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I ' HE ÜOOTB áiMPTÍiE LEA VES 1 -E. WILL be for the Hmlii g oi the Natious. Bible. XX. T. XiXOK!O, 'üki;;;kat avji i'ilvsimN of the TilKOAT.l.l'.NUrf, 1IKA1IT, I.1Y1.Ü A.Nlj TUE 81.001), Knuwu all over theoountrjr us the Ki.:ctiK-.rKi IXsTXJIlKT HEEB DOCïOE I (Jf ÍSÍ Superior Streut, CleTeland, Ohio. Wül vi.sit tl ie fuUowmg places, vii A?l'OIN'TMKi(TS FOR 186a, lS83aml 1S64. Prof . R. J. LycH'.it can bu con.sulled at the Nino#tt8 nlacfh i-vi-iy lnontlt, viz: Del i'oit, HusBelHuutie, eacb niontli, 1 8 tij and l'jth . Au n Arbur,, each month, üuth. JaotcHtmtlUbbrd House, i-nc)i month, 1. Adrián, Hrackt-t fcfoufh ef h imntli 22d-and23d. Toledo, ÜlilOjCuBlBü House, each montli, 24tli,25th, Hillsdale, Hlch. , Hillsdale House, oach inontli.27tli. Coldwater, Mie!'., Soutuern Michigan Houm-, eacli montli, 28th. Hkliart, Ëlkhart House, each montli . gltth. South Boodj Ind., -St. Jo. Uo'ol, oiich moutüt üo. I.ajiitc. hi,!., Tci. Carden ili ise.raili nliintli 31al. Woo.sttr,(Jhio, Crandtíll Exchjiigt1, e;.ch nio-jtli, 7th andStli. Mauslii'W, Oliio, Wiler Housi eich mtuth, 9th anti lOth. 1H. Veroon, Kenyon House, cch mouth,llth and 12th. N'ewavk, Ohio, Holton House, cueli muntli, loth and I4th, l'aiucsvillo.Oliio, CowlcsTIonse.eacli miniüi ,4th DI.KVKl.ANIi, OI1H). HK.SII)K.JK AND OFFICE, 232 SUPEllJOR STREET, E;ist ot tbc public Battar, oppotte tin1 IVtniiicc. OlHcB'laya eacL ïflohth, lst. Sd, 4th,5th, Ptb, 15lh.- Ollic-' Uuur.-i rum ii A. M. to 12 W, &ml froni il i'. M. to ,j f. Jl, üuSuodaj from 9 iv 10 A M.,aud 1 to tí 1'. M. j&-MíiMintncily adliered to-1 glreaucl: balm as hare lio strife, With utuii' ur the las f Üle. Wilh blo'.il my hands] Hl' ver stain, Nor Miismi men tft;Lsc tlu-ii pain. 7íe i.s' a pltisiviaji indeed, who Cures. UiUanHerel)oGtor, K. J. LYOKSjeureefhefol[9Wlng cnmpiaiutíiiii LU e mu-st obstinate stagea oí til ei r existmee , viz: DiaeasCK of tli ihïoat, Lung, Ilrart, i.ivor, Stomach, ih-opsy i u the Clicst, Rheumatisni, Neuralgia, Fits, or KalUiv.'Siekne.ssiinlalloilier tiervoumlerangenients. 'so allcliaeasesof the bloodj sucb as Scrofula, Kryipelas V'uncer.s , Fcvor Sores, I.oprosyj atid HÜI oibti oomplic:ileü clironiccoiaiil'thïta. AUfoftn of fetöalft dffltaftttefl attendeil to with the bappifht rcsv.lis. Il a h'.pnl fhat no on e will -tü.spit ïr of a cn-re uut:) tliry ha vi' ;iivi'ii thi' linliü n lic vb Doctor 's Jloilicint's a Fair and t'aithfjj i 3-JJuring the Doctor' travmln in Èurope, West Inrlies, South America, and the United States, he Jiíiw been the instrument in (Jort'p hand, to restpre to licalth and vigor thQosaíidfl whp were iven iip anti prnnouiu'oi! incurable by che most piuini'nt oM sclio'il physiciiuis; nay. mnrr, thcm&Jid who were oo the terge of the grave, are now living moLumivotfl to the ludían HerbV Poctor's skiü uul succcssfi:Hreatinont,andavp daily x da i mini;: "Blw ■led b' thcilay v.heti Hrst ise -saw and partouk of the ludían Ilvib I)tSíor'. nuMÜcine." . Pafisíftcríory refefenéen of odres will be gladly and eheerfullv giTtn lienovf r requirod. TheOoctorpledgesbiii word and honor, that lie will in do wisp,directl.v or ndircctly, induce or causa any iuv.ili.l tn tako his medicino vithout Ihe strong-est yfubabilü v 1' a euro, t í.índeoft'xarmnatioír, wíiíchís entirelydifferent from the facnlt. í'r. Lyon professes to di.scern diseases bj tbo oye. ïï f ■ thereforr asl;s noquestions, ttor ' docslic reqnirc p atiente io exp'aiir -ywitoms. CftW on e uid uil ""'lliaye thesymptoms and IoCíttítftí af ?0Br dseo;xplaineir"e of charge. f-Tlib foor sball beliberj! considcred. Pos,u:Tlr,oulreSs)box K fcfi' Cleveland, Oliio.Nov. 05, ISB'J 1i!'8 TTJSÏ OPENING! The largest Stook and best sMortmetit of CABINET FÜRNITURE ? ever brouglit to this city, including SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTEE TABLES, BUREAUS, CIIAIRS, Ijoolicing C-lLiiSiJses Gilt Frames and Mouldings METALIG CASES, &c, c.f and all óther goods Lept in the beat and lr rPat hoüïïB in tí e conti ry We Kt-eiino second liana urntuïeor inction góods. Öofflns Upt constantly ( D uid.Md made to order. My gooils are olTered at THE LOWEST CASH PRECES N B I miistljiiveninney.anrt resjiectrulW request thós'j iodobtedjto cali and lix up their old matters vllwU O. M. MARTIN. AnuArbor.Oot. 6,186. S2SL REAT CLOSIJVG OUlf A Sl'LENIWS STOCK OF DRESS G.OOD ! FÜRNISHING GOODS. CASSIMERES, 0!oih, Satinets, fcc. DOMBSTICS, SHOSS. HATS I CAPS, Crockery GROOERIZiS, &c, Are fee be sold at pi'ices that wiilgiuraatec ib.-ir Raio N. gt Tho }rgst StfX'k Í (':ilu-o aud lïrowu t'ètton in the City at lens than Manufacturer'K priées. Thp liiirhetpricc paid inTradeor cash fur all kiifda t'í' I': :'iiuae. MACK&SCHMID. WANTEt) - Marriod Ladies, Prof Vnn ViTac's Diamond Drup, ,a miver toiling and 'narnilessremcdy lor all ol.ntructiona and irreguImltM All innrried lariftn will lind this a never l'iilin jrovpntivc, tnr whieh it is warranted in evevy inmtanee and'ar inviied towmd rea stnmii for a ï - -. ■ - lar nrkü'wi bwtli', . 1" FRKDKKlf'K. STEAKNS, whni. ■■-■;''■ 'K-'ir::'! c;i'ii'r,.l ,-:;tMit fcr M'."lii',Mu iiiriii" ; , , iDrvpe, ". ". Draver 445,8trit. Dsule enpj.lMat ff,! ■ i-t-i ;'■ i i :. ■ 99Cmi ' CCHENGK'S PULMONIG SYRUP, SEAWEED TONIO, AND MAN9RME PILLS, --iI V V-4Í Theaboreina cnrrecj UlgjnefiB tL Dr. Schenok.