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Passetter traína now leave Detroit and tlio several statffcoe n this Co-.inty as follows: GOING WEST. Maa Dy Pcxtef Itïcn, Niirlit Train Ex. Acc. Kx. Ex. IVtroit, 7 ■tr.ji.5iliSA.M43'ip.MS.Sïr.M 11 .Oilr.M Ypsilanti, 8.40 " 11 5i ' ti. 12 " 0.S0 " 14.SA.J1 Ann Arbor, 9.05 " l'J.l.ï i-m í 3.'. '' 7.10 " 1.00 " DexttT, f.86 " 11.40 " 7 00" 7 .3 ö Chi-lsea., 9 S5 " l'i.Si 7.50" OOIXO. 7!AST. Even. IVxt.T N'ili t Day Muil Ex. Acc. Ex. Kx. Train Cliolsea, ï.:;5a.m3;;(;ivm."..iii i-.m Deit'r, B,Q5a.7-&5 " S.45 " 5.i0 " Ann Arbor, 4.-.T a. r..:i5 " 8-20 " 4 os ' 5 .so " Ypstlantl, 4 .'! ■ ron ' S.4O '( t.S% " 5!í "■ Detroit, 6.10. ■' P.-5 '■ WOU " 5.45 "7.45 '' Vka 5l;iiTraM rana taancl from MnrshiiH. nñiFsPIUNG CAMPAIGN, The cmmy la apea us Ï Xnt one cnemy but a mu!t tude. From 3vmip a mi nanrasn, from TRleand prairie from filtliy Ptref-ts ar.d liooks, fom'lakos, rivwrs ail lugnnni, they riío to aBaail us. No tiian tices tliem, none is a ware of tWr pvooiice utitil smitic :wu palo and belplets na a coucïl of pain,Whb are fcbese foi ? Not embattled rebels, but asi&flantts much more terrible, - the artniea cíthoaii! Mepliitic exlttlatiOM, (Ogi fchi chíll te marrow, - tbe eloments af rtiseano that winier held incluuns, buí whicb Uie cun aud rain liave Ubíiated from tbe suftt-ut-d sril to proy upon tho rniprotocted and tbe freble. How hall they be buffled ? Btmplj bj inigorating thostnmach and tbe nervou.s Bytn. The purest and most harmless of tnic, HOTETTER'S STOMACH BITTEKS, is accessiblu to all. Why risk Chilla and Kever, lïilious Remi t tonta, Dyspopsia, Bowel Complaintí', Xervous Trosiration, or anj of tlie epidemicn nnñ endémica which ".Top out" o%erywliere with tlie coming of the spring, whou tho7 enn be effertually prevent1!.! by the ocensional uBe of the gentlest stimulant, tin1 fineht ultcrative, and the best stomachic erer dravn froir tbn resources of tlie vegetable kingilom.- lts like is not to be found an a protective ora kzmf,pt, either among the llanda rd preaoriptloiw of tbe Faculty, or the advurtised medicines of the day. SoM eTerywhere. lw!014 ITCïF. WHBATON'S I 1TCI1. Su I !th uní, I O1NTMKNT. Salt IHetim. Wil! cure the Itch in 4S hours - also curca Balt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblainp, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price 50 cents; by ncndiug 50 cents to Weeks V Potter, Boston. Mass.,will be forwardod íree by mail For sale by all druggÍKts. FBHUrcnicK StrABSs, Detroit, 4 Ageut for Michigan. l'ROF. K. J. LVOXS' l'atients and all others interrested tako ootice tbathe will contm u bis visits at the Monitor House, Ann Arbor, rturing 1864 aud '65 and at the expirationof which he wil 1 discentinwe bis visita and open an IuArmary at Cleveland, ObiO, for thetreatment of Liing and Chest ilisoasen. WH18KJBK8I AVHISKBKSJ Do you want Wbtefcwior Moustuches? OurGrecian CompuuiRl will fcrci' them to grmv on the smootheat face or chin, ■ hair on bald heads, in Six Weeks.l'rice, Í1.00. Sent by mail auywhort1, ".losoly sealed, onreoeiptof pHce. Acidices, WA RN KR & CO., Hax 138, Brookljft, N. Y. lyüTO. THE BKIDAli