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Commencement Week

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Tbis has been Commcncemerit week at the University, and tlio excrcises lmvo boen sucli as usually pci'tain to the anniversary, Our time, howover, has been so oceupied in attending upón a sick , member oí' our family - a goud excuso, I wo trust - that wo ure without our usual detailed report of leotures, gatLerÏDga, etc. Sabbath afteruoou Dr. IIavkn delivered the Baccalaurcute discoursc, which wo havo hcard higbly commonded. Sabbath eveniug Prof Haven, of Chicago, delivered an appropriate and instruCtivj address before tho Christian Assooiation. Monday eveniug Prof'. Wki,cii, of the j State Normal School, delivered the anni' versary addrcss before the Litorary 8ocioties. Tuosday erening Dr. S. P. Duffibld, of Detroit, delivered the anniversary oration beforo the Alumni, iu which, we think, he very fbolishíy rc-opened tho eontroversy ahout thc Presidency. On the same evening oecurred tho excreisos of the Sigma Phi conventiou. ílon John Cochran presidod, an oratiou was delivered by the Iiev. A. K. Sthoxg, of Galena, 111., and a Poem by the llev. Mr. Stoddard, of N. Y., after whieh tlie fraternity bad a supper. Tho exercises of Couiuieucoment, proper, ocourred Wednesday, forenoon and afïerunoon. ïhe slight luoruiug shower laid the dust, tho day was cool and dclightful, and thc Prcsbyterian Church was well filled with citizens and strange-rs, especíally ladies, always nterestod in Oomniencemeñt day. The excrcises wero coudueted in accordance with tho following progranmie : 1. Mexico, Albekt Jexnings, Birmingham. 2. Legacies of the Rebelión, Charles M. Gookskll, Pontiao. 3. Conflicts of Mind, Stephen W. Clark, Lynn, MaBS. 4. Mystery, Edward P. Goodrich, Allegan. 6 Logic of National Lifo, David Kkllee, Ji, Kirkorsville, O. G. Originality, James D. H. Cohxeliüs, Adrián. 7. Siipvemacy of Principie. Frascis L. Walker, Base Lato. 8. " The Mills of the Gocin grind alowly," Charles G. Williams, Chicago, 111. 9 The Distribution of Material in "Ilowe's Bridge," William Borjxun, Iíattle Creek. 10. The Waste of Intellect, Homee C. Powbrb, Mecca, O. 11. SpiriUialiím, Daniel Mossoe, Qra8s Lako 12. Vitality in Principie, AiiRAii J. Aldkicd, Coldwaler. 13. Moral Uses of Civil War, Okbon B. Cüüïia, Wayne. 14. Torsión, Artede Hill, Eftst Saginaw. 15. April löth.lSOö, and its Lessons, Ciiarlüs A. Dudley, Fredoiiia, 0. 1G. Itetrospection, " William J. Matnaed, Ami Arbor. 17. Our Lot, Jobs B. Rooi, Cato, N. T. 18. Civilization, Pleasaíít Boxd, Indianapolis, Ind. 19. The Niágara International Suspension Bridge, David McKenzie, Drumraondville, C. W. 20. Imagination, John Thomson, Niles 21 American Literature, W:lliam II. Barnes, Jacksonville, 111. 22. National Permanence, William II. Fifield, Jackson. 23. Enthusiasm, Gabbiel Campbell. Ypsüanti. 24. Design for "Robinsou'a Arched Girder," AcuiLLis W. Untuank, Spicelaud, Ind. 25. Man and Society, Oscak P. Bills, Tecumseh. 20. " Le Tiers :Etat." Sanfokd B. Ladd, Milford. 27. Never - A Poem, Arthbb II. Snow, Clinton. 28. Fredericksburg, Diílos PuiLLii-s, Marquette. 20. Oeodesy, Geook Y. Wisxkr, Dresden, N. Y. Excused from Speaking, We have no time to eriticise, but may say that we thiuk the exereises were fully up to tho standard of fornier years and that in some points they cxcollcd. At the conclusión of the orations the degrees were conferi'ed upon the graduates, and also the degrees M. S. and M. A. upon a nuruber of forraer graduates' We have no correct list of tho recipients of these honors. In the ovening the President's soiree was largely attended, with which social and pleasant re-union, tho exercises of the anniversary onded. L3ST ïhe total indebtodness is twenty six hundred and tbirty-five rnillions two huud.ed and five thousand sevon hundred and fifty-three dollars and fifty cents ; the interest, both in gold and paper, beiug ono hundrod and twenty four million six bundred and thirty-eight thousaud eight hundred and seventy four dollars. In view of the above parngraph, which eoncluded a recent report from the Treatfury departmenf, detailing" the national indebteduess, JaT Cookis, tlio finaneial or loan agent of the Treasury, ha proeursd the services of a vvag, who, in a aorious pamphlct, has labored to cbnvincB the country that " a national debt is a national blesstng," aud that tho nation is the richer for owiug a debt over iwo bilüons of dollars. How many raen, bankers, manufacturers, merchante, mechanics, or what not, who are aecustorned to think it desirable to be out of debt, endorso thid oíd Federal doctrine rejuvenated f If it ia true, let us have tho blessing doubled, so that we, tho people, tnay havo the pleasure of paying an annual interest of 8250,000,000 iostead of the moderate sum of only $124,638,074. The lato President Lincoln once atinounoed bis convictions that " it was easier to pay a Pinall sum than a larger one," btvt not so think tho agents in tho cmploy of Scoretary McCl'llocii. i


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