}iist after recoving (Y mn QpnsunaptfüDu min yiNirsago Iïelow is ;i ikéiless of liini as lic now npears, When the 9rst was taken be weighed 107 pounds at the present iimo hls wefght ís 220 pöunds. -_ Á z Úit. SCIIENCK'S Principa' Office and i.:'borït. vy ie t the N. E. coruer of ,-SXTII and COMMKKCE Strjeet, I'hiladulphia where aUtet-tersfor Adviee or bosiness stiouïd be di rocted. Hff wili bo founö tbcro every SATÜRDAY, profes siaaajlj? lo exu:i:'ie liwigs with the lUvimniuUT. lor irhich hu fe; is tb ree dollars ; uil hdvice fröa. In New tork at No. 32 BOND Streut, every TUES DAT, fïum 9 A. M. tu 3 1 M. At the MAÜLBulLO' HoJKLjBosion, Jannary 18 and 19, Fcbiua7 15 au.l lij, Jlaxeh iö and 3u', April 19 and 20, May íí.aud ÍS. June 14 and 15, July Vj arid 0. Tiio lime f-.rmy beins m ÊATIMÓöB and HTTSBVI1G, v.-ili bo slcu in 'htí daily papers of tiioSe citik. i Jfti Ittslorfèf l'rhc.7ick's owï éetttj aml hov:lie ivas cüitd of Comuhq-t',r. Slañ'y years ngo, whflst r&sidíbg iii Fhíladelphía, I had pi''iO3s6tl -i'ii'lually inio tliL' last tagé Cff Pul munary Coüsuroplion. All hopes of my rocovery belog dioBÍpatéd. I Wasadvised by my pliysician, I'rCarrisb,to remeveiato the ccuntry. M'iorestown, Sferw Jersey, beinfe tny nativo place, i was remeted íhirlnr. Mv fatheï and all liis family had lived and (iid tlu'rt! - and diid of Pi Imonary Coawumption, On mynriia] I was put to 1 ed, whefe 1 iay for many weefcs fn wha( was deemed a hopelesH eonditioti. Ir. Thcrntnu. hó U&d bn my latUerV family phyuiniau, tim. had tttdodèd liim in la last ïllnoss, was calle:1, in seié ihh. He thougbi my case entirely bevond the roach of uuMiicim1, nnd decWed thaLl must dio, and gate me oae week to Hrrangemy t naporal affakft, Lu tiiis ijiparTitly hope Icss Gniulilion, I lieani 1. 1 rite remeden which I now raake ow sell. It seemcd 'n tne i Kfl I h W f%el tliCHi wovkkxg waj . and peuetrating evei ihtvh, (ibre, and tistnfe ftf Mi system. My Lunga as 1 li er put on a new actiou, and the mor bid matter wl yearn hjd accamulated and í ■- 1 i tatöd the different orgaiifi f f thcbuUy, va.s eliminei1 the tubercles on my lungs vipened, and 1 expectoratel Jrommy luBgsas muehraa 'i pint of y ello w Aflenrivf matter every morning. As thfa expfecloration of matter uVi-lod tlir fóvorabiited, the paiu left v.w Uw ' ougb eeased ta harass me, und the exhauetiny mglitK -f-7its were no Ionrrr knowTi, and I liad ré vt hint; bleep, to vrhicn 1 had lo beta a atranger. fily appetil'- now heg n to return, anti at tubes 1 founi it tlHrrcult to rptrain mvself' frons eatfftg toó ifröeli ; witli (lis return of Lealth, I gafhed fti atretigth, aad i?ow ais Öeshj. 1 am now a heatthy man, (thatarge Lealed cicatiix in ihe middle Lobe of txe righi hing and the lover lobol cpnfiKed wltS c mpicU' adjichion ofihe pleura . The lolt luug i Kffuml, aitd tiie umiev Uwe uf the riglit one ÏB in n tolerably ln-ilf h;. eoHiïltfón. Cousumptton4tt that time wasthougbt tobean incurable ilisoiiso, by v,ei-y onc, phytieians nsnVilu' those who were unlearneijin niodicineJ- cspeUy ifeb cases as were fcéducedïtiïh cooditioB 1 was in. fhis inducf I many peoploto brti;:vc :ny reöovry onlv (fsin porary. .1 oow ptepared and gave the medicines to consumnl'ives fon somo timp, and made many wonder ful'cuics; a-zid thedomafird Eoereased so rapidíy tlirt i ted to offer thom to the public, nnd iovote my uudivitledatlei M0B íü '■Ul." dise!íea. lu iruth,l wa next to fb'recd to it, for pèop'lG wttufíÍFeñd for nv i r aaUtifear, to eiácevtain whether thcir cases werelike mine. For manv year, ba conjuncllon wfth my pnncipaJ otjiee in rhi:a;;l;ijliia, 1 have ben maktna regular ro foïisional visits to New Yorit, Boston, lïaltimon-, nnd Pittiburg. 'or severnl jcars i;t I have :nailf as maöy aa five huiidi'i'd exaniination tteekïy wfth the' KKéiirometer." For ffueu b"ii'rtinaün m7 charge ís ihrPt' dollars, and it. entibies me fö.give cncii patiënt the true condition oL hisdisease aud teil hhn írankly wluther he wiJi get welt. Thegreat reason wliy physicians do not curo CúqBumptionis,tHatth#y try lo do toomuch : tliey glve me i in slop tho '■ in PiJi tíif - weatn, licctieiever. tndbvfio doinf tliey derange thj w hole dijüwiüve ,-.. ,-t. ui. Iqckioff JU3 th( fepcretions, an-1' cvent uiilly the padeot dies. Thé Vuixñfiilt Syrup is one of iïiö J't ?lab1e inodirmrs known. It i nutriéot, powerfuBy ionïc, and liealinji ín it solí'. It conr;tnis no opium, vet IoPnn the phltgM in the brtailchia ! tube, wüd elaïurc thrown i! oír witn litt'e exoriinn. One bottïe frequently cureti an owlinarj cId; bul k wili bü we 11 firsl ■ of Scheupk'ts Mandfjike's Pilis to oleante tfie steuñach. L'he Pulmouic Syrup is readily dlgestoa ai d al porbed i,ito blo'id, to whii'li it i'upart.s ÏU bealing prqpertie8 - H oi t:ie l'si preparaiion ui i: mi in use ; it is a powerui tónic óf itsolf; and when the Seaweeu Tocic dis ol es the mouL 'm Iho stoinacfcj and .s oï'rfed off by tiu' :n'l of tJ-M1 Mandrake lilis. ; héttlzhy llow ol gastztó .nier, ood apnettt,and a goad 'lijiiiion fotiov The Seaweod ToniclB a fltimulant and none uthr iro(i uii et! whfn it h uncí. It i pur1 iMiil pleasant ; no b;i'l eftentB lÍKe when iüing Bourbon wlii.