CIIAMBEH, an Epeay of Wai'ning and ïnstrectron for Young Men - publislif.! by the Howanl Asenciation, and seutfr e of charge in soaludenvelopes. A.ldrcss, Dr. J. SKIIJJX HOUOIlTOy, Ilownrd Apnociation, 1 hiladelrhia, Ta. Ij9!)6 AGO0ÏÏ TREE 18 KNOWN BY ITS fRUIT. So is a good l'liysician by his Sucwsssful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THEOREAT ANI CK].RBRATEI PHYSIC1AN' OF TUK T1IKOAT, lATNGe AND CHEST, Known all over tlie countr as the Celebratod INDIAN HERB DOCTOR! From South America, wHl be at his roomn, RUbSELL HOUSE, DETROIT, Onthelöth and l?üi inst.,ou tho same daie of and every subsequeut month during 1862 and 1863, A HEAT PAJlPHiK Of the life,tudy and etn!v travele of Dr. Lyone can be procured by all whodesircone, free of charle. Dr. L will visit Ann Arbor, Jackfion,aud Adrián, Mtch.,asfollows : -Ann Arbor, Monitor nouae,20th. .Tnc.kson.IIibbai-4 House, Sist Adrián, Braokett H use,22d and 23d. Monv. oy Kxamisatïom. - The Doctor diftcerns diwi'aRes by tl-ie eyes . He, therefore.asks no qnetioiifl nor reqiirespatients to explain symptoms. Alïlicted, come andharo your symtninsand thelocatïou of yonr dis MCftxpIained frteot" eharije rpHE GREAT CRltííSl ]ST. B. COLE & CO, hare ustorewda I.ARGE STOCK of BOOTS SHOES, purchased ince the GREAT FALL IN GOLD! wliich wilï bc soid at a GREAT REDUCTION PROM FOKMRR IBICES, - O- Stock Dtludes ibe 3Latest iStyles 1 andtheQUAMTYis tk BEST IN HARKET. - o - G1VE THEM A CALL beforo pure basing elsewherO Ï?EPAIEING Neatly and Promptly Done. Store West niijf1 of Court Hoiase Square, two doors Northof theOld FrunkliTl. N. B. CÜI.E, A. D. SHYLER. AimArbor, April, 1805. 1006 Mr. JUtíiews Srst prepaxert Hm VENETIAN HAIR DYE ; since that timeit has boen used by thousamls, and in noinstance has it failed to gie eiitiresatisfaclion. The VENETIAN PVK is the clieapest in the world.- It pnce is only Kifty Cents, íind each bottle coiilaínfi doublé the nuajitity ni dyo in thonc kbuaHj sold fot The VEXETf AN DVE is warranted not to injure th hair or the Btalp in the slichtest deree. The VKNETIAN' DYE worka w!th rapHity nud certaintv, the rofijuiring no prcpRintion wliatever. Tho VENETIAN DYE ptodwsoiMiy shwíe thnt may bedpsired- onetbat xvill not fade, crock orwashout one tliat s as jiermnwent as tile hair itself. For rale by slldruggista.- rice 60 cents. A . I. MATIIEWS, General Aj;ent, 12 Gold Street, New York. Also, Mannfactnrer oT Matiikws' Auhica ;HjirGloss, Ule Uest Imir dressing in Mf. In largo liíitiles, price 50 cents. l066 A NN ARBOR WOOLEN MILLS Are uow ready to furnifili partios with all kintls o f WOOLEN GOODS! Ab. will EXCIIANGK COOOS FOR WOOI,. TerfOM fvirnisliing their own Wool, can have t MANUFACTURO) iotn any KIND OF G0UHS tliey chi8e, t SH();.TN"UTICE. Also, partkutar Mti ntioji will bo given to CARDliAtí OF ROLJLS! Their 11 illa are all pplied with new oiaí-hinery f tlie beil mi'1 most niproTefl pat teros. T0MHM80M & 15KNT. Ann rbnr, Mi"h. Maj lli.iK. lwl.0tW TU'LIUS BAUER & CO., Great Piano Forte and MelodeonEMPOEIUM! WAKEROOMS IN yCRGSBY! OPERA HOUSE? 