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Our Daughters

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Some writer says. a Our daughters do not grow up at all now-a-days ; tliey grow all sorts of wayp, and as crooked as crooked sticks." Our girls get hardly enougli sunsbtne to grow at all in. Indeed, mauy women among us never could have f'ully got tlieir growtfi, else why are they such tiny mortal?, looking a-i if a puff from old Kawadin would blow th-em away? We need to turn our girla out of doors - that is the long and short of it - they will never be good for anything until we do. The boys knock around and get oxygen enough to expand their lungs, broaden their chests, and paint their faces with health's own hue ; but our lazy, lazy daughters ! Ah ! there is the burden that breaks down the mother's heart. How aro they, eo frail, and sensitivo, aud delicate, ever to got along in thia weild Mother, you must bestir yourself quickly, or they will be as unfit as your gloomiest imagination can païnt them. You are responsible ohiefly for making them so tender. Proteet them suitably from the weather, and send thom out of doors. Tho pure air wïll braco up their unstruug nerves, strengthen tho wcak lungs, and somo good gust oí wind will in time sweep away the ill-nature and peevish spirit which sitting forever in idleness in a luxurious home will not fail to engender. The oext thing you should do for your daughter is to give her some domostic euiployment. Ii you keep a dozen servants, your duty to her remains the same. No one can be happy, or qualified to make others so, who has no useful work to do, Besides this, she must learn somfitimo, or she will bo poorly qualified for ever being at the head of an establishment of hor owu. No one in the country can' rely upon always having good, trained domestica ia her house. The beat rrquire some instruotions, are Hable to leave you from sickness or other causes, and any household is in a pitiable condition whcre the mistress is not quite equal to suoh. an emergency. - Arthvr'a Home Magazine. J53T1 Of all the ireaks of tho telograph, the following is the most Liughablo which has come under our personal knowledge. Not long since a gradúate from one of our eastern thoological schools, was called to the pastoral charge oí a church in the extreme south-west. When about to start for the new parish he was unexpeetedly detained by the incapacity of his Prosbytery to ordain him. In order to explain his non-arrival at the appointed time, ho sent the followiug tulogram to the deacons of the church : " Presbytery lacked a quorum to ordain. " In the course of its journey the mcisage got istrangely metamorphosed, and rer. hed the astonished deacons in this shnpe : " Presbtery taokcd a worm on to Adum !" The sober church officers wero greatly disc jmposed and mystifiod, but aftar grave consultation eoncluded it was the minister's fecetious way of announcing that ho had got married, and accordiugly proceeded to provjde lodarings for two inete;:d o{ olie ' w ..'i'ifi nvii


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