-tky, whicb disürdwrfi stomach, tovpors tho liver, loks up all the Becrettonff, turtw the b!oo1 ferto watétj'dïopsy se'.e'jn, and iheputknt (itesóuddculy. Bourbon whisky Is retfomrneiiflrd now-a flays by alinoat e-vefy pliysii.i;ui. Many patients iliat t moni-", both muit and female aro s(u'eiifd wïtli tl.ipoiaon. The reliei' is teuijior;u-v. ïf tley cugh tbey takf-a little whisky ; it' tlit-y fee! tfa.kifLAeb:e they a little whlsk) if they c&nnot ïetp, they take a little whisky ; and tuny go op in this way, n , toaste ;iiul:ii:u-'' mitil t'.u-y are bloatwt uu. aul En thej are gettiug fleahy. The Btomech, iïVer, anl ai estivo piiwcr.s i; re ooaapltel? tüfttroypd , anít lose i lie i f appetite fax fuod. Ko oie was eve,ríuvtd of cosuiuption bv this procefy, whei e cm vil os havo been forrriod fn'the ïüngs A !rtte tmuilaiit is iVofiuciitly liru-iicial lo t-niisuinptivc.s, huoIj as pure brandy or geod '-inc-s ; in uaani ftases Ldndon porter oi' ïwcwn stmii ín moderate au anti i tj ; b'u( Bourbon whisky Iiátcns on instan'! icorlnconsumpïïon. The Rekveed 'lonic produces lasUn rebute-, IhorOHihlv illv'1.' nr ;i ti tl Lr tl) 8 -.ti ina e] i ;iTlil 'H''.-livt' Ry I i'ii! , aud enabling it to omiñate and i' U t; into lieaJthy bToid tne IWvl wliicli may b used Tor thal pur]0Fe - - It is hu wnm'ci t'nl i' fl k eflfecta tbftt a wme-gUmstiiH i i% a hfnrty nic:i! .umi a lililí oí' i! takcü bífore brenkfast viU give a Lojoe to fhe etQniacb wbi medfcfneñ )ossesi he power óf doing'. The MAKtFftAKE PrÜ.S may he tskort wïth ontfre safety by all rgea and Oímdttíosw, producin BuHihe gooti nis ui 's tjuil i-:iii hr pbtatned fro o caJomel, Qr any ni' the mercurial medicines, anti without any of tbeir iinrtful Óf InjurioUi i-CPuïts. Tln_y carrv ontuf the rvnieiii the feeuleal and ivorn loe ened aud diflAOlve l'.v my iiMv, and Pnlni nic vnij. - W wili be een that all three oT my lue 'ici. es ar a Deed ed in ratst cases to cure Consumpt ion. A G E N T S . BOST'OX- Ccorgc C. Goortwin & ('o. NEW YORK- Domas llames & Ctí. IIY1.TJMORE-S.S. l!;iiHc. IT, (;r; i: 11. Kcjscr. CIXC1NNATI- F. E, Siiire t Co ., mul Jola D. I'ark. CHlCACOrj-I.or1 & ÍTniüi , and W. Scoïit. .ï. l.Q'ch' - Gollihs IMBm SA.1? FHÜfNCfSeO- Boatett, Sinüh ft IVi.n. ■ .■-.i,i tn nllDruügiiitfl ti ,; : . . , -. . ■ - .- SEWiie MACHINES, FHGTGGRAFIÏ ÁLBÜMS, P1CTÜRBS, FRAMES, THEEAD, SÍLK, T WIST, MACHINE O1L, S,-c. The imderglgaed now nflcrs tlie public TÍ1EBS3T IF -A. UVE I HL, -5T SEWING MACHINE DURAB1L1TY, BEA XiTtoJ S TYLE, and VA BIET Y of W01tK,ü "STANDS ÜP HEAD." Tt iisoOs only f .i Ik poen lu be apprecfated . Runs the work naih ;ty. rtiïcés' foor kinds of stitches, Items, fella, gathersj br&ida, bind , qtiilts, ithers and sewa ou a miïle at the same time. Sews (rum the Uiinnest 10 tïie thfckMi fabric without cha'nging tlie stitch, tensión Or aeedle. or without breakína Üie thread.- 11 is The Wonder of the World ! AlBoa varletj iif the mr t beautlfuJ PHOTOGRAVH Al. UI MS, 1'lCTUHIiS nivl FRAMES in great variety. aml pieturefl tramed tn order at short uotice. Also, HAKNU.U'S SBLE-SBWER or TUCKER, which eau be adjustL-rl to any Sewïpg M;urliine.. Cali at the si.ïii of the FI.OK.HXCE 8BWÏNS MACUINE, a few doors Eaet of Cuok'a Hotel. Stüching Neatly Done to Order, Also, on exhibition,theee1ebráted " WEED 9BWTNG MACHINE," which touk tliu premium at the llichiKan State Fuir, of 1881. W. D. HOLMES. Ann Arbor, Doe. 2Stli, 1864, l)K:tt Grcatest Medical Circular ,Ni EcrM!i:.licd! #J Cl =-Fifteenrïiia lfgo I I jl Isiter pagea Tor {ivo M 3 cent etamps. 8 Youóg alen 's ConfldentiaJ Medical Advisers in Of Spermatorrhea or Seminal Weakneaa caused by MaHturbation, fiesital Xantblizatinn, self abuse, or secrethabíú indulgc-d m by youtli at tbc age of puDRS. JÍCKSON, HEB8EBT & CO., Pronrietors of thé Niitional Dyspensary. establUhed aL uiachiua'ti, phio.Jan. lst, li 60. Tnvoiuntiiry EmiRnÓTisl'eaí tn Impoteufcy 'Octnsumptïon. ïn.suiity aud Deaíb; TL uti e wlio suffer iö the lead from this b&uofa] praetfee, apply tho wlioleeifcél'gï 11 the soul to the attaioment of heaUL and C'nifi( iii'iit co ii te ut ment and happiness. Kverv one, eüli'r slck Or well, shoald have our valiiable 1 1 ea i on ttiis subject , whicli is sent free of oba ■ "■■ We guariintee to eure Gonorrhcea,Oteti,Sy] Impoteucy, Xocturual Euainsions r td!-Abuso, Diurna 1 Emííaione, Ft( male Coiuplaints, in short, every poasible i'onn and varuty if' Sexular [ïiseaaö. Cures Y:-,y , t Ji uro u .r 'n ajuJ permanent, aud iece aiuderatc- Sena (ot .! r C reuïar. ï;li. JACKSON'tí FEMALE PILL&tl per 1 - Specia.1 wpittèn replies, welJ Realed, sent wïth the Circular, wiiKuuc cha ge. 2W0 paeeifj 100 eifmviugs.- - 'cThe íftftftítain t' Lïght, op Medical Protector and Mai "iae Cuide, and an Explfcit Key to Lovc and Beauty'' It SATJ-FACTOKiJA' reveáis v;t rious sul)íoct."í nevei' b4fo'rfuDy ejípui hiefl in nny pVpuJar work ïntheiïnghi'Ji ïanguage. Ptiee 50 cents, or tbree for $1 Medicine iO-ñ int 'iptlon-s sent promptly to any pari of the country: Consi; Hing Roomn of the Dispensaty, No.l07Syl-i;nul-0strit--t. l. O. BOX, No. 4SL. ■pR.JACKSOX' OIU1-:UTL L1NIMENT Reflioves all crddiH'.-H, iliid r',j u veíalos organ-s wliicli have" lain dormant fof many yeare. t'an be mailed v.