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%vmm xtúm& ""cTïi. ÍLLEÑ. HF.ALKR in Dry Goods, Groceries, Orockery, &c. Sc. U M;un Street, Aun Albor. "hïliFbach. DEW.EKS in Dry Gortds.Grooftrtfts. Boots _ Sho?ir Sc, Main st., Anp Ari'or. [ "risdon Thenderöon. nEU-ERS in Hardere, Stoyes, house furnishing D gooóa, Tin Ware, &.■, fee-, New Bloek, Mamst. j XTTsÜTHERLAND, i GRST fffr the New York Life Insurance Company. A Offlco on Uur street. Also bus on hand a stock [(tlio mogtapproYe-Uewing machine. "P"" n J-FAT J,UKK-ET-Hron Street-Gmoral êealer in Jltoi, md Satt Meats. Beef, it-tton, l'ork, Hams, Poaltry, Lard, Tallow, &c, &C. lüÊWITT & BREAKEY. T Hl'SICI l.VS AND SURGEONS. Office at tiheresiP deoce of nr. Lf witt, nortt side of HiítO-,to doors Srest of División streeft. M. aUÏTERMAN &CO. fHOLESALE and ftetaii Dealers and Slanafacturer-. of Ready-Mado dothtag Importers of oíhi.. ; Simeres, Doeskins, tc.Nc. , ?hft3mxB1ocV, Main ut. WM. WAGÑER. DEALER in P-Güdy Made Clotliing, Clotlis, Cassimeres, tai Vestings, Hat?, Cjcjss, Trunks, Carpet Bags, _c, Wwnix lü'ick, Main ítrect. "LAWSONSÖN. GROCERS, Provisión attd Cnwmission Mer_Bg,Bd llealèfs in NViiter l.fmi-, Lan.l Piaster, and Piaster; 01 Pris, one door east of Cook's Hotel . SCÖTT & LOOIÏIS, IMBROTYTE an. Pliotogiaph ArtWs, in the rooms A over Cuiupum's Oothiog store., l'hwuix Block. Perïfctaj'éisficiïongiven. C. B. PORTER. SURGEOH DKOT1ST. OfficoCorner of Main aadHuron Itreets, oV-r Bach _ Pierson's Stort. A calis; Jrui[itly ittended to AprlS59 . MACK & SOÏÏMID. tvKALERS in i?orfa and nemestic Dry Good.GroceU rie. Kits'l fiar. B,o.f HA SUooa, Croctery, ie., Cornwrof Main & Libert) st$. ANDREW BELL. HKiLER in (iroceries, l'rovisic-es, Fïour, Produces: iJSc, iic, corfic: Kain and Washington Street?, Ann.Uoor. 'ílie uighest inaiiet pricespaU lorcountry prwlace. 886 ï). ORAMÉR, ATTORXEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Agent for the Pliuetiix Fire and Counectitut Mututl Life InsaraiKïe Co'Uifanies. Conveyingaud Cnilccting prompt'.; attendeii ■. Offl'-e ovlt Stebbins & Wilson's Store. M. C. BTANLEY, thotograpliic _í.x'tisBt. Qenvf Main and 11-aron Ötreete, Ann Arbor, Micb, PHOTOGRArHS, AKBaOïyi'_S,&c. -Sic, o the latest styles,aud cveryoffort maèe togive satis(Mtiim. 956tf D. DeFOREST. JTHOLE3A_E and retail dealer in Lumber, Lath, 'I Shmgles.Sash, Iloors.BHnds, Water Lime, Grand Si'er Piaster, Piaster Paris, aml Raits laf allsizes. A tilland perfect a siörtii ent of the above, and allotber tin U of buildiug luatei-ialrf constantly on hand at the 3fesfpo3sible rates,on Detroitst .,a few rodsfromthe liilnaA Depot. Also operating extensively in the fttèntOêfirtut Roofing. T TJMBER YARD ! C. KUAPF, HiJalnrffé and %voll ftoclsoi". Lumber Yard, on JeCTera Street, in the South part of thé City, andwillkeop ionstantly on hand an excellent vanety of LUMBEB,, BHING-LES, LATH, &c. hich will be sold as low as can be affordedin thís nwrket. Qiiality aml priceii sucli that no one need go to Detroit. CONRAD KRAPF: Ana Arber, Dcc. Cth, 1864, 986tt jUEff MUSIO STORE! Persous wisliictg to buy Pianos or Molodeons, iiouKl go to WïLSEY'S MU.IC STORE, bcforopureliasing elsewhere. He wil. warrant satisfaction to NrchastTB, and taktís plcafiure in reforrinpf to tliose ho hnvo already purchaKCil df iiim. He takes pride a saying that he lias givoo the best of satisfaction tWfariandintends ko to doinall caftes. Any Piano ''! be fnrnisht'l that piurchasor may requirc. IIo ishes it to be di.stinctly understootl tliat he will uot bo XJ 3ST 1D 33 R, S O I_ JD kT ny dealer East or West. S. Il.-The latest SEEEÏ MDSIC tórsalo, PIANO "OOI.-?, te. ALVIN WILSEY. AinArtor.Dcc.27th, 1864. 983td FOR S_4-I_E! OfJ HOÜSES AND LOTS, worih from 1,000 to " $5,000. Allo severül improved FARMS. , A-r. 8ÜTHERLAKD. 4'oArbür, Feu. 2J,18ö5. !J91tf Commerci! Ageot.


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Michigan Argus