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jTH OF JULY TIíOTTTNgT" -OX THEFAIR GROÜNDi -AT- o - A C1TÍZEN PURSE of $ioo lor & Green Hurses, mile beats, Cfcestioi í:kn.d.-:;. KÉr " j.nkwi. and... ...;.. ;; .. L "?,, S. T'.K.NHAM '. " u 'H KOMKSON'á 1;..: - LJ ThtWWin fc. lnrgiven for Doublé Te,,!!, JütiT KECEIVED, " AND ÖOING FAST, 1800 Linen Coats and Dusters, to keep yon COÜI. and keep off theDUST lmlOÍ4 SI. GUITEKMAIÏ&CO. JÜST READY FOR SALET" A 3L.AIÍGÍ-E JjWV O& A (av left jot of thoae Boj'b' Lintn Suüi. lmlO14 M. GBITERJIA & f 0, Y OH AN yARïI CLE 7 -opReady-Made Clothing, -■OR FORCXJSTOM WOBK! No matter what your position or occupatioo CjdUji (.Oütttal, üivjor (ieneralj-or ' ccj&.xx-y otlier Ean," No. "5, Headquarters. - PRICES, STYI.Ki , OITALITY, aDd FIK,tlntt'li uent Iy anj one. l!u101-1 M. GUITEKMSHiCO. "pLAGS! FLAGSü" FOR TrtE ?ATRIOT1C BOYS AND GiRLS, -ATlwKU G. W. & R. SXOTKB'S. Estáte cf Lymai) Corbin. OTATE OF MICHTOAN, Cmtntyof WashteM,kj Al a sesaion of the Probate Court íor thcCointjil Washteaaw, holden at the Probote Office in the Cstriif Ann Arbor, n Monday, the níneteeuth day of im in the year oce thosBOnd e:;ht hundred andsiity!: Vresent, Hiram J. Beaaés, Judge of Probate. ïn the mntter ot' the Katate of Lymau Corbin, íí- oegstd. On rcading and the petiticra, dn'y vcriíeé,cí Walter 1). Corson, praym tliat a eertetin ïiirtraffientM on tile in this Conrt, pni-porting to be :!: ■■■ last Wilnd Testament of eaid deecaeed, raay bc admiitcdiup-1 bate. Thereupon it ia Orderei, that Monday, theuW (eeath ilay of Jnlv eest, at ten oclock ü ttic firffli, I ■ asM-rned for fhc hearing "f asid petitiuu, raUW liic leeateep, devWees, and of wiiildecca and all other persons interested in saW eftuw. Are reqixired to uppeai at a seselim of saM Court. tkeotofci hok'ien at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arte, : i -' !i w caty a, il' sny there be, nhy the pnyerof lie ■ r Khnnld not be írraírted: And i' is furtbn that soid petitionor give notice to tfaepw iuterested t .-aïd estáte, of the pemlency of said 1 tion, and the he;nr.:r tliereof, by causingacopyoi tnu Ortlér to be publishetiin the Michigan Argt, i Q" paper, printed and uirciUatmg in said CotaAK(l e weeka previ' ms to said dar of hearing. CA trae copy.) H1KAM J. BKAKES 1014 Judgc of ProWi Estáte of Alfred W. einircliill. STATE of MICHIGAN, CorKTï or WabiitboJ At a sension óf the Probate Cwirt furtheWW of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Offlft":?" i'iry of Ann Arhor, on Thursday, the twenty-fi'WSfltBI of jnne, iu the year one thou'saud eight tmiiW pixty-five. Present, Iliram .7. lieakes. Jndze of ProlBtf. Ju the matter of the Estáte of Alfred W. Chuïcnuv áofieased, , , Oareadlng and flling the petition, dulden '- '. S. ' Clmrchill, pïaying that chauncfï or some other sidtable poi'son, may be appointM niinistrator on lite estale of said deviied. Theretipon il is Onlercd, thac .Monday, tne w teenlh ay of Julv nes, at tui ovliK-k in )' '", uoon. be ansigned for the hearing uf said I"'1'" that the heirs al l.tW of aaki deceaaed, andallotlBF sons intereBtcd in said etKte. are reqiiirea lolll{ï. a session of aaid fnnrt. theti to be holden al itf' bate Office, in the City of Alm Arbor, and 15 if any there he, Why the praycr of Ure ü-litiiraor not be granted : And it is farther ordrml i'Jj ; petkiouer give notice to the persons i'i'flc" "hZ , estáte, of the pendency of said petition, '""tS. iiiLT therenf. by cansing a copy of this C1crlí)í,'í Usoed in rne Michigan Argus, a newspp, 1'?? eirciilatin in s.-iM ('onnty, three sua-e?rfve'BP vions. to iid dav of hearing. . .„, (A true eopy.J JURAJl .1. HEAMS. Cbancery Sifc. f X PUBSUASCÏ of a deeree of the Circuit CoiJ' I the Connty of Washtenaw, in Clianctry. " ; the case wherein Oscr C. Spafford, is f"mPTsu(. ana Maria stillson. Kli.abeth Spafford, Evi.y fonL ISusan Dean, Caroltne B. SpaSort, '"„"w and David Stillson, are Defendants, on !'p "' day of June, A. D. 1SC5, the undersigiwil "'""il Commissioner for the Connty of Wiwhlw"'1Jc00 at P-.tblic Auetiou to the hïghest I'ul(Hsll"ir, (! door of the Conrt Honse, in the City of Ann ■vl,:l„i Tnesday, the eighth day of August ïiexuat 00v. ín the afternoon, the following describe" "" „jjii I.ot nnmber afteen, and the Easterly tM" .ji ividtli off Int nnmber fonrtcen, inblockaum1 .. Ormshy and Page's addition to the villa?t Jibói hor. according to the recorded plat there jüin the City of Ann Arhor, Wartrtenaw Conmj. iu'an. ' Dated, Awiï Arbor, .Tune 2-2d, 1365. EOBE1ÍT E. FR'W-1?' Circuit Court Commission Hikam.J. Bkakks, for Waf htenaw to., jjSollcitor for Ccimplainaut. ___ j OTIGE ! All persons are hereby forbid trwing.mT my aftcount, así tliall pa v no debts oi er _e' _.( ,p Ann Arbor.June 5th, 18'Ó5. Jl TAKEN UP! Carne info flio raelnmtrc of flie '""ÍÍWl" nlwut Mny' ii.W MARE ' 0!.' 5'ïï 1 be nl.i.ut two yeara old, wirti .w l"t '" "' ',, pi) nwaer ia réqupstéd tn c.ill, provo lritt ■ charges, anti tnkc her away. i;FI.Il Pittelifl.l. lly 23J, 18M. " rnAKEN UP! Oiraeintn tho onelosure of the subsw"'"' ' atxmt JS ;eT8 old. Ha ome hit',:T d1 The ow nor is miuented to prove propcnTif" and t;ike saitl Mare away. _ REN'' Palem , J une Sth , 1905. Jl- TVtONEY WANTED AT TEN PER CENT. I10 I have ow MTera! applicaiiotu bj r]?i6ot to borrow from One Junre'l t ' Virt '""' ' „UK from one year to ten year, at len rer qB.!' Am. Ar'..r,.Tio. 1ith.l66.


Old News
Michigan Argus