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Abolition Warfare Upon The Administration

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The New York Iniepend:nt, edited by rlonry Wurd Beechir, the gret organ of the abolition radicáis, tbns opens its ),atteries upon the admiuistration. It says : " A battle is now raging wbsrsifi we nust achieve tbose . victories of peaue hat Milton calis not less rcnowned than war; victories over ourselves - over our prejudice over our passums -over our long accustomed injustice - ovc-r our aneient prida of caste - over our ariatocracj of complexion. God suramons us to be a nation of Cbristian democrats,, and offers us an illustrious opportunity to achieve our Christian democracy. But tbe Government at Washington - doubtless with a larga ineasure of good intent - has proved unoqual to the high occasion. After a proclaination of aunnesty, which - admirably tempering jtïstice with meroy, pardoned the many and punished the few - immediately elicited oni.versal admiration, there followed the cliill and shadow of a proclamaron For tho reconstruotion of North Carolina, in vvhicb the President of the United States, rememberins; bis projudices and forgetting bis prerogative, denied tho ballot to men vvho have battl'ed for the Union, and grnnted it to men who huve battled against it. " Tithout unkindly cntieising tho governmfcnt, VTithou-t q.uostioning its gensral good wishes tbo negro, without seeking to weaken ita prestige with itfi anti-slavery friends, we never theless grieve to say that the President's North Carolina measnre can not receiva tho approval of abolitioni-ftn, does not deserte tbe acquieseeuce of practical atatesmenr and can not be aceepted ai tbc final method of reai'jiistment. " The peopie cf tho United States - not aoting upon mere sentiment, not moved with n nevvborn zeal for tbe enfranchised slave - but proinpted by a proper sense of j.ustioe, to wbich is addcd a wise forothought of self interest - imperatively demand tha tlio basia o1 reconstruction shall be negro suffrage." The British community of Constantinople have pre6ented an address of 1 pympathy to the American minister, on , account of the assaasination of President i Lincoln. Hl ■■ II - - ■ 1 It L stated that Messrs'. 8tanton, ! Speed and ITarlac are strong men in tho Cabinot in favor oí negro suffrage, without enibarrassing qualifications ; Mr. lJpnnison i also in favor, but be i.s not a positivo man, Messrs. Seward, ■ McCuJlocl) and WoUe aro oppoaetl to it.


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