-il.i perfect emfety. Prioe ÍS per bottle. DR .iACKSON'ri KRKNCH PATENT MALE ËAFE, li is thf only ame and Gafe prTntive agaiunt contrfictin diffëftse ever inveated, Price 1 each, $4 i ftt' liali du.un. aud ;;7 per dozen, suit by mail. 6ixiÜÜö pilïeelom The great Itch and Humor Killer of tlie 19th Century I I'liis ra prej'aralion posseeses moat wonilerfid pTupeilirs, and ia .fik. StTXlEJ OTTRB Tor very sjccics of the ITCH, PRAIRIE ITCU, BARKEU'S ITCD, WABASH SCRATCHES, 1LLIS0IS MANGE, CCTANEOIS EBIPTIOS, PIMPLES ON THE FACE, S.1LT BUKOI, SCALÖ HEAD, RISGWORJIS, &f. The PHURIfiO LOTIO Is a new anrl certain eure for all kifiaa of Iich, anti betng a fluid pi-eparation It Is tree froiu all tla guniray, disagroeable qualities of tlif oifijriienta In genêfal use. Tlici'RURIOO LOTIO Is safe to use under ALL CIRCriïSTANOES: wül not irrítate the most tender skin, umi C0XTA1NS NO MEKCIKY. Don't fuil to try H. Marrjfnetured by E. T. & W. T. ÜIcFARLAlVD, l'iopriftors, tafayette, Tnd. i'KICB 60 ÖEOTS. ; LOBï) & SJilTH. Cliifasro, wiiolcsaie Agento. Sold at Wlir.l,.salf in Ol.iraiM by rri,!,!:H, F15TCH AFCLLETl; OHAItLES C.í.Mí'ri!; JJUKNHAMS i. VAN SOIIAACK; VV. O. UARRIS 4 CO.; BMITII 4 iliYiüIU J. II. UEKD & CU., and II. SCOV1L. Q THE ONLY SURE THING. PHOTOGRAPH III R'ÊNEtf II As tbe uame indientts. it aot only rexüws tlie growLhot the baiv wben aud falllrg ofí, bui II V'iws tuk roi.cK fc its oHphial shade wlicn it is tui ning g va y or white, whether c;iused hy distase, grief oï olcl age . It willcertftlttlydo what ie cl&imed forit, a fact to whicli hundí cl, 11, ■) - . ! liuiis;! in Is viht lui v! usim! it, are lic e une ole is fiiir!y ie t-o, ui any tnnum';iiy . is reputa! ion w#p,readii like wíld lire." and is 11h böfll üdvvi-t m-ju -u ( and recTnmnieni;it ion wre dwirèi I j i iln' l'";isi wn s ia les, wlirrv the-MiKXEWKR" origïnated,i( is nscd byaliyoung Ln djea as :uXret.siny , nud is to be fyuiid .u the toilt ! tftt)U?s)f Yrrnnp f-lén , (also at their barbéis (whik Mi'ii and Wonn'ii will not be without it, ilh a n'iiwcr :nd rc-tiavilivr fnv their grey locïra fuid h:Ud heada, whkïh i( changee to t ln-l r cutiré satisfaotion. We ire. ycliui in llir city" i" Boston alone, upwards ■■ ■ ■ : ' !r ■ i ■ .■ niiti,. ii , [Ire dealers frjvrès the liKN'KWKR the piderence overall other HairPreparatmn.- . Xf nolsoM by Pifnggistti In your town,a trial höllle will bc .ent lo you by Expres, upan ïeci-int of nnc dollar by mail- thusKi'-K ."-''hkui ojiptjrLi: tii t.y ;vL on o: fbr tcstin itsexcelleni rirtues. $3 Orders for Ti iü Boltks. must be adtïressed to our grnural Agent fói the Nor l.h western Mates. C. A COÖK, Box 6534:, ClilcaRO, llï, All sueii orders will receive prompt ati,viitiou. H. P. IIALLfc t'O.. I'i'opi'ietors, ■Naslniii, X.TI, The trukloBapplied at Afu twfacttu-cry prices by IL'LLEÏt, FINCH & Ft' LU B, WholeaaroDrupjrists.CífifiíRj r, Illinois. ' ■ 9 '!' ■ Eslale of Aiiram N. Fux. I OTATT5 0PMICHWA,eK , r, o; Wasiitejiaw, 83. kj is hurjiby glven thut uu order ui tho Probato Cmirt 61 the Coriuty of Washtenaw, made on tlio t n .■niy-third day of ffebraary, A. D. 1865, sis mafntha from that diite were allowcd lor creditors to pres'-nt their claims against the estilo of Aljram N. Fox, lato , of said County deoeaaed, and that all creditors of tuiiil , di'ocased, niv requirtal to present, their claims tosa d ■ Protiato c'ouit, at thu Office in tüe City of Ann ! Arbor, for oxamiuaiioii mul allowarice, on or iñifornthe Hw;,iy-iliinl Say of Angusrt iirxt. and Chat eui h claims will Ik: lu.'u-d before s-aid Probate Coort," at any of its sussions, on or bct'oro that dav HiftAM ,!. BKAKES, Judge of Probate. Duted Auu Arbor, April ítiá, In;.,. 013 "WAR MOST ENDED ! CHARLESTON TAKEN ! ! f Mi 6UITERMAN & CO,, Boint; coniiccto'l witli nne of tliR largest bouses in New Vork, wliich hais beUtt íucilitieü for Selling Öheaper tlmn anj other house. Are bouad tö be not CS BLJ ntC 'M! C JT ' by any establishment that now etieiét Havlng employctl anexiierícnced __ r r -p.- -■■■■ i w w ÏL JSH_ JM_ JHirf_ffl._ Ölreci frbno XEW YORk CITY, who has haá longexeticBoe in busiïtefio, we güarctctèe tu ivethe best SATISFACTiOfM to o.ur numerous OÜSTOME E h STÜDENTS of the Cnïveraïty. Kèepinj; uu hand thelargest stucl o i CLOTIIS, CASS1MËBSS, VESTIK6S, togutlier HU the ltgest stock of Ready-Made Oloihing, ï FURNISHÍNG GOODSÜ &c, &c, &c, jvbich we wilt gel] c&eaper tlmn any olier establishment in thé city. Al] wc ;is-k is ourmeuda and t'tutlnts will give iisacallaiid atisfy tliemsehos. M. GÜITERMAN. & Co., jKW GOODST" New tonda at Union CIntliing Store tot Spring, Is now the tbeme öf wliicli I sídjí Wtí'i-e ali the Uifftt f .los just made, To süit the city trade, Of New Spring () ércoatn and Packs, To tit Uw forra üke mouhlcd vrax j And Busiaeg Coafcs of tliflii inakf, All of the present style.síliat t;i k c ; Tïut tlien the crowning Oor.ts of all Are the Dftitta Go&ra at Üñioa tre. We pride ourselvep thut we oxóet All otherfi in th'ymts wiell ; For in thern yon will always tVnd Fit, l'Hshion, Gmco and combrncd Brit n our Coats 1 will not dweil - M'e'vp also Iaut and Vests tó se!I, Of every hut-, and sÜade ;',i(T tftyle - To teil jou all would tabe a while ; Sol will only montion hore That those who would in styleappear, Phould como to tfaieö Clothin SïOFe and bur The OI.OTHING best to the eye ; And not alone the eye to please, Tint money save iu buying tbose ; For we will sêll srt prics W, No ntatter huw tlio Gold dw? gn. ïu Furnishing öooHh bïrth rich and neat, We have a stock nrll and complete ; Oiïr '' ffalïftnt boys in blue " will find All kinds of goods to snil thcir ihind. We've also for the boys in store A betfer stock tïiar, e'er before ; And can 11 fit, both gréai and sniaü, Wiíh CI.OTI11XG best at Union Sionv. $& The FIXKST STOCK of Spring & Slimmer Clothing ! A'S-D THE IjOWEiÖT aTOES in tuk cmr. OUSTOST WOEK promiitly malo, anJ in the BEST STTLE. Tall at UXION CLOTHING STORE. East siïle of M.Tin Street. SS. NATHAIV & CO. Ann Arbor, Apnl 2bth , 1805. 