69 WASHINGTON STREET., icw York Wurcrooms, G50 Jirnadway. Wliolisalc A reñís fii tl.u% l'. S.ttr WM. KNABE & CO'S C EI.BBHA M'KD Goia Medal Piano Fortes! As to ttit' relalive morits of tbae VÍALOS, W6 woulit refer to the Orlificatfs of KxeeDence 4g on{ poamHUÜoH ir.'J.i TIIAI.BKRti. GOTTSl IIA1..K , STRAKOÜd!, G. SATTER, II. VIF.l XTEMPS, LOl'IS S'IMBII and E. Ml'ZIO, Must. en 1 Directitr of Ihp llalian Ojiera, aa also lrnpt stunv of tlie most distingnisheri l'roft'.ssors nml Amateur Hi the couutry. AU lustrunicntH guarantced jor firt ytars. AI.SO, A0KNT.3 KOK SOEBBLEK & SM1TH, BOARDMAN St GRAY, A. 11. (iALE&CO., Anti other First Class Pianos. Wv havo flic LÍ KCKST aad BKST ASSORTEI) STOCK of PIANOÖ INr THE CITY, wlncli f. r Power anl Lveetness of Tone, l'jisy a int Agi ooablf Toucli , nml lït'iiut v of Finish, have, bv jiulge, been pronnunced unrivalIcd. L&" Particulsr uttention paid to th? selection oj Instruments tor distant orders, and a privilege of exchangc grantefl at anj time wittiin six raootaf , ii the Instrument should not prove ontirely satisfjictory - A lihiral ttiÊCOWit toClergyinen, Teachers and Soliools. Ternas liberal. WHOLESALE DEALEBSwill fin.l it to tliejr advantage to giv us a cali, as by grcn-tly inciciiscd facilities we ire enabled to fill ordfrs with fHspatch. #&- Persons In want of a REALLY FIRST Cl,Af=S PIANO will do well to cali be foro pnr&UHsiog elsewhere WHOLESALE AOENTS FOR CARHART.NESDHAM&CÖ'S CELE II Ii A TE O HAKM0N1UMS, MELODEOJÜS, AI.SO FOR OEORGE A. TRINCE & CO'S MELODEONS and ORGANS, Manufacturers nnd Importara ot MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ! Strings, Accordeons, Violins, Clarinets, Drums, Guitars, And otüer Musical Merchaadise, The Sïlvkr anl Bras?: Ivptbtmkntp, of onr manufacttirf and Imjinitation, ave sed by most all of tho -best Bands in the United States, and whencver exhibitod have alwajs received the Gold Mcdals aud SiaHST I-KKMirMS. jftS Havincroonncction with ManufacUiring BToüsn in Berlio, Lstpsio, Dresda, Eïagland anti Paris, w are propared to füinish ÜEALKRS, BANDS and INDIV1DLHliS, wHli every articie in tliis line, at the lo west manufacturera' pricea. UEMEMBER THE PLACE, JÜLIUS BAÜER & CO., 69 WASHINGTON STREET, CHICAGO, - - - - 1LJL., 1012 New York Wareroonifi, 650 Broadwaj. HISTORY OF THE WORLD, g BY PHILIP SMITH, B. A. jí One of the prtvrjpal Contributors to the DictUmnrirt nf ni Gfcekand Roman Antiquitics, Biography, and Geogj.K rapky. ,L, Ai FLAN OF THE WORK. ïb Sinee Sir Wali'nRaleigh solaced his iinprifionment - n the Tower by the coniposilion of bis " Histor.v o! " the World," tbe Uterature of Knffïan1 bas never Mhtered the work which ho Ie ft unfinished. Th-ere harp boen " Universal Histories,'' from ili e bulk oj' nn encyelopiiMÏia to fhe most meagreoutline, in whicb Iheanuals of each nation are separately record ed V but without un attempt to tface the, story of Divine Providente and human progresa in one connected narrativa. It ia prooofsed to xnpplyiïiis waïit by a work, coadensod enouLÏi to keep it within a reasonable aize, C but yet sofuU as to bè free from the lry batcqeHS otan v. epitome. The Literatura of Germftiry abouuds in history, - suchas tboae of Muller, Schloaser, Karl von P1 