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ALWAYS ON HAND. Sg rpilE 8iibscriber hos rekJSCv -v - lllovetl Iiíh Shoj) to Main I Jxk Ti St,rèet, opposue IJ. Beek. ÍPV'Wr3 Brick' Stol, where Vr t "Iffllfe mny iüll"(l n';uy '' ís4' hffil$i Wait lll)g",n11 tliatmay L'ive ! 7"" , "TT" . H,avnSJuat reccivoddi reet irom New York an elegant stock of 9 JEWEIRY, 6 and Fiincy Anieles, wlilcli he intends 1o snü offer iha has ever btcn sold west of Buffalo for Ready Pay Oali. Ámong whicli may bo lounil o cood assortment of Gold and Conimon I Walrh Keya. Gold Fineer Rings and Bosom "7 Pir.s, Guard Cliains, hilvcr Tea nnd Tnble rs; Spoons, Sugar Tongs, Butler Knives. Silvcr ms Pcncil cns'ïs, Silverand Commou Tliimbles. Silc- ver Spcctacles, Gemían, do.. Steel, do., Hair Drushes. Cloihcs do., Tooth do.. Lathor do., Fine Rnzors and Pocket Knivte. F:i:c Sheara and Scissors, Lnthcr boxes. llnzor Strops. Walletts. Purscs, Violins nnd Bows, Flutes. Violin cn aud Bass Violin Stiin's, Clarionet Jlucds, Pcf,( cussioii Cnps, Pocket Pistols. Briitanin Candlejj 8IÜJK8, Waiches, 1, citer Stampa. Stonl Pens and '', Tweezors. SnuiFand Tobacco boxes. Fine combp, J Dressing do., Sido do.. !o.. Shell do., Needka and Cases, Water Pninis, Toy Wat ches, Kid Dolls, a qreat varicty of Toys too numerous to nientioii. Beuds, Neeklaces, Fancy Boxcs, &c. &c. Ci.ocks and Watciiks of every dercription repaued and wurramod, also, Jcwelry repaircdon short noiice. xr o .. CALVIN BLISS. eis IN. il: Ca-h paid kou OLD GOLD AND SILVER. c# jj nn Arüori Oct. 24. l.Q4l. 23-tf! ALLEBASTS MEDICINES. T1IKSE MEDICINKS AREirficcting sucli :i6ioiiishing cures in m'iltiludes of old cases Jong eincc abandoned hy 'S, Physicians and Smgeons as utterly liopeless. tht no incdieiaes, wheie iheae are known, etand si dcFcrvtdlv high. They consist of THE BLACK.. OJl ALLEBASI'S SALVE, t(, Prïce 2q Ceñís, ke Wliich rurrfi almos! tmivcrsally. Fever Sores, of ij the most mnÜynnnt kind, Fclons, Ulccrs. kbJ] secsses, Tumors. Frnctures, Cuts, Punc'iurcs Ie Burns, Scalds. Sore Throat. Chilblains, Quinscy. Drop y. Indamatory Hlmnnatism. Inlammaiions and Swillinscfevery description, Scald ,o Head, Aue in the Face, Nervoua TooihAche. - Afine m the Breast, Brokcu Bicast, &c. Ac ALLEBASI'S HEAIIH I ILLS, 25 Ce'n.g. Tlieso Pilla have acquired a popularitv wiihin ihe lust ycar o1 nvo, wliic!. no oilier ï'ills pOssess. 'i he rc.ifonsurc obvi')u3 to all Vvho use -x them. Thpv cuve rtll lülions. Scarlet and othre er Fcvors, Fcver and Agüe. Dyepepsia. Dropsy n Acid Stoinath, Disorder, d BoweJrfs or Siotnacli : Jaupqi.ce, Htinl Aciie, in the Ilend.' II Wornis. LivcrCoinplaint, Jlcart Burns, Tholic lov onipljiint, GeiiciiiiDcbiüty. CoEtivei:es?, Ac. &,. Theiipuiily the cniiic 'syslcm. U-ave Ihe bowels in a visorous and healthy condition, Ac. Seopnmphlet. ALLECASl'S TOOTH ACHE DROPS. Vrice U') Cents. Willcine an ordipnry e of Tooih Achr in Irom to re:i initinti'S. For Ncrvons and of Tuoili Aclic. ree P;iii.j,1i!(.(. ALLK1JASJ-.S POOH MN.'S PLANTER T'ricc, 25 taify Aio wair.-imrii io bc siijtiVnor lo any ptlicr I'lns( is in 'liis or nnv oilier conntrv. f;,r ,)n,, nr scakin8s in ilie i.i k. Clicft, Bowels Mu8clc8, nnd lor RhsumaiieiQ, Luna nd Lfvcr C(trn!