8mlOO6. Hiñe Factory! Beutier & Traver, ISucci's.Mjrs to A . J.SuthcTlanil,] Manufacturera of and Dealers in Guns,Pistols, Ammunition, Fiasks, Ponche Game Bags, and Everjotlicr article iu that Line. MJklnpi „f RBPAIRÏWCÏ ilnncat tUe shoi-h't DbtSetf, :iaii luttjt'bcst innuucr. a f u 11 ayortmentiilwayskeiif on Liand and A#e order $55, Shun corner Malil and Y;ihingtu tieete. Ann Arbor, Oct. 8, 1S62. SÏStf ''"' i i HOWARD ASSOCIATIOK, riIU.ADKI.PHIA, PA. DlteiMSI of Ilic JioiTnns, Setulnnl.ïTrlnnry aml Sexitnl Systems- new and roliable '. mout- in ríportí of liie ÏIOW.MÜ) ASSOCIATION- i Sent by lïr.til in uciilpd lottor envelopes, Tree of chamr. i Addrcaa Dr. J. SKH.UX UOUGHTON, Hmvar.I Associali, ni fío. 9 8tttth Nmth Street, Hillidelpuia, Péonsflvn1a, lyW Estáte of Eliakim Walker. OTATE 01' MICHIGAN, Pouhi tor W i& i r-, es. 0 At a Bession of the Probate Court for Ihe ( Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, In a! uv, Arbor, Oï Mouday, the 1 1 f June, tu I theyear one lil hundred ind sixty-flve. Present. Ihri.ii, i. ■ . ' ., .-, In the matter of the Sítate oí Eliakim 'Walker1.i1ceoas 't. On rending and iiling the p.nition, dnly vt Naucy Walker, praying that she uud Alben L SFalker, ; or some other imitable porton, mav W appoi miniutrator on the eatate of said deceai Therenpon It e Orderd, ilint Momlsv, the tenthdav 01 Jaly next, at ton o'clockiu the (breuoou, bc . for the li .■.■! Df said petitfon, and üiat the era at litw of fiid deceatsed, and all othor persons (nterested in said estáte, ai!e reqtürcd to a.ipear at au ion oL said Court, Uien to holden at the Probate ( the City of .uii Arbor, and show cause, If any there bc, why the prever of the petiiioner should not be granted : And t is furtlu -r ordorcd, that Hïid petitioner :'ive jiotice td the persona iirterested in said estáte, of the pendpney of said petHion, anfl the hearing thereof, bvcanslngacopy f ibis Order to be publishedln. the M.rlngun Argiir, i newspaper, pflin)ed and circnli said County, tliree surr.e-t.ive weeks previons tó Baid d.iy of haaring. (A trucenpy.; IIIRAM S. BEAKEH, ww Judire of Probate. Estáte of Danforth - Minors. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cora i v of W tsim-.xAw , Js V At a sossion of the Probato l'ourt for the Countv of Washtauaw, bolden at the Probate Uilice, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the uinth day ofjiinc, in tho yeaï one thou-and elghl bnudred and sSxty-flve Present, Ilirain J, Beakes, Jadge at Probate In the niatter of the Estáte oJ Daniel F. Danforth and Elizabeth F. Danforth, niiin,"s. Onreadlngftnd film:; the potition. atdy verïfled, of Mary Danforth. Onaraiaii mit , -iHl minors, praviii" thatshe jnaybeli se,: to seli ceiiain real estáte beloii,í,'inpr to said minor. Thereupon it Ordered, that Monday, the t"iith d-iv of July noxt, at teu o'eiock in the ibivnooi). be asskmetl : tbr the hesrln of said pe'.iliu!., and thai tii kin of said minors, and all other persons interésted in Said estáte, are reaulred lo appear at a session of said Court, then to holden at the Pröhkte Office, ii; the ' City of Aun Arbor, and show cause, if any there be why the prayer of the petiiioner shoüld notbecraútcd: And it iï further ordcred, that said petitioner glve notiee to the uext of kin, and all other persons interested 11) said estáte, of the pondency of said petition jind the heimiiL.' thereof. by CSBsUg a eopy of this Order to be publishcd in the Mühi,an Art", a newspaper pnnted and in said Cor.utv. tliree successivè weeks previous to ütüd day ot' li-ariul(A truc couy.j 'HIRAM J?'bBAKHS 1013 Judge of Pfobate. Ik-al Estáte for Salo. CTATK OFMÍCHIOA.V Corvrv ,„.- V,", ,„r]:, ltt-,s,, O In tho maller of the Rétate of Judah K. MpLean, Inte of said Connty dcceasetl : Notiee is herebv rfven that ni inirsuani-e of n Order giantefl to the nWerl signed, Adinnnstrator ot the estáte of said deteased. by the Umi. Judge of Probate, of smd C.nntv, (,n ihe tentiday of une, A, 1). lm, there wil] be sold at Public endue, to the highest Indder, at the dweUiiia house on the premlses, h saldConnty, ou Tuesday, tne first day of Anglist, A. I). 18S, al, two 6'clocï In the ixfternoon of that d;iy, (subject to all eucumbrauces bv mortgage i or ptherwise existing at the time of hn death, and atao (rnbject tö the right of denver of Marv I. Mrl.eai,. the id kb of aaiddeoeased.) the folloivín desenbed real estete, to-wii : The West hu of thï í"íí H'Wr}cl', of M'"ti"n "ix "lld al1 uf that part of the West half of the North-East qtiarter of sectiou seveu, North of the Ughw, and flfleen 42-100 acres, on the West slde of that pai-i of the North-Wct quarter of the North-Easl qnarter of said sectio-i seveu. Ij-ui" South of the highway, all beiii" in town three South of range foor Eas.t, in Ihe State of Michigan. WTU.1AM PRESTOS; Admiiiisírator. Dated, June lOth, lMiö. [Uj8 Ilt;al Estáte for Sale! CTATE.)lOIl('IIi(!AX.(',iisTïr„-ffls„„,, .."'"""i'í""' Estl!e of David .Mliam. late" of the County of Y ashtenaiv, in the Stat. deeeased : Notiee is luu-eby glven, that in pui-buauiv uf áh order granted to the undersigned. executor of the ' estáte of said David I,aplinm, by the Hou. Jud"e of Probate for the Connty of Wáshtenaw, on ihe i secona day of May, A. !). 1WB, there win bé soid ai Public vendne. to ..- ider, -i tae dweUré" iiouse on the pTttnlsès heremafter descritiefl Coonty of.WasKtouuw, in töifl State," '5b Tuefiflav .)'