Rottock, nuckiï,anlothetK, - which at prove thelemmd for sucha book, and fmnish modeUj in Rome degree, for its extcutïon. But oven those great works are aoraewhat deftniaúinih&torganlc nnity which ie T" the chiel aim of this "Hist'jry of the World." M The story of pur whole race, Uke that of each seriar ate nation, haa " a beginning, a mildle,and an enii. ' ' That ttory re propose to follow, from its beginntng n the acred records, and from tlie dawn of civilixntion in thf Kast,- tliroucfh thesuccesive Oriental KnnpireB, c - tlie rise oí liberty and the perfectnm of lnathen polity, arts, and Iiteratuio in tíreeee and Rome, - t.hO chantre whTch pnssed oveftht Tace of tfce ivorhï vïien - Ilie IJffht f ciiristianity sprang Qp, - ihe oripin and lirwt ajtpearaoce of tbone barbarían raceív wliicii m tlirow both divisionn of the lïoinau Empire, - the " nalsof the States which roe on tne Empire' fl ruins ncluding the picturewque details of medieval hitory, and ihe steady pro(rreK of modern liberty and civilizaron, - and the extensión ol theso influencec, by dis covery. coninest, colonización , and Cliristian rais.sioïis, to the remo test regions ot the earth In a word, as i separate histories reflect tho Hetachod roñes f' Inmian I action and nulfeiing, our aini is to hring into one view the several parts whicli a-sure'ily form ono graat whole, moviogonwards, under the Runlance of Divisa I'roviUönce to th uaknowii (nd ordaioed in tiie Iíív.m" pnrposcs. No jiains wi tibe spared fn makn Uiik hitoTy scholarlike 'in snbítance and popular in gtyle. ïtwill be tounded oo the best authorities(an('ient and modern, orígiual and ccondary. Tho progress recently made in historicftl and urltic&l investifiations, th resulln ■ tained from the modern scienco of coraparative philolofry, and the difl#ovöcjea which havo laid open new sonrces of infofmatiön cü-neerning the East, afl'ord such faeilities as to make tlie present a fit epoeh for ovr underiakmg. The worK wiü be dïvMed into throe Perlod, each complete initself, and will form Blgkt Volumes in Hemy Octavo . I, - Ancikxt ITiptobt, Pacrpd and Secnlar: from the Creation to the Kallof tho Western Empire, in A. 1. 476. Two vonmos. H.- Mfdikvai-Hihtorv, Civil and Kcclesiaf icnl ; from the Kall nf the Western Knipireto the takïn of ConKtantmnple by the Turks, in A. I). 1453. Two Volumes. III. - MrvDKRx ïT7,--ronY trom the Fall of the Bysantino i lOiupire t our nwn Times. Four Vulumes. II, willbv publie-bvd in 8 vnls. 8 v. Piice in clofh, $3.50 per voliUHí1. Slicp, S'Í.5U. ílal! iMoroeco, $.r). Volume 1 now ready. Agenta Wantedlo all parte of ihe Country. AppIicaiioiiK Khouid be made at once to tho 1'ubÜKh D. APPLETON & CO., SamtfifiS 443 &'(44Broac!wa.y. N. Y 010,000 WANTED ON THE Bomls of Waslitcnaiv Connty, pnynljle Fcninry Isl, IRl'O, ith 7 per oent . nrfHt.. ' Will be MiniMl ia Micns of $100 o; upwarda to snit pur By tuihority uf Hms Board at Superrtoom. PH1I,1P B!,ÜM, County TrP.iFiircr. Aun Albor, Juno 14tli, 1SÜ5. 3wl0l A KN'ABU 1'IAN'O -one of the best ii.ëtrumpnlimade- ciilni -lv new. Inijirtr ( ■ AHJ8 OWICB.


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Michigan Argus