-""nfs, Cotighs. CoJds. Asthnia -Vc. Sic pnmplilut. N. H - io ask ihe ngeni fur n (nnpliUt uhidi gius al) ilie infornialion iiêceisory resÍecting ihe usfs of ihe MrflicifKP. rlic viriurs bey pota, etc. Picase lo ol(.w drreciiorii in he of ihe medicincsj and yoL i;iay joly uuon :ill ih.ii is prohilsèd. A ülicr.i' (isciMint Diade to mcichantsnnd othcrs. wlio I.jjv to scll ïfriiin. LYMAN W. (Il HKKT. Proprior, _vvii,,lc..-.r [)riijrLisf, 21. Fuffon st. N. Y. ffj'For snlc ly ih: .Miliscriher. who Ji.-,fi heen ippfiiuod írencral „gcnj l)r C (ny ()f ]){.ln)jt nul iis viêiriiiy. Country déniers snpplicd on lil)era! lernis, C. NORSE, Michigan BtoJt Store. The atuve medicines are for sale at dio Rook" Store of ;.j. R3 pERRY. In Ann Arboi, Lowcr ViDaee. Docêmlier 9 18-1!. 34 f l ÖO,OOO PO9!ift4l8 ' 'pl-lK Suiiscribers will pay (J.-ish (or Wuol al ' JL ilicir Hi-iin. Ko. lltf Jofibwon Avenue - Grom care Miould be IftJwn ,y Wool-Growe.s .11 clci.iioing iheir [Wopl, iin.l pi.ttinp t up lit nnrk(;t. Mfiny Finners are in the h.ibii o' clippmg their Wool wiilieui washuig, w hicli jenlers it uniiierchiintiiiilc. J..;t it be well wnshed. ui-! loü.d Btlaht tis possjblo-, nside out.aqd fastenrd wlth a Strohg ortf. THö3e li.-uii, Wool tosefl will consult thcir mierest by eallmg on uslielbre selling. ' IVEW GOOÏÏS. WEfirenowr.cciving our Spring slock of Boods wlnc-h we offer for Cash or Pro'lucc. ut ihe vory lowost riiáíkei pnce S.MITJI. GLOVER &. DW1GIJT. Detroii? May. IMÜ. 2i;{-tf POLL AUD TEMPBJRAaiCE HOUSE, BY L. D. & O. wisYBüRN. ' X' ar the. Stcamhout anl Pochet Lun!illg.B,ffdo. r;HIS establishment has dn ing the "past winter, been coiisiderably enlargud. and improycd vmh new iurn.iurc.. etc, and is npw ready 10 mnkcihe Travel Ier at home, at the moderate charges of x5 cents per mcal, and b7 Ceuta per 1 Passengors and I Baggago conveycd to and from the House lite of charge. N.B. Passcngers fiom the East will fir.d a bign lor the house, in the Depot, under wlnch to place their Baggage. mv'0,'''"1 ibóv House ihercis an E A TLG ESTABLISHMENT, on the European plan. Wc. tho subHcrihcrs, raicé pleasurc irt recommennmg ihe ahovc Houso to the Iriends of the caue. as benig wonhy of their patronage. BüfTalo, February, 1845. Gmo 212 BELAVAIVI HOUSE ' ALBANY, NEW YORK. Kif NATI1ANIEL ROGERS. f ÍIIS celebrated house is now open for the re cept.on of travelers, it having undergone a ihorough rppairwithin the last few months It is etrietly a fempsrance House, and while no pnins will hespared to make it all thm the traveling public can aslt, it is expected in return tliui :it will receive the paironage of all thefriends ot 1 emperance who may have occasion to visit Albany. May 19, 1,845. 212-C,n MARLBOao HOTEL. TLMrERANCE HOUSE, NATHANJEL ROGERS. No. 2-ií), Washington Street, Boston. T'JIS house has undergono a ihorough repair, and it is intrndcd that norum house shall be superior to it. It will ho under the inmediato charge of Brown fc Colburn, as Mr. Rogera keeps the Delevan House in Albany. May h), 1845. L 2:2-6m Cicesc Fcalhci'8. THE Suhscribcr has ahvays on hand a good bupply oí Gecse Feathers which ho will scll in quantities 10 suit purchaicra and at the lowest market ratc. . , W. A. RAYM0ND. Detroit, May 23. 1845. 213-6mo 7 A Travcliiiff llaskct, f rDJEp Carpe t Bagsí Straw and Cano Bage, IJ forsalo by W. A. RAYMOND. Dciiou, May i9, 1843. 213-6mo


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