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Funeral Customs In Norway

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As we went through a streetiu Chris tiana, wo saw the pavoment strewcd with evergreens. Wo were told that a judge was dead, and was to'be buried that day, and Ihat twigs and branches of trees soattored alotig „ihe ground were a sign oí mourniiig Wo vvaited till the procession carne up. Thehearse was on opeu car, festooned with evergreens, and in tho ceutro lay the eoffin, on which were garlauds of freah gathered flowers. Two little boys were the cbief mourners, and theu followed about a hundied gentlemen, many of thern in robes of office. At the gates of the cemotery a band of twenty or thirty boys headed the proce&siou, and im:nodiately commenced a wild, wierd, melancholy ehaut, which they sang in parts very creditably. As soon as the coinpauy arrived at the grave the coffin was lowered without auy cerenioay. Then a pnest, in a black robe and a large white frill, wbich the Lutheran clergymen etill -ear, delivtred au extemporo addrnss. Altbough we could not understand it, we could teil by his impassioned eloquonee, and by the eiaotioa of the bystandors, that it was very beauti ful, and whon he stopped at the edge of the grave and uttered the "furves," there were few who had dry eyes. ïhe boys then re-coiumenced tbeir ohanting, and wben all the followers had shaken hands with the repiesootatives of the family of tho deceased and the priest, the wbole cereiuony was over, and the coinpany di-ípersfed. Iu walking through tbe cemetery ve.vüefosti-uck to see that uearly every grave" ktyi a-.eeat,, intended for ejrrowgj-elatives lo. eome and sit beside tbeir friends who had gone to the land tnat iá very {nt['oS and on nearly every !gra-é 'tbeite öre' bouque's of iresh ,g&thered.';fli}w'emr Jiotes of a Recent Visitjg Jareay liiínebc


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