■ eteventh day of July, A. D. ïnui, at Un, oi,nk in the afternoon ol that day, (subject to all encnnibrai trfortgííge ot otheT'lee existing al t Uéath of said doeMd,) the toíowrng iescrtberl téát estáte, to-wit: Thírty aeres ofl fronj &a souMi end of east half of the nprtft-esát qnarter of twenty-seven, and the south-west quarter of tlieast quarter, mul the east half of the mth-easl qnnrter of sectiou twenty-seven, coni twenty aeres more or les.--, and the uoith-we-t quarter of the north-v.est rjliarter of sertion thirtv-tive. eon ■ tammer forty acre nu, re or less, al! in injni-, SOuthcfrüll.w eveneast. in ;!■„ ■ ;.ail WAlr;-::; 0. COESÖK, Eecñtor. May 22d, Isi;:,. i.lliu! Commissioncrs' Notioe TATE OF MJfiHlöAN, CotmTt oí W i wrtm tw ss O The undersigued bsytag been appointetl bv the Probate Court for said County, Crmmis.-ionars to ree live examine, and adjust all claim aml ciennuaia of all mt' sons agaiust the estáte of Conrad Sclnvab, late of the l'onnshi]) qf Lodi, in said County, clei-.-aseil. gfve notiee that six months from date are allowed, bv order of said Pnibato Umu't for cceditors i,i . tiieir cl.-iims against the estsjte of eaii Joceai that they will meet at the late resideuce pif said deeeased, in said Countv of Washteiuiw, on 8atnrda.ï tbe twenty-six-th day of Jnly, and Wednesöay, the twentyninth day of November next, at ten o'clock in ihe foreuoon, of eaeh of said davs, to receive, examiue and adjust said claims. JOHN M. WAGIÍER, ) ,, . . : 8O8EPH JEDELK, 5 namlMi ck Dated, May 29th, 1SB6. lOiltd ComtiiisKioriers' Notiee. STATEOFMiCHU;A,C„in-tyo, Wasutknau-, Bs. , The ünaersijjned havmg been appoinn-d by the Pro1 bate Courr for said Ouinty. Cinnmis-i.jueis ft) reeéivëexamine, and adjnst all claims and demanda of all per1 sons agataBt th s tateef Thotaa. [iigrahirt late of ■ the Townulüp of Manchester, ín said County, aeceaeed, i hereby uivo uotiee that six months froni'date are al■ loweB, By orclèr of Raid Probate Conrt, for er.'diiors to , jueser,-., iheir claims aguinai the estáte o' sad deeeased, , and that they will meet at the Townahlp Clerk's oflice, i in the Vlllage of Manchester, in said Connty ot Wash, tenaw, on Saturday, the tnelfth day of iuust, and Monday, the uventy-sevcnth (tey of'Koveinber nest. it om o'cloek in the afteinoon, of each of eaid ém-e to receiYO, esamtne, andacljwt eaii claims phïöbtcs eooSr, ,; . FKEDERICK VALEKTIXE Cowmfestoners. Dnted, May üOth, lsC5. Jontd. Commissivmers' Notieo. STATE o, MICHIGAN, Cockty of WasjJtíxaw, -.. The nndersigned havtug been aiipointer! by the Prok íáte' Court for said County. Cinnniissioners to receive, -f examine, and adjnst ali '"V-ms and deimuids of all per' sous aoramst the éütatc of Gcoriïc W. Lumbard. late f ' tbe VilL-iL'i1 of Chelees, In said Couuty deeeased, hereby F L'iie notiee that sfat months from date, are allowed, by )rder of said Probate Court, for creditoi-s to present ;heir claims agatnst the estáte of said decewed, Und c hat they will meet at the Qodfrey House, in said vilage, ou Satmday, the twentv-niu'tb day of July and ; 9Snrdy, the thirtieth day of September, and Monday, ' he tweuiv-seventh day of November uext. at oñc 1 o'cloek, P. M., of eacli óf aid days, to receive, examine tnd adjust .said claims. THOMAS M. LADD, ] W1LLIAM A. BEG0LB Commissioners ' ELTSHA COiGBON, ) s Dated, May STth, f865; lOiltd. ;' Blorígage Sale, Defaull !uiing been maa rö the coru!itins of a ï raortgage matle by Ilenry C. Fisk and wifia, to Jnlin Darnport, datfil October ls',1859, recorred April 6, ' 1860. at four c'cl.-'Ck in the afteruoon, in the Register ' of Deed '8 oflice f"r the Ct.unty ut Washteoaw, Micbi c iau, ín Liber 2(i of mortgnges, onitap;e 614, ujion ivhich there ís c : i this date, sum of seven liumlred and ! wi-rity-seven ana lifty une hunIredths dollars, auil tbe nmoi lie imiKired dollars and interes! therei n ft'om tli Brst day óf 0c tober, 1RL4, hereafter to beeome hie,for the recovpry if whioh no preceedinga Tiave hítbftrto beeu takeu Í either in hiw or equity: Thrrefure, noticeis hereby riven, that by virtoe of a power ü said mortpage cmi ained, for the parpose of reatizhasc the mouoy i lort' G -aiil ibie, toirether witb accrutng iïiterest nr.i TOSftfrof '' 'oreclosure provided ior in said n;urfj;;tfce. 1, tbe said mortgagee, shall, on the thirtieth diiy uf June, ,8lï5( at t-M q'clq;k in t}ie Oirenoon, at Uie ourt HoiiRe ia tbe City of Aun Arbor. in ïïd Cnunty of Washtenáw, (ihe place of bc-lding the ? mie Court for said Cutii íy) s,] at a . the r remise de-cribed in said molSgflge, t" '.vit : All tilose arcels uf land sitúate íd the toivnsbijt ofM.ini-; ■■ Jounty of Washtenaw , Michigan kiiown aud dccribfd is lollóws. The north half of tbe north half of the north !' ast tjuarter óf section nunlbertfeirty-thrèe (3) in ll shlp nummer roor (4) foath oi range tuiniber three (3) 'ast, containin fortv neres of i;md l'e tlie same more r ir less: Al.-o the middle part cl the nol ih haM'ofthe " aorth-wesi quarter "f spetirtn ntimber tbirty-four (Í14J 8 n townslnp nmnber fonr(4) ioutb of rang-e ninnber i bree (.Éi) ea-l , bounded 00 tlie no:tli lv lnni!? nl' J Xic Valeotine, and on the poutb by'l:vuds krim-rU ! voldnnd deeded by said ,Km ítnventioft toF.nos Lytlo. ; ind c:eui!'inin tlihty -niiu' aerts üf land, be tbe same ',' more or less. ' JOHN' nAVKN'POKT, Morigagfe. E.B. Woon, AMornvy lor Mo.icngee. láMfl, Mareb 'M, ldB5. 