cover great wrong ; bat now reason i& ros'uming its truth. ia eniergin froia beneath huge hypoorify, and the good sensc of the peoplo will eoon mete justice to whom it is duo. ïvj.any ff a'l parties will fail to pass the ordeal with honor, but out of i wrU come forth truth and justice unscathed, and upon bucIi corner stones will the great fabric of thia American republic be re-established with a solidity the storins of faction can never shake again. Bachelors are not entirely lost to tho refinotneut of sentiment, the following toast was given by one of them at a ! public dinner : " The ladies, sweet briars in the gardun ef lifo." The monument to bo erected by tha s'udoiits ...f : Willmms Collego to theip Utn oom rad ia be of browu treeBtone, 'tweuty feet hi'gti, and sgrOUDteil by the tatua ui a syldier.


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