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A Memorial Chapel

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At i special meeting of the Alumni pf the Uuiversity of Michigan, held at 10 e'clock, P. &;, Wcdticsday last, the i followiiig resolution was uuauiruously i adoptcd : ResokeJ, ïhat a Memorial Chapel bc creeted upon tho University grounds to tlie bravo and gallaut dead who have tallen in the late struggle, and that the alumni pledge themsclves to raise tho sum of fifty thousand dollars for this purposo. This is a timely niovc, aid wo are glad to know that it hus boen entoredupon with a good de-grue of dstermination and liberality. Such a Chapel would nobly mark the appreeiation tho Alumni have for the pa-triotic services of thoir fallen brotherp, wouldlie as durable as a monumental column, as appropriate as a memorial, and vvhilo its memorial windo-ws and tables would teil of the fallen, it ■vvould also eontributo to tha needs of the Univcrsity. As a token of tho interest manifestad at the meeting, wo might say that IIiuam A. Bukt, Esq., of Marquette, pledged 1,000 for himself, and guarantecd to raise 85,000 moro iu six mönths. Prof. White plodged 600 conditioned on tho raising of $10,000, and $500 more when 80,000 shall bo raieed. ï. R. CitAPE, Esq., of Cleveland, Ohio, pledged the full sharc of tho Alumni resident in Ohio. The foHoiviug gentlemen were appointod a Committeo to continuo tho work. Profs. E. P. Evans and C. K. Adams, of this city ; T. E. Chase, Esq , of Cleveland; Prof. E. Andrews, of Chicago; and O. H. Dennison, Esq , of Bay City. Profs Douglass and Cooley were appointed to co opérate in thoir respective departments, and the Committee was authorized to increase its number by the addition of ono from each class. Hiraji A. Buiit, Esq., was appointed Treasurer. Other colleges and Universities are continually receiving boquests of large amouuta, and as the Michigan Univcrsity is now using its entire income, it can only advanco by drawiug upon the liberaiity of its Alumni and friends. We, thorefore, hope the Memorial Chapel will be erectcd. KZST Tno President has iseued an or. der opening the ports West of the Misfiissippi, on the samo eonditions and with the same restrictions as accorded to those East of that river. Articlea contraband of war are prohibitoáv but nó other check is placed upoa either foreign or coastwise; trade. And eo ends the greatest blockade of which history tells.


Old News
Michigan Argus