1003 -i d Mortgago Sale. ( WHERBtíP, (lefaiilt Ikis been made in tbc ooodilions v (f a certa i u luden tu re ot tímftgigi', mnde 'g ■puled ,u .he lirst . ilay ..i' A]irl, A. I). 1SÓ7 , l)y '' thau i. FosdicJi. to me tbe undersigned) whicii gage was ditly recoidec! on tbe seveath day oí iforesaid , i'n l.iber No. 2'.i o: Mor.tgaffes,orj fge Í50, n the OHce of the lie eeSs od Morfxaées , ñ and 'for the County of Waehtenaw, andStteoí llicjiijífln, aoJ, whereas, there is now dueand unpaid , n said and Boüd ae(-ifnipauing tbe same, í díe Ruiü ')f 83.257 .'-'i', inctudin an AfturneyB feeof S-5, as pro ided Cor i n said Mortyage. and K-Tiertas, no c suit or prue-vdnj;s at law _0T n . etjuity, lias be n c stiíutedto reee er tho sume any part thereof: Now a tharefore, notitíe if hereby eivw, tbat by virtue ,.r a pov, nf sale ni said cmii ,1 ined , 1 ghfl a liut!ic Puotii-ti to tbo bitrlust li' i'[ , ou S:i ' lile l.Mlj day of July next, al 12 o'clock, M.. 01 day, t the front door ifihe Circidt (Joint Fo;ine, ín , tbe City of Aliu vVllior, in sai; County of Washtenaw, (he inrmises deserihed ín ftaid Mortfrage, to-wit : Tbe Kast half f the Smith West Quarter, (E'í of S W ,) " theWeslof tbe North Wesl (luarler, WL ofN ■.,,'] P undthe South half of tlie Kast half of the .utii Went Quarter, S', of F'„ ol X ÍV ' , . ] all of ?eefion No. ten. [10,] in Township N'u. four, [4, flouth of " 1Í m ïi 1; e Ko. five, [5J Kast ; the said preintses Delng 200 F.ervs ot land, aud situated ín tbe Couuty of n:iw, aforesü id . J'.llee.Apiiimb 18(15. e van lir.-w. Mprwaprce. W 96SF. U! Í r-, ileitfni;. 1R)M Rstate of Mosca Rikmxtker OTAfEo. ÍICHIGAN,Coi STyo . . ' k Ata session of ■' '."',ISl-. 1 ,i , ' '[,' : aud reprcseuU thm he „„ ,,,■,.„ ,, 'Ih.-l-.-i-io,! i, . .Onicred. that Mihh'.-h _, „ ■ , "' íu'y ■ forcnon i_ n?a'Jo :-i i l(lece' : qiured tu arpear at a tessiou of sai.] Con - ,Y" "" i tho Probate Office, in the ni f'uT1."1 nsaid Co;_tj-, and show aue, if aiiy ,„""' the said accötrat BhodW not b,' allowad. a'V Autherordored, that said Eiecutor veaotiníi1 persons uterested Ín said estáte of tl,, n to fwW account, and the hearing ftereof ],!■ ■„,', , rac! I rder to be pnblishefin the .wíOfMl n wi ! npev printed and cfrenlattiig in úid Ce intï suoceBShte reeks previuo to .-aid dav of ],,.. ,' th lA ni, w., UIRAMf. BE._f _____ JudgeufftjJ 7 sta,e of Kubert Wilkiusn C r ATK PM1C nGAN. cv, ST, O1. W.1SH, ,,A'1o the ïrobate Oourt tot t_ (_. V. aebtenaw, UoW_ at ihc Probato Office ,V?k ol Anu rbor, on Monday, the flftli dav'oi J8_ Ihe yeai c tüotísaBd ci-hr. hundred aadifrt_!? Present, HirainJ. Beato, J,,d o ?ftoí_ ■ " r ' CT f thü Est"te f bert mfio OnréacliiwriUfCfliing the petitlon, dulv wri_ Thoma Wifkinaon, Guardian unto said n uo, Í '1 to sell certain re"ffi lonsting tb s J ' mínoí. "-"utel I Tllereupoii i Order, l tilfrí Fridaj. Uu __ _y.of June Instant kin theforeffl! aiirfgped tor the hearing dpïtajo p Htion, aód_S kta of safai minor; án_ ..:'.„.;„, „r" estedin Rad estáte, are requireel to ap (,'S of snid CKrart, theu to Ie holden at the J'ruiaL S u the City of Ann Arbor, and show causé! SM be, why the prayer of the petltloner , „ , P, gfd r A.ul it 1, furthei oniernl. tha Sd1__ er rive uottcu to the. next of k-in of said minor JS ersóns nterested in eaid estáte, of UicwS of snli petit..... and the hearluj; thereof by __S copy oftMs Order lo be pnbTished in tiièS? -■('■■. a _opajer, priuted and circula_T__ Coty,tbroesutó;iveweek:previousa_l (A trur uipy.) HIRAM J. DEAKES. ll Jl"'.=?cofProbitft Estuto of Nelson Healey. O PATE OF Miumax, Coustï ,„■ Wiein__ O At a üesüiou uf the Probate Conrt fort___tï Waahtenaw, holden at the Probnta OSm ___S_ "f nn irbor, on Tin-dar. ;Uv thirlieth iiVonw, " thi .■:,! one tliousanrt cïirlii hnriared anii i_h_L' ', Present, Hlnun J. Beakes, Jndge of Pro_T lu the matter of the Estáte of XebonHeiw a tlie petition, dulv vM_ , Alonzo HeaFey, prayiuir that Philip Bach m,,?' pointed Administratpr on the mtate of aiddeee_r fhereiipon it is Ordered, that Wédnewliiv thp ,l:,v of June next, at t folWinjkS M-ncd tor the Bearaig of said petition, uidtiïï lwof ,idk ,i oth,.rpcrs_ï terested in said estáte, are required to apiioariui sion oi said Court, then to be holden at the PnS ta ' or,_d.ho3S re be, why the prayer of the Klilioiierö dotbegrented: ini h is fnnher ordered _hS petitiiiner mve tiotfce to t6 persons uiterestediiï ütion. andtbeiS eoi byeausiogadopyof this Order tubeóïï n the Mvhi„nn. Ugus .anewspaper.prSSB drcnlatliiitin said County: s„ccesiyè ivSS vious to lid Uay of hearing. "rajo (A trnc eopy.j. ÜIKAM J. BEAKES, 1:111 -''bcirProbiUi Es ate of Daniel V. Coggijj STATE of MICHIGAN, (.'.., v,v,.-v' Al a session of the: I i i'iie'öm oí VVaslltenaw, holden ai the Probate Offl__fi City of Anh Ari ed , tl tliirfr_FB oor. thousauil eij.1 1 l,audri_ Dl fíiram J. Bcake in Uie iiu.iter of the Jfatate oi Daul, I aeceasud, ' On rai uod SI ■■ l.,.ii.ainin Koot, 11 hc or : pei'èou, maybe trator uuilieatiU of eaid dao . rt'ednesday, Hefk day of ueit, at ten o'clock in the !bieiixm,be"'■ ti' hearú tition, and that the I! otlieqOTnomh. .u-e ivqiii.M! lo :in;iuartlM. sion of safd Court, then tol ld .; 'li-Probile In the City of Ann -'iwcawi aiiy there bv, why the praver of the p títiontraiSi ■Anted: And it is forthér i.rdered, tinta to the pernons iuteresuinssï in ilr'-i'of. bt eansing a copy of OrSer tobepóiishcd il the Mü himn Ajyus] a r.w.