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Condition Of The Interior Of Mississippi

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A correspondent of tho Nüw ürlcans Times, wriüng iVom Jackson, Miss-, June 1, says : " Arriving at Big Black on the cars j from Vicksburg, n riekety oíd lwck bore i me on a dusty load to this pniut. The couutry through which I passed is au unbroken scène tf desolution. A few ugo it was a land of beauty, of comfort and of joy. ]Jut the tide of war iris swept over it, and lolt it a burnt and wasteel wildc-rncss. The fences are destroyud, thu rcHidences aro in aslieu, tbo people have fled, and barren fields meet the eyo in every direction. I saw but fuur or fivo hnuses standing and in liabited en the whole routo from Vioksburg to Jacksoii, On the road I met multitudes of rebel soldiers lolurning home. VVitli bronzed faces, tattered garments and weary litnbs, tliey drajrged lliomselvcs along. " Heavy Calatnitiea have fallón on Jackson. Once n beitutiful city, it is now a mafg of ruins. Piles of brick and mortar cover tho onee farnons retreats oi wealth nnd tashion. Numerous columns, shattered aud clmrred, havo suggested for the name of the place 'Chitnneyville." Tho State Ilouse, the Governor's mansion, tho City Hall and the Asylnm are tho only public buildings romaining ; and in tho absence of tho trowel and the brush, oíd Time has run bis dingy fingere ovor those. Nuinbera of the old inhabitants are away, but the town is very vvell populated by Coniederate soldiers returued and being paroled, Gathered in groups on the streets, or lonnging about the hotels, and ta'king in an undertone about the ' situation,' they give a decided character to the appearance of Jackson. A few aro ciad in eitizen's dioss, but the majority of them rotain the Confedérate gray homespun, the product of the card and the spinning-wheel. "I have cooversed freely with tbese men, and rny conviction is tnat they have given up wholly. They are Dot vet divested of their former prejndices and nnimosities; they will perhaps go down to their graves with them. Thcre are some inad-caps amuug them who 8till talk as irrationally as ever. But the majority ot them are for poace. This, I think, is the animus of the pa roled soldiers genorally. Another hopeful symptoin is, thoy all desiro employment. They are poor, stripped of everylhing, and, like many, they are now iinxiousto engago in some lucmtive business - wilüng even to work for Uncle Sam. " Great scarcity prevails iu this reginn. Since our torces first penotrated this State, paralysis has posessed the people. They have plantod nothiug, and extreme poverty rnles in almost every housohold. ' What will the peo pie ilo ?' I hear propounded every day. The liberality of the government ard the full granarles of the JNorth are ihoir only souroo of relief."


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