-naivr. pruited_ cmumtijng ii) said Cbunty. thi ..■ weeksp vious to said day of Iv. ■:. (A trae caiiy.j liiliAJI J. BÊAKES, 10H "fProtale, o of lielci) E. WoletT1 STATE OF MiCHJUAX, Coral v or WasiitexÍm 0 At a session of thé Pi-obate Court for thct'oootrrf -.iw. holden at the Probate ( iffin-, in the Cilj ffonday, the twculy-ninthay1' ; h ■ yèar ote thou.sand eiirht huuiircdaodailTIva. , ■ut, Hiram J. Beakcj, Judge of Proivite In the matter of the Kstate of Helen K, WakotU muior. On reading and fllin th petition, diily veriM, of Joslab. Uüthawav, öaardian unto - t"''l hem sed to eell cerüáii reatestatí lefagiöj; ro said intnt;r. Thcrenpou il is Ordered, that Woiidav tRc-twefirstxth day of .lime ne.v' i ie i:i tfie. forenoon.' be aFsigoed for tlie beariug t' sai petiuuu, iuiiltiat thi' next of kin of said minor, and all oth tevested i . :, . sUm of said Conrt, then to : ji líe frotóte o, ■'■■!■. in ;iv City of Ann Arhor, and dw anv there be, why the praver t.f tbe [X'Lmoner iouí. ii'illie muited: ' And it ia ..rtiUiajlii petltloner give nottce to the next of kin of sádmmor, and all other persony rateresLedán said , pendency of said petition. and tlie !;e.irini;thereol,b? ransin, a copy of this Ortler to lx pnblisheduilk i', prüíted aud circMlaliai in saiil Coftnty, three sdcuesüive weeks prurioiutont ilay of hearinjr. (A tr.;,M-oiiy.l IIIBAM J. ÜKAKES, MM - Judge of Probtiei Estáte of Philander Lewis. STATK MICtílGÁN, CorsTï of Wasiit_ai_ At 'aéèsetön of the Probate Conrt for the Cof f Waslueiiiiw, holden at the Probate Office, in ai Sty of Ann Arbor. on Wednesday, the thirty-flrstdlf )i May, in ilie year one thousañd eiirlit huadredtta dxty-live. l'iesrnr, Hiram .T. Beakes; Jndae of Probate. Iu the matter of the Estáte oí Philander Lcwis,' :oased. Onreadnig nnd fllint; the petition, dnly veriic4ol Mary Jane Pleas. prayiu 'ge ,N. Ji. Rcowü jr some other pnitable persim, in iv !,■ appoiuted Aa niuistrator of the et-late of said deceased. Thereupon it is Ordered, that Tuexday, thetwcDl;fventh day of June next, at ten o'clock in the fis loon. he assiiiL-,1 tbr the ïteiring of said petitioftw hat the heirs at Iaw of ?aid decèascd, and all othef w -ons int,-. -■U-. are rec uired to íippearií 1 scs.-ion of sai i ' to l)e holden at thePWMte Office, in the Ciry of Ann Arbor, and showcM f any there be, why thj prayer of the pt;titi,iicr showo lol be granted : And il is further ordered. thalsg i the persone mterestedto 'state, of the peniietiev (l said petition, and the heffnu' thereof. bi oaushig a oopy of this Ordortobci lehed in the Micliiran Ajyu, a newspaper, priuwdaw srculating in said Connty, three s;ic-rsivi' u'ccksp 'ious to said dav of Hearing CAlruecopy.j UIRAjM .T. liEAKES, 1CH Judge of Frobüle. Efetote of Eü Riggs j_Wf_OÏ MiCtniaAN, r.irsn oiM'ssiiTraJ,"- J Al a session of the Probate Court for tin CoWttö iVashtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in "elTï if Ann Arhor. on Thureday, tiieeii.'hteen:lt'.'' '::- . ■' n the year oue thou.-and i'iglit hiiudivd aKÓS''" Present, Hikah -J. Bi iki s. Judire of Proba , lu the matter of tlie. estáte of LÏi Kiggs, :i?ÏÏ'.f On fèaafng and fllinfc the petition, ciuly venteo."Vmlrcw V. Eiggs, Adnimistrator, prayingtlutwff ie lieensed to bell certaiu real estáte, wliereof íWac' :eae4 died seized , Therenpon it is Ordered. that Monday, thethinlog )f July next. at ten o'ulock in the forenboa, of the hoarjiifi of said petition, and that !hc le'BS aw of said deceased. aiid all other persons '"''"ij nsaidestnte, are required to apiwat át aJ",ï aicl Com-t, then to be holden at the Probate Om ■ he City of Ann Arbor. and show cause, if "íní the ilravër of the petiti(ne shuuld not K ;ranted : And il ïs ,'urtlier ordered, that sliil Pct"" „i ive colire to ihe peixms iuterestcd in saiuestfl? he pendency of said pcrition. and the hoariiii.' i''rT ly cansing a copj of this Order to be publisïedmij li li,-' u Artjiu. a newspaper, priiited and areiuaa n said County, four suttrv h ,' j.rcviouB [av of hearing. f trné copy.J UIRAM .1. BEAKES, Kun JmU-eofProl Estáte of Herman Sehkiek. ST.T1:iF.MICHK:A!'. Countj ol UVlitenilTj '■" Ai :, Kiis5on of the l'rolinte Court tM Cow i( W_U-naw, holden at the Probate Ultice i r rbor, un We.lufsdav, tlie t'"11"i!i .f May. in the yèat oüe thoustcd 'eigat iiuuor" ml Mty live. l'resent, llirai.: ,1. Benhes, Jv.ilire of Frobatc. [t the m__t ui tht! _1' "' iUriïan ScM' -I Hlfng the pctitlon, lu'y Tfri, Schaftli-, pralng tha1 the 'lini"isral'(,tt umi ,i.j,i oí lid estáte be a uÜionMt d "' „f o.nij tn nhn cerkun Beat Bstato in p uisaíof t ontroct in mulo betweoa the salo (lew lul t lio said peti) rontiThBreunonit is drdered. that Monday, tli "ÏÏ2,. rith rta.v nt JÚO6 next, at ten o'eloet In thf et't ie MHtignvil for thu hearing of naai t' ,, nd that the heirs at la-w of mM llece , nd uil otlier pexsons intersted in aai'l cptate. t0 uil-d to appear ata sesmon of said Courti tbeIÍ ioMr-nat 1!ie ProDató OllH-e. in the Cilv of Airn T" 'f mlBhow cause. if any be, wly tlif prJw. "',. letitioner Hhoiihl not be granted : ö ;■ fl tg her onlèrod, that said , irive "utl"„c; be persons interestert in san! tstatp, I ' l"",in. s f Bid i„.tition,ni,ti the hom in? therof.b.v """(j. opjr ui this, Order to be published '" '"'„auJ an AyqiCs, a newspaper printed :iin!t'iiviil;u'nP :ounly, six succesrive weeks lui'vious to 6i ?wn ,,v.l HinAMJ.BKAKK;,.


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Michigan Argus